private void load_dataset() { //DataSet ds = dacGang.GetDS(); //DataTable dt = dacCache.GetGang(); DataTable dt = qryGang.GetDT(); //_ds = ds; //_ds = new DataSet(); //_ds.Tables.Add(dt); if (dt == null) { return; } foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { CheckListBoxItem ni = new CheckListBoxItem(); ni.Tag = row["EmpId"]; ni.Text = row["EmpName"].ToString(); lbxItems.Items.Add(ni); clbItems.Items.Add(ni, (((bool)row["Active"]) ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked)); } }
private void cmdDel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //CheckListBoxItem bi = (CheckListBoxItem)(clbItems.SelectedItem); CheckListBoxItem bi = (CheckListBoxItem)(lbxItems.SelectedItem); if (bi == null) { return; } string emp_id = bi.Tag.ToString(); //DataRow row = _ds.Tables[0].Rows.Find(emp_id); DataRow row = dacCache.GetGang().Rows.Find(emp_id); row.Delete(); dacCache.GetGang().AcceptChanges(); //dacGang.SaveData(_ds.GetChanges()); //clbItems.Items.Clear(); lbxItems.Items.Clear(); load_dataset(); if (PostChange != null) { PostChange(); } }
private void clbItems_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int idx = clbItems.SelectedIndex; if (idx == -1) { return; } bool state = clbItems.GetItemChecked(idx); CheckListBoxItem bi = (CheckListBoxItem)(clbItems.SelectedItem); string emp_id = bi.Tag.ToString(); //DataRow row = _ds.Tables[0].Rows.Find(emp_id); DataRow row = dacCache.GetGang().Rows.Find(emp_id); row.BeginEdit(); row["Active"] = state; row.EndEdit(); if (PostChange != null) { PostChange(); } }
private void clbItems_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ucNewEmp uc_emp = (ucNewEmp)(pnlEmp.Controls[0]); CheckListBoxItem bi = (CheckListBoxItem)(clbItems.SelectedItem); string emp_id = bi.Tag.ToString(); uc_emp.ViewEmp(emp_id); }
/*******************************************************************************************************************\ * * \*******************************************************************************************************************/ private void frmEmployee_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //DataSet ds = dacEmployees.GetDS(); //DataTable dt = dacCache.GetEmployee(); DataTable dtEmp = dacEmployees.GetDT(); var q = from tEmp in dtEmp.AsEnumerable() //where !(bool)tEmp["Archive"] && !tEmp["Duty"].Equals(DBNull.Value) && ((string)tEmp["Duty"] == "Master" || (string)tEmp["Duty"] == "Deckhand") //orderby tEmp["EmpID"] orderby(string) tEmp["Last Name"] select new { EmpID = (string)tEmp["EmpID"], EmpName = (tEmp["Last Name"] == System.DBNull.Value ? "N/A" : string.Format("{0}, {1}", ((string)tEmp["Last Name"]).ToUpper(), (string)tEmp["First Name"])) }; DataTable dt = toDataTable(q.ToList()); //_ds = ds; //_ds = new DataSet(); //_ds.Tables.Add(dt); int count_all = 0; int count_show = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { count_all++; //bool found = dacGang.IsKey(row["EmpId"].ToString()); //bool found = qryGang.IsKey(row["EmpId"].ToString()); //if (found) continue; count_show++; //string emp_name = string.Format("{0} {1}", row["First Name"].ToString(), row["Last Name"].ToString()); string emp_name = (string)row["EmpName"]; CheckListBoxItem ni = new CheckListBoxItem(); ni.Tag = row["EmpId"]; ni.Text = emp_name; clbItems.Items.Add(ni, false); //clbItems.Items.Add(ni, // (((bool)row["Active"]) ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked)); } tbxCount.Text = string.Format("{0} of {1}", count_show, count_all); this.Text += " : " + info(); //clbItems.Refresh(); }
private void frmGang_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //DataSet ds = dacEmployees.GetDS(); //DataTable dt = dacCache.GetEmployee(); DataTable dt = dacEmployees.GetDT(); DataView dv = dt.DefaultView; dv.Sort = "[Last Name], [First Name]"; dt = dv.ToTable(); //_ds = ds; //_ds = new DataSet(); //_ds.Tables.Add(dt); int count_all = 0; int count_show = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { count_all++; //bool found = dacGang.IsKey(row["EmpId"].ToString()); bool found = qryGang.IsKeyActive(row["EmpId"].ToString()); if (found) { continue; } count_show++; //string emp_name = string.Format("{0} {1}", row["First Name"].ToString(), row["Last Name"].ToString()); string emp_name = string.Format("{0}, {1}", ((string)row["Last Name"]).ToUpper(), (string)row["First Name"]); CheckListBoxItem ni = new CheckListBoxItem(); ni.Tag = row["EmpId"]; ni.Text = emp_name; clbItems.Items.Add(ni, false); //clbItems.Items.Add(ni, // (((bool)row["Active"]) ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked)); } tbxCount.Text = string.Format("{0} of {1}", count_show, count_all); //clbItems.Refresh(); }
private void cmdEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //CheckListBoxItem bi = (CheckListBoxItem)(clbItems.SelectedItem); CheckListBoxItem bi = (CheckListBoxItem)(lbxItems.SelectedItem); if (bi == null) { return; } string emp_id = bi.Tag.ToString(); Form frm = new Form(); frm.Size = new Size(660, 510); ucNewEmp uc_emp = new ucNewEmp(); uc_emp.EditEmp(emp_id); frm.Controls.Add(uc_emp); frm.ShowDialog(); }