public static byte[] encrypt(byte[] ina, byte[] key)
        Nb = 4;
        Nk = 4;
        Nr = Nk + 6;

        int pad_len = 0;

        byte[] padding = new byte[1];
        int    i;

        pad_len    = 16 - ina.Length % 16;
        padding    = new byte[pad_len];
        padding[0] = (byte)0x80;

        for (i = 1; i < pad_len; i++)
            padding[i] = 0;

        byte[] tmp  = new byte[ina.Length + pad_len];
        byte[] bloc = new byte[16];

        w = generateSubkeys(key);

        int count = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < ina.Length + pad_len; i++)
            if (i > 0 && i % 16 == 0)
                bloc = Utilities.xor(bloc, iv);
                bloc = AESFeistel.encryptBloc(bloc, key);
                iv   = Utilities.extractBits(bloc, 0, 128);
                Array.Copy(bloc, 0, tmp, i - 16, bloc.Length);
            if (i < ina.Length)
                bloc[i % 16] = ina[i];
                bloc[i % 16] = padding[count % 16];
        if (bloc.Length == 16)
            bloc = Utilities.xor(bloc, iv);
            bloc = AESFeistel.encryptBloc(bloc, key);
            iv   = Utilities.extractBits(bloc, 0, 128);
            Array.Copy(bloc, 0, tmp, i - 16, bloc.Length);

Exemple #2
    //encrypted filename: orig_filename.encrypted
    //returns RSA encrypted key for sharing
    public static string encrypt(string inp_filepath, string rsa_public_key_xml)
        //inp_filepath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(inp_filepath);
        //converting to absolute path
        string filename = Path.GetFileName(inp_filepath);

        string enc_filepath = "~/f2_encrypted/encrypted_" + filename;

        //converting to absolute path
        enc_filepath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(enc_filepath);

        string af_key = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

        byte[] af_key_bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(af_key);

        byte[] inp_file = File.ReadAllBytes(inp_filepath);

        byte[] enc_file = AESFeistel.encrypt(inp_file, af_key_bytes);

        HttpContext.Current.Trace.Warn("Output file = " + enc_filepath);

        File.WriteAllBytes(enc_filepath, enc_file);

        string enc_af_key = RSA.encrypt(af_key, rsa_public_key_xml);

    private static byte[][] generateSubkeys(byte[] key)
        byte[][] tmp = new byte[Nb * (Nr + 1)][];
        int      i   = 0;

        while (i < Nk)
            tmp[i] = new byte[4];

        i = 0;

        while (i < Nk)
            tmp[i][0] = key[i * 4];
            tmp[i][1] = key[i * 4 + 1];
            tmp[i][2] = key[i * 4 + 2];
            tmp[i][3] = key[i * 4 + 3];

        i = Nk;

        while (i < Nb * (Nr + 1))
            byte[] temp = new byte[4];

            for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                temp[k] = tmp[i - 1][k];

            if (i % Nk == 0)
                temp    = AESFeistel.SubWord(AESFeistel.rotateWord(temp));
                temp[0] = (byte)(temp[0] ^ (Rcon[i / Nk] & 0xff));
            else if (Nk > 6 && i % Nk == 4)
                temp = AESFeistel.SubWord(temp);

            tmp[i] = Utilities.xor(tmp[i - Nk], temp);


    private static byte[][] MixColumns(byte[][] s)
        int[] sp  = new int[4];
        byte  b02 = (byte)0x02,
              b03 = (byte)0x03;

        for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
            sp[0] = AESFeistel.FFMul(b02, s[0][c]) ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b03, s[1][c]) ^ s[2][c] ^ s[3][c];
            sp[1] = s[0][c] ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b02, s[1][c]) ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b03, s[2][c]) ^ s[3][c];
            sp[2] = s[0][c] ^ s[1][c] ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b02, s[2][c]) ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b03, s[3][c]);
            sp[3] = AESFeistel.FFMul(b03, s[0][c]) ^ s[1][c] ^ s[2][c] ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b02, s[3][c]);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                s[i][c] = (byte)(sp[i]);

    public static byte[] decrypt(byte[] ina, byte[] key)
        int i;

        byte[] tmp  = new byte[ina.Length];
        byte[] bloc = new byte[16];

        Nb = 4;
        Nk = 4;
        Nr = Nk + 6;
        w  = generateSubkeys(key);

        for (i = 0; i < ina.Length; i++)
            if (i > 0 && i % 16 == 0)
                temp = Utilities.extractBits(bloc, 0, 128);
                bloc = AESFeistel.decryptBloc(bloc, key);
                bloc = Utilities.xor(bloc, iv);
                iv   = Utilities.extractBits(temp, 0, 128);
                Array.Copy(bloc, 0, tmp, i - 16, bloc.Length);
            if (i < ina.Length)
                bloc[i % 16] = ina[i];
        temp = Utilities.extractBits(bloc, 0, 128);
        bloc = AESFeistel.decryptBloc(bloc, key);
        bloc = Utilities.xor(bloc, iv);
        iv   = Utilities.extractBits(temp, 0, 128);
        Array.Copy(bloc, 0, tmp, i - 16, bloc.Length);

        tmp = deletePadding(tmp);
    private static byte[][] InvMixColumns(byte[][] s)
        int[] sp  = new int[4];
        byte  b02 = (byte)0x0e,
              b03 = (byte)0x0b,
              b04 = (byte)0x0d,
              b05 = (byte)0x09;

        for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
            sp[0] = AESFeistel.FFMul(b02, s[0][c]) ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b03, s[1][c]) ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b04, s[2][c]) ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b05, s[3][c]);
            sp[1] = AESFeistel.FFMul(b05, s[0][c]) ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b02, s[1][c]) ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b03, s[2][c]) ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b04, s[3][c]);
            sp[2] = AESFeistel.FFMul(b04, s[0][c]) ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b05, s[1][c]) ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b02, s[2][c]) ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b03, s[3][c]);
            sp[3] = AESFeistel.FFMul(b03, s[0][c]) ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b04, s[1][c]) ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b05, s[2][c]) ^ AESFeistel.FFMul(b02, s[3][c]);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                s[i][c] = (byte)(sp[i]);

Exemple #7
    //outputs decrypted filepath
    public static string decrypt(string enc_filepath, string enc_af_key, string rsa_private_key_xml)
        //converting to absolute path
        //enc_filepath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(enc_filepath);

        string filenameNoExt = Path.GetFileName(enc_filepath); //removes .enc
        string dec_filepath  = "~/f4_decrypted/" + filenameNoExt;

        //converting to absolute path
        dec_filepath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(dec_filepath);

        string af_key = RSA.decrypt(enc_af_key, rsa_private_key_xml);

        byte[] af_key_bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(af_key);

        byte[] enc_file = File.ReadAllBytes(enc_filepath);

        byte[] dec_file = AESFeistel.decrypt(enc_file, af_key_bytes);

        File.WriteAllBytes(dec_filepath, dec_file);

        return("~/f4_decrypted/" + filenameNoExt);
    private static byte[] decryptBloc(byte[] ina, byte[] key_array)
        byte[] tmp  = new byte[ina.Length];
        byte[] tmp1 = new byte[ina.Length / 2];
        byte[] tmp2 = new byte[ina.Length / 2];

        // 2D State Array Declaration
        byte[][] state = new byte[4][];
        int      j     = 0;

        while (j < 4)
            state[j] = new byte[Nb];

        //Form 2D Array of State
        for (int i = 0; i < ina.Length; i++)
            state[i / 4][i % 4] = ina[i % 4 * 4 + i / 4];

        //Last Round Decrypted
        state = AESFeistel.AddRoundKey(state, w, Nr);
        state = AESFeistel.InvShiftRows(state);
        state = AESFeistel.InvSubBytes(state);

        //Rounds 6 to 9 Decrypted
        for (int round = Nr - 1; round >= 6; round--)
            state = AESFeistel.AddRoundKey(state, w, round);
            state = AESFeistel.InvMixColumns(state);
            state = AESFeistel.InvShiftRows(state);
            state = AESFeistel.InvSubBytes(state);

        //Convert Back to 1D Array
        for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i++)
            tmp[i % 4 * 4 + i / 4] = state[i / 4][i % 4];

        tmp1 = Utilities.extractBits(tmp, 0, 64);
        tmp2 = Utilities.extractBits(tmp, 64, 64);

        tmp1 = Feistel.decrypt(tmp1, key_array);
        tmp2 = Feistel.decrypt(tmp2, key_array);

        //Join 2 arrays
        tmp = Utilities.concatBits(tmp2, 64, tmp1, 64);

        //Covert back to 2D Array for further AES rounds
        for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i++)
            state[i / 4][i % 4] = tmp[i % 4 * 4 + i / 4];

        //Rounds 1 to 5 Decrypted
        for (int round = 5; round >= 1; round--)
            state = AESFeistel.AddRoundKey(state, w, round);
            state = AESFeistel.InvMixColumns(state);
            state = AESFeistel.InvShiftRows(state);
            state = AESFeistel.InvSubBytes(state);

        //Initial Round Decryption
        state = AESFeistel.AddRoundKey(state, w, 0);

        //Convert back to 1D Array
        for (int i = 0; i < tmp.Length; i++)
            tmp[i % 4 * 4 + i / 4] = state[i / 4][i % 4];
