public void createReport(int userId, initiCalendar calaendar) { Workbook wb = null; Worksheet ws = null; Range range = null; string path = "//\\caelan\\Temp\\worksheet\\C83E_From.xls"; LoadData database = new LoadData(); wb = _Excel.Workbooks.Open(path); ws = (Worksheet)wb.Sheets[1]; range = ws.get_Range("A1", "AE200"); System.Data.DataTable staffDT = database.getTable("select * from staffstatus where userId = " + userId, "staffstsus"); ws.Cells[3][4] = staffDT.Rows[0]["staff_name"]; ws.Cells[19][4] = staffDT.Rows[0]["grade"]; ws.Cells[25][4] = staffDT.Rows[0]["unit"]; ws.Cells[32][4] = staffDT.Rows[0]["cc"]; ws.Cells[3][5] = staffDT.Rows[0]["staff_no"]; ws.Cells[4][196] = "S/N " + staffDT.Rows[0]["staff_name"]; ws.Cells[19][5] = intToMonth(calaendar.getcurrentMonth()) + calaendar.getcurrentYear(); int i = 9; HashSet <int> numbers; if (calaendar.getweekOfFirstDayOnMonth() == 0) { /*check the day of first, if your first day is sunday, you should start the week on row 35*/ numbers = new HashSet <int> { 35, 41, 45, 49, 53, 57, 61, 65, 71, 75, 79, 83, 87, 91, 95, 101, 105, 109, 113, 117, 121, 125, 131, 135, 139, 143, 147, 151, 155, 161, 165, 169, 173, 177, 181, 185 }; i = 35; } else { /*orther start time are using this patten*/ numbers = new HashSet <int> { 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 41, 45, 49, 53, 57, 61, 65, 71, 75, 79, 83, 87, 91, 95, 101, 105, 109, 113, 117, 121, 125, 131, 135, 139, 143, 147, 151, 155, 161, 165, 169, 173, 177, 181, 185 }; } System.Data.DataTable dt = database.getTable("select * from comment where userId = " + userId + " order by dateoflast ASC ;", "comment"); System.Data.DataColumn[] dc = new System.Data.DataColumn[] { dt.Columns[0] }; int AL = Convert.ToInt32(database.getTable("select * from staffstatus where userId = " + userId, "staffstatus").Rows[0]["al_balance"]); try { foreach (System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRow dgvr in calaendar.getCalendar().Rows) { foreach (System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCell dgvc in dgvr.Cells) { /*check the date is or not now month, and find the day status is it normal, if yes, do some to excel, if not, yet*/ if (Convert.ToDateTime(calaendar.getDateByCaleandar(dgvc.RowIndex, dgvc.ColumnIndex)).Month == calaendar.getcurrentMonth()) { ws.Cells[2][i] = Convert.ToDateTime(calaendar.getDateByCaleandar(dgvc.RowIndex, dgvc.ColumnIndex)).Day.ToString(); if (dgvc.Tag == null) { } else { System.Data.DataRow dr = database.getDateRowByKey(dc, new object[] { dgvc.Tag }, dt); if (dr["daystatus"].Equals("Normal")) { string[] s = dr[1].ToString().Split(new char[] { }); int j = 0; foreach (string ss in s) { ws.Cells[32][i + j] = ss; j++; } ws.Cells[2][i] = Convert.ToDateTime(calaendar.getDateByCaleandar(dgvc.RowIndex, dgvc.ColumnIndex)).Day.ToString(); ws.Cells[3][i] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[4]).ToString("HH:mm"); ws.Cells[4][i] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[5]).ToString("HH:mm"); try { if (!((Convert.ToDateTime(dr["otend"]) - Convert.ToDateTime(dr["otstart"])).Hours.ToString() + "." + (((Convert.ToDateTime(dr["otend"]) - Convert.ToDateTime(dr["otstart"])).Minutes) * 10 / 60).ToString()).Equals("0.0")) { ws.Cells[6][i] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["otend"]).ToString("HH:mm"); ws.Cells[5][i] = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["otstart"]).ToString("HH:mm"); if (Convert.ToBoolean(dr[14])) { ws.Cells[11][i] = ((Convert.ToDateTime(dr["otend"]) - Convert.ToDateTime(dr["otstart"])).Hours.ToString() + "." + (((Convert.ToDateTime(dr["otend"]) - Convert.ToDateTime(dr["otstart"])).Minutes) * 10 / 60).ToString()); } else { ws.Cells[16][i] = (Convert.ToDateTime(dr["otend"]) - Convert.ToDateTime(dr["otstart"])).Hours.ToString() + "." + (((Convert.ToDateTime(dr["otend"]) - Convert.ToDateTime(dr["otstart"])).Minutes) * 10 / 60).ToString(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } if (Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isA"])) { ws.Cells[19][i] = "1"; } if (Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isN"])) { ws.Cells[21][i] = "1"; } // if (Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isM"])) if (Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isECO"])) { ws.Cells[10][i] = "1"; } if (Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isDrive"])) { ws.Cells[25][i] = "1"; } if (Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isSPday"])) { ws.Cells[23][i] = "1"; } if (Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isStandby"])) { ws.Cells[27][i] = "1"; } } else { if (dr["daystatus"].Equals("Annual Leave")) { AL++; ws.Cells[29][i] = -1; } ws.Cells[3][i] = getstatus(database.getDateRowByKey(dc, new object[] { dgvc.Tag }, dt)["daystatus"].ToString()); } } } for (i = i + 2; !numbers.Contains(i); i = i + 2) { ; } } } ws.Cells[29][10] = AL; } catch (Exception ex) { } wb.SaveAs("C:\\WS\\test.xls"); wb.Close(); }
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); timepicker tp = new timepicker(); tp.otend = OTenddateTimePicker; tp.otstart = OTstartdateTimePicker; tp.start = startdateTimePicker; tp.end = enddateTimePicker; tp.toiladded = toiladdeddateTimePicker; tp.toiltaked = toiltakeddateTimePicker; tp.isA = isAcheckBox; tp.isN = isNcheckBox; tp.isM = isMcheckBox; tp.isECO = isECOcheckBox; tp.isDrive = isDrivecheckBox; tp.otTimes = otTimelabel; tp.isSPday = isSPdaycheckBox; tp.isStandby = isStandbycheckBox; = tp; database = new LoadData(); LoginPage lp = new LoginPage(database); lp.ShowDialog(); if (lp.isclosed()) { this.Close(); } userId = lp.getUserId(); Calendar.Rows.Add(Calendar.Rows); Calendar.Rows.Add(Calendar.Rows); Calendar.Rows.Add(Calendar.Rows); Calendar.Rows.Add(Calendar.Rows); Calendar.Rows.Add(Calendar.Rows); Calendar.Rows.Add(Calendar.Rows); Calendar.Rows[0].Height = 40; Calendar.Rows[1].Height = 40; Calendar.Rows[2].Height = 40; Calendar.Rows[3].Height = 40; Calendar.Rows[4].Height = 40; Calendar.Rows[5].Height = 40; Calendar.Rows[0].Cells[0].Selected = false; foreach (DataGridViewColumn dgvc in Calendar.Columns) { dgvc.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; } foreach (DataGridViewColumn dgvc in historyList.Columns) { dgvc.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; } MonthcomboBox.SelectedItem = MonthcomboBox.Items[DateTime.Now.Month - 1]; this.MonthcomboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.MonthcomboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); for (int i = 2000; i <= DateTime.Now.Year; i++) { yearcomboBox.Items.Add(i); } yearcomboBox.SelectedItem = DateTime.Now.Year; initiCalendar calendar = new initiCalendar(Calendar); calendar.createCalendar(DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Year, userId.ToString()); HistoryList history = new HistoryList(userId, historyList); history.createHistory(); Admin admin = new Admin(namelistView); admin.createNameList(); this.admin = admin; this.calendar = calendar; this.tabControl1.Controls.Remove(this.tabPage2); this.tabControl1.Controls.Remove(this.tabPage3); this.tabControl1.Controls.Remove(this.Toilexport); }