//static private int rhythmCoreConstructorCount = 0;

    //public RhythmCore()
    //    rhythmCoreConstructorCount++;
    //    Debug.Log("Created a RhythmCore - current count: " + rhythmCoreConstructorCount);

    //private void OnDestroy()
    //    rhythmCoreConstructorCount--;
    //    Debug.Log("Destroyed a RhythmCore - current count: " + rhythmCoreConstructorCount);

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Initialize the beat generation strategy, either with one provided
        //  by another component in this object, or with a hard-coded default
        ABeatGenerationComponent overridingGenComponent = this.GetComponent <ABeatGenerationComponent>();

        if (overridingGenComponent != null)
            this.beatGenStrat = overridingGenComponent.GetStrategy();
            this.beatGenStrat = new RandArrowNoRepeatStrat();

        // Adjust the beat window if it exceeds the time between beats
        this.beatWindowDuration = Mathf.Min(this.beatWindowDuration, this.SecondsPerLine());

        // Get IRhythmPromptListener components from objects in this.promptListenerObjects
        this.CompontsOfTypeFromObjects <IRhythmPromptListener>(this.promptListenerObjects, this.promptListeners);

        // Get IRhythmFeedbackListener components from objects in this.feedbackListenerObjects
        this.CompontsOfTypeFromObjects <IRhythmFeedbackListener>(this.feedbackListenerObjects, this.feedbackListeners);

        this.Invoke("OnBeat", this.SecondsPerLine());
    void Awake()
        // Update() should not be called on this component
        this.enabled = false;

        // check that a valid coordinator GameObject has been specified
        if (this.coordinatorObject != null)
            // get and check that the given coordinator GameObject has the proper coordinator component script
            MutexArrowCoordinator coordinatorComponent = this.coordinatorObject.GetComponent <MutexArrowCoordinator>();
            if (coordinatorComponent != null)
                // handle the selected generator ID
                switch (this.generatorID)
                case CoordinatedGeneratorID.GENERATOR_A:
                    this._myGenerationStrategy = new MutexArrowNoRepeatStrat_A(ref coordinatorComponent);

                case CoordinatedGeneratorID.GENERATOR_B:
                    this._myGenerationStrategy = new MutexArrowNoRepeatStrat_B(ref coordinatorComponent);

                case CoordinatedGeneratorID.UNSET:
                    Debug.LogError("MutexArrowNoRepeatComponent ID left unset - please ensure either A or B are selected as ID");

                    Debug.LogError("Unexpected value for generatorID field of MutexArrowNoRepeatComponent");
                Debug.LogError("Specified GameObject has no MutexArrowCoordinator component - please select a valid coordinator GameObject in the scene");
            Debug.LogError("No coordinator GameObject selected in MutexArrowNoRepeatComponent - please select a coordinator GameObject in the scene");