Example #1
        public EditCopyCommand(Layer layer, TileSelection tileSelection)
            m_layer = layer;
            m_tileSelection = tileSelection;

            m_description = "Copy selection from layer \"" + m_layer.Id + "\"";
        protected List<DestroyableTileInfo> ExtractGameObjectPositions(Layer layer, string tileName)
            TileArray tileArray = layer.Tiles;
            Size tileSize = layer.TileSize;
            Size amntOfTiles = layer.LayerSize;
            List<DestroyableTileInfo> gameObjectPositions = new List<DestroyableTileInfo>();

            for (int x = 0; x < amntOfTiles.Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < amntOfTiles.Height; y++)
                    Location tileLocation = new Location(x, y);
                    Tile thisTile = tileArray[tileLocation];

                    if (thisTile != null)
                        DestroyableTileInfo newInfo = new DestroyableTileInfo();

                        newInfo.ID = thisTile.Properties["id"];
                        newInfo.Position = new Point(x * tileSize.Width, y * tileSize.Height);
                        newInfo.TileName = tileName;


            return gameObjectPositions;
Example #3
        public LayerPropertiesDialog(Layer layer, bool isNewLayer)

            m_layer = layer;
            m_isNewLayer = isNewLayer;
Example #4
 public TileAnimationCommand(Layer layer, Location tileLocation, AnimatedTile animatedTile)
     m_layer = layer;
     m_tileLocation = tileLocation;
     m_animatedTile = animatedTile;
     m_oldTile = null;
     m_description = "Set animated tile at " + tileLocation;
Example #5
 public LayerDeleteCommand(Map map, Layer layer, MapTreeView mapTreeView)
     m_map = map;
     m_layer = layer;
     m_layerIndex = map.Layers.IndexOf(layer);
     m_mapTreeView = mapTreeView;
     m_description = "Delete layer \"" + layer.Id + "\"";
Example #6
        public ToolsEraseTileCommand(Layer layer, Location tileLocation)
            m_layer = layer;
            m_tileLocation = tileLocation;

            m_description = "Erase tile at " + m_tileLocation
                + " in layer \"" + m_layer.Id + "\"";
Example #7
 public Actor1(Texture2D texture, Point position, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle collisionBox, Map map)
     this.map = map;
     collisiona = map.Layers[3];
     Position = position;
     Texture = texture;
     Collisionbox = collisionBox;
Example #8
 public LayerOrderCommand(Layer layer, LayerOrderCommandType layerOrderCommandType)
     m_layer = layer;
     m_layerOrderCommandType = layerOrderCommandType;
     m_description = layerOrderCommandType == LayerOrderCommandType.BringForward
         ? "Bring layer \"" + layer.Id + "\" forward"
         : "Send layer \"" + layer.Id + "\" backward";
Example #9
        public TileAnimationDialog(Map map, Layer layer, Location tileLocation)

            m_map = map;
            m_layer = layer;
            m_tileLocation = tileLocation;
Example #10
 public LayerVisibilityCommand(Layer layer, bool newVisibility)
     m_layer = layer;
     m_oldVisibility = layer.Visible;
     m_newVisibility = newVisibility;
     m_description = "Make layer \"" + m_layer.Id + "\" "
         + (m_newVisibility ? "visible" : "invisibile");
Example #11
        public EditDeleteCommand(Layer layer, TileSelection tileSelection)
            m_layer = layer;
            m_selectionLocation = tileSelection.Bounds.Location;
            m_tileSelection = tileSelection;
            m_tileBrush = null;

            m_description = "Erase selection from layer \"" + m_layer.Id + "\"";
Example #12
        public EditCutCommand(Layer layer, TileSelection tileSelection)
            m_layer = layer;
            m_selectionLocation = tileSelection.Bounds.Location;
            m_tileSelection = tileSelection;
            m_oldTiles = null;

            m_description = "Cut selection from layer \"" + m_layer.Id + "\"";
Example #13
        public bool IsIntersectingExplosion(Layer layer, MazeActor actor)
            if (layer.Tiles[0, 0] == null)
                // no tile here

            return false;
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new animated tile for the given layer, using the
        /// given tile frames and frame interval
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">Layer to assign the tile to</param>
        /// <param name="tileFrames">Array of StaticTile instances</param>
        /// <param name="frameInterval">Frame interval in milliseconds</param>
        public AnimatedTile(Layer layer, StaticTile[] tileFrames, long frameInterval)
            : base(layer)
            if (frameInterval <= 0)
                throw new Exception("Frame interval must be strictly positive");

            m_tileFrames = new StaticTile[tileFrames.Length];
            tileFrames.CopyTo(m_tileFrames, 0);

            m_frameInterval = frameInterval;
            m_animationInterval = frameInterval * tileFrames.Length;
Example #15
 public List<GameObject> GetGameObjects(Game game, Map map)
     _layer = map.GetLayer(_layerName);
     if (_layer != null)
         return CreateGameObjects(ExtractGameObjectPositions(_layer), game);
         return new List<GameObject>();
Example #16
        xTile.Dimensions.Rectangle _viewport; //camera

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public Level(int levelNumber)
            //set camera size based on screen size
            _viewport = new xTile.Dimensions.Rectangle(
                new xTile.Dimensions.Size(
                    Game1.SCREEN_WIDTH, Game1.SCREEN_HEIGHT));

            //load the map for the specified level
            _tileMap = Content.Load<Map>("Maps\\" + levelNumber);

            //load tile sheet

            _collisionLayer = _tileMap.Layers[0];
Example #17
        public ToolsSelectCommand(Layer layer,
            TileSelection currentTileSelection, TileSelection newTileSelection,
            bool replace)
            m_layer = layer;
            m_currentTileSelection = currentTileSelection;
            m_oldTileSelection = new TileSelection(currentTileSelection);
            m_newTileSelection = new TileSelection(newTileSelection);
            m_replace = replace;

            if (m_replace)
                m_description = newTileSelection.IsEmpty() ? "Clear selection" : "Select tiles";
                m_description = "Select more tiles";
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a static tile for the given layer, tile sheet, blend
        /// mode and tile index
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">Layer to assign the tile to</param>
        /// <param name="tileSheet">Tile sheet associated with the tile</param>
        /// <param name="blendMode">Tile blend mode</param>
        /// <param name="tileIndex">Index of the tile in the given tile sheet</param>
        public StaticTile(Layer layer, TileSheet tileSheet, BlendMode blendMode, int tileIndex)
            : base(layer)
            if (!layer.Map.TileSheets.Contains(tileSheet))
                throw new Exception("The specified TileSheet is not in the parent map");

            m_blendMode = blendMode;

            m_tileSheet = tileSheet;

            if (tileIndex < 0 || tileIndex >= tileSheet.TileCount)
                throw new Exception("The specified Tile Index is out of range");

            m_tileIndex = tileIndex;
Example #19
        public EditPasteCommand(Layer layer,
            TileBrush tileBrush, Location brushLocation,
            TileSelection tileSelection, bool fromClipboard)
            m_layer = layer;
            m_tileBrush = tileBrush;
            m_brushLocation = brushLocation;
            m_tileSelection = tileSelection;
            m_fromClipboard = fromClipboard;
            m_oldTiles = null;

            m_description = fromClipboard
                ? "Paste copied tiles" : "Paste tile brush \"" + tileBrush.Id + "\"";
            m_description += " at " + m_brushLocation + " in layer \"" + m_layer.Id + "\"";
Example #20
        public InLevel(int levelNumber, ContentManager content)
            //general purpose hit detection rectangle
            _hitRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);

            _sprite = new Sprite(content.Load<Texture2D>("character"), 48, 48, 2, 2, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.2), 4);
            _sprite.SetLocation(60, Game1.SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2 * Tile.TILE_WIDTH);

            _tileMap = content.Load<Map>("Maps/level1");
            _viewport = new xTile.Dimensions.Rectangle(
                new xTile.Dimensions.Size(
                    Game1.SCREEN_WIDTH, Game1.SCREEN_HEIGHT));

            _collisionLayer = _tileMap.Layers[0];
Example #21
        public ToolsTileBlockCommand(Layer layer, TileSheet tileSheet,
            int tileIndex, Location blockLocation, Size blockSize)
            m_layer = layer;
            m_tileSheet = tileSheet;
            m_tileIndex = tileIndex;
            m_blockLocation = blockLocation;

            m_oldTiles = new Tile[blockSize.Width, blockSize.Height];

            m_oldFringeAssignments = new Dictionary<Location, Tile>();

            m_description = "Draw a block of tiles \"" + m_tileSheet.Id + ":" + m_tileIndex
                + "\" at " + m_blockLocation + " of size " + blockSize
                + " in layer \"" + m_layer.Id + "\"";
Example #22
        public LayerOffsetCommand(Layer layer, Location offset,
            bool wrapHorizontally, bool wrapVertically)
            m_layer = layer;
            m_offset = offset;
            m_wrapHorizontally = wrapHorizontally;
            m_wrapVertically = wrapVertically;
            m_tiles = null;

            m_description = "Offset layer \"" + m_layer.Id + "\" by " + m_offset + " tiles ";
            if (m_wrapHorizontally && m_wrapVertically)
                m_description += "with horizontal and vertical wrapping";
            else if (m_wrapHorizontally)
                m_description += "with horizontal wrapping only";
            else if (m_wrapVertically)
                m_description += "with vertical wrapping only";
                m_description += "without wrapping";
Example #23
        public Dictionary<Location, Tile> DetermineTileAssignments(Layer layer, Location tileLocation, StaticTile staticTile)
            Dictionary<Location, Tile> allAssignments = new Dictionary<Location, Tile>();
            foreach (AutoTile autoTile in m_autoTiles)
                if (autoTile.TileSheet != staticTile.TileSheet)

                Dictionary<Location, Tile> assignments
                    = autoTile.DetermineTileAssignments(layer, tileLocation, staticTile.TileIndex);

                foreach (Location location in assignments.Keys)
                    allAssignments[location] = assignments[location];

            if (m_autoTiles.Count == 0)
                allAssignments[tileLocation] = staticTile.Clone(layer);

            return allAssignments;
Example #24
 public Character(Texture2D texture,
     int currentFrame,
     int spriteWidth,
     int spriteHeight,
     Map map)
     this.spriteTexture = texture;
     this.currentFrame = currentFrame;
     this.spriteWidth = spriteWidth;
     this.spriteHeight = spriteHeight;
     this._map = map;
     if (!(_map == null))
         Console.WriteLine("_map != null");
     this.collision = map.GetLayer("Colision");
     //this.collision = _map.Layers[3];
     m_vecLeafPositions = new Vector2[20];
     m_vecLeafVelocities = new Vector2[m_vecLeafPositions.Length];
Example #25
        public ToolsPlaceTileCommand(Layer layer, Tile newTile, Location tileLocation)
            m_layer = layer;

            if (newTile is StaticTile)
                m_newAssignments = AutoTileManager.Instance.DetermineTileAssignments(
                    m_layer, tileLocation, (StaticTile) newTile);
                m_newAssignments = new Dictionary<Location, Tile>();
                m_newAssignments[tileLocation] = newTile;

            m_oldAssignments = new Dictionary<Location, Tile>();
            foreach (Location assignedLocation in m_newAssignments.Keys)
                m_oldAssignments[assignedLocation] = layer.Tiles[assignedLocation];

            m_description = "Place tile \"" + newTile.TileSheet.Id + ":" + newTile.TileIndex
                + "\" at " + tileLocation + " in layer \"" + m_layer.Id + "\"";
        public EditChangeSelectionCommand(Layer layer,
            TileSelection currentTileSelection,
            ChangeSelectionType changeSelectionType)
            m_layer = layer;
            m_currentTileSelection = currentTileSelection;
            m_oldTileSelection = new TileSelection(currentTileSelection);
            m_changeSelectionType = changeSelectionType;

            switch (m_changeSelectionType)
                case ChangeSelectionType.SelectAll:
                    m_description = "Select all tiles";
                case ChangeSelectionType.Clear:
                    m_description = "Clear tile selection";
                case ChangeSelectionType.Invert:
                    m_description = "Invert tile selection";
Example #27
        internal TileBrush(string id, Layer layer, TileSelection tileSelection)
            m_id = id;
            xTile.Dimensions.Rectangle selectionBounds = tileSelection.Bounds;

            m_brushSize = selectionBounds.Size;
            m_tileSize = layer.TileSize;
            m_displaySize = new xTile.Dimensions.Size(
                m_brushSize.Width * m_tileSize.Width,
                m_brushSize.Height * m_tileSize.Height);

            m_tileBrushElements = new List<TileBrushElement>();
            foreach (Location location in tileSelection.Locations)
                if (!layer.IsValidTileLocation(location))

                Tile tile = layer.Tiles[location];
                Tile tileClone = tile == null ? null : tile.Clone(layer);
                TileBrushElement tileBrushElement = new TileBrushElement(
                    tileClone, location - selectionBounds.Location);
        protected List<Vector2> ExtractGameObjectPositions(Layer layer)
            TileArray tileArray = layer.Tiles;
            Size tileSize = layer.TileSize;
            Size amntOfTiles = layer.LayerSize;
            List<Vector2> gameObjectPositions = new List<Vector2>();

            for (int x = 0; x < amntOfTiles.Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < amntOfTiles.Height; y++)
                    Location tileLocation = new Location(x, y);
                    Tile thisTile = tileArray[tileLocation];

                    if (thisTile != null)
                        Vector2 position = new Vector2(x * tileSize.Width, y * tileSize.Height);

            return gameObjectPositions;
Example #29
        public Map Load(Stream stream)

            MphdRecord mphdRecord = null;
            string[] authorLines = null;
            Color[] colourMap = null;
            BlockRecord[] blockRecords = null;
            AnimationRecord[] animationRecords = null;
            Image imageSource = null;
            short[][] layers = new short[8][];

            Dictionary<string, Chunk> chunks = MapChunks(stream);

            if (!chunks.ContainsKey("MPHD"))
                throw new Exception("Header chunk MPHD missing");
            Chunk mphdChunk = chunks["MPHD"];
            mphdRecord = ReadChunkMPHD(stream, mphdChunk);

            if (mphdRecord.BlockDepth == 8)
                if (!chunks.ContainsKey("CMAP"))
                    throw new Exception("Colour map chuck CMAP is required for 8bit graphics blocks");
                Chunk cmapChunk = chunks["CMAP"];
                colourMap = ReadChunkCMAP(stream, cmapChunk);

            if (chunks.ContainsKey("ATHR"))
                authorLines = ReadChunkATHR(stream, chunks["ATHR"]);

            if (!chunks.ContainsKey("BKDT"))
                throw new Exception("Block data chunk BKDT missing");
            Chunk bkdtChunk = chunks["BKDT"];
            blockRecords = ReadChunkBKDT(stream, bkdtChunk, mphdRecord);

            // optional ?
            if (chunks.ContainsKey("ANDT"))
                Chunk andtChunk = chunks["ANDT"];
                animationRecords = ReadChunkANDT(stream, andtChunk, mphdRecord);

            if (!chunks.ContainsKey("BGFX"))
                throw new Exception("Block graphics chunk BGFX missing");
            Chunk bgfxChunk = chunks["BGFX"];
            imageSource = ReadChunkBGFX(stream, bgfxChunk, mphdRecord, colourMap);

            if (!chunks.ContainsKey("BODY"))
                throw new Exception("Body chunk BODY missing");
            Chunk bodyChunk = chunks["BODY"];
            layers[0] = ReadChunkLayer(stream, bodyChunk, mphdRecord);

            // additional layers
            for (int layer = 1; layer <= 7; layer++)
                string chunkId = "LYR" + layer;
                if (chunks.ContainsKey(chunkId))
                    Chunk layerChuck = chunks[chunkId];
                    layers[layer] = ReadChunkLayer(stream, layerChuck, mphdRecord);

            // new map
            Map map = new Map();

            // attach ATHR lines as description
            if (authorLines != null)
                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (string authorLine in authorLines)
                map.Description = stringBuilder.ToString();

            // prompt user to save tilesheet image source
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();
            saveFileDialog.CheckPathExists = true;
            saveFileDialog.Filter = "Portable Network Geaphics (*.png)|*.png";
            saveFileDialog.OverwritePrompt = true;
            saveFileDialog.Title = "Save tile sheet image source as";
            saveFileDialog.ValidateNames = true;
            if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
                throw new Exception("Mappy FMAP file import aborted");

            string tileSheetImageSource = saveFileDialog.FileName;

            imageSource.Save(tileSheetImageSource, ImageFormat.Png);

            // determine global tile size
            xTile.Dimensions.Size tileSize = new xTile.Dimensions.Size(mphdRecord.BlockWidth, mphdRecord.BlockHeight);

            // add tilesheet
            TileSheet tileSheet = new TileSheet("BGFX", map, tileSheetImageSource,
                new xTile.Dimensions.Size(1, mphdRecord.NumBlockGfx), tileSize);

            // determine global map size
            xTile.Dimensions.Size mapSize = new xTile.Dimensions.Size(mphdRecord.MapWidth, mphdRecord.MapHeight);

            // create layers
            for (int layerIndex = 0; layerIndex < 8; layerIndex++)
                if (layers[layerIndex] == null)

                string layerId = layerIndex == 0 ? "BODY" : "LYR" + layerIndex;
                Layer layer = new Layer(layerId, map, mapSize, tileSize);
                for (int tileY = 0; tileY < mapSize.Height; tileY++)
                    for (int tileX = 0; tileX < mapSize.Width; tileX++)
                        int layerOffset = tileY * mapSize.Width + tileX;
                        int tileIndex = layers[layerIndex][layerOffset];
                        if (tileIndex >= 0)
                            layer.Tiles[tileX, tileY] = new StaticTile(layer, tileSheet, BlendMode.Alpha, tileIndex);
                            AnimationRecord animationRecord = animationRecords[-tileIndex - 1];
                            StaticTile[] tileFrames = new StaticTile[animationRecord.Frames.Length];

                            for (int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < animationRecord.Frames.Length; frameIndex++)
                                tileFrames[frameIndex] = new StaticTile(layer, tileSheet, BlendMode.Alpha, animationRecord.Frames[frameIndex]);

                            // process loop types
                            switch (animationRecord.Type)
                                case 2: // LOOPR: loop backward
                                case 5: // PPFF -+
                                case 6: // PPRR  | - different states for ping-pong animation
                                case 7: // PPRF  | - treat all the same
                                case 8: // PPFR -+
                                    StaticTile[] pingPongFrames = new StaticTile[tileFrames.Length * 2 - 1];
                                    Array.Copy(tileFrames, pingPongFrames, tileFrames.Length);
                                    Array.Copy(tileFrames, 0, pingPongFrames, tileFrames.Length, tileFrames.Length - 1);
                                    Array.Reverse(pingPongFrames, tileFrames.Length, tileFrames.Length - 1);
                                    tileFrames = pingPongFrames;
                                default: // treat all other cases as LOOPF
                                    // 0 = NONE
                                    // 1 = LOOPF: loop forward
                                    // 3 = ONCE, 4 = ONCEH: one-off animations
                                    // 9 = ONCES: one-off animations

                            AnimatedTile animatedTile = new AnimatedTile(layer, tileFrames, (long)animationRecord.Delay * 20);
                            layer.Tiles[tileX, tileY] = animatedTile;

            return map;
Example #30
        private void WriteChunkLayer(Stream stream, Layer layer, string chunkId, AnimatedTile[] animatedTiles)
            // BODY or LYR1 .. LYR7
            WriteSequence(stream, chunkId);

            // size is array of shorts
            int layerWidth = layer.LayerWidth;
            int layerHeight = layer.LayerHeight;
            WriteMsb(stream, (long)(layerWidth * layerHeight * 2));

            for (int tileY = 0; tileY < layerHeight; tileY++)
                for (int tileX = 0; tileX < layerWidth; tileX++)
                    Tile tile = layer.Tiles[tileX, tileY];
                    if (tile == null)
                        WriteLsb(stream, (short)0);
                    else if (tile is StaticTile)
                        WriteLsb(stream, (short)(tile.TileIndex * 32));
                    else if (tile is AnimatedTile)
                        if (animatedTiles == null)
                            WriteLsb(stream, (short)0);
                            AnimatedTile animatedTile = (AnimatedTile)tile;
                            int animationIndex = -1;
                            for (int listIndex = 0; listIndex < animatedTiles.Length; listIndex++)
                                if (AnimationsMatch(animatedTile, animatedTiles[listIndex]))
                                    animationIndex = listIndex;
                            if (animationIndex < 0)
                                WriteLsb(stream, (short)0);
                                short animationOffset = (short)((animationIndex - animatedTiles.Length) * AnimationRecord.SIZE);
                                WriteLsb(stream, animationOffset);
                        throw new Exception("Unknown tile type: " + tile.GetType());