        /// Synchronous invoker for  'Agni.Social.Graph.IGraphEventSystem.EmitEvent'.
        /// This is a two-way call per contract specification, meaning - the server sends the result back either
        ///  returning no exception or WrappedExceptionData instance.
        /// ClientCallException is thrown if the call could not be placed in the outgoing queue.
        /// RemoteException is thrown if the server generated exception during method execution.
        public void @EmitEvent(@Agni.@Social.@Graph.@Event @evt)
            var call = Async_EmitEvent(@evt);

        /// Asynchronous invoker for  'Agni.Social.Graph.IGraphEventSystem.EmitEvent'.
        /// This is a two-way call per contract specification, meaning - the server sends the result back either
        ///  returning no exception or WrappedExceptionData instance.
        /// CallSlot is returned that can be queried for CallStatus, ResponseMsg and result.
        public CallSlot Async_EmitEvent(@Agni.@Social.@Graph.@Event @evt)
            var request = new RequestAnyMsg(s_ts_CONTRACT, @s_ms_EmitEvent_0, false, RemoteInstance, new object[] { @evt });
