public void Apply(Type entityType, @class classElement, IEnumerable<Type> entityTypes, hibernatemapping hbm)
            //use reflection to get the Id property from the current class
            var idMember = entityType.GetFieldsAndProperties().SingleOrDefault(e => e.Name.ToLower() == "id" || e.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(KeyAttribute), false).Any());
            if (idMember != null)

                var idType = idMember.ReturnType();
                //if the id property exists, add a new id element to the @class element
       = new id()
                    name = idMember.Name.Sanitise(),
                    column = { new column()
                        .Apply(c => c.notnull = true)
                        //.Apply(c => c.index = "PK_" + classElement.table) //doesn't work for PK!

                if (CanUseHiloGenerator(idType)) //if is integer of some kind
           = new generator()
                        @class = "hilo",
                        param =
                                param.Parse(@"<param name=""max_lo"" xmlns=""urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2"" >10</param>"),
                                param.Parse(@"<param name=""where"" xmlns=""urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2"" >entity = '" + classElement.table + "'</param>"),
                                param.Parse(@"<param name=""table"" xmlns=""urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2"" >HiloValues</param>"),

                else if (idType == typeof(Guid))
           = new generator() { @class = "guid.comb"} ;

 public XRootNamespace(hibernatemapping root)
     this.doc = new XDocument(root.Untyped);
     this.rootObject = root;