private void Init(ActivityConfig.ACSeriesRow acsr) { this.SuspendLayout(); //flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Clear(); if (myRF != null) { myRF.Dispose(); } myRF = null; MyACE = new ACEngine(FM); MyACE.myAcSeries = acsr; MyACE.myActivityCode = acsr.ActivityCodeRow; MyACE.DoRelFields(); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields0, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields1, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields2, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields3, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields4, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields5, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields6, true); BuildForm(acsr); if (first) { foreach (DataView dv in MyACE.relTables.Values) { DataTable dt = dv.Table; dt.ColumnChanged += new DataColumnChangeEventHandler(dt_ColumnChanged); atLogic.ObjectBE obe = FM.GetBEFromTable(dt); obe.OnUpdate += new atLogic.UpdateEventHandler(ucSSTCase_OnUpdate); } first = false; } this.ResumeLayout(); }
public string A5JSON(int fileId, int acSeriesId) { atriumManager myAtmng = Helper.Atmng(); FileManager fm = myAtmng.GetFile(fileId); lmDatasets.ActivityConfig.ACSeriesRow acsr = fm.AtMng.acMng.DB.ACSeries.FindByACSeriesId(acSeriesId); atriumBE.ACEngine MyACE = new ACEngine(fm); MyACE.myAcSeries = acsr; MyACE.myActivityCode = acsr.ActivityCodeRow; MyACE.DoRelFields(); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields0, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields1, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields2, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields3, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields4, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields5, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields6, true); string curobj = ""; string json = "{"; foreach (ActivityConfig.ActivityFieldRow arf in fm.AtMng.acMng.DB.ActivityField.Select("ACSeriesId=" + acSeriesId.ToString() + " and TaskType in ('F','T')", "objectalias,fieldname")) { if (curobj != arf.ObjectAlias) { //start new row curobj = arf.ObjectAlias; json += "'" + arf.ObjectAlias + "':["; foreach (DataRowView dvr in MyACE.relTables[curobj]) { json += "{"; json += "'atrid':" + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(dvr.Row[dvr.Row.Table.PrimaryKey[0]]) + ","; foreach (ActivityConfig.ActivityFieldRow arfRow in fm.AtMng.acMng.DB.ActivityField.Select("ObjectAlias='" + curobj + "' and ACSeriesId=" + acSeriesId.ToString() + " and TaskType in ('F','T')", "objectalias,fieldname")) { json += "'" + arfRow.FieldName + "':" + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.ToString(dvr.Row[arfRow.DBFieldName]) + ","; } json = json.TrimEnd(','); json += "},"; } json = json.TrimEnd(','); json += "]"; } else { } } return(json + "}"); // DataSet ds = new DataSet(); // foreach(DataView dv in MyACE.relTables.Values) // { // ds.Tables.Add(dv.ToTable()); // } // return Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ds, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented); //// return Json(ds,JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
//public ACEngine Add(DateTime acDate, ActivityConfig.ACSeriesRow acSeries, atriumDB.ProcessRow process, bool adHoc, atriumDB.ActivityRow prevAc, string conversationIndex) //{ // if (myACE != null) // throw new AtriumException("You cannot enter more than one activity at a time on a file."); // myACE = new ACEngine(FM, acDate, acSeries, process, adHoc, conversationIndex, prevAc, ConnectorType.NextStep, null, 0, ACEngine.RevType.Nothing); // return myACE; //} public ACEngine Add(DateTime acDate, ActivityConfig.ACSeriesRow acSeries, atriumDB.ProcessRow process, bool adHoc, atriumDB.ActivityRow prevAc) { if (myACE != null) { throw new AtriumException("You cannot enter more than one activity at a time on a file."); } myACE = new ACEngine(FM, acDate, acSeries, process, adHoc, null, prevAc, ConnectorType.NextStep, null, 0, ACEngine.RevType.Nothing, null); return(myACE); }
public string A5JSONUpdate(int fileId, int acSeriesId, string json) { atriumManager myAtmng = Helper.Atmng(); FileManager fm = myAtmng.GetFile(fileId); lmDatasets.ActivityConfig.ACSeriesRow acsr = fm.AtMng.acMng.DB.ACSeries.FindByACSeriesId(acSeriesId); atriumBE.ACEngine MyACE = new ACEngine(fm); MyACE.myAcSeries = acsr; MyACE.myActivityCode = acsr.ActivityCodeRow; MyACE.DoRelFields(); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields0, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields1, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields2, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields3, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields4, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields5, true); MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields6, true); Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject data = Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject.Parse(json); //foreach (ActivityConfig.ActivityFieldRow arf in fm.AtMng.acMng.DB.ActivityField.Select("ACSeriesId=" + acSeriesId.ToString() + " and TaskType in ('F','T')", "objectalias,fieldname")) foreach (string curobj in MyACE.relTables.Keys) { var table = data[curobj].Children().ToList(); MyACE.relTables[curobj].Sort = MyACE.relTables[curobj].Table.PrimaryKey[0].ColumnName; foreach (var row in table) { int rid = (int)row["atrid"]; int pos = MyACE.relTables[curobj].Find(row["atrid"]); DataRowView dvr = MyACE.relTables[curobj][pos]; //need to match up rows foreach (ActivityConfig.ActivityFieldRow arfRow in fm.AtMng.acMng.DB.ActivityField.Select("ObjectAlias='" + curobj + "' and ACSeriesId=" + acSeriesId.ToString() + " and TaskType in ('F','T')", "objectalias,fieldname")) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", dvr.Row[arfRow.DBFieldName], data[curobj][0][arfRow.FieldName]); } } } return(null); }
public NextStep SillyQuestion(NextStep ns, FileManager fmCurrent) { StepType st = (StepType)ns.acs.StepType; //check for silly question if (st == StepType.Decision && ns.acs.GetActivityFieldRows().Length > 0) { NextStep answer = null; ACEngine sillyEngine = new ACEngine(fmCurrent); bool isTrue = sillyEngine.SillyQuestion(ns.acs); //find right path foreach (NextStep a1 in ns.Children.NextSteps.Values) { if (isTrue && (a1.LinkText.StartsWith("Yes") || a1.LinkText.StartsWith("Oui"))) { answer = a1; break; } else if (!isTrue && (a1.LinkText.StartsWith("No") || a1.LinkText.StartsWith("Non"))) { answer = a1; break; } } //follow it if (answer.Children != null) { return(SillyQuestion(answer, fmCurrent)); } else { return(answer); } } return(ns); }
private void ucActivity_ASelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //check to see if step has templates ActivityConfig.ACSeriesRow acsr = SelectedACSeries(); ACEngine ace = new ACEngine(fmCurrent); ace.TestForSteps(acsr.ACSeriesId); if (ace.HasDoc & ace.TemplateList != null) { uiTemplate.Enabled = true; UIHelper.ComboBoxInit(ace.TemplateList, uiTemplate, fmCurrent); } else { uiTemplate.Enabled = false; uiTemplate.SelectedValue = null; } //check for fields that require prompting ctx = new Dictionary <string, object>(); foreach (ActivityConfig.ActivityFieldRow afr in acsr.GetActivityFieldRows()) { if (afr.TaskType == "F" & afr.Visible & !afr.ReadOnly & afr.IsDefaultObjectNameNull() & (afr.IsDefaultValueNull() || !afr.DefaultValue.StartsWith("["))) { ctx.Add(afr.ObjectAlias + afr.FieldName, null); } } if (ctx.Count == 0) { ctx = null; } } catch (Exception x) { UIHelper.HandleUIException(x); } }
public ACEngine Add(DateTime acDate, ActivityConfig.ACSeriesRow acSeries, atriumDB.ProcessRow process, bool adHoc, atriumDB.ActivityRow prevAc, ConnectorType action, Stack <ParentChildStep> _flowQ, int revId, ACEngine.RevType revType, string conversationIndex, DataRow contextRow) { //if (_flowQ != null) // flowQ = _flowQ; if (myACE != null) { throw new AtriumException("You cannot enter more than one activity at a time on a file."); } ConnectorType ct; if (action == ConnectorType.Reply | action == ConnectorType.ReplyAll | action == ConnectorType.Forward) { ct = action; } else { ct = ConnectorType.NextStep; } myACE = new ACEngine(FM, acDate, acSeries, process, adHoc, conversationIndex, prevAc, ct, _flowQ, revId, revType, contextRow); return(myACE); }
private void DisbBulkRow(string officeFileNo, DateTime disbDate, CodesDB.DisbursementTypeRow disbTypeR, decimal taxableDisb, decimal nonTaxableDisb, string comment, ref bool encounteredError, int officeId, DateTime srpDate) { if (!disbTypeR.IsBulk)// disbTypeCode == "CO" || disbTypeCode == "FA" || disbTypeCode == "LD" || disbTypeCode == "PH" || disbTypeCode == "PO" || disbTypeCode == "RM") { if (officeFileNo == "") { officeFileNo = "General Account"; } atriumDB.EFileRow drEfile = null; try { FileManager fmCur = myA.AtMng.GetFile(officeFileNo, officeId); fms.Add(fmCur.CurrentFile.FileId, fmCur); drEfile = fmCur.CurrentFile; if (drEfile != null) { //fmCur.GetActivity().LoadByFileId(drEfile.FileId); //JL: Change to DisbursementType from ACManagement to CodesDB bobo. //string activityQuery = "officeid=" + officeId.ToString() + " and fileid=" + drEfile.FileId.ToString() + " and activitycodeid=" + disbTypeR.GetACDisbRows()[0].ActivityCodeId.ToString() + " and activitydate='" + srpDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "'"; string activityQuery = ""; atriumDB.ActivityRow[] drActivityArr = (atriumDB.ActivityRow[])fmCur.DB.Activity.Select(activityQuery); atriumDB.ActivityRow drActivity; if (drActivityArr.Length == 0) { //JL: Change of DisbursementType from ACMAnager dataset to CodesDB dataset bobo. //ActivityConfig.ACSeriesRow bulkACS =(ActivityConfig.ACSeriesRow) myA.AtMng.acMng.DB.ACSeries.Select("ActivityCodeId=" + disbTypeR.GetACDisbRows()[0].ActivityCodeId.ToString())[0];//.FindByACSeriesId(disbTypeR.GetACDisbRows()[0].ACSeriesId); ActivityConfig.ACSeriesRow bulkACS = null; ACEngine ace = fmCur.InitActivityProcess().Add(srpDate, bulkACS, null, false, null); drActivity = ace.NewActivity; drActivity.BeginEdit(); drActivity.OfficeId = officeId; drActivity.EndEdit(); if (drActivity.HasErrors) { if (drActivity.HasErrors) { WriteErrorLog(officeFileNo, "", srpDate, Resources.CouldNotCreateAC022 + drActivity.RowError); encounteredError = true; } } } else { drActivity = drActivityArr[0]; } atriumDB.DisbursementRow drDisb = (atriumDB.DisbursementRow)fmCur.GetDisbursement().Add(drActivity); AddDisbursement(drDisb, officeId, disbDate, srpDate, nonTaxableDisb, taxableDisb, disbTypeR.DisbursementType, comment); if (drDisb.HasErrors) { WriteErrorLog(officeFileNo, disbTypeR.DisbursementType, disbDate, Resources.CouldNotAddDisbursement + drDisb.RowError); encounteredError = true; } } } catch (Exception x) { WriteErrorLog(officeFileNo, disbTypeR.DisbursementType, disbDate, Resources.OfficeFileNumberNotValid + x.Message); encounteredError = true; } } else { WriteErrorLog(officeFileNo, disbTypeR.DisbursementType, disbDate, Resources.InvalidDisbursmentTypeCode); encounteredError = true; } }
public atriumDB.ContactRow SwapBySIN(atriumDB.ContactRow pr, string SIN) { if (pr.RowState == DataRowState.Added) { //load exisiting party row LoadBySIN(SIN); myA.RaiseWarning(WarningLevel.Display, Properties.Resources.ExistingPartyFound, myA.AtMng.AppMan.AppName); var ps = from p in myPersonDT where !p.IsSINNull() && p.SIN == SIN && pr.ContactId != p.ContactId select p; atriumDB.ContactRow existingPerson = ps.Single(); int currentContactId = pr.ContactId; //replace party row in related fields ACEngine ace = myA.CurrentActivityProcess.CurrentACE; if (ace.relTables.ContainsKey("Party0")) { DataView dv = new DataView(myPersonDT, "ContactId=" + existingPerson.ContactId.ToString(), "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); ace.relTables["Party0"].RowFilter = dv.RowFilter; } //swap address if (ace.relTables.ContainsKey("Address0") && !existingPerson.IsAddressCurrentIDNull()) { myA.DB.Address.FindByAddressId(pr.AddressCurrentID).Delete(); myA.GetAddress().Load(existingPerson.AddressCurrentID); DataView dv = new DataView(myA.DB.Address, "AddressId=" + existingPerson.AddressCurrentID.ToString(), "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); ace.relTables["Address0"].RowFilter = dv.RowFilter; } else if (ace.relTables.ContainsKey("Address0") && existingPerson.IsAddressCurrentIDNull()) { atriumDB.AddressRow adr = myA.DB.Address.FindByAddressId(pr.AddressCurrentID); adr.ContactId = existingPerson.ContactId; existingPerson.AddressCurrentID = adr.AddressId; } //change contact id on filecontact var fcs = from fc in myA.DB.FileContact where !fc.IsNull("ContactId") && fc.ContactId == currentContactId select fc; if (fcs.Count() == 1) { atriumDB.FileContactRow fcr = fcs.Single(); fcr.ContactId = existingPerson.ContactId; } pr.Delete(); // pr.AcceptChanges(); return(existingPerson); } else { return(pr); } }
private void uiButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //launch Wizard passing ACSeries, ABP? NextStep ns = null; if (ebStepCode.Tag != null) { ns = (NextStep)ebStepCode.Tag; } if (ns != null) { ACEngine test = new ACEngine(fm); test.TestForSteps(ns.acs.ACSeriesId); if (!test.HasAnyRel & (!test.HasDoc | uiCheckBox1.Checked)) { atriumBE.ActivityBP abp = fm.InitActivityProcess(); if (test.HasDoc) { abp.SkipDoc = uiCheckBox1.Checked; } abp.CreateAC(ns.acs.ACSeriesId, calActivityDate.Value, null, 0, 0, ACEngine.RevType.Nothing); abp.SkipDoc = false; calActivityDate.Value = DateTime.Today; ebStepCode.Text = ""; ebNSType.Text = ""; Init(fm, ffns); ffns.MoreInfo("activity", abp.LastActivityId.Value); ffns.fileToc.LoadTOC(); } else { bool docIsSkipped = false; if (uiCheckBox1.Checked) { docIsSkipped = true; } ebStepCode.Text = ""; ebNSType.Text = ""; ffns.ReadOnly = true; if (ns.prevAc != null) { facwr = new fACWizard(fm, (ACEngine.Step)ns.acs.InitialStep, ns.acs.ACSeriesId, ns.prevAc.ActivityId, docIsSkipped); } else { facwr = new fACWizard(fm, (ACEngine.Step)ns.acs.InitialStep, ns.acs.ACSeriesId, docIsSkipped); } facwr.setAcDate(calActivityDate.Value, ns); facwr.Show(); calActivityDate.Value = DateTime.Today; DoSkipCheck(null); ffns.HookupWizClose(facwr); ffns.fileToc.LoadTOC(); } } else { MessageBox.Show(Properties.Resources.QuickACSelectAValidCode); } } catch (Exception x) { UIHelper.HandleUIException(x); } }
private void CreateDocument(FileManager fm, ActivityBP abp, string lotusDocId, string documentPath, string docSubject, DateTime docDate, List <string> listOfDocAttachments) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(documentPath); docDB.FileFormatRow fmt = fm.GetDocMng().DB.FileFormat.FindByFileFormat(ext); if (fmt != null && fmt.AllowUpload) { iCount++; ACEngine ace = abp.Add(docDate, acsr, null, false, null); atriumDB.ActivityRow newAc = ace.NewActivity; ace.DocumentDefaults(true); docDB.DocumentRow dr = (docDB.DocumentRow)ace.relTables["Document0"][0].Row; DocumentBE.LoadFileX(dr, documentPath); dr.efSubject = docSubject; dr.efDate = docDate; dr.Source = "Lotus: " + lotusDocId; dr.IsDraft = false; AddListItem("Document added: " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(documentPath)); if (listOfDocAttachments.Count > 0) { DocManager myDM = fm.GetDocMng(); atriumBE.AttachmentBE d = myDM.GetAttachment(); foreach (string attachment in listOfDocAttachments) { string localAttach = attachment; string attExt = Path.GetExtension(localAttach); if (attExt.Length > 10) { attExt = attExt.Substring(0, 10); //modify extension on disk File.Move(attachment, Path.ChangeExtension(attachment, attExt)); localAttach = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(attachment), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(attachment) + attExt); } //if extension is empty, modify doc extension //.LONOEXT if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attExt)) { AddExtensionToDocWithoutExt(attachment); attExt = ".LONOEXT"; localAttach = localAttach + attExt; } docDB.FileFormatRow attFmt = fm.GetDocMng().DB.FileFormat.FindByFileFormat(attExt); //if extension not allowed, add it if (attFmt == null) { AddExtensionToFileFormatTable(attExt, fm.GetDocMng().DB.FileFormat); attFmt = fm.GetDocMng().DB.FileFormat.FindByFileFormat(attExt); } if (attFmt != null && attFmt.AllowUpload) { docDB.DocumentRow newDoc = (docDB.DocumentRow)myDM.GetDocument().Add(myDM.FM.CurrentFile, localAttach); int indexOfSpaceInAttachment = localAttach.IndexOf(' ') - 1; newDoc.efSubject = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(localAttach).Substring(indexOfSpaceInAttachment).TrimStart(' '); //atts start with 6 digit lotus docNumber + space; let's remove that before import newDoc.efType = "ATT"; newDoc.IsDraft = false; newDoc.efDate = newDoc.DocContentRow.ModDate; newDoc.Source = "Lotus: " + lotusDocId; lmDatasets.docDB.AttachmentRow att = (lmDatasets.docDB.AttachmentRow)d.Add(dr); att.AttachmentId = newDoc.DocId; att.Version = newDoc.CurrentVersion; AddListItem("Attachment added: " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(localAttach)); } else { AddListItem("Attachment - Extension not permitted: " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(localAttach)); ExtTW.WriteLine(attExt + ", " + localAttach); } } } ace.Save(true, false); abp.CurrentACE = null; } else { AddListItem("Extension not permitted: " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(documentPath)); ExtTW.WriteLine(ext + ", " + documentPath); } }
internal void DoACAllSteps(atriumDB.ActivityRow prevAC, ActivityConfig.ACSeriesRow asr, int revId, ACEngine.RevType revType, DateTime acDate, out ACEngine ace, out atriumDB.ActivityRow newAC, Stack <ParentChildStep> _flowQ, string conversationIndex) { atriumDB.ProcessRow pr = null; if (prevAC != null) { pr = prevAC.ProcessRow; } ace = Add(acDate, asr, pr, false, prevAC, ConnectorType.NextStep, _flowQ, revId, revType, conversationIndex, null); ace.ctx = ctx; newAC = ace.NewActivity; if (ace.HasRel0) { ace.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields0, true); } if (ace.HasRel1) { ace.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields1, true); } if (ace.HasRel2) { ace.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields2, true); } if (ace.HasRel3) { ace.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields3, true); } if (ace.HasRel4) { ace.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields4, true); } if (ace.HasRel5) { ace.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields5, true); } if (ace.HasRel6) { ace.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields6, true); } if (ace.HasRel7) { ace.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields7, true); } if (ace.HasRel8) { ace.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields8, true); } if (ace.HasRel9) { ace.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields9, true); } if (ace.HasTimeline) { ace.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.Timeline, true); } if (ace.HasDoc & !SkipDoc) { docDB.DocumentRow dr = (docDB.DocumentRow)ace.relTables["Document0"][0].Row; //if (TemplateCode != null) //only set the template if it is provided // dr.templateCode = TemplateCode; ace.DocumentDefaults(revId != 0); // if (dr.DocContentRow == null) //FM.GetDocMng().GetDocContent().Load(dr.DocRefId, dr.CurrentVersion); Doc0 = dr.DocContentRow.ContentsAsText; } else { ace.FM.GetDocMng().DB.RejectChanges(); ace.relTables.Remove("Document0"); ace.NewActivity.SetDocIdNull(); } if (ace.HasBilling) { ace.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.Billing, true); } }
private void EI_WS(SST.ADMSLookupRow ADMSr, MapBE map, ADMS.ADMS_LookupClient ws) { ACEngine ace = myA.FM.CurrentActivityProcess.CurrentACE; DataSet ds = ws.Get_ADMS_SST_Info(ADMSr.ReconID, ADMSr.SIN, ADMSr.BusinessNumber); if (ds.Tables.Contains("ERROR")) { //get status message ADMSr.Message = ds.Tables["ERROR"].Rows[0]["MESSAGE"].ToString(); if (ADMSr.Message.ToUpper() == "SUCCESS") { if (ds.Tables.Contains("ADMS_SST_INFO")) { DataTable dtR = ds.Tables["ADMS_SST_INFO"]; DataRow dr = dtR.Rows[0]; SST.SSTCaseRow scr = (SST.SSTCaseRow)myA.GetSSTCase().GetCurrentRow()[0]; // scr.AppelantSourceId = System.Convert.ToInt32(map.MapIn("AppelantSource", dr["CODE_SRC"].ToString())); scr.ReconsiderationID = ADMSr.ReconID; if (!dr.IsNull("DATE_DCSN_ISD")) { scr.OrigDecisionDate = System.Convert.ToDateTime(dr["DATE_DCSN_ISD"]); } int officeid = System.Convert.ToInt32(map.MapIn("Office", dr["ID_OFC_ANCHR"].ToString())); atriumDB.FileOfficeRow focr = myA.FM.GetFileOffice().AddOfficeToFile(officeid, false, false, false); focr.OfficeFileNum = scr.ReconsiderationID.ToString(); //find the gd account OfficeManager om = myA.AtMng.GetOffice(focr.OfficeId); if (om.DB.Officer.Rows.Count == 0) { om.GetOfficer().LoadByOfficeId(focr.OfficeId); } var oGD = from o in om.DB.Officer where o.PositionCode == "GD" select o; if (oGD.Count() == 1) { atriumDB.FileContactRow fcr = myA.FM.GetFileContact().Add(oGD.Single(), "FHGD"); fcr.HideInToc = true; } if (ds.Tables.Contains("ADMS_SST_INFO_PARTICIPANTS")) { // string participantType = map.MapIn("Source2Participant", dr["CODE_SRC"].ToString()); foreach (DataRow drp in ds.Tables["ADMS_SST_INFO_PARTICIPANTS"].Rows) { bool isAppellant = false; if (!ADMSr.IsSINNull() && !drp.IsNull("ID_SIN") && ADMSr.SIN == drp["ID_SIN"].ToString()) { isAppellant = true; } else if (!ADMSr.IsBusinessNumberNull() && !drp.IsNull("ID_BSNS_NMBR")) { isAppellant = IsEmployerAppellant(ADMSr, drp, isAppellant); } if (isAppellant) { atriumDB.ContactRow pr = (atriumDB.ContactRow)ace.relTables["Party0"][0].Row; atriumDB.FileContactRow fcr4 = (atriumDB.FileContactRow)ace.relTables["FileContact4"][0].Row; SST.FilePartyRow fpr = (SST.FilePartyRow)ace.relTables["FileParty0"][0].Row; fpr.IsAppellant = true; pr.SIN = drp["ID_SIN"].ToString(); pr.ContactClass = "P"; //if (pr.GetColumnError("SIN") == Properties.Resources.DebtDuplicateSIN) //changed test to test for Added as the column error would never be present on the exisiting contact after the swap if (pr.RowState != DataRowState.Added) { //TFS#54669 CJW 2013-09-20 called in PersonBE beforechange now //pr = myA.FM.GetPerson().SwapBySIN(pr, pr.SIN); pr = (atriumDB.ContactRow)ace.relTables["Party0"][0].Row; fcr4 = (atriumDB.FileContactRow)ace.relTables["FileContact4"][0].Row; fpr = (SST.FilePartyRow)ace.relTables["FileParty0"][0].Row; //alert user off swap ADMSr.Message = Properties.Resources.ExistingPartyFound; } pr.LastName = drp["NAME_INDVDL_LST"].ToString(); pr.FirstName = drp["NAME_INDVDL_FRST"].ToString(); pr.LanguageCode = map.MapIn("LanguageCode", drp["CODE_LNG"].ToString()); pr.BusinessNumber = drp["ID_BSNS_NMBR"].ToString(); pr.LegalName = drp["NAME_ORG"].ToString(); pr.OperatingAs = drp["NAME_ORG_UNT"].ToString(); pr.PartyTypeCode = map.MapIn("ContactType", drp["CODE_PRTCPNT_TYP"].ToString()); fcr4.ContactId = pr.ContactId; fcr4.ContactType = pr.PartyTypeCode; fpr.FileContactId = fcr4.FileContactid; pr.TelephoneNumber = drp["NMBR_TLPHN_AR_CD_H"].ToString() + "-" + drp["NMBR_TLPHN_LCL_H"].ToString(); if (!pr.IsAddressCurrentIDNull()) { atriumDB.AddressRow ar = myA.FM.DB.Address.FindByAddressId(pr.AddressCurrentID); ar.ContactId = pr.ContactId; ar.EffectiveTo = DateTime.Today; ar.AddressSourceCode = "HRDC"; ar.Address1 = drp["ADRS_LN_1"].ToString(); ar.Address2 = drp["ADRS_LN_2"].ToString(); ar.Address3 = drp["ADRS_LN_3"].ToString(); string prov = map.MapIn("Province", drp["CODE_PRVNC_OR_ST"].ToString()); if (prov != null) { DataTable dtProv = myA.FM.Codes("Province"); DataRow drs = dtProv.Rows.Find(prov); if (drs != null) { ar.CountryCode = drs["CountryCode"].ToString(); } else { ar.CountryCode = "CDN"; } } else { ar.CountryCode = map.MapIn("Country", drp["NAME_CNTRY"].ToString()); if (drp.IsNull("NAME_CNTRY") || ar.IsNull("CountryCode")) { ar.CountryCode = "CDN"; } } ar.ProvinceCode = prov; ar.City = drp["ADRS_MNCPLTY"].ToString(); ar.PostalCode = drp["CODE_PSTL_OR_ZIP"].ToString(); } } else { //add other participants automatically AddOtherParty(map, drp); } } } } } else if (ADMSr.Message.ToUpper() == "ERROR") { // ADMSr.SetColumnError("Message", ADMSr.Message); ADMSr.Message = ds.Tables["ERROR"].Rows[0]["SQL"].ToString(); if (ADMSr.Message.StartsWith("ORA-01403")) { ADMSr.Message = "No matching reconsideration found in ADMS. / Aucune révision correspondante trouvée dans le SGPA."; } else if (ADMSr.Message.StartsWith("ORA-01422")) { ADMSr.Message = "More than one matching reconsideration found in ADMS. / Il y a plus qu'une révision correspondante trouvée dans le SGPA."; } else if (ADMSr.Message.StartsWith("ORA-1017")) { ADMSr.Message = "Configuration problem with ADMS EI web service. Contact IT support. / Il y a un problème de configuration avec le service web A-E SGPA. Contactez le support TI."; } else if (ADMSr.Message.StartsWith("ORA-12154")) { ADMSr.Message = "Configuration problem with ADMS EI web service. Contact IT support. / Il y a un problème de configuration avec le service web A-E SGPA. Contactez le support TI."; } } } }
private void EP_WS(SST.ADMSLookupRow ADMSr, MapBE map, ADMS.ADMS_LookupClient ws) { //only add other parties ACEngine ace = myA.FM.CurrentActivityProcess.CurrentACE; DataSet ds = ws.Get_ADMS_SST_Info(ADMSr.ReconID, ADMSr.SIN, ADMSr.BusinessNumber); if (ds.Tables.Contains("ERROR")) { //get status message ADMSr.Message = ds.Tables["ERROR"].Rows[0]["MESSAGE"].ToString(); if (ADMSr.Message.ToUpper() == "SUCCESS") { if (ds.Tables.Contains("ADMS_SST_INFO")) { DataTable dtR = ds.Tables["ADMS_SST_INFO"]; DataRow dr = dtR.Rows[0]; if (ds.Tables.Contains("ADMS_SST_INFO_PARTICIPANTS")) { // string participantType = map.MapIn("Source2Participant", dr["CODE_SRC"].ToString()); foreach (DataRow drp in ds.Tables["ADMS_SST_INFO_PARTICIPANTS"].Rows) { bool isAppellant = false; if (!ADMSr.IsSINNull() && !drp.IsNull("ID_SIN") && ADMSr.SIN == drp["ID_SIN"].ToString()) { isAppellant = true; } else if (!ADMSr.IsBusinessNumberNull() && !drp.IsNull("ID_BSNS_NMBR")) { isAppellant = IsEmployerAppellant(ADMSr, drp, isAppellant); } if (isAppellant) { ////ignore //atriumDB.ContactRow pr = (atriumDB.ContactRow)ace.relTables["Party0"][0].Row; //atriumDB.FileContactRow fcr4 = (atriumDB.FileContactRow)ace.relTables["FileContact4"][0].Row; //SST.FilePartyRow fpr = (SST.FilePartyRow)ace.relTables["FileParty0"][0].Row; //fpr.IsAppellant = true; //pr.SIN = drp["ID_SIN"].ToString(); //pr.ContactClass = "P"; //if (pr.GetColumnError("SIN") == Properties.Resources.DebtDuplicateSIN) //{ // //TFS#54669 CJW 2013-09-20 called in PersonBE beforechange now // //pr = myA.FM.GetPerson().SwapBySIN(pr, pr.SIN); // pr = (atriumDB.ContactRow)ace.relTables["Party0"][0].Row; // fcr4 = (atriumDB.FileContactRow)ace.relTables["FileContact4"][0].Row; // fpr = (SST.FilePartyRow)ace.relTables["FileParty0"][0].Row; // //alert user off swap // ADMSr.Message = Properties.Resources.ExistingPartyFound; //} //pr.LastName = drp["NAME_INDVDL_LST"].ToString(); //pr.FirstName = drp["NAME_INDVDL_FRST"].ToString(); //pr.LanguageCode = map.MapIn("LanguageCode", drp["CODE_LNG"].ToString()); //pr.BusinessNumber = drp["ID_BSNS_NMBR"].ToString(); //pr.LegalName = drp["NAME_ORG"].ToString(); //pr.OperatingAs = drp["NAME_ORG_UNT"].ToString(); //pr.PartyTypeCode = map.MapIn("ContactType", drp["CODE_PRTCPNT_TYP"].ToString()); //fcr4.ContactId = pr.ContactId; //fcr4.ContactType = pr.PartyTypeCode; //fpr.FileContactId = fcr4.FileContactid; //pr.TelephoneNumber = drp["NMBR_TLPHN_AR_CD_H"].ToString() + "-" + drp["NMBR_TLPHN_LCL_H"].ToString(); //if (!pr.IsAddressCurrentIDNull()) //{ // atriumDB.AddressRow ar = myA.FM.DB.Address.FindByAddressId(pr.AddressCurrentID); // ar.ContactId = pr.ContactId; // ar.EffectiveTo = DateTime.Today; // ar.AddressSourceCode = "HRDC"; // ar.Address1 = drp["ADRS_LN_1"].ToString(); // ar.Address2 = drp["ADRS_LN_2"].ToString(); // ar.Address3 = drp["ADRS_LN_3"].ToString(); // ar.CountryCode = map.MapIn("Country", drp["NAME_CNTRY"].ToString()); // if (drp.IsNull("NAME_CNTRY")) // ar.CountryCode = "CDN"; // ar.ProvinceCode = map.MapIn("Province", drp["CODE_PRVNC_OR_ST"].ToString()); // ar.City = drp["ADRS_MNCPLTY"].ToString(); // ar.PostalCode = drp["CODE_PSTL_OR_ZIP"].ToString(); //} } else { //add other participants automatically string pt = map.MapIn("ContactType", drp["CODE_PRTCPNT_TYP"].ToString()); if (pt == "PCL" || pt == "PEMP") { AddOtherParty(map, drp); } } } } } } else if (ADMSr.Message.ToUpper() == "ERROR") { //ADMSr.SetColumnError("Message", ADMSr.Message); ADMSr.Message = ds.Tables["ERROR"].Rows[0]["SQL"].ToString(); if (ADMSr.Message.StartsWith("ORA-01403")) { ADMSr.Message = "No matching reconsideration found in ADMS. / Aucune révision correspondante trouvée dans le SGPA."; } else if (ADMSr.Message.StartsWith("ORA-01422")) { ADMSr.Message = "More than one matching reconsideration found in ADMS. / Il y a plus qu'une révision correspondante trouvée dans le SGPA."; } else if (ADMSr.Message.StartsWith("ORA-1017")) { ADMSr.Message = "Configuration problem with ADMS EI web service. Contact IT support. / Il y a un problème de configuration avec le service web A-E SGPA. Contactez le support TI."; } else if (ADMSr.Message.StartsWith("ORA-12154")) { ADMSr.Message = "Configuration problem with ADMS EI web service. Contact IT support. / Il y a un problème de configuration avec le service web A-E SGPA. Contactez le support TI."; } } } }
private void btnRun_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { List <DataRow> toAction = UIHelper.GridGetSelectedData(gridFileList); toAction.RemoveAll(RemoveSuccess); if (toAction.Count > 0 && MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to proceed? You have selected " + toAction.Count.ToString() + " files.", "Mass Activity", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { string massMailingPath = null; ActivityConfig.ACSeriesRow acsr = SelectedACSeries(); ACEngine ace = new ACEngine(fmCurrent); ace.TestForSteps(acsr.ACSeriesId); if (ace.HasDoc && chkConcatenate.Checked) { SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog1.Filter = "rtf files (*.rtf)|*.rtf|All files (*.*)|*.*"; saveFileDialog1.FileName = "Merge_" + acsr.StepCode.Replace(".", "") + "_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".rtf"; if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { massMailingPath = saveFileDialog1.FileName; } } docDB.DocumentRow doc2Copy = null; if (acsr.ACSeriesId == AtMng.GetSetting(AppIntSetting.DocumentCopyAcId)) { fBrowseDocs fdoc = ((fMain)Application.OpenForms["fMain"]).OpenDocDialog; massMailingPath = null; if (fdoc.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK && fdoc.SelectedDocuments() != null) { doc2Copy = fdoc.SelectedDocument; } else { MessageBox.Show("You can't proceed without selecting a document.", "Mass Activity", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); return; } } //if (ctx != null && ctx.Count > 0) //{ //we need to prompt for input //launch wiz for first file to capture user input lmDatasets.appDB.EFileSearchRow efsr = (lmDatasets.appDB.EFileSearchRow)toAction[0]; FileManager fmFirst = AtMng.GetFile(efsr.FileId); fACWizard facw; lmDatasets.atriumDB.ActivityRow newAC = null; if (doc2Copy != null) { docDB.DocumentRow docCopy = fmFirst.GetDocMng().GetDocument().MakeCopy(doc2Copy, fmFirst.CurrentFile, doc2Copy.IsDraft); facw = new fACWizard(fmFirst, ACEngine.Step.Document, acsr.ACSeriesId, docCopy.DocId, "REVISE"); } else { facw = new fACWizard(fmFirst, ACEngine.Step.ACInfo, acsr.ACSeriesId); } facw.ctx = ctx; if (facw.ShowDialog(this) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { //get newly added activity newAC = fmFirst.DB.Activity[fmFirst.DB.Activity.Count - 1]; efsr.Result = "Success"; efsr.Message = "Prototype activity"; efsr.EndEdit(); toAction.Remove(efsr); } else { MessageBox.Show("You can't proceed without completing the prototype activity.", "Mass Activity", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); return; } //} using (fWait fProgress = new fWait("Generating activities, please wait")) { AtMng.MassActivity(toAction, acsr, (string)uiTemplate.SelectedValue, massMailingPath, 0, ACEngine.RevType.Document, ctx, doc2Copy, newAC); } } else if (toAction.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No files selected", "Mass Activity", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } catch (Exception x) { UIHelper.HandleUIException(x); } }
public void ExecuteAction(FileManager fm, DataRow dr2Validate, ActivityConfig.ACSeriesRow acsr) { dr2Validate.EndEdit(); ACEngine MyACE = new ACEngine(fm); MyACE.myAcSeries = acsr; MyACE.myActivityCode = acsr.ActivityCodeRow; MyACE.AddToRelTables(dr2Validate, "CONTEXT"); MyACE.DoRelFields(); if (MyACE.HasRel0) { MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields0, true); } if (MyACE.HasRel1) { MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields1, true); } if (MyACE.HasRel2) { MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields2, true); } if (MyACE.HasRel3) { MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields3, true); } if (MyACE.HasRel4) { MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields4, true); } if (MyACE.HasRel5) { MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields5, true); } if (MyACE.HasRel6) { MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields6, true); } if (MyACE.HasRel7) { MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields7, true); } if (MyACE.HasRel8) { MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields8, true); } if (MyACE.HasRel9) { MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.RelatedFields9, true); } if (MyACE.HasTimeline) { MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.Timeline, true); } //if (MyACE.HasDoc) //{ // docDB.DocumentRow dr = (docDB.DocumentRow)MyACE.relTables["Document0"][0].Row; // MyACE.DocumentDefaults(0 != 0); //} if (MyACE.HasBilling) { MyACE.DoStep(ACEngine.Step.Billing, true); } }
//rules public void EvaluateRule(FileManager fm, appDB.ddRuleRow ddrr, DataRow dr2Validate) { ActivityConfig.ACSeriesRow acsr = fm.AtMng.acMng.DB.ACSeries.FindByACSeriesId(ddrr.ACSeriesId); //we need to endedit on the current record so that it can be evaluated by operations dr2Validate.EndEdit(); ACEngine MyACE = new ACEngine(fm); MyACE.myAcSeries = acsr; MyACE.myActivityCode = acsr.ActivityCodeRow; MyACE.AddToRelTables(dr2Validate, "CONTEXT"); //MyACE.LoadDataForStep(-10, acsr.ACSeriesId); MyACE.DoRelFields(); //consider the blocks as short-circuited or's //eg A || B || C //we succeed on the first successful block if (MyACE.HasRel0) { MyACE.LoadDataForStep(0, acsr.ACSeriesId); if (!MyACE.skipBlock) { return; } } if (MyACE.HasRel1) { MyACE.LoadDataForStep(1, acsr.ACSeriesId); if (!MyACE.skipBlock) { return; } } if (MyACE.HasRel2) { MyACE.LoadDataForStep(2, acsr.ACSeriesId); if (!MyACE.skipBlock) { return; } } if (MyACE.HasRel3) { MyACE.LoadDataForStep(3, acsr.ACSeriesId); if (!MyACE.skipBlock) { return; } } if (MyACE.HasRel4) { MyACE.LoadDataForStep(4, acsr.ACSeriesId); if (!MyACE.skipBlock) { return; } } if (MyACE.HasRel5) { MyACE.LoadDataForStep(5, acsr.ACSeriesId); if (!MyACE.skipBlock) { return; } } //rule failed string msg = myA.acMng.DB.ACDocumentation.FindByACDocId(ddrr.MsgId)[myA.Translate("TextEng")].ToString(); throw new AtriumException(msg); }
private void MakeFile(string file, FileManager fmRoot) { FileManager fm; fm = fmRoot; if (chkNewFile.Checked) { iFiles++; fm = AtMng.CreateFile(fmRoot); if (!fmRoot.CurrentFile.FileMetaTypeRow.SubFileAutoNumber) { fm.CurrentFile.FileNumber = "999"; } fm.CurrentFile.NameE = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file); fm.CurrentFile.NameF = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file); fm.CurrentFile.FileType = ucMultiDropDown2.SelectedValue.ToString(); atLogic.BusinessProcess bp = fm.GetBP(); bp.AddForUpdate(fm.EFile); bp.AddForUpdate(fm.GetFileXRef()); bp.AddForUpdate(fm.GetFileOffice()); bp.Update(); AddListItem("Created file " + file); } ActivityBP abp = fm.InitActivityProcess(); foreach (string doc in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(file)) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(doc); docDB.FileFormatRow fmt = fm.GetDocMng().DB.FileFormat.FindByFileFormat(ext); if (fmt != null && fmt.AllowUpload) { iCount++; ACEngine ace = abp.Add(DateTime.Today, acsr, null, false, null); atriumDB.ActivityRow newAc = ace.NewActivity; ace.DocumentDefaults(true); //ace.DoStep(0); //get the document from related fields docDB.DocumentRow dr = (docDB.DocumentRow)ace.relTables["Document0"][0].Row; DocumentBE.LoadFileX(dr, doc); AddListItem("Added document: " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(doc)); ace.Save(true, false); abp.CurrentACE = null; } else { AddListItem("ILLEGAL EXTENSION: " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(doc)); } } if (chkInclude.Checked) { chkNewFile.Checked = true; foreach (string subfile in System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(file)) { MakeFile(subfile, fm); } } }