Exemple #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Создать источник по основным характеристикам
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="center"></param>
    /// <param name="normals"></param>
    /// <param name="filter"></param>
    /// <param name="fmas"></param>
    /// <param name="type"></param>
    /// <param name="radius"></param>
    public Source(Point center, Normal2D[] normals, Func <Point, bool> filter, Complex[] fmas, Type type, double radius)
        Center = center.dup;
        Norms  = normals; //new Normal2D[normals.Length];
        //for (int i = 0; i < normals.Length; i++)
        //    Norms[i] = new Normal2D(normals[i]);
        Filter = new Func <Point, bool>(filter);
        Fmas   = fmas.Dup();

        this.radius = radius;
        MeType      = type;
Exemple #2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double res = 0;

            if (radioButton21.Checked)
                MonteKarloEnum KK = MonteKarloEnum.Usual;
                if (radioButton23.Checked)
                    KK = MonteKarloEnum.Geo;
                МатКлассы.Point p = new МатКлассы.Point(a, b);
                MultiFunc       F = (double[] t) => f(t[0]);
                h_Count       = count;
                n             = count;
                EPS           = Double.NaN;
                res           = MonteKarlo(F, KK, p);
                textBox7.Text = Math.Abs(res - DefIntegral(f, a, b, C, Criterion.StepCount, count, eps, seq)).ToString();
                h_Count       = count;
                n             = count;
                EPS           = Double.NaN;
                Criterion K = Criterion.StepCount;
                if (radioButton19.Checked)
                    K = Criterion.Accuracy;
                if (radioButton20.Checked)
                    K = Criterion.SegmentCount;

                if ((int)C < 3)
                    res = DefIntegral(f, a, b, C, K, count, eps, seq);
                    res = DefIntegral(f, a, b, C, K, nn, eps, seq);
            textBox6.Text = res.ToString();
            textBox3.Text = h_Count.ToString();
            textBox4.Text = EPS.ToString();
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Двойной интеграл
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f"></param>
        /// <param name="Curve"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double Integral(Functional f, int Curve)
            Func <double, double, double> func = (double x, double y) =>
                Point t = new Point(x, y);
                if (KursMethods.filters[Curve](t))

            double a, b, c, d;

            switch (Curve)
            case 0:
                a = -KursMethods.MAX_RADIUS;
                b = KursMethods.MAX_RADIUS;
                c = a;
                d = b;

            case 1:
                a = 0;
                b = KursMethods.MIN_RADIUS;
                c = a;
                d = b * Math.Sqrt(3) / 2;

            case 3:
                a = 0;
                b = KursMethods.MIN_RADIUS;
                c = a;
                d = b;

                a = 0;
                b = KursMethods.MIN_RADIUS;
                c = a;
                d = b * Math.Sqrt(3) / 2;

            return(MathNet.Numerics.Integration.GaussLegendreRule.Integrate(func, a, b, c, d, n));
            public static double g8(Point point)
                double dx = MIN_RADIUS / 2;
                double dy = MIN_RADIUS / 2 * Math.Sqrt(3);
                double argument;
                //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The following line was determined to contain a copy constructor call - this should be verified and a copy constructor should be created:
                //ORIGINAL LINE: Point d = point;
                Point d = new Point(point); //d.x=-0.25;d.y=-0.25;

                d.x -= dx;
                d.y -= dy; //сдвиг к началу координат

                if (d.x == 0)
                    argument = pi / 2 * Math.Sign((sbyte)d.y);
                    if (d.y == 0)
                        argument = pi * Math.Sign((sbyte)-1 + Math.Sign((sbyte)d.x));
                        argument = Math.Atan(d.y / d.x) + Math.Sign((sbyte)Math.Abs(d.x) - d.x) * Math.Sign((sbyte)d.y) * pi;
                //return argument;
                //cout+d.x+" "+d.y+" аргумент в доли: "+argument/pi+endl;

                if ((-pi <= argument) && (argument < -2 * pi / 3))
                    return(-1.0 / 2);
                if ((-2 * pi / 3 <= argument) && (argument <= -pi / 3))
                    return(0); //return 1; //единицы будут
                if ((-pi / 3 < argument) && (argument <= pi / 2))
                    return(1.0 / 2); //return 1; //уже не будут
                /*if ((pi / 2 < argument) && (argument <= pi))*/
                return(-1.0 / 2);
        public void DrawCurves()
            SequenceFunc t = (double x, int kk) => Math.Log(0.01 + (x + 1 - 0.1 * kk).Sqr());//1.0/(1.0+kk*x*x);//FuncMethods.Monoms;

            RealFunc[] f = new RealFunc[] { (double x) => Math.Exp(x / (x.Abs() + 1)), (double x) => Math.Sin(x + 2) * Math.Cos(2 * x), (double x) => x.Abs() * Math.Exp(Math.Cos(x)), (double x) => Math.Log(1 + x.Abs()) * Math.Sinh(x / 2), (double x) => Math.Sin(x) - 8.0 / (2 * x + 6), (double x) => x.Abs() + Math.Log(0.01 + x * x) };
            Point[]    b = new Point[] { new Point(0, 5), new Point(-4, 4), new Point(-2, 4), new Point(-2, 2), new Point(-1, 1), new Point(-1, 1) };

            int k = 64;

            int[] mas = new int[k];
            for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                mas[i] = i + 1;

            Parallel.For(0, f.Length, (int i) =>
                var c           = FuncMethods.UltraVsNormal(f[i], t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, k, b[i].x, b[i].y);
                StreamWriter fs = new StreamWriter($"Monoms {i + 1}.txt");
                fs.WriteLine($"count normal ultra");
                for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
                    fs.WriteLine($"{mas[j]} {c.Item1[j]} {c.Item2[j]}");

            //k = 75;
            //mas = new int[k];
            //for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
            //    mas[i] = i + 1;
            //Parallel.For(0, f.Length, (int i) =>
            //    t = FuncMethods.TrigSystem(b[i].x, b[i].y);
            //    var c = FuncMethods.UltraVsNormal(f[i], t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthogonal, k, b[i].x, b[i].y);
            //    StreamWriter fs = new StreamWriter($"Trig {i + 1}.txt");
            //    fs.WriteLine($"count normal ultra");
            //    for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
            //        fs.WriteLine($"{mas[j]} {c.Item1[j]} {c.Item2[j]}");
            //    fs.Close();
        private void MakeArrow(Point beg, Point Normal, Color col, DCircle circle)
            chart1.Series.Last().IsVisibleInLegend = false;
            chart1.Series.Last().ChartType         = System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.FastLine;
            chart1.Series.Last().BorderWidth       = 2;
            chart1.Series.Last().Color             = col;

            double r = Normal.Abs, s = r / 4;
            double cor = Math.Acos((Normal.x) / r) * Math.Sign(Normal.y);
            Point  p1  = new Point(s * Math.Cos(-Math.PI - corner), s * Math.Sin(-Math.PI - corner)).Turn(Point.Zero, cor);
            Point  p2  = new Point(s * Math.Cos(-Math.PI + corner), s * Math.Sin(-Math.PI + corner)).Turn(Point.Zero, cor);

            chart1.Series.Last().Points.AddXY(beg.x, beg.y);
            chart1.Series.Last().Points.AddXY(beg.x + Normal.x, beg.y + Normal.y);
            chart1.Series.Last().Points.AddXY(beg.x + Normal.x + p1.x, beg.y + Normal.y + p1.y);
            chart1.Series.Last().Points.AddXY(beg.x + Normal.x, beg.y + Normal.y);
            chart1.Series.Last().Points.AddXY(beg.x + Normal.x + p2.x, beg.y + Normal.y + p2.y);
Exemple #7
        public void Test()
            double res = 0;

            Criterion K = Criterion.StepCount;

            if (radioButton19.Checked)
                K = Criterion.Accuracy;
            if (radioButton20.Checked)
                K = Criterion.SegmentCount;

            for (C = 0; (int)C <= 2; C++)
                res = DefIntegral(f, a, b, C, K, count, eps, seq);
                Program.PER.listView1.Items[(int)C].SubItems[1].Text = res.ToString();
            C  += 2;
            res = DefIntegral(f, a, b, (Method)3, K, nn, eps, seq);
            Program.PER.listView1.Items[(int)C].SubItems[1].Text = res.ToString();
            res = DefIntegral(f, a, b, (Method)4, K, nn, eps, seq);
            Program.PER.listView1.Items[(int)C].SubItems[1].Text = res.ToString();
            res = DefIntegral(f, a, b, (Method)5, K, nn, eps, seq);
            Program.PER.listView1.Items[(int)C].SubItems[1].Text = res.ToString();

            for (MonteKarloEnum KK = 0; (int)KK < 2; KK++)
                МатКлассы.Point p = new МатКлассы.Point(a, b);
                MultiFunc       F = (double[] t) => f(t[0]);
                h_Count = count;
                n       = count;
                EPS     = Double.NaN;
                res     = MonteKarlo(F, KK, p);
                Program.PER.listView1.Items[(int)KK + 3].SubItems[1].Text = res.ToString();
Exemple #8
        public MostSimpleGrafic(Func <double, double> f, Point[] mas, string name, bool parallel = true)
            chart1.Series[0].IsVisibleInLegend = false;
            chart1.Series[1].BorderWidth = 3;
            chart1.Series[1].ChartType   = System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Line;

            Point[] p = new Point[mas.Length];
            Parallel.For(0, p.Length, (int i) => p[i] = new Point(mas[i].x, f(mas[i].x)));

            for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; i++)
                chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY(mas[i].x, mas[i].y);
                chart1.Series[1].Points.AddXY(p[i].x, p[i].y);

            Библиотека_графики.ForChart.SetToolTips(ref chart1);
        public void DrawCurves2()
            SequenceFunc t = (double x, int k) => Math.Exp(k * x);//FuncMethods.Monoms;

            int[]      count = new int[] { 9, 16, 34 };
            RealFunc[] f     = new RealFunc[count.Length];
            Point[]    b     = new Point[] { new Point(-1, 5), new Point(-4, 4), new Point(-2, 4), new Point(-2, 2), new Point(-1, 1), new Point(-1, 1) };

            RealFunc f1 = (double x) => Math.Cos(2 * x) * (Math.Exp((x / 3).Abs()) - 4 * Math.Log(1 + x.Abs()));//Math.Sin(5 * x) / Math.Exp(x.Abs() / 3);
            RealFunc fl;

            Parallel.For(0, f.Length, (int i) =>
                f[i] = FuncMethods.Approx(f1, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, count[i], b[0].x, b[0].y, true);
            fl = FuncMethods.Approx(f1, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, count[count.Length - 1], b[0].x, b[0].y);

            int    c = 280;
            double h = (b[0].y - b[0].x) / (c - 1);

            StreamWriter fs = new StreamWriter($"Monoms vs.txt");

            //fs.WriteLine($"count normal ultra");
            for (int j = 0; j < c; j++)
                double arg = b[0].x + j * h;
                fs.Write($"{arg} {f1(arg)} {fl(arg)}");
                for (int i = 0; i < count.Length; i++)
                    fs.Write($" {f[i](arg)}");

        private void RandArrows(DCircle circle, int count = 100)
            if (count == 0)

            chart1.Series.Last().IsVisibleInLegend = false;
            chart1.Series.Last().ChartType         = System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Point;
            chart1.Series.Last().MarkerStyle       = System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.MarkerStyle.Star5;
            chart1.Series.Last().MarkerSize        = 8;
            chart1.Series.Last().BorderWidth       = 8;
            chart1.Series.Last().Color             = Color.Green;
            int    n   = chart1.Series.Count - 1;
            double cof = GetWindowsCoef();

            int    c = 0;
            Random r = new Random();
            double x, y, q = circle.Radius * cof;
            Point  f, p;

            while (c < count)
                x = -q + r.NextDouble() * q * 2 + circle.Center.x;
                y = -q + r.NextDouble() * q * 2 + circle.Center.y;
                p = new Point(x, y);

                if (!circle.ContainPoint(p, 1.05))
                    chart1.Series[n].Points.AddXY(x, y);
                    f = circle.GetNormal(p, 0.1 * q);
                    MakeArrow(new Point(p.x - f.x, p.y - f.y), f, Color.Blue, circle);
 public static double g5(Point point) => masPoints[0].PotentialF(point);
 public static double g4(Point point) => CONSTANT;
 public static double g3(Point point) => 3 * point.x + 6 * point.y + Math.Sqrt(point.x.Sqr() + point.y.Sqr()) + 0.5 * point.y.Sqr();
 public static double g10(Point p) => Math.Exp(p.x) * (Math.Cos(p.y) + 3 * Math.Sin(p.y));
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < chart1.Series.Count; i++)
                chart1.Series[i].IsVisibleInLegend = false;
            for (int i = 9; i < Program.FORM.chart1.Series.Count; i++)
                Program.FORM.chart1.Series.RemoveAt(i); i--;

            Func <double, double> f = Math.Sin;

            FuncMethods.NetFunc   net = new FuncMethods.NetFunc();
            Func <double, double> g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7;

            //SequenceFunc Monom, Leg, Cheb, Lager, Her, Trig, Har;
            g1 = g2 = g3 = g4 = g5 = g6 = g7 = null;

            //определить действительную функцию
            if (radioButton5.Checked)
                f = (double x) => (Math.Cos(x) - 1);
            if (radioButton6.Checked)
                f = (double x) => (Math.Abs(x - 1));
            if (radioButton7.Checked)
                f = (double x) => (Math.Exp(x - x * x));
            if (radioButton8.Checked)
                f = (double x) => (Math.Exp(x) / (Math.Abs(x) + 1));
            if (radioButton9.Checked)
                f = (double x) => (x * Math.Sin(x) / (Math.Abs(x) + 2));
            if (radioButton10.Checked)
                f = (double x) => (x / (1 + x * x));
            if (radioButton11.Checked)
                f = (double x) => (x * Math.Cos(x));
            if (radioButton12.Checked)
                f = (double x) => (Math.Log(1 + Math.Abs(x)));
            if (radioButton13.Checked)
                f = (double x) => (x * x * x + x - 4);
            if (radioButton14.Checked)
                f = (double x) => (3);
            if (radioButton15.Checked)
                f = (double x) => (2 * x - Math.Exp(-x));
            if (radioButton16.Checked)
                string s = textBox7.Text;
                    f             = Parser.GetDelegate(s);
                    textBox7.Text = Parser.FORMULA;
                    f = (double x) => 0;
            chart1.Series[0].IsVisibleInLegend = true;

            FileStream   fs  = new FileStream("Данные об аппроксимации.txt", FileMode.Create);
            TextWriter   tmp = Console.Out;
            StreamWriter sw  = new StreamWriter(fs);


            const string message = "Все доступные поля должны быть заполнены действительными числами. Число шагов и число отрезков - натуральными числами. При записи действительных чисел используются запятые, а не точки. Количество заверенных точек должно быть не больше количества действительно заданных точек.";
            const string caption = "Неверные входные данные!";

                int n1 = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Value), n2 = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown2.Value);
                double[,] MAS = new double[chart1.Series.Count, n2 + 1];

                //определить сеточную функцию
                if (!radioButton1.Checked)
                    double  a = Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text), b = Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text);
                    int     n = Convert.ToInt16(textBox6.Text), ccount = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown3.Value);
                    double  h = (b - a) / (ccount - 1);
                    Point[] mas1, mas2, mas3 = new Point[ccount];

                    for (int i = 0; i < ccount; i++)
                        mas3[i] = new Point(a + i * h, f(a + i * h));

                    //чтение набора узлов
                    int m = Convert.ToInt32(textBox4.Text);
                    mas2 = new МатКлассы.Point[m];
                    string   s;
                    string[] st;
                    for (int k = 0; k < m; k++)
                        s       = textBox5.Lines[k];
                        st      = s.Split(' ');//в аргументах указывается массив символов, которым разделяются числа
                        mas2[k] = new МатКлассы.Point(Convert.ToDouble(st[0]), Convert.ToDouble(st[1]));
                    //чтение массива абцисс
                    s    = textBox3.Lines[0];
                    st   = s.Split(' ');//в аргументах указывается массив символов, которым разделяются числа;
                    m    = st.Length;
                    mas1 = new МатКлассы.Point[m];
                    for (int k = 0; k < m; k++)
                        double v = Convert.ToDouble(st[k]);
                        mas1[k] = new МатКлассы.Point(v, f(v));

                    if (radioButton2.Checked)
                        net = new FuncMethods.NetFunc(mas1);
                        net = new FuncMethods.NetFunc(mas2);
                    if (checkBox10.Checked)
                        net = new FuncMethods.NetFunc(mas3);

                    a = net.MinArg;
                    b = net.MaxArg;

                    if (checkBox9.Checked)
                        for (n = n1; n <= n2; n++)
                            Matrix O = new Matrix(MAS);
                            O.PrintMatrix(); "".Show();

                            if (checkBox1.Checked)
                                SequenceFunc          t = FuncMethods.Monoms;
                                Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(net, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n);
                                if (radioButton2.Checked)
                                    MAS[1, n] = FuncMethods.RealFuncMethods.NormDistance(f, g, a, b);
                                    MAS[1, n] = FuncMethods.NetFunc.Distance(net, g);
                                chart1.Series[1].Points.AddXY(n, Math.Log10(MAS[1, n])); chart1.Series[1].IsVisibleInLegend = true;

                            if (checkBox2.Checked)
                                SequenceFunc          t = FuncMethods.Lezhandrs(a, b);
                                Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(net, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthogonal, n);
                                if (radioButton2.Checked)
                                    MAS[2, n] = FuncMethods.RealFuncMethods.NormDistance(f, g, a, b);
                                    MAS[2, n] = FuncMethods.NetFunc.Distance(net, g);
                                chart1.Series[2].Points.AddXY(n, Math.Log10(MAS[2, n])); chart1.Series[2].IsVisibleInLegend = true;

                            if (checkBox6.Checked)
                                SequenceFunc          t = FuncMethods.TrigSystem(a, b);
                                Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(net, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthonormal, n);
                                if (radioButton2.Checked)
                                    MAS[6, n] = FuncMethods.RealFuncMethods.NormDistance(f, g, a, b);
                                    MAS[6, n] = FuncMethods.NetFunc.Distance(net, g);
                                chart1.Series[6].Points.AddXY(n, Math.Log10(MAS[6, n])); chart1.Series[6].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            if (checkBox7.Checked)
                                SequenceFunc          t = FuncMethods.HaarSystem(a, b);
                                Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(net, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthogonal, n);
                                if (radioButton2.Checked)
                                    MAS[7, n] = FuncMethods.RealFuncMethods.NormDistance(f, g, a, b);
                                    MAS[7, n] = FuncMethods.NetFunc.Distance(net, g);
                                chart1.Series[7].Points.AddXY(n, Math.Log10(MAS[7, n])); chart1.Series[7].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            if (checkBox8.Checked)
                                SequenceFunc          t = (double x, int k) => Math.Exp(k * x);
                                Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(net, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n);
                                if (radioButton2.Checked)
                                    MAS[8, n] = FuncMethods.RealFuncMethods.NormDistance(f, g, a, b);
                                    MAS[8, n] = FuncMethods.NetFunc.Distance(net, g);
                                chart1.Series[8].Points.AddXY(n, Math.Log10(MAS[8, n])); chart1.Series[8].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                    else//если рисуется не график зависимости от числа функций
                        if (radioButton2.Checked)
                            net = new FuncMethods.NetFunc(mas1); Draw_mas(mas1, Color.Blue);
                            net = new FuncMethods.NetFunc(mas2); Draw_mas(mas2, Color.Blue);
                        if (checkBox10.Checked)
                            net = new FuncMethods.NetFunc(mas3); Draw_mas(mas3, Color.Blue);
                        a = net.MinArg;
                        b = net.MaxArg;

                        //ShowPoints(net);//показать точки на графике
                        if (checkBox1.Checked)
                            SequenceFunc t = FuncMethods.Monoms;
                            //SequencePol t = FuncMethods.Monom;
                            Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(net, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n);
                            chart1.Series[1].Points.DataBindXY(МатКлассы.Point.PointsX(g, 100, a, b), МатКлассы.Point.PointsY(g, 100, a, b)); chart1.Series[1].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("--------Для системы мономов---------");
                            if (radioButton2.Checked)
                                FuncMethods.ShowApprox(f, net.Arguments, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n);
                                FuncMethods.ShowApprox(net, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n);
                        //Наименьшие перпендикуляры
                        if (n == 2)
                            double a0 = 0, a1 = 0;
                            double dist = 0, distold = 0;;
                            SLAU   S = new SLAU(2);
                            for (int i = 0; i < net.CountKnots; i++)
                                S.A[0, 0] += net.Arg(i);
                                S.A[1, 0] += net.Arg(i) * net[i];
                                S.A[1, 1] += net[i];
                                S.b[1]    -= net[i] * net[i];
                            S.A[0, 1] = net.CountKnots;
                            S.b[0]    = -S.A[1, 1];
                            a1 = S.x[0]; a0 = S.x[1];
                            Func <double, double> pol = new Polynom(new double[] { -a0, -a1 }).Value;
                            SLAU T = new SLAU(FuncMethods.Monoms, net, n);

                            for (int i = 0; i < net.CountKnots; i++)
                                dist    += Math.Pow(a1 * net.Arg(i) + net[i] + a0, 2);
                                distold += Math.Pow(T.x[1] * net.Arg(i) + net[i] + T.x[0], 2);
                            dist    /= net.CountKnots;
                            distold /= net.CountKnots;
                            dist     = Math.Sqrt(dist);
                            distold  = Math.Sqrt(distold);

                            Console.WriteLine("\t(в среднеквадратичной норме перпендикуляров) равна {0}", distold);

                            Program.FORM.chart1.Series.Add("Прямая с наилучшими перпендикулярами");
                            int count = Program.FORM.chart1.Series.Count - 1;
                            Program.FORM.chart1.Series[count].Color     = Color.Black;
                            Program.FORM.chart1.Series[count].ChartType = System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Line;
                            //Program.FORM.chart1.Series[count].IsVisibleInLegend = false;
                            Program.FORM.chart1.Series[count].BorderWidth = 2;
                            chart1.Series[count].Points.DataBindXY(МатКлассы.Point.PointsX(pol, 100, a, b), МатКлассы.Point.PointsY(pol, 100, a, b));
                            Console.WriteLine("--------Для наименьших перпендикуляров---------");
                            Console.WriteLine("Аппроксимация сеточной функции полученной функцией");
                            Console.WriteLine("\t(в дискретной среднеквадратичной норме) равна {0}", FuncMethods.NetFunc.Distance(net, pol));
                            Console.WriteLine("\t(в среднеквадратичной норме перпендикуляров) равна {0}", dist);

                        if (checkBox2.Checked)
                            SequenceFunc t = FuncMethods.Lezhandrs(a, b);
                            //SequencePol t = FuncMethods.Lezhandr(a, b);
                            Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(net, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthogonal, n);
                            chart1.Series[2].Points.DataBindXY(МатКлассы.Point.PointsX(g, 100, a, b), МатКлассы.Point.PointsY(g, 100, a, b)); chart1.Series[2].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("--------Для системы полиномов Лежандра---------");
                            if (radioButton2.Checked)
                                FuncMethods.ShowApprox(f, net.Arguments, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthogonal, n);
                                FuncMethods.ShowApprox(net, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthogonal, n);

                        if (checkBox6.Checked)
                            SequenceFunc          t = FuncMethods.TrigSystem(a, b);
                            Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(net, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthonormal, n);
                            chart1.Series[6].Points.DataBindXY(МатКлассы.Point.PointsX(g, 100, a, b), МатКлассы.Point.PointsY(g, 100, a, b)); chart1.Series[6].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("--------Для ортонормированной системы тригонометрических полиномов---------");
                            if (radioButton2.Checked)
                                FuncMethods.ShowApprox(f, net.Arguments, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthonormal, n);
                                FuncMethods.ShowApprox(net, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthonormal, n);
                        if (checkBox7.Checked)
                            SequenceFunc          t = FuncMethods.HaarSystem(a, b);
                            Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(net, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthogonal, n);
                            chart1.Series[7].Points.DataBindXY(МатКлассы.Point.PointsX(g, 100, a, b), МатКлассы.Point.PointsY(g, 100, a, b)); chart1.Series[7].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("--------Для системы Хаара---------");
                            if (radioButton2.Checked)
                                FuncMethods.ShowApprox(f, net.Arguments, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthogonal, n);
                                FuncMethods.ShowApprox(net, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthogonal, n);
                        if (checkBox8.Checked)
                            SequenceFunc          t = (double x, int k) => Math.Exp(k * x);
                            Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(net, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n);
                            chart1.Series[8].Points.DataBindXY(МатКлассы.Point.PointsX(g, 100, a, b), МатКлассы.Point.PointsY(g, 100, a, b)); chart1.Series[8].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("--------Для системы экспонент---------");
                            if (radioButton2.Checked)
                                FuncMethods.ShowApprox(f, net.Arguments, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n);
                                FuncMethods.ShowApprox(net, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n);
                    double a = Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text), b = Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text);
                    int    n = Convert.ToInt16(textBox6.Text);

                    if (checkBox9.Checked)
                        chart1.Series[0].Name = "Функция по системе Хаара, выраженная без учёта ортогональности этой системы";
                        chart1.Series[0].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                        for (n = n1; n <= n2; n++)
                            if (checkBox1.Checked)
                                //SequenceFunc t = FuncMethods.Monoms;
                                SequencePol           t = FuncMethods.Monom;
                                Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n, a, b);
                                MAS[1, n] = FuncMethods.RealFuncMethods.NormDistance(f, g, a, b);
                                chart1.Series[1].Points.AddXY(n, Math.Log10(MAS[1, n])); chart1.Series[1].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                                chart1.Series[1].Name = "Мономы с применением ультра-гибрида";

                                //g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n, a, b, false);
                                //MAS[0, n] = FuncMethods.RealFuncMethods.NormDistance(f, g, a, b);
                                //chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY(n, Math.Log10(MAS[0, n]));
                                //chart1.Series[0].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            if (checkBox2.Checked)
                                //SequenceFunc t = FuncMethods.Lezhandrs(a,b);
                                SequencePol t = FuncMethods.Lezhandr(a, b);

                                Polynom s = new Polynom(new double[] { -2 * a / (b - a) - 1, 2.0 / (b - a) });
                                Func <double, double>[] MyMas = new Func <double, double> [n];
                                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                                    MyMas[i] = /*Polynom.Lezh(i).Value;*/ Polynom.Lezh(i).Value(s).Value;
                                //Func<double,double> g = FuncMethods.ApproxForLezhandr(f, MyMas, a, b);
                                Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthogonal, n, a, b);
                                MAS[2, n] = FuncMethods.RealFuncMethods.NormDistance(f, g, a, b);
                                chart1.Series[2].Points.AddXY(n, Math.Log10(MAS[2, n])); chart1.Series[2].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            if (checkBox6.Checked)
                                SequenceFunc          t = FuncMethods.TrigSystem(a, b);
                                Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthonormal, n, a, b);
                                MAS[6, n] = FuncMethods.RealFuncMethods.NormDistance(f, g, a, b);
                                chart1.Series[6].Points.AddXY(n, Math.Log10(MAS[6, n])); chart1.Series[6].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                                chart1.Series[6].Name = "Тригонометрическая система с применением ультра-гибрида";

                                //g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthonormal, n, a, b, false);
                                //MAS[0, n] = FuncMethods.RealFuncMethods.NormDistance(f, g, a, b);
                                //chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY(n, Math.Log10(MAS[0, n]));
                                //chart1.Series[0].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            if (checkBox7.Checked)
                                SequenceFunc          t = FuncMethods.HaarSystem(a, b);
                                Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthogonal, n, a, b);
                                MAS[7, n] = FuncMethods.RealFuncMethods.NormDistance(f, g, a, b);
                                chart1.Series[7].Points.AddXY(n, Math.Log10(MAS[7, n])); chart1.Series[7].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                                chart1.Series[7].Name = "Система Хаара как ортогональная система";

                                //g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n, a, b, false);
                                //MAS[0, n] = FuncMethods.RealFuncMethods.NormDistance(f, g, a, b);
                                //chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY(n, Math.Log10(MAS[0, n]));
                                //chart1.Series[0].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            if (checkBox8.Checked)
                                SequenceFunc          t = (double x, int k) => Math.Exp(k * x);
                                Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n, a, b);
                                MAS[8, n] = FuncMethods.RealFuncMethods.NormDistance(f, g, a, b);
                                chart1.Series[8].Points.AddXY(n, Math.Log10(MAS[8, n])); chart1.Series[8].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                                chart1.Series[8].Name = "Экспоненты с применением ультра-гибрида";

                                //g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n, a, b, false);
                                //MAS[0, n] = FuncMethods.RealFuncMethods.NormDistance(f, g, a, b);
                                //chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY(n, Math.Log10(MAS[0, n]));
                                //chart1.Series[0].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                        Analys(MAS, n1, n2);
                        chart1.Series[0].Points.DataBindXY(МатКлассы.Point.PointsX(f, 100, a, b), МатКлассы.Point.PointsY(f, 100, a, b));
                        if (checkBox1.Checked)
                            //SequenceFunc t = FuncMethods.Monoms;
                            SequencePol           t = FuncMethods.Monom;
                            Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n, a, b);
                            chart1.Series[1].Points.DataBindXY(МатКлассы.Point.PointsX(g, 100, a, b), МатКлассы.Point.PointsY(g, 100, a, b)); chart1.Series[1].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("--------Для системы мономов---------");
                            FuncMethods.ShowApprox(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n, a, b);
                        if (checkBox2.Checked)
                            //SequenceFunc t = FuncMethods.Lezhandrs(a,b);
                            SequencePol             t     = FuncMethods.Lezhandr(a, b);
                            Polynom                 s     = new Polynom(new double[] { -2 * a / (b - a) - 1, 2.0 / (b - a) });
                            Func <double, double>[] MyMas = new Func <double, double> [n];
                            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                                MyMas[i] = /*Polynom.Lezh(i).Value;*/ Polynom.Lezh(i).Value(s).Value;
                            Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.ApproxForLezhandr(f, MyMas, a, b);
                            chart1.Series[2].Points.DataBindXY(МатКлассы.Point.PointsX(g, 100, a, b), МатКлассы.Point.PointsY(g, 100, a, b)); chart1.Series[2].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("--------Для системы полиномов Лежандра---------");
                            FuncMethods.ShowApprox(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthogonal, n, a, b);
                        if (checkBox3.Checked)
                            //SequencePol t = FuncMethods.Cheb(a,b);
                            SequenceFunc          t = FuncMethods.Chebs(a, b);
                            Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n, a, b);
                            chart1.Series[3].Points.DataBindXY(МатКлассы.Point.PointsX(g, 100, a, b), МатКлассы.Point.PointsY(g, 100, a, b)); chart1.Series[3].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                        if (checkBox4.Checked)
                            SequenceFunc          t = FuncMethods.Lagerrs(a, b);
                            Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n, a, b);
                            chart1.Series[4].Points.DataBindXY(МатКлассы.Point.PointsX(g, 100, a, b), МатКлассы.Point.PointsY(g, 100, a, b)); chart1.Series[4].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                        if (checkBox5.Checked)
                            SequenceFunc          t = FuncMethods.Hermits(a, b);
                            Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n, a, b);
                            chart1.Series[5].Points.DataBindXY(МатКлассы.Point.PointsX(g, 100, a, b), МатКлассы.Point.PointsY(g, 100, a, b)); chart1.Series[5].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                        if (checkBox6.Checked)
                            SequenceFunc          t = FuncMethods.TrigSystem(a, b);
                            Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthonormal, n, a, b);
                            chart1.Series[6].Points.DataBindXY(МатКлассы.Point.PointsX(g, 100, a, b), МатКлассы.Point.PointsY(g, 100, a, b)); chart1.Series[6].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("--------Для ортонормированной системы тригонометрических полиномов---------");
                            FuncMethods.ShowApprox(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthonormal, n, a, b);
                        if (checkBox7.Checked)
                            SequenceFunc          t = FuncMethods.HaarSystem(a, b);
                            Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthogonal, n, a, b);
                            chart1.Series[7].Points.DataBindXY(МатКлассы.Point.PointsX(g, 100, a, b), МатКлассы.Point.PointsY(g, 100, a, b)); chart1.Series[7].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("--------Для системы Хаара---------");
                            FuncMethods.ShowApprox(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Orthogonal, n, a, b);
                        if (checkBox8.Checked)
                            SequenceFunc          t = (double x, int k) => Math.Exp(k * x);
                            Func <double, double> g = FuncMethods.Approx(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n, a, b);
                            chart1.Series[8].Points.DataBindXY(МатКлассы.Point.PointsX(g, 100, a, b), МатКлассы.Point.PointsY(g, 100, a, b)); chart1.Series[8].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("--------Для системы экспонент---------");
                            FuncMethods.ShowApprox(f, t, SequenceFuncKind.Other, n, a, b);
                var MBSave = MessageBox.Show(message, caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                Console.WriteLine("Запись завершена!");

                Program.DATA.textBox1.Text = "";
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("Данные об аппроксимации.txt");
                string       ss = "";
                while (ss != null)
                    Program.DATA.textBox1.Text += ss + Environment.NewLine;
                    ss = sr.ReadLine();
 public static double g6(Point point) => point.x * point.x - point.y * point.y;
 public static double g7(Point point) => g1(point) * Math.Exp(point.x - point.y);
        public void UpVal()
            double rr = 1;
            Curve  c  = new Curve(0, 2 * Math.PI, (double t, double r) => r * Math.Cos(t), (double t, double r) => r * Math.Sin(t), rr);

            c.S = (double tx, double ty, double r) => tx * ty * r; c.End = (double r) => 2 * Math.PI;

            //Functional mp = (Point g) => 1;
            //DoubleIntegral(mp, c, c.S, parallel: true, cy: 300, M: Method.GaussKronrod61).Show();

            Func <Point, int, double> ro = (Point p, int k) => {
                var cc = new Complex(p.x, p.y);
                return(Math.Pow(cc.Abs, k) * Math.Cos(k * cc.Arg));
            Func <Point, Point, double> E = (Point x, Point y) => Math.Log(Point.Eudistance(x, y));

            int    xc = 100, yc = 100;
            double x0 = -8, X = 8, y0 = -8, Y = 8;

            double hx = (X - x0) / (xc - 1), hy = (Y - y0) / (yc - 1);

            double[] xa = new double[xc], ya = new double[yc];

            for (int i = 0; i < xc; i++)
                xa[i] = x0 + hx * i;
            for (int i = 0; i < yc; i++)
                ya[i] = y0 + hy * i;

            int[] kk = new int[] { 3, 5, 25, 50, 200, 500 };
            double[][,] val = new double[kk.Length][, ];
            for (int i = 0; i < kk.Length; i++)
                val[i] = new double[xc, yc];
                Functional fl = (Point x) =>
                    Functional tmp = (Point y) => ro(y, kk[i]) * E(x, y);
                    return(DoubleIntegral(tmp, c, c.S, parallel: true, cy: 200, M: Method.GaussKronrod61));
                Functional fl2 = (Point x) =>
                    Complex z = new Complex(x.x, x.y);

                    Functional tmp = (Point y) => {
                        Complex w = new Complex(y.x, y.y);
                        return(Math.Pow(w.Abs, kk[i]) * Math.Cos(kk[i] * (w.Arg)) * Math.Log(z.Abs.Sqr() + w.Abs.Sqr() - 2 * z.Abs * w.Abs * Math.Cos(w.Arg)));
                    return(DoubleIntegral(tmp, c, c.S, parallel: true, cy: 200, M: Method.GaussKronrod61) / 2 * Math.Cos(kk[i] * z.Arg));

                Functional fr = (Point x) =>
                    Complex z = new Complex(x.x, x.y);
                    return(Math.PI * Math.Cos(kk[i] * z.Arg) / (kk[i] + 2) * Math.Max(Math.Log((z.Abs - 1).Sqr()).Abs(), Math.Log((z.Abs + 1).Sqr()).Abs()));

                for (int ix = 0; ix < xc; ix++)
                    for (int iy = 0; iy < yc; iy++)
                        Point  t = new Point(xa[ix], ya[iy]), o = new Point(0);
                        double rad = Point.Eudistance(t, o);
                        // $"t = {t} fr = {fr(t)}  fl = {fl(t)}".Show();
                        //$"{fl(t)} {fl2(t)}".Show();
                        //Assert.IsTrue((fl(t) - fl2(t)).Abs() < 1e-7);

                        if (rad > 1.0)
                            val[i][ix, iy] = fr(t).Abs() - fl(t).Abs();
                            val[i][ix, iy] = Double.NaN;

            StreamWriter args = new StreamWriter("arg.txt");
            StreamWriter vals = new StreamWriter("vals.txt");

            for (int i = 0; i < xc; i++)
                args.WriteLine($"{xa[i]} {ya[i]}");

            for (int i = 0; i < xc; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < yc; j++)
                    string st = "";
                    for (int s = 0; s < kk.Length; s++)
                        st += (val[s][i, j] + " ");
                    vals.WriteLine(st.Replace("NaN", "NA"));

 public static double g9(Point point) => g8(point) + g3(point);
        private async void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DateTime time = DateTime.Now;
            //Func<double,double> f = t => Math.Sin(t*9) / Math.Exp(t * t / 3) * Math.Sign(Math.Max(0, (2*Math.PI- t.Abs())));
            Func <double, double> f = t => Math.Cos(t * 9) * t / Math.Exp(t * t / 3) * Math.Sign(Math.Max(0, (Math.PI / 2 - t.Abs())));

            //Func<double,double> f = t => Math.Sin(20*Math.PI*t)* Math.Sign(Math.Max(0, (1 - t.Abs())));
            Func <double, double, Complex>[] f1 = new Func <double, double, Complex> [7];
            Func <double, double>[]          f2 = new Func <double, double> [7];
            Wavelet[] w = new Wavelet[7];

            //await Task.Run(() =>
            //    for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
            //    {
            //        w[i] = new Wavelet((Wavelet.Wavelets)i);
            //        f1[i] = w[i].GetAnalys(f);
            //        f2[i] = w[i].GetSyntesis(f1[i]);
            //    }

            w[3]  = new Wavelet((Wavelet.Wavelets) 3);
            f1[3] = w[3].GetAnalys(f);
            f2[3] = w[3].GetSyntesis(/*f1[3]*/);

            //Wavelet w = new Wavelet();
            //var f1 = w.GetAnalys(f);
            //var f2 = w.GetSyntesis(f1);

            //ИнтеграцияСДругимиПрограммами.CreatTableInExcel((double a, double b) => f1[3](a, b).Re, 0.01, 5, 100, 0.01, 7, 100);

            var p = OptimizationDCompFunc.GetMaxOnRectangle((double a, double b) => f1[3](a, b).Abs, 0.01, 5, 0.01, 10, eps: 1e-14, ogr: 5, nodescount: 15);

            new nzy3d_winformsDemo.Form1("", 0.01, 5, 70, 0.01, 10, 70, (double a, double b) => f1[3](a, b).Abs).Show();
            // ИнтеграцияСДругимиПрограммами.CreatTableInExcel(f1[3], 0.01, 3, 100, 0.01, 3, 100);

            //ИнтеграцияСДругимиПрограммами.CreatTableInExcel(w[3].Dic,"Test Page",Number.Complex.ComplMode.Abs);
            //c1Chart3D1.ChartGroups.Group0.ChartType = Chart3DTypeEnum.Surface;

            //double[,] z = new double[100, 100];
            //for (int s = 0; s < 31; s++)
            //    for (int n = 0; n < 21; n++)
            //    {
            //        z[s, n] = f1[3](0.01 + 0.01 * s, 0.01 + 0.01 * n).Re;
            //    }
            // create dataset and put it to the chart
            //Chart3DDataSetGrid gridset = new Chart3DDataSetGrid(0, 0, 1, 1, z);
            //c1Chart3D1.ChartGroups[0].ChartData.Set = gridset;

            //var o = w[3].Dic;
            //МатКлассы.Point[] u = o.Keys.ToArray();
            //var c = o.Values.ToArray();
            //Chart3DPoint[] points1 = new Chart3DPoint[o.Count];
            //for (int i = 0; i < o.Count; i++)
            //    points1[i] = new Chart3DPoint(u[i].x, u[i].y, 7/*(double)c[i].Value*/);
            //Chart3DDataSetPoint pointset = new Chart3DDataSetPoint();
            //c1Chart3D1.ChartGroups[0].ChartData.Set = pointset;

            List <double> tm = new List <double>(), m = new List <double>();

            for (double i = beg; i < end; i += step)
                double   tmp0 = f(i);//,tmp2=f2(i);$"f = {tmp0}  \tWf-1 = {tmp2} \teps = {(tmp2-tmp0)} \t f/f0 = {tmp0/tmp2}".Show();
                double[] mas  = new double[7];

                await Task.Run(() =>
                    //for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++)
                    //    mas[j] = f2[j](i);
                    mas[3] = f2[3](i);

                (new Vectors(mas) - tmp0).Show();

                chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY(i, tmp0);
                for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++)
                    chart1.Series[j + 1].Points.AddXY(i, mas[j]);

                progressBar1.Value = (int)((i - beg) / (end - beg) * 100);

            label1.Text = "Время работы (минуты полторы ушло на Excel): " + (DateTime.Now - time).ToString();
            label2.Text = "Точность в евклидовой норме: " + (new Vectors(m.ToArray()) - new Vectors(tm.ToArray())).Sort.EuqlidNorm.ToString();
            var s = new МатКлассы.Point(p.Item1, p.Item2);

            label3.Text = "Точка максимума: " + s.ToString();
            label4.Text = "Максимальное по модулю значение: " + f1[3](p.Item1, p.Item2).ToString();
 public static double g11(Point p) => g1(p) + g2(p) + g3(p) + g4(p) + g4(p);
 public static double g1(Point point) => point.x + point.y;
 private Tuple <Point, Point> GetSourceRect() => Point.GetBigRect(sourcesArray.Select(s => s.Center).ToArray());
 public static double g2(Point point) => Math.Sin(point.y) * (Math.Exp(point.x) + Math.Exp(-point.x));