public hs_list_gui(Form owner_, hs_data data_) { data = data_; owner = owner_; InitializeComponent(); }
public enter_hs_gui(hs_data data_, TextIntSetter add_entry_, Form owner_) { = data_; this.add_entry = add_entry_; this.owner = owner_; InitializeComponent(); }
static void Main() { /* Notes for high score handling * Create a new controller for the hs forms * Let this controller control the end game forms and hs list * Give the game controller a handle to running the end game form * Give the yahtzee gui a handle to the hs list form */ Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); /* create models */ game_data gd = new game_data(); hs_data hsd = new hs_data(); /* create controllers */ game_controller c = new game_controller(gd); hs_controller hsc = new hs_controller(hsd); /* create views */ yahtzee_gui gui = new yahtzee_gui(c.roll_dice, c.score_roll, c.new_game, gd); hs_list_gui hs_gui = new hs_list_gui(gui, hsd); enter_hs_gui entry_gui = new enter_hs_gui(hsd, hsc.add_entry, gui); end_game_gui end_gui = new end_game_gui(gui); /* register delegates */ c.register_sel_cat_getter(gui.get_sel_cat); c.register_lock_dice_getter(gui.get_lock_dice); c.register_updater(gui.update); c.register_end_game(; c.register_hs_getter(hsc.is_high_score); c.register_hs_entry(; gui.register_hs_list(; /* run application */; }
public hs_controller(hs_data data_) { data = data_; read_hs_file(); }