Example #1
 public DataSet GetSubCont(int grval)
         ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.INFO, 82, "BL:GetSubCont()::Function starts here.");
         string   sqlstmt = "select contacts from comgt where GroupId=?comgt.groupid";
         string[] arr_val = { grval.ToString() };
         ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.DB, 85, "BL:GetSubCont()::query to select contacts from comgt:" + sqlstmt);
         DataSet ds = DL.DL_ExecuteQuery(sqlstmt, arr_val);
         ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.DB, 87, "BL:GetSubCont()::Result of query to select contacts from comgt, no of rows:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString());
         if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
     catch (Exception ex)
         ____logconfig.Error_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.EXC, 99, ex.Message.ToString(), "BL");
Example #2
        public void get_msc_code_information(string msc_code)
                string strQuery = "use dst;select dmc.dst_msc_id,dmc.dst_msc_circle_type,dmc.dst_msc_cdma_gsm,dmc.dst_msc_access_code,dmc.dst_msc_series,dmc.dst_operator_id,dod.dst_operator_name,dmc.dst_circle_id,dcd.dst_circle_name,dmc.dst_msc_code_yr_allotment " +
                                  "  from dst_msc_codes dmc, " +
                                  "  dst_circle_details dcd, " +
                                  "  dst_operator_details dod" +
                                  "  where " +
                                  "  dcd.dst_circle_id = dmc.dst_circle_id and " +
                                  "  dod.dst_operator_id = dmc.dst_operator_id and" +
                                  " (dst_msc_code_0 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_1 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_2 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_3 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_4 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_5 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_6 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_7 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_8 = " + msc_code + " or dmc.dst_msc_code_9 = " + msc_code + ");";

                DataTable dt = DL.DL_ExecuteSimpleQuery(strQuery).Tables[0];
                if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    long   dST_msc_id          = Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[0]["dst_msc_id"]);
                    string dST_msc_circle_type = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_msc_circle_type"]);
                    string dST_msc_cdma_gsm    = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_msc_cdma_gsm"]);
                    string dST_msc_access_code = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_msc_access_code"]);
                    string dST_msc_series      = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_msc_series"]);
                    string dST_operator_name   = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_operator_name"]);
                    string dST_circle_name     = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_circle_name"]);
                    long   dST_operator_id     = Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[0]["dst_operator_id"]);
                    long   dST_circle_id       = Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[0]["dst_circle_id"]);

                    this._mSC_Mobile_Info   = new MSC_Mobile(dST_msc_id, dST_msc_circle_type, dST_msc_cdma_gsm, dST_msc_access_code, dST_msc_series, dST_operator_id, dST_operator_name, dST_circle_id, dST_circle_name);
                    this._mSC_LandLine_Info = null;
                    this._caller_type       = CallerType.MOBILE;
                    this._caller_origin     = CallerOrigin.DOMESTIC;
                else if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    int    std_start_length    = 2;
                    string std_code            = msc_code.Substring(0, std_start_length);
                    bool   flag_found_landline = false;
                    while (!perform_landline_detection(std_code, out flag_found_landline) && std_start_length != 5)
                        std_code = msc_code.Substring(0, ++std_start_length);
                    if (!flag_found_landline)
                        this._mSC_LandLine_Info = null;
                        this._mSC_Mobile_Info   = new MSC_Mobile(0, "UNKNOWN", "UNKNOWN", "UNKNOWN", "UNKNOWN", 0, "UNKNOWN", 0, "UNKNOWN");
                        this._caller_origin     = CallerOrigin.INTERNATIONAL;
                        this._caller_type       = CallerType.MOBILE;
                    throw new MSCException("error:database returning null dataset");
            catch (Exception exc)
                ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.EXC, 0, "::MSC.cs::MSC::get_msc_code_information():: --" + exc.ToString());
Example #3
 public DataSet GetAllGroup(System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem listItem)
         ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.INFO, 62, "BL:GetAllGroup()::Function starts here.");
         string   sqlstmt = "select * from comgt where GroupName=?global.username";
         string[] arr     = new string[] { listItem.ToString() };
         ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.DB, 65, "BL:GetAllGroup()::Query to select from comgt:" + sqlstmt);
         DataSet dr = DL.DL_ExecuteQuery(sqlstmt, arr);
         ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.DB, 67, "BL:GetAllGroup()::Result of query to select from comgt, no of rows:" + dr.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString());
     catch (Exception ex)
         ____logconfig.Error_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.EXC, 72, ex.Message.ToString(), "BL");
Example #4
 public DataSet GetFilterValue(string cellval)
         ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.INFO, 40, "BL:GetFilterValue()::Function starts here.");
         string   sqlstmt = "select * from comgt where GroupId=?grps.groupid";
         string[] arr     = new string[] { cellval };
         ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.DB, 43, "BL:GetFilterValue()::Query to select from comgt:" + sqlstmt);
         DataSet dr = DL.DL_ExecuteQuery(sqlstmt, arr);
         ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.DB, 45, "BL:GetFilterValue()::Result of query to select from comgt, no of rows:" + dr.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString());
     catch (Exception ex)
         ____logconfig.Error_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.EXC, 50, ex.Message.ToString(), "BL");
Example #5
        public DataSet GetGroupList(string unm)
                ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.INFO, 18, "BL:GetGroupList()::Function starts here.");
                //string sqlstmt = "select g.GroupName, g.GroupId,count(c.contacts) as No.of Contacts from comgt c,groups g where c.GroupID=g.GroupID and g.UserName=?global.username group by g.Groupname";

                string        str_getgroupid = "select GroupID from groups where UserName=?global.username;";
                string[]      arr_groupid    = new string[] { unm };
                DataSet       ds_groupid     = DL.DL_ExecuteQuery(str_getgroupid, arr_groupid);
                List <string> lstgroupid     = new List <string>();
                if (ds_groupid != null && ds_groupid.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow dr_groupid in ds_groupid.Tables[0].Rows)
                DataSet dr;
                if (lstgroupid.Count > 0)
                    //string sqlstmt = "select g.GroupName, g.GroupId,count(c.contacts) as Contacts from comgt c,groups g where c.GroupID=g.GroupID and g.UserName=?global.username group by g.Groupname";
                    string   sqlstmt = "select g.GroupName, g.GroupId,count(c.cid) as Contacts from comgt c  inner join groups g on c.GroupID=g.GroupID where g.GroupId in (" + string.Join(",", lstgroupid) + ") group by g.GroupId;";
                    string[] arr     = new string[] { unm };
                    ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.DB, 22, "BL:GetGroupList()::Query to select group details:" + sqlstmt);
                    dr = DL.DL_ExecuteSimpleQuery(sqlstmt);
                    ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.DB, 24, "BL:GetGroupList()::Result of query to select group details, no of rows:" + dr.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString());
                    dr = null;

            catch (Exception ex)
                ____logconfig.Error_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.EXC, 29, ex.Message.ToString(), "BL");
Example #6
        public bool perform_landline_detection(string std_code, out bool flag_found_landline)
                string strQuery = "use dst;select dst_std_id,dst_circle_id, dst_std_service_area_name, dst_std_service_area, dst_std_lcda_name, dst_std_sdca_name, dst_std_sdca_code, dst_std_isactive " +
                                  "from dst.dst_std_code dsc where dst_std_sdca_code = " + std_code + ";";
                DataTable dt = DL.DL_ExecuteSimpleQuery(strQuery).Tables[0];

                if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    long dST_std_id    = Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[0]["dst_std_id"]);
                    long dST_circle_id = Convert.ToInt64(dt.Rows[0]["dst_circle_id"]);

                    string dST_std_service_area_name = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_std_service_area_name"]);
                    string dST_std_service_area      = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_std_service_area"]);
                    string dts_std_lcda_name         = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_std_lcda_name"]);
                    string dts_std_sdca_name         = Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["dst_std_sdca_name"]);
                    int    dST_std_sdca_code         = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["dst_std_sdca_code"]);
                    string dst_landline_number       = "";
                    string dst_operator_name         = "UNKNOWN";

                    if (std_code.Length == 2)
                        dst_landline_number = this._dst_number.Substring(2, this._dst_number.Length - 2);
                        dst_operator_name   = get_landline_operator_name(dst_landline_number, dST_std_sdca_code);
                    else if (std_code.Length == 3)
                        dst_landline_number = this._dst_number.Substring(3, this._dst_number.Length - 3);
                        dst_operator_name   = get_landline_operator_name(dst_landline_number, dST_std_sdca_code);
                    else if (std_code.Length == 4)
                        dst_landline_number = this._dst_number.Substring(4, this._dst_number.Length - 4);
                        dst_operator_name   = get_landline_operator_name(dst_landline_number, dST_std_sdca_code);

                    this._mSC_Mobile_Info   = null;
                    this._mSC_LandLine_Info = new MSC_LandLine(dST_std_id, dST_circle_id, dST_std_service_area, dST_std_service_area_name, dts_std_lcda_name, dts_std_sdca_name, dst_operator_name, dST_std_sdca_code);
                    this._caller_origin     = CallerOrigin.DOMESTIC;
                    this._caller_type       = CallerType.LANDLINE;

                    flag_found_landline = true;
                else if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                    flag_found_landline = false;
                    flag_found_landline = false;
                    throw new MSCException("error:database returning null dataset");
            catch (Exception exc)
                ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.EXC, 0, "::MSC.cs::MSC::get_msc_code_information():: --" + exc.ToString());
                flag_found_landline = false;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string username = ""; string password = ""; string mobileno = ""; string senderid = ""; string cdmaheader = ""; string message = "";

                if (this.Request.HttpMethod == "GET")
                    username   = this.Request.QueryString["UserName"];
                    password   = this.Request.QueryString["password"];
                    mobileno   = this.Request.QueryString["MobileNo"];
                    senderid   = this.Request.QueryString["SenderID"];
                    cdmaheader = senderid;
                    message    = this.Request.QueryString["Message"];
                if (this.Request.HttpMethod == "POST")
                    username   = this.Request.Form["UserName"];
                    password   = this.Request.Form["password"];
                    mobileno   = this.Request.Form["MobileNo"];
                    senderid   = this.Request.Form["SenderID"];
                    cdmaheader = senderid;
                    message    = this.Request.Form["Message"];
                if (username == null || password == null || (mobileno == null || senderid == null) || message == null)
                    this.Response.Write("Code=0 SendSMS Pageload");
                    //var res = Util.ValidateMobileNumbers(mobileno);
                    ____logconfig.Log_Write(____logconfig.LogLevel.DEBUG, 77, "username==>" + username + "password==>" + password + "mobileno===>" + mobileno + "semderID===>" + senderid + "cdmaheader==>" + cdmaheader + "message==>" + message);
                    var sql   = "select user_id,username,passkey,Activated from user_master where username like binary ?global.username and passkey like binary ?global.passkey";
                    var param = new string[2] {
                        username, password
                    DataSet dataSet = DL.DL_ExecuteQuery(sql, param);
                    if (dataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        var    userId    = dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["user_id"].ToString();
                        string messageid = dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["username"].ToString() + "-" + this.GenerateId();
                        var    isUnicode = Util.ContainsUnicodeCharacter(message);
                        if (dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Activated"].ToString() == "1")
                            Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                            foreach (string key in mobileno.Split(','))
                                var validatedMobileNo = Util.ValidateMobileNumbers(key);
                                if (validatedMobileNo != "" && !dictionary.ContainsKey(validatedMobileNo))
                                    dictionary.Add(validatedMobileNo, validatedMobileNo);
                            if (dictionary.Count != 0)
                                string mobile_no = string.Join(",", dictionary.Keys.ToList <string>());
                                if (cdmaheader == null)
                                    cdmaheader = senderid;

                                if (isUnicode)
                                    int num = importnum.importdata(username, password, senderid, cdmaheader, message, mobileno, messageid, 2);
                                    if (num > 0)
                                        this.Response.Write("MessageSent GUID=\"" + messageid + "\" SUBMITDATE=\"" + DateTime.Now.GetDateTimeFormats()[84] + "\"");
                                        this.Response.Write("Code=0 SendSMS Pageload");
                                else if (Util.MatchTemplate(username, senderid, message))
                                    int num = importnum.importdata(username, password, senderid, cdmaheader, message, mobileno, messageid, 0);
                                    if (num > 0)
                                        this.Response.Write("MessageSent GUID=\"" + messageid + "\" SUBMITDATE=\"" + DateTime.Now.GetDateTimeFormats()[84] + "\"");
                                        this.Response.Write("Code=0 SendSMS Pageload");
                                    importnum.ImportInvalidRequest(userId, username, messageid, senderid, message, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), mobileno, "TEMPLATE FAILED.", isUnicode ? "2" : "", 1);
                                    this.Response.Write("Code=0 Template Matching failed");
                                importnum.ImportInvalidRequest(userId, username, messageid, senderid, message, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), mobileno, "INVALID MOBILE FAILED.", isUnicode ? "2" : "", 2);
                                Response.Write("Code=0 Invalid Mobile Number");
                            importnum.ImportInvalidRequest(userId, username, messageid, senderid, message, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"), mobileno, "USED DEACTIVE FAILED.", isUnicode ? "2" : "", 3);
                            this.Response.Write("Code=0 User Account De-Activated");
                        this.Response.Write("Invalid username or password");
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.Response.Write("Code=0 Internal exception occured");
                this.errorlogs.WriteAsync("exception.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString() + "On SMSSUBMIT Page Main method" + ex.ToString());
Example #8
        public static Dictionary <string, long> getsmscount(string startdate, string enddate, string str_username, string send_conn, int type)
                Dictionary <string, long> dict_userdata = new Dictionary <string, long>();
                string smsconnstring = MSCon.DecryptConnectionString(send_conn);
                string misdlrconnstring = MSCon.DecryptConnectionString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConStr"].ToString());

                long    sent_count     = 0;
                long    delivrdcount   = 0;
                long    expirdcount    = 0;
                long    undelivrdcount = 0;
                long    dnccount       = 0;
                long    smsccount      = 0;
                long    othercount     = 0;
                long    invoicecount   = 0;
                string  getsentcount   = "";
                DataSet ds_sentcount;
                if (type == 1)
                    getsentcount = "select username,sum(Usms+Nsms+ncpr_dnc_cr_dc_n+ncpr_dnc_cr_dc_u+ncpr_dnc_cr_rf_n+ncpr_dnc_cr_rf_u) as sentcount,sum(ncpr_dnc_cr_dc_n+ncpr_dnc_cr_dc_u+ncpr_dnc_cr_rf_n+ncpr_dnc_cr_rf_u) as dncReject" +
                                   " from usc_smscount  where UserName='******' and send_date>=" + startdate + " and send_date<=" + enddate + ";";

                    ds_sentcount = DL.DL_ExecuteSimpleQuery(getsentcount, smsconnstring);

                    //if (show_balance == 1)
                    //    string qry_getbal = "select Total_Credits_Assigned-Total_Credits_Used as balance from customer where UserName='******';";
                    //    DataSet ds_getbal = DL.DL_ExecuteSimpleQuery(qry_getbal);
                    //    if (ds_getbal != null && ds_getbal.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    //    {
                    //        balance = long.Parse(ds_getbal.Tables[0].Rows[0]["balance"].ToString());
                    //    }
                    getsentcount = "select smppname_username as username,sum(smppcount) as sentcount from mis_smpp_count  where smppname_username='******' and senddate>=" + startdate + " and senddate<=" + enddate + " group by smppname_username;";
                    ds_sentcount = DL.DL_ExecuteSimpleQuery(getsentcount, smsconnstring);

                #region Check DLR
                if (ds_sentcount != null && ds_sentcount.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    sent_count = ds_sentcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sentcount"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_sentcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["sentcount"].ToString());
                    if (sent_count > 0)
                        string deliveredcount = @"select username,sum(if(dlrstatus like 'DEL%', delivercount*messagelength,0)) as DELIVRD,
                                                    sum(if(dlrstatus like 'EXP%', delivercount*messagelength,0)) as EXPIRD,
                                                    sum(if(dlrstatus like 'UNDE%', delivercount*messagelength,0)) as UNDELIV ,
                                                    sum(if(dlrstatus like 'DNC%', delivercount,0)) as DNC_REJECT,
                                                    sum(if(dlrstatus not in('DELIVRD','DNC REJECT.','ndnc_reject','EXPIRED','UNDELIV','Number Blacklisted.'), delivercount*messagelength,0)) as Other,senddate
                                                    from dlr_summary  
                                                    where  username='******'" +
                                                " and senddate>=" + startdate + " and senddate<= " + enddate + "" +
                                                " group by username;";
                        DataSet ds_dlrcount = DL.DL_ExecuteSimpleQuery(deliveredcount, misdlrconnstring);
                        if (ds_dlrcount != null && ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            string uname = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["username"] == DBNull.Value ? "NA" : ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["username"].ToString();
                            if (uname != "NA")
                                if (type == 1)
                                    delivrdcount   = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DELIVRD"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DELIVRD"].ToString());
                                    expirdcount    = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EXPIRD"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EXPIRD"].ToString());
                                    undelivrdcount = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UNDELIV"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UNDELIV"].ToString());
                                    dnccount       = ds_sentcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["dncReject"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_sentcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["dncReject"].ToString());
                                    othercount     = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Other"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Other"].ToString());
                                    smsccount      = sent_count - (delivrdcount + expirdcount + undelivrdcount + dnccount + othercount);
                                    delivrdcount   = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DELIVRD"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DELIVRD"].ToString());
                                    expirdcount    = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EXPIRD"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EXPIRD"].ToString());
                                    undelivrdcount = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UNDELIV"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UNDELIV"].ToString());
                                    dnccount       = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DNC_REJECT"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DNC_REJECT"].ToString());
                                    othercount     = ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Other"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : long.Parse(ds_dlrcount.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Other"].ToString());
                                    smsccount      = sent_count - (delivrdcount + expirdcount + undelivrdcount + dnccount + othercount);
                            invoicecount = delivrdcount + smsccount;
                            dict_userdata.Add("TotalSent", sent_count);
                            dict_userdata.Add("DELIVRD", delivrdcount);
                            dict_userdata.Add("UNDELIVRD", undelivrdcount);
                            dict_userdata.Add("DNC", dnccount);
                            dict_userdata.Add("EXPIRD", expirdcount);
                            dict_userdata.Add("Other", othercount);
                            dict_userdata.Add("SMSC", long.Parse(smsccount.ToString()));
                            dict_userdata.Add("Invoicecount", invoicecount);
            catch (Exception ex)
            { return(null); }