Example #1
        public List <CTimeTrack> getMyTimeTracks(DataTablesParam param, int userId, DateTime dFrom, DateTime dTo, int customerId, int projectId,
                                                 ref int totalRecords, ref int totalDisplayRecords)
            int    pageNo = 1;
            string crit   = "";

            if (param.sSearch != null)
                crit = param.sSearch.ToUpper();
            if (param.iDisplayStart >= param.iDisplayLength)
                pageNo = (param.iDisplayStart / param.iDisplayLength) + 1;

            string sSortCol = "";

            switch (param.iSortCol_0)
            case 0:
                sSortCol = "custName";

            case 1:
                sSortCol = "projectName";

            case 2:
                sSortCol = "subProjectName";

            case 3:
                sSortCol = "tDate";

            case 4:
                sSortCol = "hours";

            case 5:
                sSortCol = "shortNote";

            string sSql = "select th.timeTrackHeadID, th.customerID, th.tDate, "
                          + " th.userId, tr.timeTrackRowID, tr.subProjectID, "
                          + " tr.[hours], tr.regDate, tr.Note, p.projectName, "
                          + " substring(tr.note, 1, 25) + '...' shortNote, "
                          + " c.custName, "
                          + " sp2.subProjectName "
                          + " from TimeTrackHead th "
                          + " join TimeTrackRow tr on th.timeTrackHeadID = tr.timeTrackHeadID "
                          + " join subProject2 sp2 on tr.subProjectID = sp2.subProjectID "
                          + " join project p on sp2.projectID = p.projectID "
                          + " join customer c on p.customerId = c.customerId "
                          + " where th.userId = @userId "
                          + " and th.tDate >= @dFrom "
                          + " and th.tDate <= @dTo ";

            if (customerId != 0)
                sSql += " and th.customerID = @customerID ";
            if (projectId != 0)
                sSql += " and p.projectID = @projectID ";
            sSql += " order by " + sSortCol + " " + param.sSortDir_0;

            SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand(sSql, getConn());

            cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userId", userId);
            cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dFrom", dFrom);
            cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dTo", dTo);
            if (customerId != 0)
                cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@customerID", customerId);
            if (projectId != 0)
                cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@projectID", projectId);

            SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
            DataTable      dt = new DataTable();


            totalRecords = dt.Rows.Count;

            DataTable dtResult = new DataTable();

            if (crit != "")
                crit = "%" + crit + "%";
                DataRow[] drs = dt.Select("projectName like '" + crit + "' or custName like '" + crit + "'", sSortCol + " " + param.sSortDir_0);
                if (drs != null)
                    dtResult = drs.CopyToDataTable();
                dtResult = dt.Copy();

            int start = ((pageNo - 1) * param.iDisplayLength) + 1;

            if (start > dtResult.Rows.Count)
                start = dtResult.Rows.Count;
            if (start == 0)

            int end = param.iDisplayLength + start - 1;

            if (end > dtResult.Rows.Count)
                end = dtResult.Rows.Count;

            List <CTimeTrack> timeTrackList = new List <CTimeTrack>();

            for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
                DataRow    dr = dtResult.Rows[i - 1];
                CTimeTrack tt = new CTimeTrack();
                tt.timeTrackHeadID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["timeTrackHeadID"]);
                tt.customerID      = Convert.ToInt32(dr["customerID"]);
                tt.tDate           = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["tDate"]);
                tt.userId          = Convert.ToInt32(dr["userId"]);
                tt.timeTrackRowID  = Convert.ToInt32(dr["timeTrackRowID"]);
                tt.subProjectID    = Convert.ToInt32(dr["subProjectID"]);
                tt.hours           = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["hours"]);
                tt.regDate         = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["regDate"]);
                tt.note            = dr["Note"].ToString();
                tt.projectName     = dr["projectName"].ToString();
                tt.shortNote       = dr["shortNote"].ToString();
                tt.customerName    = dr["custName"].ToString();
                tt.subProjectName  = dr["subProjectName"].ToString();
                tt.tDateStr        = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["regDate"]).ToShortDateString();
            totalDisplayRecords = dt.Rows.Count;
Example #2
        public List <CUserProject> getUserProject(DataTablesParam param, int userId,
                                                  int sortOrder, string sortDir, ref int countToDisplay, ref int totalCount)
            int    pageNo = 1;
            string crit   = "";

            if (param.sSearch != null)
                crit = param.sSearch.ToUpper();
            if (param.iDisplayStart >= param.iDisplayLength)
                pageNo = (param.iDisplayStart / param.iDisplayLength) + 1;

            int    iSortCol = param.iSortCol_0 + 1;
            string sSortCol = "";

            switch (iSortCol)
            case 1: sSortCol = "custName";

            case 2: sSortCol = "projectName";

            case 3: sSortCol = "projectName";

            string sSql = "select c.custName, p.projectName,  0 active, p.projectID"
                          + " from project p "
                          + " join customer c on p.customerID = c.customerID"
                          + " where not exists(select 'x' "
                          + "     from userProject up "
                          + "     where up.projectId = p.projectID "
                          + "     and up.userId = @userId) "
                          + " and p.active = 1 "
                          + " and c.active = 1  "
                          + " union "
                          + " select c.custName, p.projectName, 1, p.projectID"
                          + " from project p "
                          + " join customer c on p.customerID = c.customerID"
                          + " where exists( select 'x' "
                          + "     from userProject up "
                          + "     where up.projectId = p.projectID "
                          + "     and up.userId = @userId )"
                          + " and p.active = 1 "
                          + " and c.active = 1  "
                          + " order by " + iSortCol.ToString() + " " + param.sSortDir_0 + " ";

            pdsTidRedLiveEntities db      = new pdsTidRedLiveEntities();
            SqlConnection         cn      = (SqlConnection)db.Database.Connection;
            SqlCommand            cm      = new SqlCommand(sSql, cn);
            SqlParameter          pUserId = cm.Parameters.Add("@userId", SqlDbType.Int);
            SqlDataAdapter        da      = new SqlDataAdapter(cm);
            DataTable             dt      = new DataTable();

            pUserId.Value = userId;
            totalCount = dt.Rows.Count;

            DataTable dtResult = new DataTable();

            if (crit != "")
                crit = "%" + crit + "%";
                DataRow[] drs = dt.Select("projectName like '" + crit + "' or custName like '" + crit + "'", sSortCol + " " + param.sSortDir_0);
                if (drs != null && drs.Length > 0)
                    dtResult = drs.CopyToDataTable();
                dtResult = dt.Copy();

            int start = ((pageNo - 1) * param.iDisplayLength) + 1;

            if (start > dtResult.Rows.Count)
                start = dtResult.Rows.Count;

            int end = param.iDisplayLength + start - 1;

            if (end > dtResult.Rows.Count)
                end = dtResult.Rows.Count;

            List <CUserProject> cuList = new List <CUserProject>();

            if (dtResult.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
                    DataRow      dr = dtResult.Rows[i - 1];
                    CUserProject cu = new CUserProject();
                    cu.projectId   = Convert.ToInt32(dr["projectID"]);
                    cu.projectName = dr["projectName"].ToString();
                    cu.custName    = dr["custName"].ToString();
                    cu.active      = false;
                    if (Convert.ToInt16(dr["active"]) == 1)
                        cu.active = true;

            countToDisplay = dtResult.Rows.Count;
