public void AddPageButton(int x, int y, int buttonID, string text, AIAdminGumpPage page, params AIAdminGumpPage[] subPages)
            bool isSelection = (m_PageType == page);

            for (int i = 0; !isSelection && i < subPages.Length; ++i)
                isSelection = (m_PageType == subPages[i]);

            AddSelectedButton(x, y, buttonID, text, isSelection);
        public override void OnResponse(Server.Network.NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            int val = info.ButtonID - 1;

            if (val < 0)

            Mobile from = m_From;

            if (from.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.Administrator)

            int type  = val % 10;
            int index = val / 10;

            switch (type)
            case 0:                     //main page selection
                AIAdminGumpPage page;

                switch (index)
                case 0: page = AIAdminGumpPage.Items; break;

                case 1: page = AIAdminGumpPage.CellGuards; break;

                case 2: page = AIAdminGumpPage.PostGuards; break;

                case 3: page = AIAdminGumpPage.CaptainGuard; break;

                case 4: page = AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn; break;

                default: return;

                from.SendGump(new AIAdminGump(from, page, 0, null, null, null));

            case 1:                     //Items menu
                int MinStingerHP     = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(0), CoreAI.StingerMinHP);
                int MaxStingerHP     = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(1), CoreAI.StingerMaxHP);
                int MinStingerDamage = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(2), CoreAI.StingerMinDamage);
                int MaxStingerDamage = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(3), CoreAI.StingerMaxDamage);
                if (MaxStingerHP >= MinStingerHP)
                    //set values
                    from.SendMessage("Setting Stinger min/max HP (" + MinStingerHP + "/" + MaxStingerHP + ")");
                    CoreAI.StingerMinHP = MinStingerHP;
                    CoreAI.StingerMaxHP = MaxStingerHP;
                    from.SendMessage("Error: Min HP must be less than Max HP");

                if (MaxStingerDamage >= MinStingerDamage)
                    from.SendMessage("Setting Stinger min/max Damage (" + MinStingerDamage + "/" + MaxStingerDamage + ")");
                    CoreAI.StingerMinDamage = MinStingerDamage;
                    CoreAI.StingerMaxDamage = MaxStingerDamage;
                    from.SendMessage("Error: Min Damage must be less than Max Damage");

                //restart gump
                from.SendGump(new AIAdminGump(from, AIAdminGumpPage.Items, 0, null, null, null));

            case 2:                     //Cell Guard menu
                //					int SpawnFreq = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(0), CoreAI.CellGuardSpawnFreq);
                int Strength = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(0), CoreAI.CellGuardStrength);
                int Skill    = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(1), CoreAI.CellGuardSkillLevel);
                int Regs     = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(2), CoreAI.CellGuardNumRegDrop);

                //Validate and Set
                //					CoreAI.CellGuardSpawnFreq = SpawnFreq;
                CoreAI.CellGuardStrength   = Strength;
                CoreAI.CellGuardSkillLevel = Skill;
                CoreAI.CellGuardNumRegDrop = Regs;

                from.SendGump(new AIAdminGump(from, AIAdminGumpPage.CellGuards, 0, null, null, null));

            case 3:                     //Post Guard
                //					int PostGuardSpawnFreq = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(0), CoreAI.PostGuardSpawnFreq);
                int RestartDelay            = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(0), CoreAI.GuardSpawnRestartDelay);
                int ExpireDelay             = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(1), CoreAI.GuardSpawnExpireDelay);
                int PostGuardStrength       = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(2), CoreAI.PostGuardStrength);
                int PostGuardSkillLevel     = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(3), CoreAI.PostGuardSkillLevel);
                int PostGuardNumRegDrop     = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(4), CoreAI.PostGuardNumRegDrop);
                int PostGuardNumBandiesDrop = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(5), CoreAI.PostGuardNumBandiesDrop);
                int PostGuardNumGHPotDrop   = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(6), CoreAI.PostGuardNumGHPotDrop);

                //Validate and Set
                //					CoreAI.PostGuardSpawnFreq = PostGuardSpawnFreq;
                CoreAI.GuardSpawnRestartDelay  = RestartDelay;
                CoreAI.GuardSpawnExpireDelay   = ExpireDelay;
                CoreAI.PostGuardStrength       = PostGuardStrength;
                CoreAI.PostGuardSkillLevel     = PostGuardSkillLevel;
                CoreAI.PostGuardNumRegDrop     = PostGuardNumRegDrop;
                CoreAI.PostGuardNumBandiesDrop = PostGuardNumBandiesDrop;
                CoreAI.PostGuardNumGHPotDrop   = PostGuardNumGHPotDrop;

                from.SendGump(new AIAdminGump(from, AIAdminGumpPage.PostGuards, 0, null, null, null));

            case 4:                     //Captain Guard
                int CaptainGuardStrength            = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(0), CoreAI.CaptainGuardStrength);
                int CaptainGuardSkillLevel          = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(1), CoreAI.CaptainGuardSkillLevel);
                int CaptainGuardWeapDrop            = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(2), CoreAI.CaptainGuardWeapDrop);
                int CaptainGuardNumRegDrop          = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(3), CoreAI.CaptainGuardNumRegDrop);
                int CaptainGuardNumBandiesDrop      = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(4), CoreAI.CaptainGuardNumBandiesDrop);
                int CaptainGuardGHPotsDrop          = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(5), CoreAI.CaptainGuardGHPotsDrop);
                int CaptainGuardScrollDrop          = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(6), CoreAI.CaptainGuardScrollDrop);
                int CaptainGuardNumLighthousePasses = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(7), CoreAI.CaptainGuardNumLighthousePasses);
                int CavePortalAvailability          = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(8), CoreAI.CavePortalAvailability);
                //					int CaptainGuardLeatherSets = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(8), CoreAI.CaptainGuardLeatherSets);
                //					int CaptainGuardRingSets = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(9), CoreAI.CaptainGuardRingSets);

                //Validate and Set
                CoreAI.CaptainGuardStrength            = CaptainGuardStrength;
                CoreAI.CaptainGuardSkillLevel          = CaptainGuardSkillLevel;
                CoreAI.CaptainGuardWeapDrop            = CaptainGuardWeapDrop;
                CoreAI.CaptainGuardNumRegDrop          = CaptainGuardNumRegDrop;
                CoreAI.CaptainGuardNumBandiesDrop      = CaptainGuardNumBandiesDrop;
                CoreAI.CaptainGuardGHPotsDrop          = CaptainGuardGHPotsDrop;
                CoreAI.CaptainGuardScrollDrop          = CaptainGuardScrollDrop;
                CoreAI.CaptainGuardNumLighthousePasses = CaptainGuardNumLighthousePasses;
                CoreAI.CavePortalAvailability          = CavePortalAvailability;
                //					CoreAI.CaptainGuardLeatherSets = CaptainGuardLeatherSets;
                //					CoreAI.CaptainGuardRingSets = CaptainGuardRingSets;

                from.SendGump(new AIAdminGump(from, AIAdminGumpPage.CaptainGuard, 0, null, null, null));

            case 5:                     //Spirit Spawn
                AIAdminGumpPage page = AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn;
                switch (index)
                case 0:
                    page = AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn_Spawn;

                case 1:
                    page = AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn_Depot;

                case 100:                                         //validate/save Spawn
                    //							int SpiritRespawnFreq = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(0), CoreAI.SpiritRespawnFreq);
                    int SpiritRestartDelay      = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(0), CoreAI.SpiritRestartDelay);
                    int SpiritExpireDelay       = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(1), CoreAI.SpiritExpireDelay);
                    int SpiritPortalAvailablity = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(2), CoreAI.SpiritPortalAvailablity);
                    int SpiritFirstWaveNumber   = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(3), CoreAI.SpiritFirstWaveNumber);
                    int SpiritFirstWaveHP       = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(4), CoreAI.SpiritFirstWaveHP);
                    int SpiritSecondWaveNumber  = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(5), CoreAI.SpiritSecondWaveNumber);
                    int SpiritSecondWaveHP      = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(6), CoreAI.SpiritSecondWaveHP);
                    int SpiritThirdWaveNumber   = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(7), CoreAI.SpiritThirdWaveNumber);
                    int SpiritThirdWaveHP       = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(8), CoreAI.SpiritThirdWaveHP);
                    int SpiritBossHP            = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(9), CoreAI.SpiritBossHP);

                    //verify and save
                    //							CoreAI.SpiritRespawnFreq = SpiritRespawnFreq;
                    CoreAI.SpiritRestartDelay      = SpiritRestartDelay;
                    CoreAI.SpiritExpireDelay       = SpiritExpireDelay;
                    CoreAI.SpiritPortalAvailablity = SpiritPortalAvailablity;
                    CoreAI.SpiritFirstWaveNumber   = SpiritFirstWaveNumber;
                    CoreAI.SpiritFirstWaveHP       = SpiritFirstWaveHP;
                    CoreAI.SpiritSecondWaveNumber  = SpiritSecondWaveNumber;
                    CoreAI.SpiritSecondWaveHP      = SpiritSecondWaveHP;
                    CoreAI.SpiritThirdWaveNumber   = SpiritThirdWaveNumber;
                    CoreAI.SpiritThirdWaveHP       = SpiritThirdWaveHP;
                    CoreAI.SpiritBossHP            = SpiritBossHP;

                    page = AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn_Spawn;

                case 200:                                         //validate/save Depot
                    int SpiritDepotGHPots      = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(0), CoreAI.SpiritDepotGHPots);
                    int SpiritDepotBandies     = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(1), CoreAI.SpiritDepotBandies);
                    int SpiritDepotReagents    = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(2), CoreAI.SpiritDepotReagents);
                    int SpiritDepotRespawnFreq = GetResultValueInt(info.GetTextEntry(3), CoreAI.SpiritDepotRespawnFreq);

                    //save and validate
                    CoreAI.SpiritDepotGHPots      = SpiritDepotGHPots;
                    CoreAI.SpiritDepotBandies     = SpiritDepotBandies;
                    CoreAI.SpiritDepotReagents    = SpiritDepotReagents;
                    CoreAI.SpiritDepotRespawnFreq = SpiritDepotRespawnFreq;

                    page = AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn_Depot;


                from.SendGump(new AIAdminGump(from, page, 0, null, null, null));
//		public static int GetHueFor( Mobile m )
//		{
//			if ( m == null )
//				return LabelHue;
//			switch ( m.AccessLevel )
//			{
//				case AccessLevel.Owner: return 0x35;
//				case AccessLevel.Administrator: return 0x516;
//				case AccessLevel.Seer: return 0x144;
//				case AccessLevel.GameMaster: return 0x21;
//				case AccessLevel.Counselor: return 0x2;
//				case AccessLevel.FightBroker: return 0x8AB;
//				case AccessLevel.Reporter: return 0x979;
//				case AccessLevel.Player: default:
//				{
//					if ( m.Kills >= 5 )
//						return 0x21;
//					else if ( m.Criminal )
//						return 0x3B1;
//					return 0x58;
//				}
//			}
//		}

//		public static string GetAccessLevelString (AccessLevel level)
//		{
//			switch ( level )
//			{
//				case AccessLevel.Owner: return "Owner";
//				case AccessLevel.Administrator: return "Administrator";
//				case AccessLevel.Seer: return "Seer";
//				case AccessLevel.GameMaster: return "Game Master";
//				case AccessLevel.Counselor: return "Counselor";
//				case AccessLevel.FightBroker: return "Fight Broker";
//				case AccessLevel.Reporter: return "Reporter";
//				case AccessLevel.Player: default: return "Player";
//			}
//		}

//		private static string[] m_AccessLevelStrings = new string[]
//			{
//				"Player",
//				"Counselor",
//				"Game Master",
//				"Seer",
//				"Administrator"
//			};

		// This function doesn't seem to be used anywhere, and I can't see the purpose for it.
//		public static string FormatAccessLevel( AccessLevel level )
//		{
//			int v = (int)level;
//			if ( v >= 0 && v < m_AccessLevelStrings.Length )
//				return m_AccessLevelStrings[v];
//			return "Unknown";
//		}

		public AIAdminGump( Mobile from, AIAdminGumpPage pageType, int listPage, ArrayList list, string notice, object state ) : base( 50, 40 )
			from.CloseGump( typeof( AIAdminGump ) );

			m_From = from;
			m_PageType = pageType;
			m_ListPage = listPage;
			m_State = state;
			m_List = list;

			AddPage( 0 );

			AddBackground( 0, 0, 420, 440, 5054 );

			AddBlackAlpha( 10, 10, 170, 100 );
			AddBlackAlpha( 190, 10, 220, 100 );
			AddBlackAlpha( 10, 120, 400, 260 );
			AddBlackAlpha( 10, 390, 400, 40 );

			AddPageButton( 10, 10, GetButtonID( 0, 0 ), "Items", AIAdminGumpPage.Items );
			AddPageButton( 10, 30, GetButtonID( 0, 1 ), "Cell Guards", AIAdminGumpPage.CellGuards );
			AddPageButton( 10, 50, GetButtonID( 0, 2 ), "Post Guards",  AIAdminGumpPage.PostGuards );
			AddPageButton( 10, 70, GetButtonID( 0, 3 ), "Captain Guard", AIAdminGumpPage.CaptainGuard );
			AddPageButton( 10, 90, GetButtonID( 0, 4 ), "Spirit Spawn", AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn );

			if ( notice != null )
				AddHtml( 12, 392, 396, 36, Color( notice, LabelColor32 ), false, false );

			int paramx = 12;
			int paramwidth = 300;
			int valuex = paramx + paramwidth + 2;
			int valuewidth = 50;
			int y = 128;
			int height = 20;

			switch ( pageType )
				case AIAdminGumpPage.Items:
					AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Island Stinger Min HP" );
					AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.StingerMinHP));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Island Stinger Max HP" );
					AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 1, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.StingerMaxHP));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Island Stinger Min Damage" );
					AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 2, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.StingerMinDamage));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Island Stinger Max Damage" );
					AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 3, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.StingerMaxDamage));
					y += (height+2);

					AddButtonLabeled( paramx, y-1, GetButtonID( 1, 0 ), "Set" );

				case AIAdminGumpPage.CellGuards:
//					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Cell Guard Spawn Freq" );
//					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CellGuardSpawnFreq));
//					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Cell Guard Strength" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CellGuardStrength));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Cell Guard Skill Level" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 1, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CellGuardSkillLevel));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Cell Guard Num Regs Dropped" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 2, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CellGuardNumRegDrop));
					y += (height+2);
					AddButtonLabeled( paramx, y-1, GetButtonID( 2, 0 ), "Set" );
				case AIAdminGumpPage.PostGuards:
//					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Post Guard Spawn Freq" );
//					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.PostGuardSpawnFreq));
//					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Guard Spawn Restart Delay (minutes)" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.GuardSpawnRestartDelay));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Guard Spawn Expire Delay (minutes)" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 1, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.GuardSpawnExpireDelay));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Post Guard Strength" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 2, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.PostGuardStrength));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Post Guard Skill Level" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 3, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.PostGuardSkillLevel));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Post Guard Regs Dropped" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 4, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.PostGuardNumRegDrop));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Post Guard Bandies Dropped" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 5, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.PostGuardNumBandiesDrop));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Post Guard GH Pots Dropped" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 6, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.PostGuardNumGHPotDrop));
					y += (height+2);

					AddButtonLabeled( paramx, y-1, GetButtonID( 3, 0 ), "Set" );
				case AIAdminGumpPage.CaptainGuard:
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Strength" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CaptainGuardStrength));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Skill Level" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 1, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CaptainGuardSkillLevel));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Weapon Drop Intensity/Strength" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 2, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CaptainGuardWeapDrop));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Regs Dropped" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 3, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CaptainGuardNumRegDrop));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Bandies Dropped" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 4, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CaptainGuardNumBandiesDrop));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain GH Pots Dropped" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 5, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CaptainGuardGHPotsDrop));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Scrolls Dropped" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 6, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CaptainGuardScrollDrop));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Lighthouse Passes Dropped" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 7, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CaptainGuardNumLighthousePasses));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Cave Portal Availability (seconds)" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 8, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CavePortalAvailability));
					y += (height+2);
//					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Leather sets Dropped" );
//					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 8, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CaptainGuardLeatherSets));
//					y += (height+2);
//					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Ringmail sets Dropped" );
//					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 9, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CaptainGuardRingSets));
//					y += (height+2);

					AddButtonLabeled( paramx, y-1, GetButtonID( 4, 0 ), "Set" );
				case AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn_Spawn:
//					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "respawn frequency" );
//					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritRespawnFreq));
//					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Spirit Restart Delay (minutes)" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritRestartDelay));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Spirit Expire Delay (minutes)" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 1, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritExpireDelay));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Escape Portal Availability (seconds)" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 2, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritPortalAvailablity));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "First Wave: Num spirits" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 3, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritFirstWaveNumber));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "First Wave: HP per spirit" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 4, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritFirstWaveHP));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Second Wave: Num spirits" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 5, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritSecondWaveNumber));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Second Wave: HP per spirit" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 6, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritSecondWaveHP));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Third Wave: Num spirits" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 7, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritThirdWaveNumber));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Third Wave: HP per spirit" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 8, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritThirdWaveHP));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Boss: HP" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 9, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritBossHP));
					y += (height+2);

					AddButtonLabeled( paramx, y-1, GetButtonID( 5, 100 ), "Set" );

					goto case AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn;
				case AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn_Depot:
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Number of greater heal pots" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritDepotGHPots));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Number of bandies" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 1, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritDepotBandies));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Number of reagents" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 2, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritDepotReagents));
					y += (height+2);
					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Respawn frequency (seconds)" );
					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 3, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritDepotRespawnFreq));
					y += (height+2);

					AddButtonLabeled( paramx, y-1, GetButtonID( 5, 200 ), "Set" );

					goto case AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn;
				case AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn:
					AddPageButton( 200, 20, GetButtonID( 5, 0 ), "Spawn Defs", AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn_Spawn );
					AddPageButton( 200, 40, GetButtonID( 5, 1 ), "Supply Depot", AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn_Depot );
        //		public static int GetHueFor( Mobile m )
        //		{
        //			if ( m == null )
        //				return LabelHue;
        //			switch ( m.AccessLevel )
        //			{
        //				case AccessLevel.Owner: return 0x35;
        //				case AccessLevel.Administrator: return 0x516;
        //				case AccessLevel.Seer: return 0x144;
        //				case AccessLevel.GameMaster: return 0x21;
        //				case AccessLevel.Counselor: return 0x2;
        //				case AccessLevel.FightBroker: return 0x8AB;
        //				case AccessLevel.Reporter: return 0x979;
        //				case AccessLevel.Player: default:
        //				{
        //					if ( m.Murderer )
        //						return 0x21;
        //					else if ( m.Criminal )
        //						return 0x3B1;
        //					return 0x58;
        //				}
        //			}
        //		}

        //		public static string GetAccessLevelString (AccessLevel level)
        //		{
        //			switch ( level )
        //			{
        //				case AccessLevel.Owner: return "Owner";
        //				case AccessLevel.Administrator: return "Administrator";
        //				case AccessLevel.Seer: return "Seer";
        //				case AccessLevel.GameMaster: return "Game Master";
        //				case AccessLevel.Counselor: return "Counselor";
        //				case AccessLevel.FightBroker: return "Fight Broker";
        //				case AccessLevel.Reporter: return "Reporter";
        //				case AccessLevel.Player: default: return "Player";
        //			}
        //		}

        //		private static string[] m_AccessLevelStrings = new string[]
        //			{
        //				"Player",
        //				"Counselor",
        //				"Game Master",
        //				"Seer",
        //				"Administrator"
        //			};

        // This function doesn't seem to be used anywhere, and I can't see the purpose for it.
        //		public static string FormatAccessLevel( AccessLevel level )
        //		{
        //			int v = (int)level;
        //			if ( v >= 0 && v < m_AccessLevelStrings.Length )
        //				return m_AccessLevelStrings[v];
        //			return "Unknown";
        //		}

        public AIAdminGump(Mobile from, AIAdminGumpPage pageType, int listPage, ArrayList list, string notice, object state)
            : base(50, 40)

            m_From     = from;
            m_PageType = pageType;
            m_ListPage = listPage;
            m_State    = state;
            m_List     = list;


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            AddPageButton(10, 10, GetButtonID(0, 0), "Items", AIAdminGumpPage.Items);
            AddPageButton(10, 30, GetButtonID(0, 1), "Cell Guards", AIAdminGumpPage.CellGuards);
            AddPageButton(10, 50, GetButtonID(0, 2), "Post Guards", AIAdminGumpPage.PostGuards);
            AddPageButton(10, 70, GetButtonID(0, 3), "Captain Guard", AIAdminGumpPage.CaptainGuard);
            AddPageButton(10, 90, GetButtonID(0, 4), "Spirit Spawn", AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn);

            if (notice != null)
                AddHtml(12, 392, 396, 36, Color(notice, LabelColor32), false, false);

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            case AIAdminGumpPage.Items:
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                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Island Stinger Max HP");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 1, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.StingerMaxHP));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Island Stinger Min Damage");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 2, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.StingerMinDamage));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Island Stinger Max Damage");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 3, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.StingerMaxDamage));
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                AddButtonLabeled(paramx, y - 1, GetButtonID(1, 0), "Set");


            case AIAdminGumpPage.CellGuards:
                //					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Cell Guard Spawn Freq" );
                //					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CellGuardSpawnFreq));
                //					y += (height+2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Cell Guard Strength");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.CellGuardStrength));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Cell Guard Skill Level");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 1, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.CellGuardSkillLevel));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Cell Guard Num Regs Dropped");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 2, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.CellGuardNumRegDrop));
                y += (height + 2);

                AddButtonLabeled(paramx, y - 1, GetButtonID(2, 0), "Set");


            case AIAdminGumpPage.PostGuards:
                //					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Post Guard Spawn Freq" );
                //					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.PostGuardSpawnFreq));
                //					y += (height+2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Guard Spawn Restart Delay (minutes)");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.GuardSpawnRestartDelay));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Guard Spawn Expire Delay (minutes)");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 1, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.GuardSpawnExpireDelay));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Post Guard Strength");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 2, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.PostGuardStrength));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Post Guard Skill Level");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 3, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.PostGuardSkillLevel));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Post Guard Regs Dropped");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 4, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.PostGuardNumRegDrop));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Post Guard Bandies Dropped");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 5, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.PostGuardNumBandiesDrop));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Post Guard GH Pots Dropped");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 6, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.PostGuardNumGHPotDrop));
                y += (height + 2);

                AddButtonLabeled(paramx, y - 1, GetButtonID(3, 0), "Set");


            case AIAdminGumpPage.CaptainGuard:
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Strength");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.CaptainGuardStrength));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Skill Level");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 1, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.CaptainGuardSkillLevel));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Weapon Drop Intensity/Strength");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 2, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.CaptainGuardWeapDrop));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Regs Dropped");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 3, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.CaptainGuardNumRegDrop));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Bandies Dropped");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 4, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.CaptainGuardNumBandiesDrop));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain GH Pots Dropped");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 5, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.CaptainGuardGHPotsDrop));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Scrolls Dropped");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 6, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.CaptainGuardScrollDrop));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Lighthouse Passes Dropped");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 7, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.CaptainGuardNumLighthousePasses));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Cave Portal Availability (seconds)");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 8, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.CavePortalAvailability));
                y += (height + 2);
                //					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Leather sets Dropped" );
                //					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 8, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CaptainGuardLeatherSets));
                //					y += (height+2);
                //					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Captain Ringmail sets Dropped" );
                //					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 9, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.CaptainGuardRingSets));
                //					y += (height+2);

                AddButtonLabeled(paramx, y - 1, GetButtonID(4, 0), "Set");


            case AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn_Spawn:
                //					AddLabelCropped( paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "respawn frequency" );
                //					AddTextField( valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}",CoreAI.SpiritRespawnFreq));
                //					y += (height+2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Spirit Restart Delay (minutes)");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.SpiritRestartDelay));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Spirit Expire Delay (minutes)");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 1, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.SpiritExpireDelay));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Escape Portal Availability (seconds)");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 2, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.SpiritPortalAvailablity));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "First Wave: Num spirits");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 3, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.SpiritFirstWaveNumber));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "First Wave: HP per spirit");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 4, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.SpiritFirstWaveHP));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Second Wave: Num spirits");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 5, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.SpiritSecondWaveNumber));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Second Wave: HP per spirit");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 6, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.SpiritSecondWaveHP));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Third Wave: Num spirits");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 7, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.SpiritThirdWaveNumber));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Third Wave: HP per spirit");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 8, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.SpiritThirdWaveHP));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Boss: HP");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 9, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.SpiritBossHP));
                y += (height + 2);

                AddButtonLabeled(paramx, y - 1, GetButtonID(5, 100), "Set");

                goto case AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn;

            case AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn_Depot:
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Number of greater heal pots");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 0, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.SpiritDepotGHPots));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Number of bandies");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 1, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.SpiritDepotBandies));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Number of reagents");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 2, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.SpiritDepotReagents));
                y += (height + 2);
                AddLabelCropped(paramx, y, paramwidth, height, LabelHue, "Respawn frequency (seconds)");
                AddTextField(valuex, y, valuewidth, height, 3, string.Format("{0}", CoreAI.SpiritDepotRespawnFreq));
                y += (height + 2);

                AddButtonLabeled(paramx, y - 1, GetButtonID(5, 200), "Set");

                goto case AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn;

            case AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn:
                AddPageButton(200, 20, GetButtonID(5, 0), "Spawn Defs", AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn_Spawn);
                AddPageButton(200, 40, GetButtonID(5, 1), "Supply Depot", AIAdminGumpPage.SpiritSpawn_Depot);

		public void AddPageButton( int x, int y, int buttonID, string text, AIAdminGumpPage page, params AIAdminGumpPage[] subPages )
			bool isSelection = ( m_PageType == page );

			for ( int i = 0; !isSelection && i < subPages.Length; ++i )
				isSelection = ( m_PageType == subPages[i] );

			AddSelectedButton( x, y, buttonID, text, isSelection );