void load_test(int id, view_table table) {//загрузить тест SQLiteConnection DB = new SQLiteConnection(port_db_helper.dbName); DB.Open(); string id_test = id.ToString(); SQLiteCommand CMD = DB.CreateCommand(); CMD.CommandText = "select * from questions where id_test = " + id_test; SQLiteDataReader reader = CMD.ExecuteReader(); if (reader == null) { return; } while (reader.Read()) { table.add_cortege( new question_plus_typeQuest( (string)reader["question"], Int32.Parse(reader["id_type"].ToString()), Int32.Parse(reader["id"].ToString()) ) ); } DB.Close(); }
public void remove_row_from(view_table table) {//удаление строки foreach (Control el in cols) { table.parentForm.Controls.Remove(el); } }
void load_test(int id, view_table table) {//загрузить тест SQLiteConnection DB = new SQLiteConnection(port_db_helper.dbName); DB.Open(); string id_test = id.ToString(); SQLiteCommand CMD = DB.CreateCommand(); // CMD.CommandText = "select * from rules, questions where id_test = " + id_test; CMD.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM rules, questions WHERE questions.id = rules.id_questions + '0' AND questions.id_test = " + id_test; SQLiteDataReader reader = CMD.ExecuteReader(); if (reader == null) { return; } while (reader.Read()) { table.add_cortege( new question_plus_typeQuest(reader) ); } DB.Close(); }
public void resize_Window(view_table table) {//изменение окна относительно правого нижнего элемента таблицы def_cortege last_row = table.rows[table.lenght_arr - 1] as def_cortege; Control last_col = last_row.cols[length - 1] as Control; table.parentForm.Width = last_col.Left + last_col.Width + 2 * table.Pos_margin; table.parentForm.Height = last_col.Top + last_col.Height + 2 * table.Pos_margin; }
void upadate() { if (table_1 != null) { table_1.destroy_table(); } table_1 = new view_table(15, 170, 23, this); load_rules(ID_TEST, table_1); table_1.redraw_on_form(); }
// ::-----:: // ::ФОРМА:: // ::-----:: void upadate() { if (table_1 != null) { table_1.destroy_table(); } table_1 = new view_table(50, 140, 30, this); load_test(ID_TEST, table_1); table_1.redraw_on_form(); }
void upadate() { /* * ------------------ * Делаем расчет как у социолога * ------------------ * nedofix(Кликаем) сначала по социологу!!! */ table_sociolog = new view_table(0, 0, 0, this); Sociolog1 tmp = new Sociolog1(); tmp.ID_TEST = ID_TEST; tmp.load_test(tmp.ID_TEST, table_sociolog); /* * ------------------ * Нарисовали таблицу * ------------------ */ SQLiteConnection DB = new SQLiteConnection(port_db_helper.dbName); SQLiteCommand CMD = DB.CreateCommand(); CMD = DB.CreateCommand(); CMD.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM conf_rules"; DB.Open(); SQLiteDataReader reader = CMD.ExecuteReader(); //РАСЧЕТ ВЫВОДОВ int i = 1; while (reader.Read()) { pod_zacuchenie p = new pod_zacuchenie(reader, i); rezultat.Add(p); table_1.add_cortege(p); if (i == 3) { i = 1; rezultat = new List <pod_zacuchenie>(); continue; } i++; } DB.Close(); table_1.redraw_on_form(); }
void load_rules(int id_test, view_table table) {//загрузить rules SQLiteConnection DB = new SQLiteConnection(port_db_helper.dbName); DB.Open(); SQLiteCommand CMD = DB.CreateCommand(); CMD.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM conf_rules WHERE id_test = " + id_test; SQLiteDataReader reader = CMD.ExecuteReader(); if (reader == null) { return; } while (reader.Read()) { table.add_cortege(new question_plus_typeQuest(reader)); } DB.Close(); }
public void load_test(int id, view_table table) {//загрузить тест SQLiteConnection DB = new SQLiteConnection(port_db_helper.dbName); DB.Open(); string id_test = id.ToString(); SQLiteCommand CMD = DB.CreateCommand(); CMD.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM rules, questions WHERE questions.id = rules.id_questions AND questions.id_test = " + id_test; SQLiteDataReader reader = CMD.ExecuteReader(); if (reader == null) { return; } while (reader.Read()) { double percent = -1; double avg = -1; Int32 question_id = Int32.Parse(reader["id_questions"].ToString()); Int32 all_cnt = port_db_helper.get_count_answed_on_question(question_id); Int32 type_quest = Int32.Parse(reader["id_type"].ToString()); if (type_quest == 1) //если это + - то считаем % { Int32 cnt_yes = port_db_helper.get_count_answed_yes(question_id); percent = ((float)cnt_yes * 100.0) / (float)all_cnt; } else //если это 2..5 то считаем среднее { avg = port_db_helper.get_avg_answed_2_to_5(question_id); } table.add_cortege(new question_plus_typeQuest(reader, (int)percent, avg)); } DB.Close(); }
public void draw_row_on(int row, view_table table) {//рисование строки int i = 0; foreach (Control el in cols) { if (i == 0) { el.Top = table.Pos_Y + (row * table.Pos_margin); el.Left = table.Pos_X; } else { Control old = (cols[i - 1] as Control); el.Top = old.Top; el.Left = old.Left + old.Width + table.Pos_margin; } table.parentForm.Controls.Add(el); i++; } length = i; }
public Defazingcs() { InitializeComponent(); table_1 = new view_table(30, 100, 40, this); }
public Conf_questions() { InitializeComponent(); table_1 = new view_table(50, 140, 30, this); }
public Expert() { InitializeComponent(); table_1 = new view_table(16, 25, 30, this); }
public Sociolog1() { InitializeComponent(); table_1 = new view_table(16, 25, 50, this); }