internal void cboShift_SelectionChangeCommitted(Object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs) { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); if (ViewModel.FirstTime) { return; } if (modGlobal.Clean(ViewModel.cboShift.Text) == "") { return; } //add logic to the cboDebitGroup list with appropriate groups... ViewModel.cboDebitGroup.Items.Clear(); oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; oCmd.CommandText = "spSelect_DebitGroupListByShift '" + modGlobal.Clean(ViewModel.cboShift.Text) + "' "; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); if (oRec.EOF) { return; } while (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.cboDebitGroup.AddItem(modGlobal.Clean(oRec["debit_group_code"])); oRec.MoveNext(); } ; }
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) Form_Load event was upgraded to Form_Load method and has a new behavior. More Information: private void Form_Load() { //Load Promotion List box with Promotion Lists DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); ADORecordSetHelper oRec = null; //string strSQL = ""; try { oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; oCmd.CommandText = "Select * from Promotion_Code"; oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); ViewModel.cboPromotion.Items.Clear(); while (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.cboPromotion.AddItem(Convert.ToString(oRec["description"])); ViewModel.cboPromotion.SetItemData(ViewModel.cboPromotion.GetNewIndex(), Convert.ToInt32(Conversion.Val(Convert.ToString(oRec["promotion_code_id"])))); oRec.MoveNext(); } ; } catch { if (modGlobal.ErrorControl() == modGlobal.eFATALERROR) { return; } } }
public void SearchCustomer(string customerInfo) { ADORecordSetHelper rs = MainModule.FindCustomers(customerInfo); fgCustomers.RowsCount = rs.RecordCount + 1; int index = 1; while (!rs.EOF) { //Custo No //UPGRADE_WARNING: (1049) Use of Null/IsNull() detected. More Information: fgCustomers[index, 0].Value = (Convert.IsDBNull(rs["CustomerID"])) ? "" : Convert.ToString(rs["CustomerID"]); //First Name //UPGRADE_WARNING: (1049) Use of Null/IsNull() detected. More Information: fgCustomers[index, 1].Value = (Convert.IsDBNull(rs["FirstName"])) ? "" : Convert.ToString(rs["FirstName"]); //Last Name //UPGRADE_WARNING: (1049) Use of Null/IsNull() detected. More Information: fgCustomers[index, 2].Value = (Convert.IsDBNull(rs["LastName"])) ? "" : Convert.ToString(rs["LastName"]); //Email //UPGRADE_WARNING: (1049) Use of Null/IsNull() detected. More Information: fgCustomers[index, 3].Value = (Convert.IsDBNull(rs["Email"])) ? "" : Convert.ToString(rs["Email"]); //Street1 //UPGRADE_WARNING: (1049) Use of Null/IsNull() detected. More Information: fgCustomers[index, 4].Value = (Convert.IsDBNull(rs["StreetAddress1"])) ? "" : Convert.ToString(rs["StreetAddress1"]); index++; rs.MoveNext(); } }
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) Form_Load event was upgraded to Form_Load method and has a new behavior. More Information: private void Form_Load() { //Load Name list box with Operations Staff string strName = ""; DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); ADORecordSetHelper oRec = null; try { frmSenority.DefInstance.ViewModel.cboName.Items.Clear(); oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; oCmd.CommandText = "spOpNameList"; oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); while (!oRec.EOF) { strName = Convert.ToString(oRec["name_full"]).Trim() + " :" + Convert.ToString(oRec["employee_id"]); frmSenority.DefInstance.ViewModel.cboName.AddItem(strName); oRec.MoveNext(); } ; ViewModel.TotalNames = 0; ViewModel.cmdPrint.Visible = false; } catch { if (modGlobal.ErrorControl() == modGlobal.eFATALERROR) { return; } } }
public void LoadLists() { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; //fill dropdown list for Stations string strSQL = "spSelect_WatchDutyStationList "; oCmd.CommandText = strSQL; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); ViewModel.cboLocation.Items.Clear(); while (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.cboLocation.AddItem(modGlobal.Clean(oRec["facility_name"])); //UPGRADE_WARNING: (1068) GetVal() of type Variant is being forced to int. More Information: ViewModel.cboLocation.SetItemData(ViewModel.cboLocation.GetNewIndex(), Convert.ToInt32(modGlobal.GetVal(oRec["facility"]))); oRec.MoveNext(); } ; }
internal static ADORecordSetHelper FindCustomers(string customerInfo) { string query = "select * from Customers where LastName = @keyword " + "Union " + "Select * from Customers where FirstName = @keyword " + "Union " + "Select * from Customers where email = @keyword "; DbConnection conn = OpenConnection(); DbCommand objcommand = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); objcommand.Connection = conn; UpgradeHelpers.DB.DbConnectionHelper.ResetCommandTimeOut(objcommand); objcommand.CommandText = query; DbParameter TempParameter = null; TempParameter = objcommand.CreateParameter(); TempParameter.ParameterName = "@keyword"; TempParameter.DbType = DbType.String; TempParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; TempParameter.Size = 100; TempParameter.Value = customerInfo; objcommand.Parameters.Add(TempParameter); ADORecordSetHelper rs = new ADORecordSetHelper(""); rs.CursorLocation = CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient; rs.Open(objcommand); rs.ActiveConnection = null; UpgradeHelpers.DB.TransactionManager.DeEnlist(conn); conn.Close(); return(rs); }
internal static OrderedDictionary GetPOSSystems() { DbConnection conn = OpenConnection(); DbCommand command = null; command = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); command.Connection = conn; UpgradeHelpers.DB.DbConnectionHelper.ResetCommandTimeOut(command); command.CommandText = "Select * from POS"; UpgradeHelpers.DB.TransactionManager.SetCommandTransaction(command); ADORecordSetHelper rs = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(command, ""); OrderedDictionary coll = new OrderedDictionary(System.StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); POSSystems POS = null; if (rs.RecordCount > 0) { while (!rs.EOF) { POS = new POSSystems(); POS.POSID = Convert.ToInt32(rs["POSID"]); POS.Branch = Convert.ToString(rs["Branch"]); POS.Location = Convert.ToString(rs["Location"]); POS.Phone = Convert.ToString(rs["Phone"]); POS.POSName = Convert.ToString(rs["POSName"]); coll.Add(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), POS); rs.MoveNext(); } } return(coll); }
public void DeleteEmployeeRecord() { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); if (modGlobal.Clean(ViewModel.EmployeeID) == "") { return; } oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; if (ViewModel.optFCCDispatcher.Checked) { oCmd.CommandText = "spDeletePersonnelSpecialty '" + ViewModel.EmployeeID + "', " + "2" + " "; } else if (ViewModel.OptOmitBCList.Checked) { oCmd.CommandText = "spDeletePersonnelBattCardRemove " + ViewModel.PersonnelID.ToString() + " "; } else if (ViewModel.OptParamedic.Checked) { oCmd.CommandText = "spDeletePersonnelSpecialty '" + ViewModel.EmployeeID + "', " + "1" + " "; } else if (ViewModel.OptTempUpgrade.Checked) { oCmd.CommandText = "spDeletePayrollTemporaryUpgrade " + ViewModel.PersonnelID.ToString() + " "; } ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); }
public void RefreshEmployeeList() { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); ViewModel.EmployeeRow = 1; oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; oCmd.CommandText = "spOpNameList"; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); while (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.sprEmployeeList.Row = ViewModel.EmployeeRow; ViewModel.sprEmployeeList.Col = 1; ViewModel.sprEmployeeList.Text = modGlobal.Clean(oRec["name_full"]); ViewModel.sprEmployeeList.Col = 2; ViewModel.sprEmployeeList.Text = modGlobal.Clean(oRec["employee_id"]); ViewModel.sprEmployeeList.Col = 3; ViewModel.sprEmployeeList.Text = modGlobal.Clean(oRec["per_sys_id"]); (ViewModel.EmployeeRow)++; oRec.MoveNext(); } ; ViewModel.sprEmployeeList.MaxRows = ViewModel.EmployeeRow; ViewModel.EmployeeRow = 0; }
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) Form_Load event was upgraded to Form_Load method and has a new behavior. More Information: private void Form_Load() { //int i = 0, x = 0; DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; oCmd.CommandText = "sp_GetYearList "; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); //Initialize Year Combobox ViewModel.cboYear.Items.Clear(); while (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.cboYear.AddItem(Convert.ToString(oRec["cal_year"]).Trim()); oRec.MoveNext(); } ; ViewModel.cboYear.Text = Conversion.Str(DateTime.Now.Year); ViewModel.ReportYear = Convert.ToInt32(Double.Parse(modGlobal.Clean(ViewModel.cboYear.Text))); FormatReport(); }
internal void cboYear_SelectionChangeCommitted(Object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs) { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); // int i = 0; ViewModel.CurrYear = Convert.ToInt32(Double.Parse(modGlobal.Clean(ViewModel.cboYear.Text))); oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; string strSQL = "spSelect_CalendarCycleShiftStartByYear " + ViewModel.CurrYear.ToString(); oCmd.CommandText = strSQL; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); ViewModel.cboCycleDate.Items.Clear(); while (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.cboCycleDate.AddItem(Convert.ToDateTime(oRec["start_date"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + " - " + Convert.ToDateTime(oRec["end_date"]).AddDays(-1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")); //UPGRADE_WARNING: (1068) GetVal() of type Variant is being forced to int. More Information: ViewModel.cboCycleDate.SetItemData(ViewModel.cboCycleDate.GetNewIndex(), Convert.ToInt32(modGlobal.GetVal(oRec["cycle_id"]))); oRec.MoveNext(); } ; }
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) Form_Load event was upgraded to Form_Load method and has a new behavior. More Information: private void Form_Load() { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); ViewModel.cboRepairer.Items.Clear(); oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; string strSQL = "spSelect_UniformRepairerList "; oCmd.CommandText = strSQL; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); while (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.cboRepairer.AddItem(modGlobal.Clean(oRec["repairer_name"])); //UPGRADE_WARNING: (1068) GetVal() of type Variant is being forced to int. More Information: ViewModel.cboRepairer.SetItemData(ViewModel.cboRepairer.GetNewIndex(), Convert.ToInt32(modGlobal.GetVal(oRec["repairer_id"]))); oRec.MoveNext(); } ; ViewModel.txtTrackingNumber.Text = ""; GetUniformDetail(); ClearDetail(); ViewModel.cmdEdit.Text = "Add"; ViewModel.cmdEdit.Enabled = false; ViewModel.cmdEdit.Tag = "1"; }
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) Form_Load event was upgraded to Form_Load method and has a new behavior. More Information: private void Form_Load() { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); string strName = ""; oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; oCmd.CommandText = "spFullNameList"; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); while (!oRec.EOF) { strName = Convert.ToString(oRec["name_full"]).Trim() + " :" + Convert.ToString(oRec["employee_id"]); this.ViewModel.cboNameList.AddItem(strName); oRec.MoveNext(); } ; if (modGlobal.Shared.gReportUser != "") { for (int i = 0; i <= ViewModel.cboNameList.Items.Count - 1; i++) { //Come Here - for employee id change if (ViewModel.cboNameList.GetListItem(i).Substring(Math.Max(ViewModel.cboNameList.GetListItem(i).Length - 5, 0)) == modGlobal.Shared.gReportUser) { ViewModel.CurrEmpID = modGlobal.Shared.gReportUser; ViewModel.cboNameList.SelectedIndex = i; break; } } } }
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) Form_Load event was upgraded to Form_Load method and has a new behavior. More Information: private void Form_Load() { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; oCmd.CommandText = "sp_GetYearList "; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); //Initialize Year Combobox ViewModel.cboYear.Items.Clear(); while (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.cboYear.AddItem(Convert.ToString(oRec["cal_year"]).Trim()); oRec.MoveNext(); } ; ViewModel.cboYear.Text = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); //Determine if form called from Daily Staffing //If so open form with same month //Otherwise Initialize Year Combobox for (int i = 0; i <= ViewManager.OpenFormsCount - 1; i++) { if (ViewManager.GetOpenFormAt(i).ViewModel.Name == "frmDailyStaffing") { ViewModel.cboYear.Text = frmDailyStaffing.DefInstance.ViewModel.cboYear.Text; ViewModel.cboMonth.SelectedIndex = frmDailyStaffing.DefInstance.ViewModel.cboMonth.SelectedIndex; return; } } }
//********************************************************** //Dual usage Dialog for requesting Type of Leave //Or Scheduling Type of Time //********************************************************** //ADODB public void FindNotes() { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; string SQLScript = "Select * from PersonnelScheduleNotes Where employee_id = '"; SQLScript = SQLScript + modGlobal.Shared.gReportUser + "' and datediff(day,'"; System.DateTime TempDate = DateTime.FromOADate(0); SQLScript = SQLScript + ((DateTime.TryParse(modGlobal.Shared.gStartTrans, out TempDate)) ? TempDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") : modGlobal.Shared.gStartTrans); SQLScript = SQLScript + "',shift_start) >= 0 and datediff(day,'"; System.DateTime TempDate2 = DateTime.FromOADate(0); SQLScript = SQLScript + ((DateTime.TryParse(modGlobal.Shared.gEndTrans, out TempDate2)) ? TempDate2.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") : modGlobal.Shared.gEndTrans); SQLScript = SQLScript + "',shift_start) <= 0"; oCmd.CommandText = SQLScript; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); if (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.txtLeaveNotes.Text = ""; while (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.txtLeaveNotes.Text = modGlobal.Clean(ViewModel.txtLeaveNotes.Text) + modGlobal.Clean(oRec["note"]).Trim() + "; "; oRec.MoveNext(); } ; } }
internal void cboJobCode_SelectionChangeCommitted(Object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs) { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); if (ViewModel.cboJobCode.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } ViewModel.cboStep.Items.Clear(); ViewModel.cboStep.SelectedIndex = -1; ViewModel.cboStep.Text = ""; oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; oCmd.CommandText = "sp_GetStepListByJobCode '" + modGlobal.Clean(ViewModel.cboJobCode.Text) + "' "; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); //Load Job Code lists while (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.cboStep.AddItem(Convert.ToString(oRec["step"])); oRec.MoveNext(); } ; }
public void LoadList() { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); ViewModel.cboEmployee.Text = ""; ViewModel.cboEmployee.Items.Clear(); //Load Employee Name combobox oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; if (modGlobal.Shared.gSecurity == "RO") { ViewModel.cboEmployee.AddItem(modGlobal.Shared.gUserName + " :" + modGlobal.Shared.gUser); return; } oCmd.CommandText = "spOpNameList "; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); while (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.cboEmployee.AddItem(Convert.ToString(oRec["name_full"]).Trim() + " - " + Convert.ToString(oRec["employee_id"])); oRec.MoveNext(); } }
internal void cmdSaveReason_Click(Object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs) { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); string sSQLString = ""; if (modGlobal.Clean(ViewModel.EmployeeID) == "") { return; } oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; if (!ViewModel.OptOmitBCList.Checked) { return; } if (ViewModel.cboRemoveCode.SelectedIndex == -1) { ViewManager.ShowMessage("Please Select A Reason to Remove Employee From the Battalion Payroll List.", "Remove Employee From Battalion Payroll List", UpgradeHelpers.Helpers.BoxButtons.OK); return; } ViewModel.cmdSaveReason.Enabled = false; int ReasonCode = ViewModel.cboRemoveCode.GetItemData(ViewModel.cboRemoveCode.SelectedIndex); string sComment = modGlobal.Clean(ViewModel.txtComment.Text); oCmd.CommandText = "spSelect_PersonnelBattCardRemoveListByID " + ViewModel.PersonnelID.ToString() + " "; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); if (oRec.EOF) { sSQLString = "spInsertPersonnelBattCardRemove " + ViewModel.PersonnelID.ToString() + ", " + ReasonCode.ToString(); if (sComment == "") { sSQLString = sSQLString + ", NULL "; } else { sSQLString = sSQLString + ",'" + sComment + "' "; } } else { sSQLString = "spUpdatePersonnelBattCardRemove " + ViewModel.PersonnelID.ToString() + ", " + ReasonCode.ToString(); if (sComment == "") { sSQLString = sSQLString + ", NULL "; } else { sSQLString = sSQLString + ",'" + sComment + "' "; } } oCmd.CommandText = sSQLString; oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); ViewModel.cmdSaveReason.Enabled = true; RefreshGroupList(); ClearScreen(); }
// Gets a Customer Description to show when a customer is chosen internal static string GetCustomerInfo(int CustomerID) { string query = "select * from Customers where CustomerID = @CustomerID"; DbConnection conn = OpenConnection(); DbCommand objcommand = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); objcommand.Connection = conn; UpgradeHelpers.DB.DbConnectionHelper.ResetCommandTimeOut(objcommand); objcommand.CommandText = query; DbParameter TempParameter = null; TempParameter = objcommand.CreateParameter(); TempParameter.ParameterName = "@CustomerID"; TempParameter.DbType = DbType.Decimal; TempParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; TempParameter.Size = 0; TempParameter.Value = CustomerID; objcommand.Parameters.Add(TempParameter); ADORecordSetHelper rs = new ADORecordSetHelper(""); rs.CursorLocation = CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient; rs.Open(objcommand); rs.ActiveConnection = null; UpgradeHelpers.DB.TransactionManager.DeEnlist(conn); conn.Close(); if (rs.RecordCount > 0) { return(Convert.ToString(rs["FirstName"]) + " " + Convert.ToString(rs["LastName"]) + Environment.NewLine + Convert.ToString(rs["Email"])); } else { return("Customer Info could not be loaded"); } }
public void ChangeMAXHolidayTotals() { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; string SqlString = "Delete PersonnelHOLMAXOverride Where employee_id = '"; SqlString = SqlString + modGlobal.Shared.gReportUser + "' and year_applied = '"; SqlString = SqlString + modGlobal.Shared.gReportYear.ToString() + "' "; oCmd.CommandText = SqlString; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); //spInsert_PersonnelHOLMAXOverride //UPGRADE_WARNING: (1068) GetVal(txtTotal.Text) of type Variant is being forced to double. More Information: if (Convert.ToDouble(modGlobal.GetVal(ViewModel.txtTotal.Text)) > 0) { SqlString = "spInsert_PersonnelHOLMAXOverride '"; SqlString = SqlString + modGlobal.Shared.gReportUser + "', '"; SqlString = SqlString + modGlobal.Shared.gReportYear.ToString() + "', "; SqlString = SqlString + UpgradeHelpers.Helpers.StringsHelper.Format(ViewModel.txtTotal.Text, "##.#") + " "; oCmd.CommandText = SqlString; } else { SqlString = "spInsert_PersonnelHOLMAXOverride '"; SqlString = SqlString + modGlobal.Shared.gReportUser + "', '"; SqlString = SqlString + modGlobal.Shared.gReportYear.ToString() + "', "; SqlString = SqlString + "0" + " "; oCmd.CommandText = SqlString; } oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); }
public static object Deserialize(BinaryReader binaryReader, ISurrogateContext context) { DbConnection conn = null; if (context.DependencyCount > 0) { conn = context.Dependencies[0] as DbConnection; } var hasSource = binaryReader.ReadBoolean(); string source = ""; if (hasSource) { source = binaryReader.ReadString(); } BinaryFormatter bFormat = new BinaryFormatter(); ADORecordSetHelper rs = (ADORecordSetHelper)bFormat.Deserialize(binaryReader.BaseStream); rs.ProviderFactory = AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory(""); rs.ActiveConnection = conn; if (hasSource) { rs.Source = source; } return(rs); }
public void FillList() { //Retrieve & fill Grid lists for Manuactures & Sizes & Color (Helmet only) DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; //fill dropdown list for Uniform Types (Coat, Pants, Boots, etc.) string strSQL = "spSelect_TrainingSpecificSearchList "; oCmd.CommandText = strSQL; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); ViewModel.cboSpecificCodes.Items.Clear(); while (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.cboSpecificCodes.AddItem(modGlobal.Clean(oRec["SpecificCode"]) + " (" + modGlobal.Clean(oRec["ParentCodes"]) + ")"); //UPGRADE_WARNING: (1068) GetVal() of type Variant is being forced to int. More Information: ViewModel.cboSpecificCodes.SetItemData(ViewModel.cboSpecificCodes.GetNewIndex(), Convert.ToInt32(modGlobal.GetVal(oRec["trn_specific_code"]))); oRec.MoveNext(); } ; }
internal void cmdTrade_Click(Object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs) { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); string sMessage = ""; System.DateTime TempDate = DateTime.FromOADate(0); System.DateTime dBeginDate = DateTime.Parse((DateTime.TryParse(ViewModel.StartDate, out TempDate)) ? TempDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") : ViewModel.StartDate); oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; oCmd.CommandText = "sp_GetTradeDetail '" + ViewModel.Empid + "','" + UpgradeHelpers.Helpers.DateTimeHelper.ToString(dBeginDate) + "'"; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); while (!oRec.EOF) { sMessage = sMessage + ("\r") + ("\n") + Convert.ToString(oRec["WorkingEmployee"]).Trim() + " is working for " + Convert.ToString(oRec["ScheduledEmployee"]).Trim() + " - " + Convert.ToString(oRec["ShiftTime"]).Trim(); sMessage = sMessage + ("\r") + ("\n") + "(Updated By: " + Convert.ToString(oRec["UpdatedBy"]).Trim() + " on " + Convert.ToString(oRec["UpdatedOn"]).Trim() + ")"; sMessage = sMessage + ("\r") + ("\n"); oRec.MoveNext(); } ; ViewManager.ShowMessage(sMessage, "Trade Detail", UpgradeHelpers.Helpers.BoxButtons.OK); }
public int DeleteEMSPersonnelImmunizations(int lRecordID) { //Delete Record from EMSPersonnelImmunizations table int result = 0; DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); ADORecordSetHelper oRec = null; string SqlString = ""; try { result = -1; oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; SqlString = ""; SqlString = "spDelete_EMSPersonnelImmunizations " + lRecordID.ToString() + " "; oCmd.CommandText = SqlString; oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); } catch { result = 0; //UPGRADE_TODO: (1065) Error handling statement (Resume Next) could not be converted. More Information: UpgradeHelpers.Helpers.NotUpgradedHelper.NotifyNotUpgradedElement("Resume Next Statement"); } return result; }
public void LoadList() { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); ViewModel.cboNameList.Text = ""; ViewModel.cboNameList.Items.Clear(); //Load Employee Name combobox oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; if (ViewModel.chkInactive.CheckState == UpgradeHelpers.Helpers.CheckState.Checked) { oCmd.CommandText = "spArchiveNameList"; } else { oCmd.CommandText = "spOpNameList"; } oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); while (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.cboNameList.AddItem(Convert.ToString(oRec["name_full"]).Trim() + " - " + Convert.ToString(oRec["employee_id"])); oRec.MoveNext(); } }
public int GetAdminONLYSecurity(string sEmpID) { // Get Employee Information for EMSPersonnelImmunizations // Record View/Edit Security int result = 0; DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); ADORecordSetHelper oRec = null; try { result = -1; oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; oCmd.CommandText = "spSelect_AdminONLYSecurity '" + sEmpID + "' "; oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); if (!oRec.EOF) { cEMSPersonnelImmunizations = oRec; } else { result = 0; } } catch { result = 0; //UPGRADE_TODO: (1065) Error handling statement (Resume Next) could not be converted. More Information: UpgradeHelpers.Helpers.NotUpgradedHelper.NotifyNotUpgradedElement("Resume Next Statement"); } return result; }
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) Form_Load event was upgraded to Form_Load method and has a new behavior. More Information: private void Form_Load() { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); string strName = ""; ViewModel.CurrEmpID = ""; ViewModel.cboEmpList.Items.Clear(); oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; string strSQL = ""; strSQL = "spFullNameList "; oCmd.CommandText = strSQL; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); while (!oRec.EOF) { strName = Convert.ToString(oRec["name_full"]).Trim() + " :" + Convert.ToString(oRec["employee_id"]); ViewModel.cboEmpList.AddItem(strName); oRec.MoveNext(); } ; FillDropDowns(); FillBunkerGrid(); FillUniformGrid(); ClearFields(); if (modGlobal.Shared.gAssignID != "") { FindEmployee(); } }
public void FillGridLists() { //Retrieve & fill Grid lists DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); int i = 0; oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; //fill list for all Uniform Types assigned to current employee string strSQL = "sp_GetEmployeeCurrentItemList '" + modGlobal.Shared.gAssignID + "' "; oCmd.CommandText = strSQL; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); int tempForVar = ViewModel.sprPPEList.MaxRows; for (int x = 1; x <= tempForVar; x++) { ViewModel.sprPPEList.Row = x; ViewModel.sprPPEList.Col = 1; i = 0; while (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.sprPPEList.TypeComboBoxIndex = i; ViewModel.sprPPEList.TypeComboBoxString = modGlobal.Clean(oRec["UniformType"]) + ": " + modGlobal.Clean(oRec["tracking_number"]); i++; oRec.MoveNext(); } ; oRec.MoveFirst(); } }
internal void cmdFind_Click(Object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs) { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); if (modGlobal.Clean(ViewModel.txtTrackingNumber.Text) == "") { return; } ClearDetail(); //UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) FPSpreadADO.fpSpread method sprLaunderGrid.ClearRange was not upgraded. More Information: ViewModel.sprLaunderGrid.ClearRange(1, 1, ViewModel.sprLaunderGrid.MaxCols, ViewModel.sprLaunderGrid.MaxRows, false); ViewModel.iCurrRow = 0; oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; string strSQL = "spSelect_UniformByTrackingNumber '" + modGlobal.Clean(ViewModel.txtTrackingNumber.Text) + "' "; oCmd.CommandText = strSQL; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); if (oRec.EOF) { ViewManager.ShowMessage("Item could not be found.", "Search on Tracking/Barcode Number", UpgradeHelpers.Helpers.BoxButtons.OK); return; } //UPGRADE_WARNING: (1068) GetVal() of type Variant is being forced to string. More Information: ViewModel.lbUniformID.Text = Convert.ToString(modGlobal.GetVal(oRec["uniform_id"])); modGlobal.Shared.gUniformID = Convert.ToInt32(Double.Parse(ViewModel.lbUniformID.Text)); GetUniformDetail(); }
internal void dtReportDate_Click(Object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs) { DbCommand oCmd = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateCommand(); if (!Information.IsDate(ViewModel.dtReportDate.Text)) { return; } if (ViewModel.FirstTime != 0) { return; } ViewModel.ShiftDate = DateTime.Parse(ViewModel.dtReportDate.Text).ToString("M/d/yyyy") + " 7:00AM"; ViewModel.CurrDate = DateTime.Parse(ViewModel.dtReportDate.Text).ToString("M/d/yyyy"); oCmd.Connection = modGlobal.oConn; oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; //Get Shift for this Date oCmd.CommandText = "sp_GetShift '" + ViewModel.ShiftDate + "'"; ADORecordSetHelper oRec = ADORecordSetHelper.Open(oCmd, ""); if (!oRec.EOF) { ViewModel.sprReport.Row = 2; ViewModel.sprReport.Col = 1; ViewModel.sprReport.Text = "Battalion " + ViewModel.CurrBatt + " Daily Worksheet for " + ViewModel.CurrDate; ViewModel.sprReport.Col = 11; ViewModel.sprReport.Text = "Shift " + Convert.ToString(oRec["shift_code"]).Trim(); ViewModel.sprReport.Col = 16; ViewModel.sprReport.Text = "Debit Group " + Convert.ToString(oRec["debit_group_code"]).Trim(); } FillSpread(); }