void Update()
            currentTime = clock.getCurrentTime();
            Time sunset  = clock.getSunsetTime();
            Time sunrise = clock.getSunriseTime();
            Time midday  = clock.GetMiddayTime();

            //check if sunset has been reached
            if (daytime && currentTime.CompareTo(sunset) >= 0)
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("REACHED SUNSET -------------------------");
                daytime = false;
                int   timePased     = previousTime.SecondsBetween(sunset);
                float rotationAngle = rotationSpeed * timePased;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": applying rotation to get to sunset position: " + rotationAngle);

                transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right, rotationAngle);
                previousTime = sunset.Clone();

                //new rotation speed:
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": --Calculating new rotation speed: -------------- ");
                Time start = sunset.Clone();
                Time end   = clock.getNextSunriseTime();
                int  secondsBetweenPhases = start.SecondsBetween(end);
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": start: " + start.ToString() + "\t end: " + end.ToString() + "\n" +
                              "Seconds between them: " + secondsBetweenPhases);
                rotationSpeed = 180.0f / secondsBetweenPhases;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": new rotationspeed: " + rotationSpeed);
                //esta parte esta aqui solo para depurar y no llenar la pantalla de mensajes en cada update, pero a la larga hay que quitarlo
                if (previousTime != currentTime)
                    if (debug)
                        Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": Completar la rotacion desde atardecer a currentTime");
                    timePased     = previousTime.SecondsBetween(currentTime);
                    rotationAngle = rotationSpeed * timePased;
                    transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right, rotationAngle);
            //check if sunrise has been reached
            if (!daytime && currentTime.CompareTo(sunrise) >= 0 && currentTime.CompareTo(sunset) < 0)
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": REACHED SUNRISE --------------------------");
                daytime = true;
                int   timePased     = previousTime.SecondsBetween(sunrise);
                float rotationAngle = rotationSpeed * timePased;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": applying rotation to get to sunrise position: " + rotationAngle);
                transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right, rotationAngle);
                previousTime = sunrise.Clone();

                //new rotation speed:
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": --Calculating new rotation speed: -------------- ");
                Time start = sunrise.Clone();
                Time end   = clock.getNextSunsetTime();
                int  secondsBetweenPhases = start.SecondsBetween(end);
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": start: " + start.ToString() + "\t end: " + end.ToString() + "\n" +
                              "Seconds between them: " + secondsBetweenPhases);
                rotationSpeed = 180.0f / secondsBetweenPhases;
                timePased     = sunrise.SecondsBetween(currentTime);
                rotationAngle = rotationSpeed * timePased;
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("SUN/MOON ROTATION" + this.name + ": new rotationspeed: " + rotationSpeed);

            if (previousTime != currentTime)
                int   timePased     = previousTime.SecondsBetween(currentTime);
                float rotationAngle = rotationSpeed * timePased;
                transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, Vector3.right, rotationAngle);

            previousTime = currentTime.Clone();