private async void Button_Click_2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (fname.Text.Length > 0 && fcontact.Text.Length > 0 && fmail.Text.Length > 0 && faddress.Text.Length > 0) { try { client2 = new FireSharp.FirebaseClient(config); var data = new mClient { Name = fname.Text, ContactNo = fcontact.Text, MailId = fmail.Text, Address = faddress.Text }; FirebaseResponse firebaseResponse = await client2.GetAsync("Master/Spinner/Employee/count/"); int count; try { count = firebaseResponse.ResultAs <int>(); } catch (Exception) { count = 0; } count++; String ab; if (count < 10) { ab = "Wd0" + count.ToString(); SetResponse set = await client2.SetAsync("Master/Spinner/Employee/" + count + "/", ab); SetResponse set1 = await client2.SetAsync("Master/Spinner/Employee/count/", count); SetResponse response = await client2.SetAsync("Master/Employee/" + ab + "/", data); } else if (count > 10 && count < 100) { ab = "Wd" + count.ToString(); SetResponse set = await client2.SetAsync("Master/Spinner/Employee/" + count + "/", ab); SetResponse set1 = await client2.SetAsync("Master/Spinner/Employee/count/", count); SetResponse response = await client2.SetAsync("Master/Employee/" + ab + "/", data); } } catch (Exception) { MessageDialog error = new MessageDialog("Failed to connect to database!"); this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(BlankPage6)); } } else { MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog("Check the inputs!"); await md.ShowAsync(); } }
private async void Page_Loader(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { client2 = new FireSharp.FirebaseClient(config); FirebaseResponse response = await client2.GetAsync("Master/Spinner/Client/count/"); int c; try { c = response.ResultAs <int>(); } catch (Exception) { c = 0; } for (int i = 1; i <= c; i++) { FirebaseResponse response1 = await client2.GetAsync("Master/Spinner/Client/" + i + "/"); String a = response1.ResultAs <String>(); FirebaseResponse response2 = await client2.GetAsync("Master/Client/" + a + "/"); mClient t = response2.ResultAs <mClient>(); ClientDetails cd = new ClientDetails(); cd.cname = t.Name; cd.cphone = t.ContactNo; cd.cmail = t.MailId; cd.caddress = t.Address; cd.sno = i.ToString(); MyList.Items.Add(cd); if (MyList.Items.Count == c) { progress1.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; cln.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } } } catch (Exception) { MessageDialog error = new MessageDialog("Failed to connect to database!"); this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(BlankPage6)); } }