Example #1
        public static Dictionary <string, Brush> CreateValueDependentBrushes(this HistoGrapher hg, double minValue, double maxValue, Func <double, Color> colorMapper)
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(hg != null, "hg");
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(colorMapper != null, "colorMapper");
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentException>(minValue < maxValue, "The minimum value should be less than the maximum value.");
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentException>(hg.MinValue >= minValue && hg.MaxValue <= maxValue, "HistoGrapher's values should not exceed the explicitly specified bounds of colour.");

            return(hg.CreateValueDependentBrushes(minValue, maxValue, (x => new SolidBrush(colorMapper(x)))));
Example #2
        public static Dictionary <string, Brush> CreateValueDependentBrushes(this HistoGrapher hg, double minValue, double maxValue, Func <double, Brush> brushMapper)
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(hg != null, "hg");
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(brushMapper != null, "brushMapper");
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentException>(minValue < maxValue, "The minimum value should be less than the maximum value.");
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentException>(hg.MinValue >= minValue && hg.MaxValue <= maxValue, "HistoGrapher's values should not exceed the explicitly specified bounds of colour.");

            Dictionary <string, Brush> result = new Dictionary <string, Brush>();

            double rangeLength = maxValue - minValue;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> kvp in hg.pointValuePairs)
                double coefficient = (kvp.Value - minValue) / rangeLength;
                result.Add(kvp.Key, brushMapper(coefficient));

Example #3
        public static Dictionary <string, Brush> CreateValueDependentBrushes(this HistoGrapher hg, double minValue, double maxValue, Color minColor, Color maxColor)
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(hg != null, "hg");
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentException>(minValue < maxValue, "The minimum value should be less than the maximum value.");
            Contract.Requires <ArgumentException>(hg.MinValue >= minValue && hg.MaxValue <= maxValue, "HistoGrapher's values should not exceed the explicitly specified bounds of colour.");

            double rDiff = maxColor.R - minColor.R;
            double gDiff = maxColor.G - minColor.G;
            double bDiff = maxColor.B - minColor.B;
            double aDiff = maxColor.A - minColor.A;

            Func <double, Color> colorMapper = delegate(double k)
                int rNew = minColor.R + (int)(k * rDiff);
                int gNew = minColor.G + (int)(k * gDiff);
                int bNew = minColor.B + (int)(k * bDiff);
                int aNew = minColor.A + (int)(k * aDiff);

                return(Color.FromArgb(aNew, rNew, gNew, bNew));

            return(hg.CreateValueDependentBrushes(minValue, maxValue, colorMapper));