public void SetModel(InstalledGame game)


 public static PlaySession Create(InstalledGame game, int processId)
     return new PlaySession()
         Game = game,
         Version = game.Version,
         ProcessId = processId,
         StartDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow
        public InstalledGameListViewItem( InstalledGame installedGame )
            Game = installedGame;

            ImageKey = installedGame.InstanceId.ToString();
            Text = installedGame.Name;
            SubItems.Add( Game.Version );
            SubItems.Add( Game.ExecutableDirectory );
            SubItems.Add( "" );
        public void StartSession(InstalledGame game, DateTime startDateTime)
            Icon = game.Icon;
            TabText = game.Name;
            CloseButton = false;
            CloseButtonVisible = false;

            this.pictureBoxArt.Image = game.Image;
            this.labelGameName.Text = game.Name;
            this.labelStartedPlaying.Text = string.Format ("Started playing on {0} at {1}",
                startDateTime.ToLocalTime().ToShortDateString (), startDateTime.ToLocalTime().ToShortTimeString ());
            this.labelIdle.Text = "";
        public void AddGameToListView(InstalledGame game, bool isInTopFive)
            if (!imageList.Images.ContainsKey(game.InstanceId.ToString()))
                imageList.Images.Add(game.InstanceId.ToString(), game.Image);

            var listViewItem = new InstalledGameListViewItem(game)
                Group = isInTopFive ? mostPlayedGroup : everythingElseGroup


            ListView.AutoResizeColumn(3, ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.HeaderSize);
 public IgnoredGameEventArgs(bool isIgnored, InstalledGame game)
     IsIgnored = isIgnored;
     Game = game;
        public void SetSelectedGame(InstalledGame game)
            listViewGames.ListView.ItemSelectionChanged -= OnListViewItemSelected;

            // Iterate over the list view, find the matching item and select it
                .Where(x => x.Game == game)
                .ForEach(y => y.Selected = true);

            listViewGames.ListView.ItemSelectionChanged += OnListViewItemSelected;
        public void GameUpdated(InstalledGame game)
            var listViewItem = listViewGames.ListView.Items.FirstOrDefault<InstalledGameListViewItem>((item) => item.Game.InstanceId == game.InstanceId );

            if( listViewItem == null )
                GameLocated( game );
        public void GameMissing( InstalledGame game )
            var listViewItem = listViewGames.ListView.Items.FirstOrDefault<InstalledGameListViewItem>((item) => item.Game.InstanceId == game.InstanceId );

            if (listViewItem != null)
                listViewItem.Text = string.Format( "{0} (Missing)", game.Name);
 public void GameLocated(InstalledGame game)
     listViewGames.AddGameToListView (game, _topFive.ContainsKey(game.Id));
        public PlaySession StartSession( InstalledGame game, int processId )
            var playSession = new PlaySession
                Game = game,
                Version = game.Version,
                ProcessId = processId,
                StartDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow,

            if( !sessions.ContainsKey( game.InstanceId ) )
                sessions.Add( game.InstanceId, new List<PlaySession>() );

            sessions[game.InstanceId].Add( playSession );

            // Stop watching for file changes while the game is running

            return playSession;
 public bool HasOpenSession( InstalledGame game )
     return GetOpenSession( game.InstanceId ) != null;
 public InstalledGameEventArgs(InstalledGame installedGame, InstalledGameActions action)
     InstalledGame = installedGame;
     Action = action;
        void SetDataBindings(InstalledGame game)
            // Clear the data bindings
            foreach (var control in Controls[0].Controls.OfType<Control>())

            if (game == null)
                game = new InstalledGame();

            Icon = game.Icon;
            TabText = game.Name;
            textBoxFolder.DataBindings.Add("Text", game, "ExecutableDirectory");
            checkBoxIgnored.DataBindings.Add("Checked", game, "IsIgnored");
            textBoxScreenshotPath.DataBindings.Add ("Text", game, "ScreenshotDirectory");