public static void Save(AD2Editor map) { string saveLocation = getSaveLocation(); generateObjectsXML(map, saveLocation); generateMapXML(map, saveLocation); RenderTarget2D cmap = saveRenderedCollideMap(map, saveLocation); generatePathfindingMesh(map, cmap, saveLocation); //move over basemap as well Stream stream = File.Create(saveLocation + "\\base.png"); map.baseMap.SaveAsPng(stream, map.baseMap.Width, map.baseMap.Height); stream.Dispose(); //Don't forget about objects. string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(map.objectDirectory); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(saveLocation + "\\objects\\"); foreach (string file in files) { string targetPath = saveLocation + "\\objects\\"; string destFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(targetPath, Path.GetFileName(file)); System.IO.File.Copy(file, destFile, true); } }
public static RenderTarget2D saveRenderedCollideMap(AD2Editor l, string saveloc) { //create a new file RenderTarget2D map = new RenderTarget2D(Renderer.GraphicsDevice, l.baseMap.Width, l.baseMap.Height); //GraphicsDevice oldDevice = Renderer.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(map); SpriteBatch b = new SpriteBatch(Renderer.GraphicsDevice); b.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.Default, RasterizerState.CullNone); b.Draw(l.collideMap, new Rectangle(0, 0, map.Width, map.Height), Color.White); for (int i = 0; i != l.objectsList.Length; i++) { foreach (AD2Object a in l.objectsList[i]) { b.Draw(a.collide, new Rectangle(a.X, a.Y, a.t.Width, a.t.Height), Color.White); } } b.End(); Renderer.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null); Stream stream = File.Create(saveloc + "/collide.png"); //Save as PNG map.SaveAsPng(stream, map.Width, map.Height); stream.Dispose(); return(map); }
public static void generateMapXML(AD2Editor map, string saveLoc) { string file = saveLoc + "//map.xml"; StreamWriter tw = new StreamWriter(file); tw.WriteLine("<Map>"); tw.WriteLine(" <base>base.png</base>"); tw.WriteLine(" <collision>collide.png</collision>"); tw.WriteLine(" <object>objects/object.xml</object>"); tw.WriteLine(" <collisionKeyR>255</collisionKeyR>"); tw.WriteLine(" <collisionKeyG>0</collisionKeyG>"); tw.WriteLine(" <collisionKeyB>255</collisionKeyB>"); tw.WriteLine("</Map>"); tw.Close(); }
public static void generateObjectsXML(AD2Editor map, string saveLoc) { //create a new file string path = saveLoc + "/objects/"; Directory.CreateDirectory(path); string file = path + "object.xml"; //File.Create(file).Close(); StreamWriter tw = new StreamWriter(file); tw.WriteLine("<Obj>"); for (int i = 0; i != map.objectsList.Length; i++) { foreach (AD2Object a in map.objectsList[i]) { tw.WriteLine(" <object>" + + "," + a.X + "," + a.Y + "</object>"); } } tw.WriteLine("</Obj>"); tw.Close(); }
public static void generatePathfindingMesh(AD2Editor map, RenderTarget2D collmap, string saveloc) { Color[] pixels = new Color[collmap.Width * collmap.Height]; collmap.GetData(pixels); //All of the places we can walk. bool[,] notWalkable = new bool[map.baseMap.Width, map.baseMap.Height]; for (int x = 0; x != collmap.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y != collmap.Height; y++) { //BAD: Assumes 255/0/255 magic pank if (pixels[x + y * collmap.Width].R == 255 && pixels[x + y * collmap.Width].G == 0 && pixels[x + y * collmap.Width].B == 255) { for (int height = MaxCharacterHeight; height >= 0; height--) { for (int width = MaxCharacterHeight; width >= 0; width--) { if (y - height < 0 || x - width < 0) { continue; } notWalkable[x - width, y - height] = true; } } } } } //Cannot walk along the far sides of map either. for (int x = 0; x != map.baseMap.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y != map.baseMap.Height; y++) { if (x > map.baseMap.Width - MaxCharacterHeight || y > map.baseMap.Height - MaxCharacterHeight) { notWalkable[x, y] = true; } } } //step two: Generate a List of pathfinding node origins. bool[,] nodeClaimed = new bool[map.baseMap.Width, map.baseMap.Height]; int[,] nodeOwner = new int[map.baseMap.Width, map.baseMap.Height]; LinkedList <RPFNode> seeds = new LinkedList <RPFNode>(); Utils.Log("Generating Seeds..."); int nextMeshRegionID = 0; for (int xStart = 0; xStart < map.baseMap.Width; xStart += RangedPathFindingNodeDistance) { for (int yStart = 0; yStart < map.baseMap.Height; yStart += RangedPathFindingNodeDistance) { if (!notWalkable[xStart, yStart]) { nodeClaimed[xStart, yStart] = true; RPFNode newNode = new RPFNode(xStart, yStart, nextMeshRegionID); seeds.AddFirst(newNode); nextMeshRegionID++; } } } Utils.Log("Growing Seeds..."); LinkedList <RPFNode> rootRegions = new LinkedList <RPFNode>(); //step 3: Grow nodes until they can grow no longer. while (seeds.Count > 0) { foreach (RPFNode seed in seeds) { //grow frontiers LinkedList <int[]> oldFrontier =; = new LinkedList <int[]>(); foreach (int[] coord in oldFrontier) { LinkedList <int[]> dirs = new LinkedList <int[]>(); dirs.AddFirst(new int[2] { -1, 0 }); dirs.AddFirst(new int[2] { 1, 0 }); dirs.AddFirst(new int[2] { 0, 1 }); dirs.AddFirst(new int[2] { 0, -1 }); foreach (int[] d in dirs) { int dx = d[0]; int dy = d[1]; if (map.collide(0, 0, map.baseMap.Width, map.baseMap.Height, coord[0] + dx, coord[1] + dy) && !nodeClaimed[coord[0] + dx, coord[1] + dy] && !notWalkable[coord[0] + dx, coord[1] + dy]) { int[] newcoord = new int[2] { coord[0] + dx, coord[1] + dy };; seed.nodesInSet.AddFirst(newcoord); nodeClaimed[newcoord[0], newcoord[1]] = true; nodeOwner[newcoord[0], newcoord[1]] = seed.ID; } } } } //remove nodes who have no frontier to grow. LinkedList <RPFNode> toRemove = new LinkedList <RPFNode>(); foreach (RPFNode seed in seeds) { if ( == 0) { toRemove.AddFirst(seed); } } foreach (RPFNode n in toRemove) { seeds.Remove(n); rootRegions.AddFirst(n); } } //step 4: find neighbors. Utils.Log("Finding Neighbors..."); foreach (RPFNode region in rootRegions) { foreach (int[] node in region.nodesInSet) { //look for neigthbors. LinkedList <int[]> dirs = new LinkedList <int[]>(); dirs.AddFirst(new int[2] { -1, 0 }); dirs.AddFirst(new int[2] { 1, 0 }); dirs.AddFirst(new int[2] { 0, 1 }); dirs.AddFirst(new int[2] { 0, -1 }); foreach (int[] d in dirs) { int dx = d[0]; int dy = d[1]; if (map.collide(0, 0, map.baseMap.Width, map.baseMap.Height, node[0] + dx, node[1] + dy)) { if (nodeOwner[node[0] + dx, node[1] + dy] != region.ID) { //We have an edge. if (!region.edges.Contains(nodeOwner[node[0] + dx, node[1] + dy])) { region.edges.AddFirst(nodeOwner[node[0] + dx, node[1] + dy]); } } } } } } //Step 5: The graph is complete, we have regions that can reach other regions. Write to XML. //create a new file Utils.Log("Printing..."); string path = saveloc + "/mesh.xml"; File.Create(path).Close(); StreamWriter tw = new StreamWriter(path); tw.WriteLine("<PathMesh>"); foreach (RPFNode node in rootRegions) { foreach (int neighbor in node.edges) { tw.WriteLine(" <Region" + node.ID + "Edge>" + neighbor + "</Region" + node.ID + "Edge>"); } foreach (int[] pixel in node.nodesInSet) { tw.WriteLine(" <Region" + node.ID + "Pixel>" + pixel[0] + "," + pixel[1] + "</Region" + node.ID + "Pixel>"); } } tw.WriteLine(" <MeshRegionCount>" + nextMeshRegionID + " </MeshRegionCount>"); tw.WriteLine("</PathMesh>"); tw.Close(); }
static void Main() { using (var game = new AD2Editor()) game.Run(); }