static public void RunScreenSaver(Object previewWndHandle)
            ScreenSaver screenSaver = new ScreenSaver();

            if (previewWndHandle != null)
                screenSaver._previewMode = true;
                screenSaver._parentHwnd  = (IntPtr)previewWndHandle;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (ScreenSaver game = new ScreenSaver())
                if (args.Length > 0)
                    firstArgument  = args[0].ToLower().Trim();
                    secondArgument = null;

                    // Обработка случаев, когда аргумент разделяются ":"
                    // Пример: /c:1234567 or /P:1234567
                    if (firstArgument.Length > 2)
                        secondArgument = firstArgument.Substring(3).Trim();
                        firstArgument  = firstArgument.Substring(0, 2);
                    else if (args.Length > 1)
                        secondArgument = args[1];

                    if (firstArgument == "/c")           // Configuration mode
                        Application.Run(new Двоичные_часы.SettingForm());

                        /*SettingForm f = new SettingForm();
                         * f.ShowDialog();*/
                    else if (firstArgument == "/p")      // Preview mode
                        if (secondArgument == null)
                            MessageBox.Show("Sorry, but the expected window handle was not provided.",
                                            "ScreenSaver", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                        SetupScreenSavers(false, true);
                        //IntPtr previewWndHandle = new IntPtr(long.Parse(secondArgument));
                    else if (firstArgument == "/s")      // Full-screen mode
                        //SetupScreenSavers(true, false);
                    else    // Undefined argument
                        MessageBox.Show("Sorry, but the command line argument \"" + firstArgument +
                                        "\" is not valid.", "ScreenSaver",
                                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                else    // No arguments - treat like /c
                    Application.Run(new Двоичные_часы.SettingForm());

                    /*SettingForm f = new SettingForm();
                     * f.ShowDialog();*/