public static (splineData, string) SwitchPedAI(bool[] hasPav, bool ai, ePavWidthMode[] splinePavWidthMode, double[] offsets, splineData data, string out_name)
            if (ai)
                if (hasPav[0])
                    data.paths.Add(new aiPath(ePathType.ped, offsets[0], Profiles.h_kerb, ePavPathW.Get(splinePavWidthMode[0]), 2));
                if (hasPav[1])
                    data.paths.Add(new aiPath(ePathType.ped, offsets[1], Profiles.h_kerb, ePavPathW.Get(splinePavWidthMode[1]), 2));

            if (ai && (hasPav[0] || hasPav[1]))
                out_name += " P";
            else if ((hasPav[0] || hasPav[1]))
                out_name += " NP";

            return(data, out_name);
 public static (splineData, string) SwitchCarAI(eLaneWidthMode splineLaneWidthMode, double offset, int dir, splineData data, string out_name)
     if (dir >= 0)
         data.paths.Add(new aiPath(0, offset, Profiles.h_lane, eLanePathW.Get(splineLaneWidthMode), dir));
         out_name += (dir);
         out_name += "X";
     return(data, out_name);
        public static (splineData, string) SwitchLane(object lane, object laneMode, eLaneWidthMode splineLaneWidthMode, double offset, bool mirror, splineData data, string in_name, bool in_delimit = true)
            string temp_name = ""; if (in_delimit)

                temp_name += "-";
            temp_name += "L";
            string tex = lane.ToString(); if (laneMode.ToString() == "Worn")

                tex += " Worn";

            data.lanes.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_lane[(int)splineLaneWidthMode], tex, offset, mirror));
            double chevron_offset = offset; if (mirror)

                chevron_offset -= eLaneW.Get(splineLaneWidthMode);

            if (laneMode.ToString() == "Chevrons")
                data.lines.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_lane_chevrons[(int)splineLaneWidthMode], chevron_offset, false));
            if (laneMode.ToString() == "Chevrons reversed")
                data.lines.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_lane_chevrons_inv[(int)splineLaneWidthMode], chevron_offset, false));
            if (laneMode.ToString() == "Double Chevrons")
                data.lines.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_lane_chevrons_both[(int)splineLaneWidthMode], chevron_offset, false));
            if (laneMode.ToString() == "Double Chevrons reversed")
                data.lines.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_lane_chevrons_both_inv[(int)splineLaneWidthMode], chevron_offset, false));
            temp_name += SwitchSurface(lane.ToString(), laneMode.ToString());
            return(data, in_name + temp_name);
        //public static (splineData, string) SwitchLaneMarking(object selectedItem, double offset, bool mirror, splineData data, string in_name, bool in_delimit = true)
        //    string temp_name = "";
        //    if (in_delimit) { temp_name += "-"; }
        //    switch (selectedItem)
        //    {
        //        case "Solid (RH: EdgeLine_Norm_100)":
        //            data.lines.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_edgeline[1].Prof(), offset, mirror));
        //            //data.lines.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_edgeline_norm, offset, mirror));
        //            temp_name += "ENo";
        //            break;
        //        case "Normal (RH: CentreLine_Norm_100)":
        //            data.lines.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_centreline_norm_std, offset, mirror));
        //            temp_name += "CNo";
        //            break;
        //        case "Normal 2 (RH: CentreLine_Norm2_100)":
        //            data.lines.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_centreline_norm2_std, offset, mirror));
        //            temp_name += "CNo2";
        //            break;
        //        case "Warning (RH: CentreLine_Warn_100)":
        //            data.lines.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_centreline_warn_std, offset, mirror));
        //            temp_name += "CWa";
        //            break;
        //        case "Warning 2 (RH: CentreLine_Warn2_100)":
        //            data.lines.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_centreline_warn2_std, offset, mirror));
        //            temp_name += "CWa2";
        //            break;
        //        case "Chevrons (1m) (RH: Chevrons_1000)":
        //            data.lines.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_chevrons_1000, offset, mirror));
        //            temp_name += "CCv";
        //            break;
        //        case "Chevrons reversed (1m) (RH: Chevrons_inv_1000)":
        //            data.lines.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_chevrons_inv_1000, offset, mirror));
        //            temp_name += "CCvR";
        //            break;
        //        case "Double chevrons (1m) (RH: Chevrons_both_1000)":
        //            data.lines.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_chevrons_both_1000, offset, mirror));
        //            temp_name += "CCvB";
        //            break;
        //        case "Double chevrons reversed (1m) (RH: Chevrons_both_1000)":
        //            data.lines.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_chevrons_both_inv_1000, offset, mirror));
        //            temp_name += "CCvBR";
        //            break;
        //        default:
        //            temp_name = "";
        //            break;
        //    }
        //    return (data, in_name + temp_name);

        public static (splineData, string) SwitchLaneMarking(int selectedIndex, double offset, bool mirror, splineData data, string in_name, bool in_delimit = true)
            string temp_name = "";

            if (selectedIndex - 1 > Profiles.data_centreline.Count || selectedIndex == 0)
                return(data, in_name);
            if (in_delimit)
                temp_name += "-";
            data.lines.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_centreline[selectedIndex - 1].Prof(), offset, mirror));
            temp_name += Profiles.data_centreline[selectedIndex - 1].ShortName();
            return(data, in_name + temp_name);
        public static (splineData, string, double) SwitchEdge(object profile, object shoulder, object adjacentLane, int shoulderWidthMode, eLaneWidthMode laneWidthMode, int kerb, string pavement, ePavWidthMode pavWidthMode, double offset, bool mirror, splineData data, string in_name, bool hasPav, bool hasKerb, bool delimit = true)
            double splinePavOffset = 0;

            bool shoulderGetAdj = false;

            if (shoulderWidthMode == (int)eShoulderWidthMode.lan)
                shoulderWidthMode += (int)laneWidthMode;

            string temp_name = "";

            if (delimit)
                temp_name += "-";
            int mf = 1;

            if (mirror)
                mf = -1;
            double m_w_edge = eShoulderW.Get(shoulderWidthMode) * mf;
            double m_w_kerb = Profiles.w_kerb * mf;
            double m_w_gras = Profiles.w_gras * mf;
            double m_w_pav  = ePavW.Get(pavWidthMode) * mf;
            double m_o_ped  = m_w_pav / 2;

            bool no_prof = false;

            string shoulderTex = shoulder.ToString();

            if (shoulderTex == "Get from adjacent lane")
                shoulderTex = adjacentLane.ToString();
            shoulderGetAdj = true;

            string pavementTex = pavement.ToString();

            if (!mirror)
                temp_name += "S";
                if (!shoulderGetAdj)
                    temp_name += SwitchSurface(shoulderTex);
                temp_name += SwitchShoulderWidthMode(shoulderWidthMode);
                temp_name += "-";
                if (hasKerb)
                    temp_name += "K";
                    temp_name += SwitchKerb(kerb);
                    temp_name += "-";
                if (hasPav)
                    temp_name += "P";
                    temp_name += SwitchSurface(pavementTex);
                    temp_name += "-";

            switch (profile)
            case "Hard edge":
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_edge[shoulderWidthMode], shoulderTex, offset, mirror));
                temp_name += "VH";

            case "Soft edge":
                //data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_verge[shoulderWidthMode], offset, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_edge[shoulderWidthMode], shoulderTex, offset, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_verge, offset + m_w_edge, mirror));
                temp_name += "VS";

            case "Kerb":
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_edge[shoulderWidthMode], shoulderTex, offset, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_kerbs_double[kerb], offset + m_w_edge, mirror));
                temp_name += "VK";

            case "Kerb with grass slope":
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_edge[shoulderWidthMode], shoulderTex, offset, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_kerbs_single[kerb], offset + m_w_edge, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_grass_slope, offset + m_w_edge + m_w_kerb, mirror));
                temp_name += "VKG";

            case "Pavement":
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_edge[shoulderWidthMode], shoulderTex, offset, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_kerbs_single[kerb], offset + m_w_edge, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_pav[(int)pavWidthMode], pavementTex, offset + m_w_edge + m_w_kerb, mirror));
                splinePavOffset = offset + m_w_edge + m_w_kerb + m_o_ped;
                temp_name      += "VP";

            case "Pavement with grass slope":
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_edge[shoulderWidthMode], shoulderTex, offset, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_kerbs_single[kerb], offset + m_w_edge, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_pav[(int)pavWidthMode], pavementTex, offset + m_w_edge + m_w_kerb, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_grass_slope, offset + m_w_edge + m_w_kerb + m_w_pav, mirror));
                splinePavOffset = offset + m_w_edge + m_w_kerb + m_o_ped;
                temp_name      += "VPG";

            case "Offset pavement":
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_edge[shoulderWidthMode], shoulderTex, offset, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_kerbs_single[kerb], offset + m_w_edge, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_grass_pavof, offset + m_w_edge + m_w_kerb, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_pav[(int)pavWidthMode], pavementTex, offset + m_w_edge + m_w_kerb + m_w_gras, mirror));
                splinePavOffset = offset + m_w_edge + m_w_kerb + m_w_gras + m_o_ped;
                temp_name      += "VOP";

            case "Offset pavement with grass slope":
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_edge[shoulderWidthMode], shoulderTex, offset, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_kerbs_single[kerb], offset + m_w_edge, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_grass_pavof, offset + m_w_edge + m_w_kerb, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_pav[(int)pavWidthMode], pavementTex, offset + m_w_edge + m_w_kerb + m_w_gras, mirror));
                data.edges.Add(new sectData(Profiles.data_grass_slope, offset + m_w_edge + m_w_kerb + m_w_gras + m_w_pav, mirror));
                splinePavOffset = offset + m_w_edge + m_w_kerb + m_w_gras + m_o_ped;
                temp_name      += "VOPG";

                temp_name = "";
                no_prof   = true;

            if (mirror && !no_prof)
                if (hasPav)
                    temp_name += "-";
                    temp_name += "P";
                    temp_name += SwitchSurface(pavementTex);
                    temp_name += SwitchPavementWidthMode(pavWidthMode);
                if (hasKerb)
                    temp_name += "-";
                    temp_name += "K";
                    temp_name += SwitchKerb(kerb);
                temp_name += "-";
                temp_name += "S";
                if (!shoulderGetAdj)
                    temp_name += SwitchSurface(shoulderTex);
                temp_name += SwitchShoulderWidthMode(shoulderWidthMode);

            return(data, in_name + temp_name, splinePavOffset);