public static void Advertise(WmiSession wmisession) { foreach (Feature feature in features) { feature.doAdvert(); } }
public ClipboardStateMachine(ClipboardAccess clipboard, WmiSession wmisession, IExceptionHandler exceptionhandler) { this.clipboard = clipboard; this.wmisession = wmisession; this.exceptionhandler = exceptionhandler; restartTime = 1000; lastStartAttempt = DateTime.UtcNow; }
public ClipboardAccess(WmiSession wmisession) { this.wmisession = wmisession; xsSetClipboard = wmisession.GetXenStoreItem("data/set_clipboard"); xsReportClipboard = wmisession.GetXenStoreItem("data/report_clipboard"); serverwatch = xsSetClipboard.Watch(new EventArrivedEventHandler(OnServerClipboard)); clientwatch = xsReportClipboard.Watch(new EventArrivedEventHandler(OnClientClipboard)); }
public WmiSession GetXenStoreSession(string name) { lock (syncSingleton) { WmiSession session = new WmiSession(name, this); return(session); } }
private WmiBase() { debugmsg = new Queue<string>(); syncSingleton = new Object(); xenbaselock = new Object(); wmisession = new WmiSession("Base", this); xsupdated = wmisession.GetXenStoreItem("data/updated"); xsupdatedcount = wmisession.GetXenStoreItem("data/update_cnt"); xserror = wmisession.GetXenStoreItem("control/error"); }
private WmiBase() { debugmsg = new Queue <string>(); syncSingleton = new Object(); xenbaselock = new Object(); wmisession = new WmiSession("Base", this); xsupdated = wmisession.GetXenStoreItem("data/updated"); xsupdatedcount = wmisession.GetXenStoreItem("data/update_cnt"); xserror = wmisession.GetXenStoreItem("control/error"); }
void WmiCapableServiceThreadHandler() { try { wmisession = WmiBase.Singleton.GetXenStoreSession("Features"); wmisession.Log("Guest Agent Starting"); Refresher.Add(new PVInstallation(this)); wmisession.Log("About to run apps"); RunProcess("wmiadap", "/f", "refresh WMI ADAP"); RunProcess("diskperf", "-y", "enable disk perf counters"); wmisession.Log("About to run features"); new FeatureDumpLog(this); new FeatureGC(this); new FeaturePing(this); new FeatureDomainJoin(this); new FeatureSetComputerName(this); wmisession.Log("About to try snapshot"); if (FeatureSnapshot.IsSnapshotSupported()) { new FeatureSnapshot(this); } else { Debug.Print("Snapshot not supported on this platform"); FeatureSnapshot.removeSnapshot(wmisession); } new FeatureTerminalServicesReset(this); new FeatureTerminalServices(this); wmisession.Log("About to add refreshers"); Refresher.Add(new NetInfo(this)); Refresher.Add(new VolumeInfo()); Refresher.Add(new MemoryInfo()); wmisession.Log("About to add handlers "); clipboardhandler = new ClipboardManager(this); Disposer.Add(clipboardhandler); clipboardhandler.Run(); Disposer.Add(WmiBase.Singleton.ListenForEvent("CitrixXenStoreUnsuspendedEvent", new EventArrivedEventHandler(handleUnsuspended))); Refresher.RefreshAll(true); wmisession.Log("running "); Refresher.Run(this); } catch (Exception e) { HandleException("Service handler", e); } }
public EventLogger(WmiSession wmisession) { this.wmisession = wmisession; el = new EventLog(); el.Source = Branding.Instance.getString("BRANDING_GuestAgentLogSource"); if (!EventLog.SourceExists(el.Source)) { //Create New Log EventLog.CreateEventSource(el.Source, Branding.Instance.getString("BRANDING_GuestAgentLogName")); } }
public EventLogger(WmiSession wmisession) { this.wmisession = wmisession; el = new EventLog(); el.Source = "XenGuestAgent"; if (!EventLog.SourceExists("XenGuestAgent")) { //Create New Log EventLog.CreateEventSource("XenGuestAgent", "XenGuestAgentLog"); } }
public EventLogger(WmiSession wmisession) { this.wmisession = wmisession; el = new EventLog(); el.Source = BrandingControl.getString("BRANDING_GuestAgentLogSource"); if (!EventLog.SourceExists(el.Source)) { //Create New Log EventLog.CreateEventSource(el.Source, BrandingControl.getString("BRANDING_GuestAgentLogName")); } }
public static void removeSnapshot(WmiSession wmisession) { try { wmisession.GetXenStoreItem("control/snapshot").Remove(); } catch { }; try { wmisession.GetXenStoreItem("control/feature-snapshot").Remove(); } catch { } }
public NetInfo(IExceptionHandler exceptionhandler) { updating = new Object(); this.exceptionhandler = exceptionhandler; wmisession = WmiBase.Singleton.GetXenStoreSession("Adapters"); devicevif = wmisession.GetXenStoreItem("device/vif"); datavif = wmisession.GetXenStoreItem("data/vif"); numvif = wmisession.GetXenStoreItem("data/num_vif"); needsRefresh = true; onAddrChange(null, null); addrChangeHandler = new NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler(onAddrChange); NetworkChange.NetworkAddressChanged += addrChangeHandler; vifListen = devicevif.Watch(onVifChanged); }
public WaitHandle Run() { WmiBase.Singleton.DebugMsg("Clipboard thread starting"); wmisession = WmiBase.Singleton.GetXenStoreSession("Clipboard"); clipboard = new ClipboardAccess(wmisession); state = new ClipboardStateMachine(clipboard, wmisession, exceptionhandler); lock (statelock) { running = true; WaitHandle threadhandle = state.Run(); shutdowncallback = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(threadhandle, shutdownCallback, null, Timeout.Infinite, true); } return(done); }
public VssSnapshot(VssSnapshot.Type type, List <string> volumes) { if (Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() != ApartmentState.STA) { throw new Exception("VssSnapshot must be initialised and used in a Single Thread Apartment"); } this.type = type; this.volumes = volumes; wmisession = WmiBase.Singleton.GetXenStoreSession("Snapshot"); client = VssClientInit(type); if (client.Equals(IntPtr.Zero)) { throw new VssSnapshotException(); } foreach (string vol in volumes) { Debug.Print("Attempting to add" + vol); VssClientAddVolume(client, vol); } }
public WorkerProcess(ClipboardAccess clipboard, WmiSession wmisession, IExceptionHandler exceptionhandler, IWorkerProcessHandler wphandler, IntPtr consoletoken) { this.clipboard = clipboard; this.wmisession = wmisession; this.exceptionhandler = exceptionhandler; this.wphandler = wphandler; workerlock = new object(); try { comms = new CommServer(this); } catch (Exception e) { wmisession.Log("Comms server failed to start:" + e.ToString()); throw; } try { AddToXDIgnoreApplicationList(); string path = (string)Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Citrix\\XenTools", "Install_Dir", ""); string fullpath = string.Format("{0}\\" + Branding.Instance.getString("FILENAME_dpriv"), path); string cmdline = string.Format(Branding.Instance.getString("FILENAME_dpriv") + " {0}", comms.secret); this.worker = new SafeWaitHandle(Win32Impl.CreateUserProcess(consoletoken, fullpath, cmdline), true); workerWaiter = new ProcessWaitHandle(this.worker); registeredWorkerWaiter = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(workerWaiter, handleWorker, null, Timeout.Infinite, true); this.workerrunning = true; wmisession.Log("Worker Process spawned"); } catch (Exception e) { wmisession.Log("Worker process spawn exception : " + e.ToString()); comms.CloseMessagePipes(); throw; } }
public Feature(string name, string advertise, string control, bool controlmustexist, IExceptionHandler exceptionhandler) { this.exceptionhandler = exceptionhandler; = name; wmisession = WmiBase.Singleton.GetXenStoreSession("Citrix Xen Service Feature : " + name); wmisession.Log("New Feature"); controlKey = wmisession.GetXenStoreItem(control); this.controlmustexist = controlmustexist; try { if (controlKey.value != "") { wmisession.Log("Control key " + control + ":" + controlKey.value); } } catch {} enabled = true; listener = controlKey.Watch(new EventArrivedEventHandler(onFeatureWrapper)); if (!advertise.Equals("")) { this.addAdvert(advertise); } Disposer.Add(this); }
public VssSnapshot(VssSnapshot.Type type, List<string> volumes) { if (Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() != ApartmentState.STA) { throw new Exception("VssSnapshot must be initialised and used in a Single Thread Apartment"); } this.type = type; this.volumes = volumes; wmisession = WmiBase.Singleton.GetXenStoreSession("Snapshot"); client = VssClientInit(type); if (client.Equals(IntPtr.Zero)) { throw new VssSnapshotException(); } foreach (string vol in volumes) { Debug.Print("Attempting to add" + vol); VssClientAddVolume(client, vol); } }
public XenAppSessionInfo() { wmisession = WmiBase.Singleton.GetXenStoreSession("XenAppSession Reporter"); xenAppSession = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached("data/xenapp_session_count"); }
void WmiCapableServiceThreadHandler() { try { wmisession = WmiBase.Singleton.GetXenStoreSession("Features"); wmisession.Log("Guest Agent Starting"); Refresher.Add(new PVInstallation(this)); wmisession.Log("About to run apps"); RunProcess("wmiadap","/f","refresh WMI ADAP"); RunProcess("diskperf", "-y","enable disk perf counters"); wmisession.Log("About to run features"); new FeatureLicensed(this); new FeatureVSSLicensed(this); new FeatureDumpLog(this); new FeatureGC(this); new FeaturePing(this); new FeatureDomainJoin(this); new FeatureSetComputerName(this); new FeatureXSBatchCommand(this); new FeatureAutoUpdate(this); wmisession.Log("About to try snapshot"); if (FeatureSnapshot.IsSnapshotSupported()) { Refresher.Add(new FeatureSnapshot(this)); } else { wmisession.Log("Snapshot not supported on this platform"); FeatureSnapshot.removeSnapshot(wmisession); } new FeatureTerminalServicesReset(this); new FeatureTerminalServices(this); new FeatureStaticIpSetting(this); wmisession.Log("About to add refreshers"); Refresher.Add(new NetInfo(this)); Refresher.Add(new VolumeInfo()); Refresher.Add(new MemoryInfo()); Refresher.Add(new XenAppSessionInfo()); wmisession.Log("About to add handlers "); clipboardhandler = new ClipboardManager(this); Disposer.Add(clipboardhandler); clipboardhandler.Run(); Disposer.Add(WmiBase.Singleton.ListenForEvent("CitrixXenStoreUnsuspendedEvent", new EventArrivedEventHandler(handleUnsuspended))); Refresher.RefreshAll(true); wmisession.Log("running "); Refresher.Run(this); } catch (Exception e) { HandleException("Service handler", e); } }
public XenStoreItem(string name, WmiSession wmisession) { this.wmisession = wmisession; = name; }
public StoredVolumes(WmiSession wmisession) { storedVolumes = new Dictionary<string, StoredVolume>(); nextid = 0; this.wmisession = wmisession; }
public MemoryInfo() { wmisession = WmiBase.Singleton.GetXenStoreSession("Memory Reporter"); meminfoFree = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached("data/meminfo_free"); meminfoTotal = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached("data/meminfo_total"); }
public WaitHandle Run() { WmiBase.Singleton.DebugMsg("Clipboard thread starting"); wmisession = WmiBase.Singleton.GetXenStoreSession("Clipboard"); clipboard = new ClipboardAccess(wmisession); state = new ClipboardStateMachine(clipboard, wmisession, exceptionhandler); lock (statelock) { running = true; WaitHandle threadhandle = state.Run(); shutdowncallback = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(threadhandle, shutdownCallback, null, Timeout.Infinite, true); } return done; }
public WmiSession GetXenStoreSession(string name) { lock (syncSingleton) { WmiSession session = new WmiSession(name, this); return session; } }
public Feature(string name, string advertise, string control, bool controlmustexist, IExceptionHandler exceptionhandler) { this.exceptionhandler = exceptionhandler; = name; wmisession = WmiBase.Singleton.GetXenStoreSession("Citrix Xen Service Feature : " + name); wmisession.Log("New Feature"); controlKey = wmisession.GetXenStoreItem(control); this.controlmustexist = controlmustexist; try { if (controlKey.value != "") { wmisession.Log("Control key "+control+":"+controlKey.value); } } catch {} enabled = true; listener = controlKey.Watch(new EventArrivedEventHandler(onFeatureWrapper)); if (!advertise.Equals("")) { advert = wmisession.GetXenStoreItem(advertise); features.Add(this); } Disposer.Add(this); }
public WorkerProcess(ClipboardAccess clipboard, WmiSession wmisession, IExceptionHandler exceptionhandler, IWorkerProcessHandler wphandler, IntPtr consoletoken) { this.clipboard = clipboard; this.wmisession = wmisession; this.exceptionhandler = exceptionhandler; this.wphandler = wphandler; workerlock = new object(); try { comms = new CommServer(this); } catch (Exception e) { wmisession.Log("Comms server failed to start:" + e.ToString()); throw; } try { string path = (string)Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Citrix\\XenTools", "Install_Dir", ""); string fullpath = string.Format("{0}\\XenDpriv.exe", path); string cmdline = string.Format("XenDpriv.exe {0}", comms.secret); this.worker = new SafeWaitHandle(Win32Impl.CreateUserProcess(consoletoken, fullpath, cmdline), true); workerWaiter = new ProcessWaitHandle(this.worker); registeredWorkerWaiter = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(workerWaiter, handleWorker, null, Timeout.Infinite, true); this.workerrunning = true; wmisession.Log("Worker Process spawned"); } catch(Exception e) { wmisession.Log("Worker process spawn exception : " + e.ToString()); comms.CloseMessagePipes(); throw; } }
public XenStoreItemCached(string name, WmiSession wmisession) : base(name, wmisession) { }
public StoredVolume(Win32Impl.Volume vol, WmiSession wmisession, long nextid) { try { Id = nextid; this.wmisession = wmisession; WmiBase.Singleton.DebugMsg("Stored volume: new " + vol.Name); path = getVolumePath(); WmiBase.Singleton.DebugMsg("creating " + path + "/name"); name = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached(path + "/name"); WmiBase.Singleton.DebugMsg(" : " + name.ToString()); size = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached(path + "/size"); free = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached(path + "/free"); volumeName = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached(path + "/volume_name"); filesystem = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached(path + "/filesystem"); } catch { throw; } try { name.value = vol.Name; size.value = vol.SizeBytes.ToString(); freebytes = vol.FreeBytes; free.value = freebytes.ToString(); volumeName.value = vol.VolumeName; filesystem.value = vol.FSName; } catch { throw; } try { mountPoints = new List<XenStoreItemCached>(); int i = 0; foreach (string mountpoint in vol.pathnames) { XenStoreItemCached mp = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached(path + "/mount_points/" + i.ToString()); mp.value = mountpoint; mountPoints.Add(mp); i++; } } catch { throw; } try { int i = 0; extents = new List<XenStoreItemCached>(); WmiBase.Singleton.DebugMsg("About to iterrate through extent names"); foreach (string disk in getExtentNames(vol.extents)) { XenStoreItemCached ext = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached(path + "/extents/" + i.ToString()); ext.value = disk; extents.Add(ext); } } catch { throw; } }
public VolumeInfo() { wmisession = WmiBase.Singleton.GetXenStoreSession("Volume Management"); storedVolumes = new StoredVolumes(wmisession); }
public WmiWatchListener(WmiSession session, ManagementEventWatcher ev, string pathname) : base(ev) { this.pathname = pathname; this.session = session; session.AddWatch(pathname); }
public StoredVolume(Win32Impl.Volume vol, WmiSession wmisession, long nextid) { try { Id = nextid; this.wmisession = wmisession; WmiBase.Singleton.DebugMsg("Stored volume: new " + vol.Name); path = getVolumePath(); WmiBase.Singleton.DebugMsg("creating " + path + "/name"); name = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached(path + "/name"); WmiBase.Singleton.DebugMsg(" : " + name.ToString()); size = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached(path + "/size"); free = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached(path + "/free"); volumeName = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached(path + "/volume_name"); filesystem = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached(path + "/filesystem"); } catch { throw; } try { name.value = vol.Name; size.value = vol.SizeBytes.ToString(); freebytes = vol.FreeBytes; free.value = freebytes.ToString(); volumeName.value = vol.VolumeName; filesystem.value = vol.FSName; } catch { throw; } try { mountPoints = new List <XenStoreItemCached>(); int i = 0; foreach (string mountpoint in vol.pathnames) { XenStoreItemCached mp = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached(path + "/mount_points/" + i.ToString()); mp.value = mountpoint; mountPoints.Add(mp); i++; } } catch { throw; } try { int i = 0; extents = new List <XenStoreItemCached>(); WmiBase.Singleton.DebugMsg("About to iterrate through extent names"); foreach (string disk in getExtentNames(vol.extents)) { XenStoreItemCached ext = wmisession.GetXenStoreItemCached(path + "/extents/" + i.ToString()); ext.value = disk; extents.Add(ext); } } catch { throw; } }
public StoredVolumes(WmiSession wmisession) { storedVolumes = new Dictionary <string, StoredVolume>(); nextid = 0; this.wmisession = wmisession; }