protected string ReturnRoleCode(string sUID) { string sRole = ""; try { sSQL = "select vchrRoleID from dbo._UserRoleInfo where vchrUserID = '" + sUid + "'"; sRole = clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL).ToString().Trim(); } catch { } return(sRole); }
/// <summary> /// 判断角色是否不存在 /// </summary> /// <param name="sUid"></param> /// <returns>不存在True</returns> public bool ChkRoleID(string sRoleID) { bool b = false; try { string sSQL = "SELECT COUNT(vchrRoleID) AS iCount " + "FROM _RoleInfo " + "WHERE (vchrRoleID = '" + sRoleID + "')"; int iCount = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iCount < 1) { b = true; } else { b = false; } } catch { throw new Exception("判断角色是否存在失败!"); } return(b); }
/// <summary> /// 权限判断 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool hasRight(string sInfo, string sUid) { bool b = false; try { clsSQLCommond = 系统服务.ClsDataBaseFactory.Instance(); string sSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS iCount " + "FROM dbo._RoleRight INNER JOIN dbo._UserRoleInfo ON _RoleRight.vchrRoleID = dbo._UserRoleInfo.vchrRoleID " + "WHERE dbo._UserRoleInfo.vchrUserID = '" + sUid + "' and dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleRight = '" + sInfo + "' "; int iCou = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iCou > 0) { b = true; } else { b = false; } } catch { throw new Exception("判断权限失败!"); } return(b); }
/// <summary> /// 判断用户是否不存在 /// </summary> /// <param name="sUid"></param> /// <returns>不存在True</returns> public bool ChkUID(string sUid) { bool b = false; try { string sSQL = "SELECT COUNT(vchrUid) AS iCount FROM _UserInfo " + "WHERE (vchrUid = '" + sUid + "') "; int iCount = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iCount < 1) { b = true; } else { b = false; } } catch { throw new Exception("判断用户是否存在失败!"); } return(b); }
private void SetTree() { try { string sSQL2 = @"select count(*) from dbo._UserRoleInfo where vchrRoleID = 'administrator' and vchrUserID = '" + 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid + "'"; string sSQL; if (系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid == "admin" || 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid == "system") { sSQL = "SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT * FROM dbo._Form WHERE (1 = 1) AND (fbitNoUse = 0) AND (fbitHide = 0) and (vchrFormBel='" + 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sProForm + "' or vchrFormBel is null) ORDER BY fIntOrderID"; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL2)) != 0) { sSQL = "SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT * FROM dbo._Form WHERE (isnull(bUse,0) = 1) AND (fbitNoUse = 0) AND (fbitHide = 0) and (vchrFormBel='" + 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sProForm + "' or vchrFormBel is null) ORDER BY fIntOrderID"; } else { sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT " + " dbo._Form.fchrFrmNameID, dbo._Form.fchrFrmText, dbo._Form.fchrNameSpace, " + " dbo._Form.fchrFrmUpName, "+ " dbo._Form.fbitHide, dbo._Form.fbitNoUse, dbo._Form.fIntOrderID " + "FROM dbo._RoleInfo INNER JOIN " + " dbo._RoleRight ON dbo._RoleInfo.vchrRoleID = dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleID INNER JOIN " + " dbo._UserRoleInfo ON dbo._RoleInfo.vchrRoleID = dbo._UserRoleInfo.vchrRoleID and dbo._UserRoleInfo.vchrUserID='" + 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid + "' INNER JOIN " + " dbo._Form ON 1=1 " + " AND dbo._Form.fchrFrmNameID +'/'+dbo._Form.fchrFrmText= RTRIM(LTRIM(RIGHT(dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleRight, LEN(dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleRight) - CHARINDEX('|', dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleRight)))) "+ "WHERE (isnull(bUse,0) = 1) AND (fbitNoUse = 0) AND (fbitHide = 0) and (vchrFormBel='" + 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sProForm + "' or vchrFormBel is null) " + "ORDER BY fIntOrderID "; } clsSQLCommond = 系统服务.ClsDataBaseFactory.Instance(); dt = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL); //ClsUseWebService clsWeb = new ClsUseWebService(); //dt = clsWeb.dtMainSetTree(系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid, 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sProForm); if (iBtnType == 0) { InitTree(treView.Nodes, "业务工作"); } if (iBtnType == 1) { InitTree(treView.Nodes, "基础设置"); } if (iBtnType == 2) { InitTree(treView.Nodes, "系统服务"); } } catch (Exception ee) { throw new Exception(ee.Message); } }
public DateTime GetSerTime() { DateTime dTime; try { string sSQL = "select getdate() as sTime "; dTime = Convert.ToDateTime(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); } catch { throw new Exception("获得服务器时间失败!"); } return(dTime); }
/// <summary> /// 判断角色是否关闭 /// </summary> /// <param name="sRoleID"></param> /// <returns>True 关闭</returns> public bool ChkClosed(string sRoleID) { bool b = false; try { string sSQL = "SELECT bClosed " + "FROM _RoleInfo " + "WHERE vchrRoleID='" + sRoleID + "' " + "ORDER BY vchrRoleID "; b = Convert.ToBoolean(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); } catch { throw new Exception("获得用户信息失败!"); } return(b); }
private void toolStrip1_ItemClicked(object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e) { try { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; string sInfo = this.Name + "|" + e.ClickedItem.Name; if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToLower().Trim() == "exit") { //if (MessageBox.Show("是否关闭当前窗体?\n是:关闭\n否:取消", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk) == DialogResult.Yes) //{ // sSQL = "insert into Define1(S1,s2,S3,S4,S5,S6,SysCreateDate)values('" + 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid + "','" + 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUserName + "','" + this.Name + "','" + this.Text + "','" + e.ClickedItem.Name.Trim() + "','" + e.ClickedItem.Text.Trim() + "',getdate())"; // clsSQLCommond.ExecSql(sSQL); this.Close(); return; //} } clsSQLCommond = 系统服务.ClsDataBaseFactory.Instance(); string sSQL2 = @"select count(*) from dbo._UserRoleInfo where vchrRoleID = 'administrator' and vchrUserID = '" + sUid + "'"; bool b = false; if (sUid == "admin" || sUid == "system") { b = true; } if (Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL2)) != 0) { b = true; } if (!b) { if (!hasRight(sInfo, sUid)) { e.ClickedItem.Enabled = false; MessageBox.Show("权限不足!"); return; } } //sSQL = "insert into Define1(S1,s2,S3,S4,S5,S6,SysCreateDate)values('" + 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid + "','" + 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUserName + "','" + this.Name + "','" + this.Text + "','" + e.ClickedItem.Name.Trim() + "','" + e.ClickedItem.Text.Trim() + "',getdate())"; //clsSQLCommond.ExecSql(sSQL); BtnClick(e.ClickedItem.Name, e.ClickedItem.Text); if (dtBtnInfo != null && dtBtnInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dtBtnInfo.Rows.Count; i++) { if (dtBtnInfo.Rows[i]["vchrBtnID"].ToString().Trim().ToLower() == e.ClickedItem.Name.ToLower().Trim()) { if (Convert.ToInt32(dtBtnInfo.Rows[i]["bEnable"]) == 0) { btnEnable = true; SetBtnEnable(btnEnable); } else if (Convert.ToInt32(dtBtnInfo.Rows[i]["bEnable"]) == 1 || Convert.ToInt32(dtBtnInfo.Rows[i]["bEnable"]) == 2) { SetBtnEnable(btnEnable); } else if (Convert.ToInt32(dtBtnInfo.Rows[i]["bEnable"]) == 3) { SetBtnEnable(true); } else if (Convert.ToInt32(dtBtnInfo.Rows[i]["bEnable"]) == 4) { SetBtnEnable(false); } else if (Convert.ToInt32(dtBtnInfo.Rows[i]["bEnable"]) == 5) { //SetBtnEnable(false); } } } } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } catch (Exception ee) { MsgBox("操作失败", ee.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 创建窗体按钮 /// </summary> private void CreateBtn(string sFormInfo) { clsSQLCommond = 系统服务.ClsDataBaseFactory.Instance(); string sSQL2 = @"select count(*) from dbo._UserRoleInfo where vchrRoleID = 'administrator' and vchrUserID = '" + sUid + "'"; string sSQL = ""; if (sUid == "admin" || sUid == "system" || Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL2)) != 0) { sSQL = "SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT fchrFrmNameID, vchrBtnID, vchrBtnText, iIcon, vchrRemark, intOrder,isnull(bEnable,0) as bEnable " + "FROM dbo._FormBtnInfo " + "WHERE (fchrFrmNameID = '" + sFormInfo + "') " + "ORDER BY intOrder DESC"; } else { sSQL = "SELECT distinct _FormBtnInfo.fchrFrmNameID, vchrBtnID, vchrBtnText, _FormBtnInfo.vchrRemark, intOrder,isnull(bEnable,0) as bEnable , " + " RTRIM(LTRIM(LEFT(dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleRight, CHARINDEX('|', dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleRight) - 1))) AS vchrL, " + " RTRIM(LTRIM(RIGHT(dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleRight, LEN(dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleRight) - CHARINDEX('|', dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleRight)))) " + " AS vchrR " + "FROM dbo._RoleInfo INNER JOIN " + " dbo._RoleRight ON dbo._RoleInfo.vchrRoleID = dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleID INNER JOIN "+ " dbo._UserRoleInfo ON dbo._RoleInfo.vchrRoleID = dbo._UserRoleInfo.vchrRoleID AND dbo._UserRoleInfo.vchrUserID = '"+ sUid + "' " + " INNER JOIN "+ " dbo._FormBtnInfo ON vchrBtnID = RTRIM(LTRIM(RIGHT(dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleRight, LEN(dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleRight) - CHARINDEX('|', dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleRight)))) AND fchrFrmNameID = RTRIM(LTRIM(LEFT(dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleRight, CHARINDEX('|', dbo._RoleRight.vchrRoleRight) - 1))) "+ "WHERE (fchrFrmNameID = '" + sFormInfo + "') " + "ORDER BY intOrder DESC"; } DataTable dt = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL); if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count < 1) { return; } dtBtnInfo = dt.Copy(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { switch (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"])) { case 0: toolStripMenuBtn.Items[dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnID"].ToString().Trim().ToLower()].Enabled = true; break; case 1: toolStripMenuBtn.Items[dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnID"].ToString().Trim().ToLower()].Enabled = true; break; case 2: toolStripMenuBtn.Items[dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnID"].ToString().Trim().ToLower()].Enabled = false; break; case 5: toolStripMenuBtn.Items[dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnID"].ToString().Trim().ToLower()].Enabled = true; break; default: toolStripMenuBtn.Items[dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnID"].ToString().Trim().ToLower()].Enabled = false; break; } switch (dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnID"].ToString().Trim().ToLower()) { case "layout": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tLayout.Visible = true; break; case "printset": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["printset"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["printset"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tLayout.Visible = true; break; case "export": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["export"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["export"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tExport.Visible = true; break; case "print": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["print"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["print"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tExport.Visible = true; break; case "unaudit": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["unaudit"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["unaudit"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tAudit.Visible = true; break; case "audit": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["audit"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["audit"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tAudit.Visible = true; break; case "unlock": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["unlock"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["unlock"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tLock.Visible = true; break; case "lock": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["lock"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["lock"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tLock.Visible = true; break; case "alter": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["alter"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["alter"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tSave.Visible = true; break; case "undo": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["undo"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["undo"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tSave.Visible = true; break; case "save": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["save"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["save"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tSave.Visible = true; break; case "del": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["del"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["del"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tAdd.Visible = true; break; case "edit": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["edit"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["edit"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tAdd.Visible = true; break; case "add": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["add"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["add"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tAdd.Visible = true; break; case "import": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["import"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["import"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tAdd.Visible = true; break; case "delrow": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["delrow"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["delrow"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tAddRow.Visible = true; break; case "addrow": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["addrow"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["addrow"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tAddRow.Visible = true; break; case "last": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["last"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["last"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tSel.Visible = true; lPageInfo.Visible = true; break; case "next": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["next"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["next"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tSel.Visible = true; lPageInfo.Visible = true; break; case "prev": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["prev"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["prev"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tSel.Visible = true; lPageInfo.Visible = true; break; case "first": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["first"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["first"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tSel.Visible = true; lPageInfo.Visible = true; break; case "sel": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["sel"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["sel"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); lPageInfo.Visible = true; break; case "refresh": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["refresh"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["refresh"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); lPageInfo.Visible = true; break; case "open": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["open"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["open"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tOpen.Visible = true; break; case "close": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["close"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["close"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tOpen.Visible = true; break; case "buckup": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["buckup"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["buckup"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tBuckUp.Visible = true; break; case "autobuckup": toolStripMenuBtn.Items["autobuckup"].Visible = true; toolStripMenuBtn.Items["autobuckup"].Text = dt.Rows[i]["vchrBtnText"].ToString().Trim(); toolStripMenuBtn.Items["layout"].Tag = dt.Rows[i]["bEnable"].ToString().Trim(); tBuckUp.Visible = true; break; } } dtBtnInfo = dt.Copy(); }
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (bU8Improt && lookUpAcc.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("请选择帐套", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); lookUpAcc.Focus(); return; } if (!chkBaseInfo()) { MessageBox.Show("请检查信息是否完整", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } string sErrInfo; if (!Login(out sErrInfo)) { MessageBox.Show("登陆失败!\n\n原因:\n " + sErrInfo, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); txtUID.Focus(); return; } if (chkPWD.Checked) { string sPWD = ""; FrmChangePWD frmChgPWD = new FrmChangePWD(); frmChgPWD.ShowDialog(); if (frmChgPWD.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { sPWD = frmChgPWD.sNewPWD; string sSQL = "update _UserInfo set vchrPwd = '" + clsDES.Encrypt(sPWD) + "' where vchrUid = '" + txtUID.Text.Trim() + "'"; clsSQLCommond.ExecSql(sSQL); MessageBox.Show("修改密码成功!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } //string sPWD = ""; //FrmChangePWD frmChgPWD = new FrmChangePWD(); //frmChgPWD.ShowDialog(); //if (frmChgPWD.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) //{ // sPWD = frmChgPWD.sNewPWD; // string sSQL = "update _UserInfo set vchrPwd = '" + clsDES.Encrypt(sPWD) + "' where vchrUid = '" + txtUID.Text.Trim() + "'"; // clsSQLCommond.ExecSql(sSQL); // //string s = clsWeb.saveUserInfoPwd(txtUID.Text.Trim(), clsDES.Encrypt(sPWD)); // if (s != "") // { // throw new Exception(s); // } // MessageBox.Show("修改密码成功!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); //} } WriteConfig(); try { 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid = txtUID.Text.Trim(); 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sLogDate = dtmLogin.Text.Trim(); 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sDataBaseName = txtDataBase.Text; if (bU8Improt) { 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUFDataBaseName = "UFDATA_" + lookUpAcc.EditValue.ToString().Trim() + "_" + dtmLogin.DateTime.ToString("yyyy").Trim(); 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUFDataBaseText = lookUpAcc.Text.Trim(); 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sConnString2 = 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sConnString.Replace(系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sDataBaseName, 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUFDataBaseName); } string sSQL = "select vchrName from dbo._UserInfo where vchrUid = '" + txtUID.Text.Trim() + "' "; 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUserName = clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL).ToString().Trim(); //系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUserName = clsWeb.svchrName(txtUID.Text.Trim()); if (bU8Improt) { sSQL = "select count(*) from Master.dbo.sysdatabases where name='" + 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUFDataBaseName + "'"; int iCou = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); //int iCou = 系统服务.规格化.ReturnInt(clsWeb.sbU8Improt(系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUFDataBaseName)); if (iCou == 0) { MessageBox.Show("年度帐不存在,日期请选择" + dtmLogin.DateTime.AddYears(-1).ToString("yyyy").Trim() + "-12-31"); return; } } } catch { } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show("登陆失败! " + ee.Message, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { clsSQLCommond = 系统服务.ClsDataBaseFactory.Instance(); //if (lookUpAcc.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) //{ // MessageBox.Show("请选择帐套", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); // lookUpAcc.Focus(); // return; //} if (!chkBaseInfo()) { MessageBox.Show("请检查信息是否完整", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } string sErrInfo; if (!Login(out sErrInfo)) { MessageBox.Show("登陆失败!\n\n原因:\n " + sErrInfo, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); txtUID.Focus(); return; } if (chkPWD.Checked) { string sPWD = ""; FrmChangePWD frmChgPWD = new FrmChangePWD(); frmChgPWD.ShowDialog(); if (frmChgPWD.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { sPWD = frmChgPWD.sNewPWD; string sSQL = "update _UserInfo set vchrPwd = '" + clsDES.Encrypt(sPWD) + "' where vchrUid = '" + txtUID.Text.Trim() + "'"; clsSQLCommond.ExecSql(sSQL); MessageBox.Show("修改密码成功!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } } WriteConfig(); try { 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUid = txtUID.Text.Trim(); 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sLogDate = dtmLogin.Text.Trim(); 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sDataBaseName = txtDataBase.Text; string sSQL = "select vchrName from dbo._UserInfo where vchrUid = '" + txtUID.Text.Trim() + "' "; 系统服务.ClsBaseDataInfo.sUserName = clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL).ToString().Trim(); } catch { } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show("登陆失败! " + ee.Message, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
/// <summary> /// 判断编码原则 -- TH 2012-12-25 20:52 /// </summary> /// <param name="TableID"></param> /// <param name="Code"></param> /// <param name="thisID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string CheckSerialNumber(string TableID, string thisID) { string sSQL = "SELECT TableID, TableName, Code, Name, Type FROM SerialNumber where TableID = '" + TableID + "'"; DataTable dt = clsSQLCommond.ExecQuery(sSQL); string sType = dt.Rows[0]["Type"].ToString().Trim(); int iLength = thisID.Trim().Length; string[] sList = sType.Split('-'); int i编码规则长度 = 0; string oldID = ""; for (int i = 0; i < sList.Length; i++) { i编码规则长度 = i编码规则长度 + sList[i].Length; if (i编码规则长度 < iLength) { oldID = thisID.Substring(0, i编码规则长度); } if (i编码规则长度 == iLength) { break; } if (i编码规则长度 > iLength) { return("编码长度不符合编码原则"); } } if (iLength > i编码规则长度) { return("编码长度超出编码原则"); } int iCou = 0; switch (TableID.ToLower()) { case "inventoryclass": sSQL = "select count(1) from dbo.InventoryClass where cInvClassCode = '" + thisID + "'"; iCou = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iCou == 1) { return(thisID + "已经存在\n"); } if (thisID.Length > sList[0].Length) { sSQL = "select count(1) from dbo.InventoryClass where cInvClassCode = '" + oldID + "'"; iCou = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iCou == 0) { return(thisID + "没有上级编码\n"); } } break; case "dealerclass": sSQL = "select count(1) from dbo.DealerClass where cDCode = '" + thisID + "'"; iCou = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iCou == 1) { return(thisID + "已经存在\n"); } if (thisID.Length > sList[0].Length) { sSQL = "select count(1) from dbo.DealerClass where cDCode = '" + oldID + "'"; iCou = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iCou == 0) { return(thisID + "没有上级编码\n"); } } break; case "customerclass": sSQL = "select count(1) from dbo.CustomerClass where cCCode = '" + thisID + "'"; iCou = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iCou == 1) { return(thisID + "已经存在\n"); } if (thisID.Length > sList[0].Length) { sSQL = "select count(1) from dbo.CustomerClass where cCCode = '" + oldID + "'"; iCou = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iCou == 0) { return(thisID + "没有上级编码\n"); } } break; case "department": sSQL = "select count(1) from dbo.Department where cDepCode = '" + thisID + "'"; iCou = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iCou == 1) { return(thisID + "已经存在\n"); } if (thisID.Length > sList[0].Length) { sSQL = "select count(1) from dbo.Department where cDepCode = '" + oldID + "'"; iCou = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iCou == 0) { return(thisID + "没有上级编码\n"); } } break; case "districtclass": sSQL = "select count(1) from dbo.DistrictClass where cDCCode = '" + thisID + "'"; iCou = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iCou == 1) { return(thisID + "已经存在\n"); } if (thisID.Length > sList[0].Length) { sSQL = "select count(1) from dbo.DistrictClass where cDCCode = '" + oldID + "'"; iCou = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iCou == 0) { return(thisID + "没有上级编码\n"); } } break; case "vendorclass": sSQL = "select count(1) from dbo.VendorClass where cVCCode = '" + thisID + "'"; iCou = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iCou == 1) { return(thisID + "已经存在\n"); } if (thisID.Length > sList[0].Length) { sSQL = "select count(1) from dbo.VendorClass where cVCCode = '" + oldID + "'"; iCou = Convert.ToInt32(clsSQLCommond.ExecGetScalar(sSQL)); if (iCou == 0) { return(thisID + "没有上级编码\n"); } } break; } return(""); }