void Activate(RealmTime time, Item item, Position target) { MP -= item.MpCost; foreach (var eff in item.ActivateEffects) { switch (eff.Effect) { case ActivateEffects.BulletNova: { var prjDesc = item.Projectiles[0]; //Assume only one Packet[] batch = new Packet[21]; uint s = Random.CurrentSeed; Random.CurrentSeed = (uint)(s * time.tickTimes); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Projectile proj = CreateProjectile(prjDesc, item.ObjectType, (int)statsMgr.GetAttackDamage(prjDesc.MinDamage, prjDesc.MaxDamage), time.tickTimes, target, (float)(i * (Math.PI * 2) / 20)); Owner.EnterWorld(proj); fames.Shoot(proj); batch[i] = new ShootPacket() { BulletId = proj.ProjectileId, OwnerId = Id, ContainerType = item.ObjectType, Position = target, Angle = proj.Angle, Damage = (short)proj.Damage }; } Random.CurrentSeed = s; batch[20] = new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Trail, PosA = target, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xFFFF00AA) }; Owner.BroadcastPackets(batch, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.Shoot: { ActivateShoot(time, item, target); } break; case ActivateEffects.StatBoostSelf: { int idx = -1; switch ((StatsType)eff.Stats) { case StatsType.MaximumHP: idx = 0; break; case StatsType.MaximumMP: idx = 1; break; case StatsType.Attack: idx = 2; break; case StatsType.Defense: idx = 3; break; case StatsType.Speed: idx = 4; break; case StatsType.Vitality: idx = 5; break; case StatsType.Wisdom: idx = 6; break; case StatsType.Dexterity: idx = 7; break; } int s = eff.Amount; Boost[idx] += s; UpdateCount++; Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) => { Boost[idx] -= s; UpdateCount++; })); Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Potion, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff) }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.StatBoostAura: { int idx = -1; switch ((StatsType)eff.Stats) { case StatsType.MaximumHP: idx = 0; break; case StatsType.MaximumMP: idx = 1; break; case StatsType.Attack: idx = 2; break; case StatsType.Defense: idx = 3; break; case StatsType.Speed: idx = 4; break; case StatsType.Vitality: idx = 5; break; case StatsType.Wisdom: idx = 6; break; case StatsType.Dexterity: idx = 7; break; } int s = eff.Amount; Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, true, player => { (player as Player).Boost[idx] += s; player.UpdateCount++; Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) => { (player as Player).Boost[idx] -= s; player.UpdateCount++; })); }); Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.ConditionEffectSelf: { ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect() { Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }); Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = 1 } }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.ConditionEffectAura: { Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, true, player => { player.ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect() { Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }); }); uint color = 0xffffffff; if (eff.ConditionEffect.Value == ConditionEffectIndex.Damaging) color = 0xffff0000; Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(color), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.Heal: { List<Packet> pkts = new List<Packet>(); ActivateHealHp(this, eff.Amount, pkts); Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.HealNova: { List<Packet> pkts = new List<Packet>(); Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, true, player => { ActivateHealHp(player as Player, eff.Amount, pkts); }); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }); Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.Magic: { List<Packet> pkts = new List<Packet>(); ActivateHealMp(this, eff.Amount, pkts); Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.MagicNova: { List<Packet> pkts = new List<Packet>(); Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, true, player => { ActivateHealMp(player as Player, eff.Amount, pkts); }); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }); Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.Teleport: { Move(target.X, target.Y); UpdateCount++; Owner.BroadcastPackets(new Packet[] { new GotoPacket() { ObjectId = Id, Position = new Position() { X = X, Y = Y } }, new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Teleport, TargetId = Id, PosA = new Position() { X = X, Y = Y }, Color = new ARGB(0xFFFFFFFF) } }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.VampireBlast: { List<Packet> pkts = new List<Packet>(); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Trail, TargetId = Id, PosA = target, Color = new ARGB(0xFFFF0000) }); pkts.Add(new AOEPacket() { Position = target, Radius = eff.Radius, Damage = (ushort)eff.TotalDamage, EffectDuration = 0, Effects = 0, OriginType = item.ObjectType }); int totalDmg = 0; var enemies = new List<Enemy>(); Behavior.AOE(Owner, target, eff.Radius, false, enemy => { enemies.Add(enemy as Enemy); totalDmg += (enemy as Enemy).Damage(this, time, eff.TotalDamage, false); }); var players = new List<Player>(); Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Radius, true, player => { players.Add(player as Player); ActivateHealHp(player as Player, totalDmg, pkts); }); Random rand = new System.Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Enemy a = enemies[rand.Next(0, enemies.Count)]; Player b = players[rand.Next(0, players.Count)]; pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Flow, TargetId = b.Id, PosA = new Position() { X = a.X, Y = a.Y }, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff) }); } Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.Trap: { Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Throw, Color = new ARGB(0xff9000ff), TargetId = Id, PosA = target }, null); Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(1500, (world, t) => { Trap trap = new Trap( this, eff.Radius, eff.TotalDamage, eff.ConditionEffect ?? ConditionEffectIndex.Slowed, eff.EffectDuration); trap.Move(target.X, target.Y); world.EnterWorld(trap); })); } break; case ActivateEffects.StasisBlast: { List<Packet> pkts = new List<Packet>(); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Concentrate, TargetId = Id, PosA = target, PosB = new Position() { X = target.X + 3, Y = target.Y }, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff) }); Behavior.AOE(Owner, target, 3, false, enemy => { if (enemy.HasConditionEffect(ConditionEffects.StasisImmune)) { pkts.Add(new NotificationPacket() { ObjectId = enemy.Id, Color = new ARGB(0xff00ff00), Text = "Immune" }); } else if (!enemy.HasConditionEffect(ConditionEffects.Stasis)) { enemy.ApplyConditionEffect( new ConditionEffect() { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Stasis, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }, new ConditionEffect() { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Confused, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS } ); Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) => { enemy.ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect() { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.StasisImmune, DurationMS = 3000 } ); } )); pkts.Add(new NotificationPacket() { ObjectId = enemy.Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffff0000), Text = "Stasis" }); } }); Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.Decoy: { var decoy = new Decoy(this, eff.DurationMS, statsMgr.GetSpeed()); decoy.Move(X, Y); Owner.EnterWorld(decoy); } break; case ActivateEffects.Lightning: { Enemy start = null; double angle = Math.Atan2(target.Y - Y, target.X - X); double diff = Math.PI / 3; Behavior.AOE(Owner, target, 6, false, enemy => { if (!(enemy is Enemy)) return; var x = Math.Atan2(enemy.Y - Y, enemy.X - X); if (Math.Abs(angle - x) < diff) { start = enemy as Enemy; diff = Math.Abs(angle - x); } }); if (start == null) break; Enemy current = start; Enemy[] targets = new Enemy[eff.MaxTargets]; for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++) { targets[i] = current; float dist = 8; Enemy next = Behavior.GetNearestEntity(current, ref dist, false, enemy => enemy is Enemy && Array.IndexOf(targets, enemy) == -1 && Behavior.Dist(this, enemy) <= 6) as Enemy; if (next == null) break; else current = next; } List<Packet> pkts = new List<Packet>(); for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++) { if (targets[i] == null) break; Entity prev = i == 0 ? (Entity)this : targets[i - 1]; targets[i].Damage(this, time, eff.TotalDamage, false); if (eff.ConditionEffect != null) //Start of the code made by ossimc82 targets[i].ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect() { Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value, DurationMS = (int)(eff.EffectDuration * 1000) });//End of the code made by ossimc82 pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Lightning, TargetId = prev.Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffff0088), PosA = new Position() { X = targets[i].X, Y = targets[i].Y }, PosB = new Position() { X = 350 } }); } Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.PoisonGrenade: { Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Throw, Color = new ARGB(0xffddff00), TargetId = Id, PosA = target }, null); Placeholder x = new Placeholder(1500); x.Move(target.X, target.Y); Owner.EnterWorld(x); Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(1500, (world, t) => { Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, Color = new ARGB(0xffddff00), TargetId = x.Id, PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Radius } }, null); List<Enemy> enemies = new List<Enemy>(); Behavior.AOE(world, target, eff.Radius, false, enemy => PoisonEnemy(enemy as Enemy, eff)); })); } break; case ActivateEffects.RemoveNegativeConditions: { Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, true, player => { ApplyConditionEffect(NegativeEffs); }); Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.RemoveNegativeConditionsSelf: { ApplyConditionEffect(NegativeEffs); Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = 1 } }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.IncrementStat: { int idx = -1; switch ((StatsType)eff.Stats) { case StatsType.MaximumHP: idx = 0; break; case StatsType.MaximumMP: idx = 1; break; case StatsType.Attack: idx = 2; break; case StatsType.Defense: idx = 3; break; case StatsType.Speed: idx = 4; break; case StatsType.Vitality: idx = 5; break; case StatsType.Wisdom: idx = 6; break; case StatsType.Dexterity: idx = 7; break; } Stats[idx] += eff.Amount; int limit = int.Parse(XmlDatas.TypeToElement[ObjectType].Element(StatsManager.StatsIndexToName(idx)).Attribute("max").Value); if (Stats[idx] > limit) Stats[idx] = limit; UpdateCount++; } break; case ActivateEffects.Pet: case ActivateEffects.Create: //portals { short objType; if (!XmlDatas.IdToType.TryGetValue(eff.Id, out objType)) /*!XmlDatas.PortalDescs.ContainsKey(objType))*/ break;// object not found, ignore var entity = Entity.Resolve(objType); entity.Move(X, Y); int TimeoutTime = 20;//XmlDatas.PortalDescs[objType].TimeoutTime; Owner.EnterWorld(entity); World w = RealmManager.GetWorld(Owner.Id); //can't use Owner here, as it goes out of scope w.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(TimeoutTime * 1000, (world, t) => //default portal close time * 1000 { try { w.LeaveWorld(entity); } catch //couldn't remove portal, Owner became null. Should be fixed with RealmManager implementation { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't despawn portal."); } })); } break; case ActivateEffects.UnlockPortal: break; //case ActivateEffects.Dye: // { // if (item.Texture1 != 0) // { // this.Texture1 = item.Texture1; // } // if (item.Texture2 != 0) // { // this.Texture2 = item.Texture2; // } // this.SaveToCharacter(); // } break; } } UpdateCount++; }
void Activate(RealmTime time, Item item, Position target) { MP -= item.MpCost; foreach (var eff in item.ActivateEffects) { switch (eff.Effect) { case ActivateEffects.BulletNova: { var prjDesc = item.Projectiles[0]; //Assume only one Packet[] batch = new Packet[21]; uint s = Random.CurrentSeed; Random.CurrentSeed = (uint)(s * time.tickTimes); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Projectile proj = CreateProjectile(prjDesc, item.ObjectType, (int)statsMgr.GetAttackDamage(prjDesc.MinDamage, prjDesc.MaxDamage), time.tickTimes, target, (float)(i * (Math.PI * 2) / 20)); Owner.EnterWorld(proj); fames.Shoot(proj); batch[i] = new ShootPacket() { BulletId = proj.ProjectileId, OwnerId = Id, ContainerType = item.ObjectType, Position = target, Angle = proj.Angle, Damage = (short)proj.Damage }; } Random.CurrentSeed = s; batch[20] = new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Trail, PosA = target, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xFFFF00AA) }; Owner.BroadcastPackets(batch, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.Shoot: { ActivateShoot(time, item, target); } break; case ActivateEffects.StatBoostSelf: { int idx = -1; switch ((StatsType)eff.Stats) { case StatsType.MaximumHP: idx = 0; break; case StatsType.MaximumMP: idx = 1; break; case StatsType.Attack: idx = 2; break; case StatsType.Defense: idx = 3; break; case StatsType.Speed: idx = 4; break; case StatsType.Vitality: idx = 5; break; case StatsType.Wisdom: idx = 6; break; case StatsType.Dexterity: idx = 7; break; } int s = eff.Amount; Boost[idx] += s; UpdateCount++; Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) => { Boost[idx] -= s; UpdateCount++; })); Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Potion, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff) }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.StatBoostAura: { int idx = -1; switch ((StatsType)eff.Stats) { case StatsType.MaximumHP: idx = 0; break; case StatsType.MaximumMP: idx = 1; break; case StatsType.Attack: idx = 2; break; case StatsType.Defense: idx = 3; break; case StatsType.Speed: idx = 4; break; case StatsType.Vitality: idx = 5; break; case StatsType.Wisdom: idx = 6; break; case StatsType.Dexterity: idx = 7; break; } int s = eff.Amount; Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, true, player => { (player as Player).Boost[idx] += s; player.UpdateCount++; Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) => { (player as Player).Boost[idx] -= s; player.UpdateCount++; })); }); Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.ConditionEffectSelf: { ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect() { Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }); Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = 1 } }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.ConditionEffectAura: { Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, true, player => { player.ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect() { Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }); }); uint color = 0xffffffff; if (eff.ConditionEffect.Value == ConditionEffectIndex.Damaging) { color = 0xffff0000; } Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(color), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.Heal: { List <Packet> pkts = new List <Packet>(); ActivateHealHp(this, eff.Amount, pkts); Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.HealNova: { List <Packet> pkts = new List <Packet>(); Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, true, player => { ActivateHealHp(player as Player, eff.Amount, pkts); }); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }); Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.Magic: { List <Packet> pkts = new List <Packet>(); ActivateHealMp(this, eff.Amount, pkts); Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.MagicNova: { List <Packet> pkts = new List <Packet>(); Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, true, player => { ActivateHealMp(player as Player, eff.Amount, pkts); }); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }); Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.Teleport: { Move(target.X, target.Y); UpdateCount++; Owner.BroadcastPackets(new Packet[] { new GotoPacket() { ObjectId = Id, Position = new Position() { X = X, Y = Y } }, new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Teleport, TargetId = Id, PosA = new Position() { X = X, Y = Y }, Color = new ARGB(0xFFFFFFFF) } }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.VampireBlast: { List <Packet> pkts = new List <Packet>(); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Trail, TargetId = Id, PosA = target, Color = new ARGB(0xFFFF0000) }); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Diffuse, Color = new ARGB(0xFFFF0000), TargetId = Id, PosA = target, PosB = new Position() { X = target.X + eff.Radius, Y = target.Y } }); int totalDmg = 0; var enemies = new List <Enemy>(); Behavior.AOE(Owner, target, eff.Radius, false, enemy => { enemies.Add(enemy as Enemy); totalDmg += (enemy as Enemy).Damage(this, time, eff.TotalDamage, false); }); var players = new List <Player>(); Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Radius, true, player => { players.Add(player as Player); ActivateHealHp(player as Player, totalDmg, pkts); }); Random rand = new System.Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Enemy a = enemies[rand.Next(0, enemies.Count)]; Player b = players[rand.Next(0, players.Count)]; pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Flow, TargetId = b.Id, PosA = new Position() { X = a.X, Y = a.Y }, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff) }); } if (enemies.Count > 0) { Enemy a = enemies[rand.Next(0, enemies.Count)]; Player b = players[rand.Next(0, players.Count)]; pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Flow, TargetId = b.Id, PosA = new Position() { X = a.X, Y = a.Y }, Color = new ARGB(0Xffffffff) }); } Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.Trap: { ARGB effColor = new ARGB(0xff9000ff); if (eff.Color != null) { effColor = new ARGB((uint)eff.Color); } Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Throw, Color = effColor, TargetId = Id, PosA = target }, null); Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(1500, (world, t) => { Trap trap = new Trap( this, eff.Radius, eff.TotalDamage, eff.ConditionEffect ?? ConditionEffectIndex.Slowed, eff.EffectDuration); trap.Move(target.X, target.Y); world.EnterWorld(trap); })); } break; case ActivateEffects.StasisBlast: { List <Packet> pkts = new List <Packet>(); ARGB effColor = new ARGB(0xffffffff); if (eff.Color != null) { effColor = new ARGB((uint)eff.Color); } pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Concentrate, TargetId = Id, PosA = target, PosB = new Position() { X = target.X + 3, Y = target.Y }, Color = effColor }); Behavior.AOE(Owner, target, 3, false, enemy => { if (enemy.HasConditionEffect(ConditionEffects.StasisImmune)) { pkts.Add(new NotificationPacket() { ObjectId = enemy.Id, Color = new ARGB(0xff00ff00), Text = "Immune" }); } else if (!enemy.HasConditionEffect(ConditionEffects.Stasis)) { enemy.ApplyConditionEffect( new ConditionEffect() { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Stasis, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }, new ConditionEffect() { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Confused, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS } ); Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) => { enemy.ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect() { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.StasisImmune, DurationMS = 3000 } ); } )); pkts.Add(new NotificationPacket() { ObjectId = enemy.Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffff0000), Text = "Stasis" }); } }); Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.Decoy: { var decoy = new Decoy(this, eff.DurationMS, statsMgr.GetSpeed()); decoy.Move(X, Y); Owner.EnterWorld(decoy); } break; case ActivateEffects.MultiDecoy: { for (var i = 0; i < eff.Amount; i++) { var decoy = Decoy.DecoyRandom(this, eff.DurationMS, statsMgr.GetSpeed()); decoy.Move(X, Y); Owner.EnterWorld(decoy); } } break; case ActivateEffects.Lightning: { Enemy start = null; double angle = Math.Atan2(target.Y - Y, target.X - X); double diff = Math.PI / 3; Behavior.AOE(Owner, target, 6, false, enemy => { if (!(enemy is Enemy)) { return; } var x = Math.Atan2(enemy.Y - Y, enemy.X - X); if (Math.Abs(angle - x) < diff) { start = enemy as Enemy; diff = Math.Abs(angle - x); } }); if (start == null) { break; } Enemy current = start; Enemy[] targets = new Enemy[eff.MaxTargets]; for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++) { targets[i] = current; float dist = 8; Enemy next = Behavior.GetNearestEntity(current, ref dist, false, enemy => enemy is Enemy && Array.IndexOf(targets, enemy) == -1 && Behavior.Dist(this, enemy) <= 6) as Enemy; if (next == null) { break; } else { current = next; } } List <Packet> pkts = new List <Packet>(); for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++) { if (targets[i] == null) { break; } Entity prev = i == 0 ? (Entity)this : targets[i - 1]; targets[i].Damage(this, time, eff.TotalDamage, false); if (eff.ConditionEffect != null) { targets[i].ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect() { Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value, DurationMS = (int)(eff.EffectDuration * 1000) }); } ARGB shotColor = new ARGB(0xffff0088); if (eff.Color != null) { shotColor = new ARGB((uint)eff.Color); } pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Lightning, TargetId = prev.Id, Color = shotColor, PosA = new Position() { X = targets[i].X, Y = targets[i].Y }, PosB = new Position() { X = 350 } }); } Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.PoisonGrenade: { try { Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Throw, Color = new ARGB(0xffddff00), TargetId = Id, PosA = target }, null); Placeholder x = new Placeholder(1500); x.Move(target.X, target.Y); Owner.EnterWorld(x); Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(1500, (world, t) => { try { Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, Color = new ARGB(0xffddff00), TargetId = x.Id, PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Radius } }, null); } catch { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.Out.WriteLine("Crash halted - Nobody likes death..."); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } List <Enemy> enemies = new List <Enemy>(); Behavior.AOE(world, target, eff.Radius, false, enemy => PoisonEnemy(enemy as Enemy, eff)); })); } catch { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue; Console.Out.WriteLine("Crash halted - Poison grenade??"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } } break; case ActivateEffects.RemoveNegativeConditions: { Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, true, player => { ApplyConditionEffect(NegativeEffs); }); Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.RemoveNegativeConditionsSelf: { ApplyConditionEffect(NegativeEffs); Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = 1 } }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.IncrementStat: { int idx = -1; switch ((StatsType)eff.Stats) { case StatsType.MaximumHP: idx = 0; break; case StatsType.MaximumMP: idx = 1; break; case StatsType.Attack: idx = 2; break; case StatsType.Defense: idx = 3; break; case StatsType.Speed: idx = 4; break; case StatsType.Vitality: idx = 5; break; case StatsType.Wisdom: idx = 6; break; case StatsType.Dexterity: idx = 7; break; } Stats[idx] += eff.Amount; int limit = int.Parse(XmlDatas.TypeToElement[ObjectType].Element(StatsManager.StatsIndexToName(idx)).Attribute("max").Value); if (Stats[idx] > limit) { Stats[idx] = limit; } UpdateCount++; } break; case ActivateEffects.Create: //this is a portal { short objType; if (!XmlDatas.IdToType.TryGetValue(eff.Id, out objType) || !XmlDatas.PortalDescs.ContainsKey(objType)) { break; // object not found, ignore } var entity = Entity.Resolve(objType); entity.Move(X, Y); int TimeoutTime = XmlDatas.PortalDescs[objType].TimeoutTime; string DungName = XmlDatas.PortalDescs[objType].DungeonName; Owner.EnterWorld(entity); ARGB c; c.A = 0; c.B = 91; c.R = 233; c.G = 176; psr.SendPacket(new NotificationPacket() { Color = c, Text = DungName + " opened by " + psr.Account.Name, ObjectId = psr.Player.Id }); World w = RealmManager.GetWorld(Owner.Id); //can't use Owner here, as it goes out of scope w.BroadcastPacket(new TextPacket() { BubbleTime = 0, Stars = -1, Name = "", Text = DungName + " opened by " + psr.Account.Name }, null); w.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(TimeoutTime * 1000, (world, t) => //default portal close time * 1000 { try { w.LeaveWorld(entity); } catch //couldn't remove portal, Owner became null. Should be fixed with RealmManager implementation { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't despawn portal."); } })); } break; case ActivateEffects.Dye: { if (item.Texture1 != 0) { this.Texture1 = item.Texture1; } if (item.Texture2 != 0) { this.Texture2 = item.Texture2; } this.SaveToCharacter(); } break; case ActivateEffects.ShurikenAbility: { World w = RealmManager.GetWorld(Owner.Id); ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect() { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Speedy, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }); w.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS * 1000, (world, t) => { try { ActivateShoot(time, item, target); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Could not end effect"); } })); } break; case ActivateEffects.TomeDamage: { List <Packet> pkts = new List <Packet>(); Behavior.AOE(Owner, this, eff.Range / 2, false, enemy => { (enemy as Enemy).Damage(this, time, (int)this.statsMgr.GetAttackDamage(eff.TotalDamage, eff.TotalDamage), false, new ConditionEffect[0]); }); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xFF00FF00), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }); Owner.BroadcastPackets(pkts, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.Mushroom: { World w = RealmManager.GetWorld(Owner.Id); Size = eff.Amount; UpdateCount++; w.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) => { try { Size = 100; UpdateCount++; } catch { } })); } break; case ActivateEffects.PermaPet: { psr.Character.Pet = XmlDatas.IdToType[eff.ObjectId]; GivePet(XmlDatas.IdToType[eff.ObjectId]); UpdateCount++; } break; case ActivateEffects.Gold: { Credits = psr.Account.Credits = new Database().UpdateCredit(psr.Account, eff.Amount); UpdateCount++; } break; case ActivateEffects.Pet: //Drakes case ActivateEffects.UnlockPortal: break; } } UpdateCount++; }
private bool Activate(RealmTime time, Item item, ItemData data, int itemSlot, Position target) { if (MP < item.MpCost) return false; MP -= item.MpCost; bool success = true; foreach (ActivateEffect eff in item.ActivateEffects) { switch (eff.Effect) { case ActivateEffects.BulletNova: { ProjectileDesc prjDesc = item.Projectiles[0]; //Assume only one var batch = new Packet[21]; uint s = Random.CurrentSeed; Random.CurrentSeed = (uint) (s*time.tickTimes); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Projectile proj = CreateProjectile(prjDesc, item.ObjectType, (int) statsMgr.GetAttackDamage(prjDesc.MinDamage, prjDesc.MaxDamage), time.tickTimes, target, (float) (i*(Math.PI*2)/20)); Owner.EnterWorld(proj); fames.Shoot(proj); batch[i] = new ShootPacket { BulletId = proj.ProjectileId, OwnerId = Id, ContainerType = item.ObjectType, Position = target, Angle = proj.Angle, Damage = (short) proj.Damage, FromAbility = false }; } Random.CurrentSeed = s; batch[20] = new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.Trail, PosA = target, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xFFFF00AA) }; BroadcastSync(batch, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.Shoot: { ActivateShoot(time, item, target); } break; case ActivateEffects.StatBoostSelf: { var idx = -1; switch ((StatsType) eff.Stats) { case StatsType.MaximumHP: idx = 0; break; case StatsType.MaximumMP: idx = 1; break; case StatsType.Attack: idx = 2; break; case StatsType.Defense: idx = 3; break; case StatsType.Speed: idx = 4; break; case StatsType.Vitality: idx = 5; break; case StatsType.Wisdom: idx = 6; break; case StatsType.Dexterity: idx = 7; break; } var s = eff.Amount; ActivateBoost[idx].Push(s); CalculateBoost(); (this as Player).UpdateCount++; Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) => { ActivateBoost[idx].Pop(s); CalculateBoost(); (this as Player).UpdateCount++; })); BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.Potion, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff) }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.StatBoostAura: { int idx = -1; switch ((StatsType) eff.Stats) { case StatsType.MaximumHP: idx = 0; break; case StatsType.MaximumMP: idx = 1; break; case StatsType.Attack: idx = 2; break; case StatsType.Defense: idx = 3; break; case StatsType.Speed: idx = 4; break; case StatsType.Vitality: idx = 5; break; case StatsType.Wisdom: idx = 6; break; case StatsType.Dexterity: idx = 7; break; } int s = eff.Amount; this.AOE(eff.Range, true, player => { var plr = (player as Player); if (PvP && (plr.Team == 0 || plr.Team != Team) && plr != this) return; ActivateBoost[idx].Push(s); CalculateBoost(); player.UpdateCount++; Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) => { ActivateBoost[idx].Pop(s); CalculateBoost(); player.UpdateCount++; })); }); BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position {X = eff.Range} }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.ConditionEffectSelf: { ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect { Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }); BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position {X = 1} }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.ConditionEffectAura: { this.AOE(eff.Range, true, player => { var plr = (player as Player); if (PvP && (plr.Team == 0 || plr.Team != Team) && plr != this) return; player.ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect { Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }); }); uint color = 0xffffffff; if (eff.ConditionEffect.Value == ConditionEffectIndex.Damaging) color = 0xffff0000; BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(color), PosA = new Position {X = eff.Range} }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.Heal: { var pkts = new List<Packet>(); ActivateHealHp(this, this, eff.Amount, pkts); BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.HealNova: { var pkts = new List<Packet>(); this.AOE(eff.Range, true, player => { ActivateHealHp(player as Player, this, eff.Amount, pkts); }); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position {X = eff.Range} }); BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.Magic: { var pkts = new List<Packet>(); ActivateHealMp(this, this, eff.Amount, pkts); BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.MagicNova: { var pkts = new List<Packet>(); this.AOE(eff.Range, true, player => { ActivateHealMp(player as Player, this, eff.Amount, pkts); }); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position {X = eff.Range} }); BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.Teleport: { if (!Owner.AllowAbilityTeleport) { SendError("Teleporting is disabled."); break; } Move(target.X, target.Y); UpdateCount++; Owner.BroadcastPacket(new GotoPacket { ObjectId = Id, Position = new Position { X = X, Y = Y } }, null); foreach (Player i in Owner.Players.Values) if (this.Dist(i) < 25) if ((PvP && i.Team != 0 && i.Team == Team) || !PvP) i.Client.SendPackets(new Packet[] { new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.Teleport, TargetId = Id, PosA = new Position { X = X, Y = Y }, Color = new ARGB(0xFFFFFFFF) } }); } break; case ActivateEffects.VampireBlast: { var pkts = new List<Packet>(); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.Trail, TargetId = Id, PosA = target, Color = new ARGB(0xFFFF0000) }); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.Diffuse, TargetId = Id, PosA = target, PosB = new Position {X = target.X + eff.Radius, Y = target.Y}, Color = new ARGB(0xFFFF0000) }); BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); pkts = new List<Packet>(); int totalDmg = 0; var enemies = new List<Entity>(); var targets = new List<Player>(); Owner.AOE(target, eff.Radius, false, enemy => { enemies.Add(enemy); totalDmg += (enemy as Enemy).Damage(this, time, eff.TotalDamage, false, false, null); pkts.Add(new DamagePacket { BulletId = 0, ObjectId = Id, TargetId = enemy.Id, Effects = 0, Damage = (ushort) eff.TotalDamage, Killed = (enemy as Enemy).HP <= 0 }); }); if (PvP) { Owner.AOE(target, eff.Radius, true, enemy => { var plr = (enemy as Player); if (!plr.PvP || (plr.PvP && plr.Team != 0 && plr.Team == Team) || plr == this) return; enemies.Add(enemy); (enemy as Player).Damage(eff.TotalDamage, enemy as Character, false, true, 0.20f); totalDmg += (int) Math.Max(1, (enemy as Player).statsMgr.GetDefenseDamage(eff.TotalDamage, false) * 0.20); }); } var players = new List<Player>(); this.AOE(eff.Radius, true, player => { var plr = (player as Player); if (PvP && (plr.Team == 0 || plr.Team != Team) && plr != this) return; players.Add(player as Player); ActivateHealHp(player as Player, this, totalDmg, pkts); }); var rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Entity a = enemies[rand.Next(0, enemies.Count)]; Player b = players[rand.Next(0, players.Count)]; pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.Flow, TargetId = b.Id, PosA = new Position {X = a.X, Y = a.Y}, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff) }); } BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.Trap: { BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.Throw, Color = new ARGB(0xff9000ff), TargetId = Id, PosA = target }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(1500, (world, t) => { var trap = new Trap( this, eff.Radius, eff.TotalDamage, eff.ConditionEffect ?? ConditionEffectIndex.Slowed, eff.EffectDuration); trap.Move(target.X, target.Y); world.EnterWorld(trap); })); } break; case ActivateEffects.StasisBlast: { var pkts = new List<Packet>(); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.Concentrate, TargetId = Id, PosA = target, PosB = new Position {X = target.X + 3, Y = target.Y}, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff) }); Owner.AOE(target, 3, false, enemy => { if (enemy.HasConditionEffect(ConditionEffects.StasisImmune)) { pkts.Add(new NotificationPacket { ObjectId = enemy.Id, Color = new ARGB(0xff00ff00), Text = "Immune" }); } else if (!enemy.HasConditionEffect(ConditionEffects.Stasis)) { enemy.ApplyConditionEffect( new ConditionEffect { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Stasis, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }, new ConditionEffect { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Paused, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }, new ConditionEffect { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Confused, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS } ); } Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) => enemy.ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.StasisImmune, DurationMS = 3000 }))); pkts.Add(new NotificationPacket { ObjectId = enemy.Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffff0000), Text = "Stasis" }); }); if (PvP) { Owner.AOE(target, 3, true, enemy => { var plr = (enemy as Player); if (!plr.PvP || (plr.PvP && plr.Team != 0 && plr.Team == Team) || plr == this) return; if (enemy.HasConditionEffect(ConditionEffects.StasisImmune)) { pkts.Add(new NotificationPacket { ObjectId = enemy.Id, Color = new ARGB(0xff00ff00), Text = "Immune" }); } else if (!enemy.HasConditionEffect(ConditionEffects.Stasis)) { if (enemy is Player && Owner.PvP) { if (enemy.Id == Id) return; enemy.ApplyConditionEffect( new ConditionEffect { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Stasis, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }, new ConditionEffect { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Paused, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }, new ConditionEffect { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Confused, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS } ); } Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) => enemy.ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.StasisImmune, DurationMS = 3000 }))); pkts.Add(new NotificationPacket { ObjectId = enemy.Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffff0000), Text = "Stasis" }); } }); } BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.Decoy: { var decoy = new Decoy(this, eff.DurationMS, statsMgr.GetSpeed()); decoy.Move(X, Y); Owner.EnterWorld(decoy); } break; case ActivateEffects.Lightning: { if (!PvP) { Enemy start = null; double angle = Math.Atan2(target.Y - Y, target.X - X); double diff = Math.PI/3; Owner.AOE(target, 6, false, enemy => { if (!(enemy is Enemy)) return; double x = Math.Atan2(enemy.Y - Y, enemy.X - X); if (Math.Abs(angle - x) < diff) { start = enemy as Enemy; diff = Math.Abs(angle - x); } }); if (start == null) break; Enemy current = start; var targets = new Enemy[eff.MaxTargets]; for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++) { targets[i] = current; var next = current.GetNearestEntity(8, false, enemy => enemy is Enemy && Array.IndexOf(targets, enemy) == -1 && this.Dist(enemy) <= 6) as Enemy; if (next == null) break; current = next; } var pkts = new List<Packet>(); for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++) { if (targets[i] == null) break; Entity prev = i == 0 ? (Entity) this : targets[i - 1]; targets[i].Damage(this, time, eff.TotalDamage, false, false, null); if (eff.ConditionEffect != null) targets[i].ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect { Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value, DurationMS = (int) (eff.EffectDuration*1000) }); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.Lightning, TargetId = prev.Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffff0088), PosA = new Position { X = targets[i].X, Y = targets[i].Y }, PosB = new Position {X = 350} }); } BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } if (PvP) { Player start = null; double angle = Math.Atan2(target.Y - Y, target.X - X); double diff = Math.PI/3; Owner.AOE(target, 6, true, enemy => { //if (!(enemy is Player)) return; var plr = (enemy as Player); if (!plr.PvP || (plr.PvP && plr.Team != 0 && plr.Team == Team) || plr == this) return; double x = Math.Atan2(enemy.Y - Y, enemy.X - X); if (Math.Abs(angle - x) < diff) { start = enemy as Player; diff = Math.Abs(angle - x); } }); if (start == null) break; Player current = start; var targets = new Player[eff.MaxTargets]; for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++) { targets[i] = current; var next = current.GetNearestEntity(8, true, enemy => enemy is Player && enemy.Id != Id && Array.IndexOf(targets, enemy) == -1 && (enemy as Player).PvP && ((enemy as Player).Team == 0 || (enemy as Player).Team != Team) && this.Dist(enemy) <= 6) as Player; if (next == null) break; current = next; } var pkts = new List<Packet>(); for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++) { if (targets[i] == null) break; Entity prev = i == 0 ? this : targets[i - 1]; targets[i].Damage(eff.TotalDamage, targets[i], false, true, 0.20f); if (eff.ConditionEffect != null) targets[i].ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect { Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value, DurationMS = (int) (eff.EffectDuration*1000) }); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.Lightning, TargetId = prev.Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffff0088), PosA = new Position { X = targets[i].X, Y = targets[i].Y }, PosB = new Position {X = 350} }); } BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } } break; case ActivateEffects.PoisonGrenade: { BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.Throw, Color = new ARGB(0xffddff00), TargetId = Id, PosA = target }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); var x = new Placeholder(Manager, 1500); x.Move(target.X, target.Y); Owner.EnterWorld(x); Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(1500, (world, t) => { if (Owner != null) { Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = x.Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffddff00), PosA = new Position { X = eff.Radius } }, null); if (PvP) { var players = new List<Player>(); Owner.AOE(target, eff.Radius, true, enemy => { var plr = (enemy as Player); if (!plr.PvP || (plr.PvP && plr.Team != 0 && plr.Team == Team) || plr == this) return; players.Add(enemy as Player); foreach (Player i in players) if (i.Id != Id) PoisonPlayer(i, eff); }); } var enemies = new List<Enemy>(); Owner.AOE(target, eff.Radius, false, enemy => PoisonEnemy(enemy as Enemy, eff)); } })); } break; case ActivateEffects.RemoveNegativeConditions: { this.AOE(eff.Range, true, player => { var plr = (player as Player); if (PvP && (plr.Team == 0 || plr.Team != Team) && plr != this) return; ApplyConditionEffect(NegativeEffs); }); BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position {X = eff.Range} }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.RemoveNegativeConditionsSelf: { ApplyConditionEffect(NegativeEffs); BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position {X = 1} }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.IncrementStat: { int idx = -1; switch ((StatsType) eff.Stats) { case StatsType.MaximumHP: idx = 0; break; case StatsType.MaximumMP: idx = 1; break; case StatsType.Attack: idx = 2; break; case StatsType.Defense: idx = 3; break; case StatsType.Speed: idx = 4; break; case StatsType.Vitality: idx = 5; break; case StatsType.Wisdom: idx = 6; break; case StatsType.Dexterity: idx = 7; break; } if (eff.Amount > 0) Stats[idx] += eff.Amount; else Stats[idx] -= eff.Amount; int limit = int.Parse( Manager.GameData.ObjectTypeToElement[ObjectType].Element( StatsManager.StatsIndexToName(idx)).Attribute("max").Value); if (Stats[idx] > limit) Stats[idx] = limit; UpdateCount++; } break; case ActivateEffects.Create: //this is a portal { ushort objType; if (!Manager.GameData.IdToObjectType.TryGetValue(eff.Id, out objType) || !Manager.GameData.Portals.ContainsKey(objType)) break; // object not found, ignore Entity entity = Resolve(Manager, objType); entity.Move(X, Y); int TimeoutTime = Manager.GameData.Portals[objType].TimeoutTime; string DungeonName = Manager.GameData.Portals[objType].DungeonName; Owner.EnterWorld(entity); World w = Manager.GetWorld(Owner.Id); //can't use Owner here, as it goes out of scope Client.SendPacket(new NotificationPacket { Color = new ARGB(0xff00ff00), Text = "Opened by " + Client.Account.Name, ObjectId = Client.Player.Id, }); w.BroadcastPacket(new TextPacket { BubbleTime = 0, Stars = -1, Name = "", Text = DungeonName + " opened by " + Client.Account.Name }, null); w.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(TimeoutTime*1000, (world, t) => //default portal close time * 1000 { try { w.LeaveWorld(entity); } catch //couldn't remove portal, Owner became null. Should be fixed with RealmManager implementation { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't despawn portal."); } })); } break; case ActivateEffects.PermaPet: client.Character.Pet = Manager.GameData.IdToObjectType[eff.ObjectId]; GivePet(Manager.GameData.IdToObjectType[eff.ObjectId]); UpdateCount++; break; case ActivateEffects.UnlockPortal: break; case ActivateEffects.Dye: if (item.Texture1 != 0) { Texture1 = item.Texture1; } if (item.Texture2 != 0) { Texture2 = item.Texture2; } SaveToCharacter(); break; case ActivateEffects.UnlockSkin: if (Manager.GameData.Skins.ContainsKey((ushort) eff.SkinType)) { SkinDesc skin = Manager.GameData.Skins[(ushort) eff.SkinType]; if (skin.PlayerClassType == -1 || skin.PlayerClassType == ObjectType) { Skin = eff.SkinType; PermaSkin = !item.Consumable || (data != null ? data.MultiUse : false); if (data != null && data.Effect != "") { Effect = (data.FullEffect == "" ? UnusualEffects.Save(data.Effect) : data.FullEffect); } else { Effect = ""; } SendInfo("Successfully changed skin."); } else { success = false; SendError("Your class cannot use this skin."); } } else { success = false; SendError("Invalid skin type."); } break; case ActivateEffects.ShurikenAbility: { usingShuriken = !usingShuriken; if (usingShuriken) { ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Speedy, DurationMS = -1 }); } else { ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Speedy, DurationMS = 0 }); if (MP >= item.MpEndCost) { MP -= item.MpEndCost; ActivateShoot(time, item, target); } } } break; case ActivateEffects.SwitchMusic: { Client.SendPacket(new SwitchMusicPacket { Music = eff.Id }); } break; case ActivateEffects.OpenCrate: { success = false; try { this.ItemSelect((_item, _data) => { return _item.IsCrate; }, _slot => { bool succeeded = false; for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.Length; i++) { if (Inventory[i] == null) continue; if (Inventory[i].ObjectId == "Supply Crate Key") { Inventory[i] = null; Inventory.Data[i] = null; succeeded = true; break; } } if (succeeded) { Item originalItem = Inventory[_slot]; Random rand1 = new Random(); int choice = rand1.Next(1, 101); if (choice > 20 && !originalItem.UnusualCrate) { if (rand1.Next(0,5) != 0) { int[] types = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 8, 17, 24 }; List<Item> candidates = Manager.GameData.Items .Where(_item => Array.IndexOf(types, _item.Value.SlotType) != -1) .Where(_item => _item.Value.Tier == rand1.Next(8, 11 + 1)) .Select(_item => _item.Value) .ToList(); candidates.Shuffle(); Inventory[_slot] = Manager.GameData.Items[Manager.GameData.IdToObjectType["Strangifier"]]; Inventory.Data[_slot] = new ItemData { NamePrefix = candidates[0].ObjectId, NameColor = 0xFF5A28 }; } else { List<string> Parts = new List<string>(){ "God Kills", "Quest Kills", "Oryx Kills", "Kills While Cloaked", "Kills Near Death" }; Parts.Shuffle(); Inventory[_slot] = Manager.GameData.Items[Manager.GameData.IdToObjectType["Strange Part"]]; Inventory.Data[_slot] = new ItemData { NamePrefix = Parts[0] }; } } else { List<Item> candidates = Manager.GameData.Items .Where(_item => { foreach (var activEff in _item.Value.ActivateEffects) if (activEff.Effect == ActivateEffects.UnlockSkin) return true; return false; }) .Where(_item => { if (originalItem.Premium && !_item.Value.Premium) return false; if (!originalItem.Premium && _item.Value.Premium) return false; return true; }) .Select(_item => _item.Value) .ToList(); candidates.Shuffle(); Inventory[_slot] = candidates[0]; Inventory.Data[_slot] = null; if (rand1.Next(0, 6) == 0 || originalItem.UnusualCrate) { List<string> effects = new List<string>(); if (originalItem.Crate != 0) effects = UnusualEffects.Series[originalItem.Crate]; else if (!this.Client.Account.Admin) { foreach (var i in UnusualEffects.Series) if (i.Key > 0 && i.Key <= UnusualEffects.CurrentSeries) effects.AddRange(i.Value); } else { foreach (var i in UnusualEffects.Series) if (i.Key != 0) effects.AddRange(i.Value); } Inventory.Data[_slot] = new ItemData { NamePrefix = "Unusual", NameColor = 0x8000FF, Effect = effects.RandomElement(rand1), }; Inventory.Data[_slot].FullEffect = UnusualEffects.Save(Inventory.Data[_slot].Effect); } } client.SendPacket(new ItemResultPacket { ItemID = Inventory[_slot].ObjectType, Data = Inventory.Data[_slot] != null ? Inventory.Data[_slot].GetJson() : "{}" }); string msg = "{c}" + this.GetNameColor() + "{/c}" + Name + "{c}0xFFFFFF{/c} has unboxed: {c}" + ((Inventory.Data[_slot] != null && Inventory.Data[_slot].NameColor != 0xFFFFFF) ? Inventory.Data[_slot].NameColor.ToString() : "0xFFFF00") + "{/c}" + ((Inventory.Data[_slot] != null && Inventory.Data[_slot].NamePrefix != "") ? Inventory.Data[_slot].NamePrefix + " " : "") + ((Inventory.Data[_slot] != null && Inventory.Data[_slot].Name != "") ? Inventory.Data[_slot].Name : Inventory[_slot].DisplayId ?? Inventory[_slot].ObjectId); Owner.BroadcastPacket(new TextPacket { BubbleTime = 0, Stars = -1, Name = "", Text = msg }, null); UpdateCount++; } }); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } break; case ActivateEffects.RenameItem: { success = false; this.ItemSelect((_item, _data) => { return _item != item; }, _slot => { client.SendPacket(new GetTextInputPacket { Name = "Choose a new item name", Action = "renameSlot" + _slot.ToString() }); }); } break; case ActivateEffects.RemoveSkin: { success = false; if (Skin == -1) { SendError("No skin equipped"); break; } if (Manager.GameData.SkinToItem.ContainsKey((ushort)Skin) && !PermaSkin) { Inventory[itemSlot] = Manager.GameData.SkinToItem[(ushort)Skin]; Inventory.Data[itemSlot] = null; if (Effect != "") { string effId = Utils.FromCommaSepString(Effect)[0]; Inventory.Data[itemSlot] = new ItemData() { NamePrefix = "Unusual", NameColor = 0x8000FF, Effect = effId, FullEffect = Effect }; } } Damage((int)Math.Ceiling((double)HP / 2), this, true, true, 1.0f); Skin = -1; PermaSkin = false; Effect = ""; UpdateCount++; } break; case ActivateEffects.BindSkin: { success = false; this.ItemSelect((_item, _data) => { foreach (var activEff in _item.ActivateEffects) if (activEff.Effect == ActivateEffects.UnlockSkin) return (_data != null) ? !_data.Soulbound : true; return false; }, _slot => { if(Inventory[_slot] == null) { SendError("Item no longer exists"); return; } bool isSkin = false; foreach (var activEff in Inventory[_slot].ActivateEffects) if (activEff.Effect == ActivateEffects.UnlockSkin) isSkin = (Inventory.Data[_slot] != null) ? !Inventory.Data[_slot].Soulbound : true; if (!isSkin) { SendError("Item is not a valid skin"); return; } if (Inventory[itemSlot] == null) { SendError("Skin keeper no longer exists"); return; } bool succeeded = false; foreach (var activEff in Inventory[itemSlot].ActivateEffects) if (activEff.Effect == ActivateEffects.BindSkin) succeeded = true; if (!succeeded) { SendError("Invalid skin keeper"); return; } if (Inventory.Data[_slot] == null) Inventory.Data[_slot] = new ItemData(); Inventory.Data[_slot].Soulbound = true; Inventory.Data[_slot].MultiUse = true; Inventory[itemSlot] = null; Inventory.Data[itemSlot] = null; UpdateCount++; }); } break; case ActivateEffects.StrangePart: { success = false; this.ItemSelect((_item, _data) => { return _item != null && _data != null && _data.Strange && !data.StrangeParts.ContainsKey(data.NamePrefix); }, _slot => { if (Inventory[_slot] == null || Inventory.Data[_slot] == null) { SendError("Item no longer exists"); return; } if (Inventory[itemSlot] == null || Inventory.Data[itemSlot] == null) { SendError("Strange part no longer exists"); return; } bool succeeded = false; foreach (var activEff in Inventory[itemSlot].ActivateEffects) if (activEff.Effect == ActivateEffects.StrangePart) succeeded = true; if (!succeeded || Inventory.Data[itemSlot].NamePrefix == "") { SendError("Invalid strange part"); return; } Inventory.Data[_slot].StrangeParts.TryAdd(Inventory.Data[itemSlot].NamePrefix, 0); Inventory[itemSlot] = null; Inventory.Data[itemSlot] = null; UpdateCount++; }); } break; case ActivateEffects.Strangify: { success = false; if(data.NamePrefix == "") break; this.ItemSelect((_item, _data) => { return _item != null && _item.ObjectId == data.NamePrefix && ((_data != null && !_data.Strange) || (_data == null)); }, _slot => { if (Inventory[_slot] == null) { SendError("Item no longer exists"); return; } if (Inventory[itemSlot] == null || Inventory.Data[itemSlot] == null) { SendError("Strangifier no longer exists"); return; } bool succeeded = false; foreach (var activEff in Inventory[itemSlot].ActivateEffects) if (activEff.Effect == ActivateEffects.Strangify) succeeded = true; if (!succeeded || Inventory.Data[itemSlot].NamePrefix != Inventory[_slot].ObjectId) { SendError("Invalid strangifier"); return; } if (Inventory.Data[_slot] == null) Inventory.Data[_slot] = new ItemData(); Inventory.Data[_slot].Strange = true; Inventory.Data[_slot].NamePrefix = "Strange"; Inventory.Data[_slot].NameColor = 0xFF5A28; Inventory[itemSlot] = null; Inventory.Data[itemSlot] = null; UpdateCount++; }); } break; case ActivateEffects.UnbindSkin: { success = false; if (Skin != -1) { SendError("You cannot wear a skin while unbinding a skin item."); break; } this.ItemSelect((_item, _data) => { foreach (var activEff in _item.ActivateEffects) if (activEff.Effect == ActivateEffects.UnlockSkin) return _data != null && _data.Soulbound && _data.MultiUse; return false; }, _slot => { if (Skin != -1) { SendError("You cannot wear a skin while unbinding a skin item."); return; } if (Inventory[_slot] == null) { SendError("Item no longer exists"); return; } bool isSkin = false; foreach (var activEff in Inventory[_slot].ActivateEffects) if (activEff.Effect == ActivateEffects.UnlockSkin) isSkin = Inventory.Data[_slot] != null && Inventory.Data[_slot].Soulbound && Inventory.Data[_slot].MultiUse; if (!isSkin) { SendError("Item is not a valid skin"); return; } if (Inventory[itemSlot] == null) { SendError("Skin disowner no longer exists"); return; } bool succeeded = false; foreach (var activEff in Inventory[itemSlot].ActivateEffects) if (activEff.Effect == ActivateEffects.UnbindSkin) succeeded = true; if (!succeeded) { SendError("Invalid skin disowner"); return; } if (Inventory.Data[_slot] != null) { Inventory.Data[_slot].Soulbound = false; Inventory.Data[_slot].MultiUse = false; } Inventory[itemSlot] = null; Inventory.Data[itemSlot] = null; UpdateCount++; }); } break; } } UpdateCount++; return success; }
private void Activate(RealmTime time, Item item, Position target) { MP -= item.MpCost; foreach (var eff in item.ActivateEffects) { switch (eff.Effect) { case ActivateEffects.BulletNova: { var prjDesc = item.Projectiles[0]; //Assume only one Packet[] batch = new Packet[21]; uint s = Random.CurrentSeed; Random.CurrentSeed = (uint)(s * time.tickTimes); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { Projectile proj = CreateProjectile(prjDesc, item.ObjectType, (int)StatsManager.GetAttackDamage(prjDesc.MinDamage, prjDesc.MaxDamage), time.tickTimes, target, (float)(i * (Math.PI * 2) / 20)); Owner.EnterWorld(proj); FameCounter.Shoot(proj); batch[i] = new Shoot2Packet { BulletId = proj.ProjectileId, OwnerId = Id, ContainerType = item.ObjectType, StartingPos = target, Angle = proj.Angle, Damage = (short)proj.Damage }; } Random.CurrentSeed = s; batch[20] = new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Trail, PosA = target, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xFFFF00AA) }; BroadcastSync(batch, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.Shoot: { ActivateShoot(time, item, target); } break; case ActivateEffects.StatBoostSelf: { int idx = -1; switch ((StatsType)eff.Stats) { case StatsType.MaximumHP: idx = 0; break; case StatsType.MaximumMP: idx = 1; break; case StatsType.Attack: idx = 2; break; case StatsType.Defense: idx = 3; break; case StatsType.Speed: idx = 4; break; case StatsType.Vitality: idx = 5; break; case StatsType.Wisdom: idx = 6; break; case StatsType.Dexterity: idx = 7; break; } int s = eff.Amount; Boost[idx] += s; UpdateCount++; Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) => { Boost[idx] -= s; UpdateCount++; })); BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Potion, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff) }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.StatBoostAura: { int idx = -1; switch ((StatsType)eff.Stats) { case StatsType.MaximumHP: idx = 0; break; case StatsType.MaximumMP: idx = 1; break; case StatsType.Attack: idx = 2; break; case StatsType.Defense: idx = 3; break; case StatsType.Speed: idx = 4; break; case StatsType.Vitality: idx = 5; break; case StatsType.Wisdom: idx = 6; break; case StatsType.Dexterity: idx = 7; break; } int s = eff.Amount; this.AOE(eff.Range / 2, true, player => { (player as Player).Boost[idx] += s; player.UpdateCount++; Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) => { (player as Player).Boost[idx] -= s; player.UpdateCount++; })); }); BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.ConditionEffectSelf: { ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect() { Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }); BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = 1 } }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.ConditionEffectAura: { this.AOE(eff.Range / 2, true, player => { player.ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect() { Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }); }); uint color = 0xffffffff; if (eff.ConditionEffect.Value == ConditionEffectIndex.Damaging) { color = 0xffff0000; } BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(color), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.Heal: { List <Packet> pkts = new List <Packet>(); ActivateHealHp(this, eff.Amount, pkts); BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.HealNova: { List <Packet> pkts = new List <Packet>(); this.AOE(eff.Range / 2, true, player => { ActivateHealHp(player as Player, eff.Amount, pkts); }); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }); BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.Magic: { List <Packet> pkts = new List <Packet>(); ActivateHealMp(this, eff.Amount, pkts); BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.MagicNova: { List <Packet> pkts = new List <Packet>(); this.AOE(eff.Range / 2, true, player => { ActivateHealMp(player as Player, eff.Amount, pkts); }); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }); BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.Teleport: { Move(target.X, target.Y); UpdateCount++; Owner.BroadcastPackets(new Packet[] { new GotoPacket() { ObjectId = Id, Position = new Position() { X = X, Y = Y } }, new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Teleport, TargetId = Id, PosA = new Position() { X = X, Y = Y }, Color = new ARGB(0xFFFFFFFF) } }, null); } break; case ActivateEffects.VampireBlast: { List <Packet> pkts = new List <Packet>(); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Trail, TargetId = Id, PosA = target, Color = new ARGB(0xFFFF0000) }); pkts.Add(new AOEPacket() { Position = target, Radius = eff.Radius, Damage = (ushort)eff.TotalDamage, EffectDuration = 0, Effects = 0, OriginType = (short)item.ObjectType }); int totalDmg = 0; var enemies = new List <Enemy>(); Owner.AOE(target, eff.Radius, false, enemy => { enemies.Add(enemy as Enemy); totalDmg += (enemy as Enemy).Damage(this, time, eff.TotalDamage, false); }); var players = new List <Player>(); this.AOE(eff.Radius, true, player => { players.Add(player as Player); ActivateHealHp(player as Player, totalDmg, pkts); }); Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Enemy a = enemies[rand.Next(0, enemies.Count)]; Player b = players[rand.Next(0, players.Count)]; pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Flow, TargetId = b.Id, PosA = new Position() { X = a.X, Y = a.Y }, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff) }); } BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.Trap: { BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Throw, Color = new ARGB(0xff9000ff), TargetId = Id, PosA = target }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(1500, (world, t) => { Trap trap = new Trap( this, eff.Radius, eff.TotalDamage, eff.ConditionEffect ?? ConditionEffectIndex.Slowed, eff.EffectDuration); trap.Move(target.X, target.Y); world.EnterWorld(trap); })); } break; case ActivateEffects.StasisBlast: { List <Packet> pkts = new List <Packet>(); pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Concentrate, TargetId = Id, PosA = target, PosB = new Position() { X = target.X + 3, Y = target.Y }, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff) }); Owner.AOE(target, 3, false, enemy => { if (enemy.HasConditionEffect(ConditionEffects.StasisImmune)) { pkts.Add(new NotificationPacket() { ObjectId = enemy.Id, Color = new ARGB(0xff00ff00), Text = "{\"key\":\"blank\",\"tokens\":{\"data\":\"Immune\"}}" }); } else if (!enemy.HasConditionEffect(ConditionEffects.Stasis)) { enemy.ApplyConditionEffect( new ConditionEffect() { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Stasis, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS }, new ConditionEffect() { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.Confused, DurationMS = eff.DurationMS } ); Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(eff.DurationMS, (world, t) => { enemy.ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect() { Effect = ConditionEffectIndex.StasisImmune, DurationMS = 3000 } ); } )); pkts.Add(new NotificationPacket() { ObjectId = enemy.Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffff0000), Text = "{\"key\":\"blank\",\"tokens\":{\"data\":\"Stasis\"}}" }); } }); BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.Decoy: { var decoy = new Decoy(this, eff.DurationMS, StatsManager.GetSpeed()); decoy.Move(X, Y); Owner.EnterWorld(decoy); } break; case ActivateEffects.Lightning: { Enemy start = null; double angle = Math.Atan2(target.Y - Y, target.X - X); double diff = Math.PI / 3; Owner.AOE(target, 6, false, enemy => { if (!(enemy is Enemy)) { return; } var x = Math.Atan2(enemy.Y - Y, enemy.X - X); if (Math.Abs(angle - x) < diff) { start = enemy as Enemy; diff = Math.Abs(angle - x); } }); if (start == null) { break; } Enemy current = start; Enemy[] targets = new Enemy[eff.MaxTargets]; for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++) { targets[i] = current; Enemy next = current.GetNearestEntity(8, false, enemy => enemy is Enemy && Array.IndexOf(targets, enemy) == -1 && this.Dist(enemy) <= 6) as Enemy; if (next == null) { break; } else { current = next; } } List <Packet> pkts = new List <Packet>(); for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++) { if (targets[i] == null) { break; } Entity prev = i == 0 ? (Entity)this : targets[i - 1]; targets[i].Damage(this, time, eff.TotalDamage, false); if (eff.ConditionEffect != null) { targets[i].ApplyConditionEffect(new ConditionEffect() { Effect = eff.ConditionEffect.Value, DurationMS = (int)(eff.EffectDuration * 1000) }); } pkts.Add(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Lightning, TargetId = prev.Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffff0088), PosA = new Position() { X = targets[i].X, Y = targets[i].Y }, PosB = new Position() { X = 350 } }); } BroadcastSync(pkts, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.PoisonGrenade: { BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.Throw, Color = new ARGB(0xffddff00), TargetId = Id, PosA = target }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); Placeholder x = new Placeholder(Manager, 1500); x.Move(target.X, target.Y); Owner.EnterWorld(x); Owner.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(1500, (world, t) => { Owner.BroadcastPacket(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, Color = new ARGB(0xffddff00), TargetId = x.Id, PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Radius } }, null); List <Enemy> enemies = new List <Enemy>(); Owner.AOE(target, eff.Radius, false, enemy => PoisonEnemy(enemy as Enemy, eff)); })); } break; case ActivateEffects.RemoveNegativeConditions: { this.AOE(eff.Range / 2, true, player => { ApplyConditionEffect(NegativeEffs); }); BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = eff.Range / 2 } }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.RemoveNegativeConditionsSelf: { ApplyConditionEffect(NegativeEffs); BroadcastSync(new ShowEffectPacket() { EffectType = EffectType.AreaBlast, TargetId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xffffffff), PosA = new Position() { X = 1 } }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); } break; case ActivateEffects.IncrementStat: { int idx = -1; switch ((StatsType)eff.Stats) { case StatsType.MaximumHP: idx = 0; break; case StatsType.MaximumMP: idx = 1; break; case StatsType.Attack: idx = 2; break; case StatsType.Defense: idx = 3; break; case StatsType.Speed: idx = 4; break; case StatsType.Vitality: idx = 5; break; case StatsType.Wisdom: idx = 6; break; case StatsType.Dexterity: idx = 7; break; } Stats[idx] += eff.Amount; int limit = int.Parse(Manager.GameData.ObjectTypeToElement[ObjectType].Element(StatsManager.StatsIndexToName(idx)).Attribute("max").Value); if (Stats[idx] > limit) { Stats[idx] = limit; } UpdateCount++; } break; case ActivateEffects.Create: //this is a portal { ushort objType; if (!Manager.GameData.IdToObjectType.TryGetValue(eff.Id, out objType) || !Manager.GameData.Portals.ContainsKey(objType)) { break; // object not found, ignore } var entity = Resolve(Manager, objType); var w = Manager.GetWorld(Owner.Id); //can't use Owner here, as it goes out of scope int TimeoutTime = Manager.GameData.Portals[objType].TimeoutTime; string DungName = Manager.GameData.Portals[objType].DungeonName; var color = new ARGB(0x00FF00); entity.Move(X, Y); w.EnterWorld(entity); w.BroadcastPacket(new NotificationPacket { Color = color, Text = "{\"key\":\"blank\",\"tokens\":{\"data\":\"" + DungName + " opened by " + Client.Account.Name + "\"}}", ObjectId = Client.Player.Id }, null); w.BroadcastPacket(new TextPacket { BubbleTime = 0, Stars = -1, Name = "", Text = DungName + " opened by " + Client.Account.Name }, null); w.Timers.Add(new WorldTimer(TimeoutTime * 1000, (world, t) => //default portal close time * 1000 { try { w.LeaveWorld(entity); } catch //couldn't remove portal, Owner became null. Should be fixed with RealmManager implementation { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't despawn portal."); } })); } break; case ActivateEffects.Dye: if (item.Texture1 != 0) { Texture1 = item.Texture1; } if (item.Texture2 != 0) { Texture2 = item.Texture2; } SaveToCharacter(); break; case ActivateEffects.Pet: case ActivateEffects.UnlockPortal: break; } } UpdateCount++; }