static void Compress(string docDir) { var sevenZip = @"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"; AFile.Delete(docDir + @"\_site.tar"); AFile.Delete(docDir + @"\_site.tar.bz2"); int r1 = AExec.RunConsole(out var s, sevenZip, $@"a _site.tar .\_site\*", docDir); if (r1 != 0) { AOutput.Write(s); return; } int r2 = AExec.RunConsole(out s, sevenZip, $@"a _site.tar.bz2 _site.tar", docDir); if (r2 != 0) { AOutput.Write(s); return; } AFile.Delete(docDir + @"\_site.tar"); AOutput.Write("Compressed"); }
async void _ConvertTypeLibrary(object tlDef, object button) { string comDll = null; switch (tlDef) { case string path: comDll = path; break; case _RegTypelib r: //can be several locales var aloc = new List <string>(); //registry keys like "0" or "409" var aloc2 = new List <string>(); //locale names for display in the list dialog using (var verKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey($@"TypeLib\{r.guid}\{r.version}")) { foreach (var s1 in verKey.GetSubKeyNames()) { int lcid = s1.ToInt(0, out int iEnd, STIFlags.IsHexWithout0x); if (iEnd != s1.Length) { continue; //"FLAGS" etc; must be hex number without 0x } aloc.Add(s1); var s2 = "Neutral"; if (lcid > 0) { try { s2 = new CultureInfo(lcid).DisplayName; } catch { s2 = s1; } } aloc2.Add(s2); } } string locale; if (aloc.Count == 1) { locale = aloc[0]; } else { int i = ADialog.ShowList(aloc2, "Locale", owner: this); if (i == 0) { return; } locale = aloc[i - 1]; } comDll = r.GetPath(locale); if (comDll == null || !AFile.ExistsAsFile(comDll)) { ADialog.ShowError(comDll == null ? "Failed to get file path." : "File does not exist.", owner: this); return; } break; } await Task.Run(() => { this.Enabled = false; AOutput.Write($"Converting COM type library to .NET assembly."); try { if (_convertedDir == null) { _convertedDir = AFolders.Workspace + @".interop\"; AFile.CreateDirectory(_convertedDir); } List <string> converted = new List <string>(); Action <string> callback = s => { AOutput.Write(s); if (s.Starts("Converted: ")) { s.RegexMatch(@"""(.+?)"".$", 1, out s); converted.Add(s); } }; int rr = AExec.RunConsole(callback, AFolders.ThisAppBS + "Au.Net45.exe", $"/typelib \"{_convertedDir}|{comDll}\"", encoding: Encoding.UTF8); if (rr == 0) { foreach (var v in converted) { if (! {; } } AOutput.Write(@"<>Converted and saved in <link>%AFolders.Workspace%\.interop<>."); _Added(button,; } } catch (Exception ex) { ADialog.ShowError("Failed to convert type library", ex.ToStringWithoutStack(), owner: this); } this.Enabled = true; }); }
static void _Main() { bool isConsole = AOutput.IsConsoleProcess; if (!isConsole) { AOutput.QM2.UseQM2 = true; AOutput.Clear(); } var docfx = @"Q:\Programs\DocFx\docfx.exe"; var objDir = @"Q:\Temp\Au\DocFX\obj"; var docDir = @"Q:\app\Au\Other\DocFX\_doc"; var siteDir = docDir + @"\_site"; var apiDir = docDir + @"\api"; //ProcessYamlFile(apiDir + @"\Au.AaaDocFX.yml", true); return; //ProcessHtmlFiles(siteDir, true); return; //ProcessToc(siteDir); return; //Compress(docDir); return; //Upload(docDir); return; //CompressAndUpload(docDir); return; foreach (var v in Process.GetProcessesByName("docfx")) { v.Kill(); } if (isConsole) { int k = 0; foreach (var v in AWnd.FindAll(@"C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe", "ConsoleWindowClass")) { if (k++ > 0) { v.Close(); } } } AFile.Delete(siteDir); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(docDir); var t1 = ATime.PerfMilliseconds; using (var fw = new FileSystemWatcher(apiDir, "*.yml")) { fw.Changed += (sen, e) => { //AOutput.Write(e.Name); if (e.Name.Starts("Au.", true)) { ProcessYamlFile(e.FullPath, false); } }; fw.EnableRaisingEvents = true; fw.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite; bool serving = false; try { AExec.RunConsole(o => { AOutput.Write(o); if (o.Starts("Serving")) { throw new OperationCanceledException(); } }, docfx, $@"docfx.json --intermediateFolder ""{objDir}"" --serve"); // --force } catch (OperationCanceledException) { serving = true; } //if(!serving) { ADialog.Show("error?"); return; } //need if this process is not hosted if (!serving) { return; } } var t2 = ATime.PerfMilliseconds; ProcessHtmlFiles(siteDir, false); var t3 = ATime.PerfMilliseconds; AOutput.Write("speed (s):", (t2 - t1) / 1000, (t3 - t2) / 1000); //AWnd.Find("* Chrome").Activate(); //AKeys.Key("F5"); 1.s(); if (1 == ADialog.Show("Upload?", null, "1 Yes|2 No" /*, secondsTimeout: 5*/)) { CompressAndUpload(docDir); } //Delete obj folder if big. Each time it grows by 10 MB, and after a day or two can be > 1 GB. After deleting builds slower by ~50%. if (AFile.More.CalculateDirectorySize(objDir) / 1024 / 1024 > 500) { AOutput.Write("Deleting obj folder."); AFile.Delete(objDir); } //info: if DocFX starts throwing stack overflow exception, delete the obj folder manually. It is likely to happen after many refactorings in the project. }