public async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <IMessageActivity> argument) { var activity = await argument as Activity; await PrivacyPolicyAsync(context); User user = await GetUser(context, argument); Order order = StorageManager.Instance.Get(user.RowKey); var customerName = user.PartitionKey; bool IsSubscriped = order != null; string messageRecieved = activity.Text.ToLower(); List <string> welcomeMessages = new List <string>() { "hi", "hello", "welcome", "dear" }; var match = welcomeMessages.FirstOrDefault(stringToCheck => stringToCheck.Contains(messageRecieved)); if (messageRecieved.Equals("privacy")) { await context.PostAsync($"Hi {customerName} kindly check our cosnumer terms and privacy policy \r\nif you continue to use our service you agree and bind to them"); await context.PostAsync($"Privacy policy :"); await context.PostAsync($"Consumer Terms :"); } else if (messageRecieved.Contains("help") || messageRecieved.Equals("?")) { await SendWelcomeMessage(context, customerName); await context.PostAsync($"simply type the following:"); await context.PostAsync($"status for [name] cases [list of cases separated by ;] "); await context.PostAsync($"example : status for {customerName} cases 1234;1234"); await context.PostAsync($"avilable commands : list , clear , status , help, privacy"); } else if (messageRecieved.Equals("clear")) { user.Cases = null; StorageManager.Instance.Update(user); await context.PostAsync("cleared all tracking data !"); } else if (messageRecieved.Equals("list")) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.Cases)) { string decrypt = AESCrypto.DecryptText(user.Cases, user.RowKey); var dic = ToDictionary(decrypt); foreach (var item in dic) { await context.PostAsync(item.Key + " :"); string[] arr = item.Value.Split(new string[] { "$$$" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var r in arr) { await context.PostAsync(r); } } //don't show offer if subscriped if (!IsSubscriped) { await this.PaymentMessageAsync(context, argument); } } else { await context.PostAsync("nothing there ! , type help for more details"); } } else if (messageRecieved.Contains("status") || messageRecieved.Equals("check")) { Dictionary <string, string> dic = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(user.Cases)) { dic = ToDictionary(AESCrypto.DecryptText(user.Cases, user.RowKey)); } List <string> statuses = new List <string>(); if (messageRecieved.Equals("check")) { statuses = new List <string>(dic.Keys); } else { statuses.Add(messageRecieved); } foreach (var status in statuses) { string[] arr = status.Split(new string[] { "cases" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (arr.Length < 2) { await context.PostAsync($"try this : status for {customerName} cases 1234;1234"); return; } string name = arr[0].Replace("status for", "").Trim(); string cases = arr[1].Trim(); List <string> casesList = cases.Split(';').ToList(); List <string> casesResultList = new List <string>(); string casesResult = string.Empty; foreach (var c in casesList) { string uscisstatus, summary = string.Empty; USCIS.UscisService.GetCaseStatus(c, out uscisstatus, out summary); casesResult += $"{uscisstatus}$$${summary}$$$"; casesResultList.Add($"{uscisstatus}\r\n{summary}"); } if (dic.ContainsKey(status)) { string dicResult = dic[status]; if (casesResult.Equals(dicResult)) { await context.PostAsync($"{status} \r\n No new updates for your cases , will keep an eye on it !"); continue; } else { dic[status] = casesResult; } } else { dic.Add(status, casesResult); } user.Cases = AESCrypto.EncryptText(ToString(dic), user.RowKey); // send result await context.PostAsync($"{name} status :"); foreach (var c in casesResultList) { await context.PostAsync(c); } await context.PostAsync($"I will keep an eye for {name} with cases {cases} and update you if there are any changes." + (IsSubscriped ? "" : " , if you buy our offer !")); //don't show offer if subscriped if (!IsSubscriped) { await this.PaymentMessageAsync(context, argument); } StorageManager.Instance.Update(user); } } else if (match != null) { await SendWelcomeMessage(context, customerName); await context.PostAsync($"what I can do for you today ? type help for more info."); } else// chat mode { string result = QnAService.GetAnswer(messageRecieved); if (result.Equals("No good match found in the KB")) { result = "Still building my knowledge ask questions related to immigration , will troll with you once I became 1 year old"; } await context.PostAsync(result); } }