void TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id = -1, rows = 0;
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            id = Fsel.GetID;
            Lang.Get(id, ref rows);
            tdb_e_id.Text   = Lang.ObjId.ToString();
            tdb_e_bez.Text  = Lang.ObjBez;
            tdb_e_code.Text = Lang.ObjCode;
            if (Lang.ObjDialog > 0)
                Lang_ck_dialog.CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
                Lang_ck_dialog.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
            if (Lang.ObjOutput > 0)
                Lang_ck_out.CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
                Lang_ck_out.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
            if (Lang.ObjGui > 0)
                Lang_ck_gui.CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
                Lang_ck_gui.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked;
Example #2
        void TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id = -1, rows = 0;
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            id = Fsel.GetID;
            serviceoffer.Get(id, ref rows);
            tdb_e_id.Text   = offer.ObjId.ToString();
            tdb_e_bez.Text  = offer.ObjBez;
            tdb_e_text.Text = offer.ObjText;
            tdb_e_code.Text = offer.ObjCode;
            if (offer.ObjParentId == -1)
                this.Off_e_parent.SelectedValue = -1;
                this.Off_e_ishost.CheckState    = CheckState.Checked;
                this.Off_e_parent.Visible       = false;
                ishost = true;
                this.Off_b_createserv.Enabled = true;
                this.Off_e_parent.SelectedValue = offer.ObjParentId;
                this.Off_e_ishost.CheckState    = CheckState.Unchecked;
                this.Off_e_parent.Visible       = true;
                ishost = false;
                this.Off_b_createserv.Enabled = false;
            Off_e_ord.Text = offer.ObjOrder.ToString();
            //this.Off_e_duration.Value = offer.ObjDuration;
            //this.Off_e_location.Text = offer.ObjLocation;
            //this.Off_e_dlt.SelectedValue = offer.ObjSuplier;
            //this.Off_e_from.SelectedValue = offer.ObjFrom;
            //this.Off_e_act.SelectedValue = offer.ObjAction;
            //this.Off_e_offtype.SelectedValue = offer.ObjType;
Example #3
        void TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id = -1, rows = 0;
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            id = Fsel.GetID;
            cat.Get(id, ref rows);
            tdb_e_id.Text   = cat.ObjId.ToString();
            tdb_e_bez.Text  = cat.ObjBez;
            tdb_e_text.Text = cat.ObjText;
            if (cat.ObjParentId == -1)
                this.Kat_e_parent.SelectedValue = -1;
                this.Kat_e_ishost.CheckState    = CheckState.Checked;
                this.Kat_e_parent.Visible       = false;
                ishost = true;
                this.Kat_e_parent.SelectedValue = cat.ObjParentId;
                this.Kat_e_ishost.CheckState    = CheckState.Unchecked;
                this.Kat_e_parent.Visible       = true;
                ishost = false;
            Kat_e_ga.Text = cat.ObjColor.ToString();
            this.Kat_e_dltt.SelectedValue = cat.ObjSupType;
        void Dlt_e_sel_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            System.Windows.Forms.ListView sellv;
            sellv = Fsel.GetLV;

            ListViewItem lvitem = null;

            if (sellv.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
                lvitem = sellv.SelectedItems[0];
            ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem LVSubItem = null;
            if (lvitem != null)
                LVSubItem            = lvitem.SubItems[0];
                guikatid             = Convert.ToInt32(LVSubItem.Text);
                LVSubItem            = lvitem.SubItems[1];
                this.Dlt_e_kat.Text  = LVSubItem.Text;
                LVSubItem            = lvitem.SubItems[2];
                guidlttid            = Convert.ToInt32(LVSubItem.Text);
                LVSubItem            = lvitem.SubItems[3];
                this.Dlt_e_dltt.Text = LVSubItem.Text;
        void TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id = -1, rows = 0;
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            id = Fsel.GetID;
            AT.Get(id, ref rows);
            tdb_e_id.Text   = AT.ObjId.ToString();
            tdb_e_bez.Text  = AT.ObjBez;
            tdb_e_text.Text = AT.ObjText;
            this.Act_e_exeflag.SelectedValue = AT.ObjExeflag;
            this.Act_e_fromres.SelectedValue = AT.ObjFrom;
            this.Act_e_tores.SelectedValue   = AT.ObjTo;
            this.Act_e_dev.SelectedValue     = AT.ObjDev;
            this.Act_e_actt.SelectedValue    = AT.ObjActt;
            this.Act_e_ord.Value             = AT.ObjOrd;
            if (AT.ObjParent == -1)
                this.Act_e_top.CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
                this.Act_e_parent.Visible = false;
                ishost = true;
                this.Act_e_parent.SelectedValue = AT.ObjParent;
                this.Act_e_top.CheckState       = CheckState.Unchecked;
                this.Act_e_parent.Visible       = true;
                ishost = false;
        void TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id = -1, rows = 0;
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            id = Fsel.GetID;
            Cust.Get(id, ref rows);
            tdb_e_id.Text   = Cust.ObjId.ToString();
            Kun_e_name.Text = Cust.ObjCode;
            tdb_e_text.Text = Cust.ObjText;
            this.Kun_e_cur.SelectedValue  = Cust.ObjCurid;
            this.Kun_e_sta.SelectedValue  = Cust.ObjStaid;
            this.Kun_e_lang.SelectedValue = Cust.ObjLangid;
            this.Kun_e_kunt.SelectedValue = Cust.ObjCusttypid;
            Kun_e_tel.Text   = Cust.ObjTel;
            Kun_e_handy.Text = Cust.ObjHandy;
            Kun_e_fax.Text   = Cust.ObjFax;
            Kun_e_tlx.Text   = Cust.ObjTlx;
            Kun_e_email.Text = Cust.ObjMail;
            Kun_e_www.Text   = Cust.ObjWww;
            Kun_e_konto.Text = Cust.ObjAcc;
            Kun_e_attr1.Text = Cust.ObjA1;
            Kun_e_attr2.Text = Cust.ObjA2;

            // get all addresses for this customer
            string sql;

            sql = String.Format("Select * from tdbadmin.persadr where pers_id = {0}", id);
            tdb.User.Uhelper.FillDataset(tdb.User.Udbcon, CommandType.Text, sql, this.personAdrDS, new string[] { "persadr" });
        private void TDB_ab_sel_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            SelForm Fsel = new SelForm();

            Fsel.Accept += new EventHandler(TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return);
        private void Dlt_e_sel_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            tdbgui.GUIcat cat  = new tdbgui.GUIcat();
            SelForm       Fsel = new SelForm();

            Fsel.Accept += new EventHandler(Dlt_e_sel_Return);
        private void TDB_ab_sel_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            SelForm Fsel = new SelForm();

            // set the type before making the status value selection !!
            STA.ObjTyp = (int)Sta_e_typ.SelectedValue;
            Fsel.Accept += new EventHandler(TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return);
        void TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id = -1, rows = 0;
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            id = Fsel.GetID;
            PT.Get(id, ref rows);
            tdb_e_id.Text   = PT.ObjId.ToString();
            tdb_e_bez.Text  = PT.ObjBez;
            tdb_e_text.Text = PT.ObjText;
Example #11
        void TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id = -1, rows = 0;
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            id = Fsel.GetID;
            Cur.Get(id, ref rows);
            this.tdb_e_id.Text           = Cur.ObjId.ToString();
            this.tdb_e_bez.Text          = Cur.ObjBez;
            this.tdb_e_code.Text         = Cur.ObjCode;
            this.tdb_e_text.Text         = Cur.ObjText;
            this.Whr_e_sta.SelectedValue = Cur.ObjStaid;
        void TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id = -1, rows = 0;
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            id = Fsel.GetID;
            PT.Get(id, ref rows);
            tdb_e_id.Text     = PT.ObjId.ToString();
            tdb_e_bez.Text    = PT.ObjBez;
            tdb_e_code.Text   = PT.ObjCode;
            tdb_e_text.Text   = PT.ObjText;
            Perst_e_von.Value = PT.ObjFrom;
            Perst_e_bis.Value = PT.ObjTo;
        void TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id = -1, rows = 0;
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            id = Fsel.GetID;
            Sai.Get(id, ref rows);
            Sai_e_id.Text   = Sai.ObjId.ToString();
            Sai_e_bez.Text  = Sai.ObjBez;
            Sai_e_code.Text = Sai.ObjCode;
            Sai_e_text.Text = Sai.ObjText;
Example #14
        void TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id = -1, rows = 0;
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            STA.ObjTyp = (int)Sta_e_typ.SelectedValue;
            id         = Fsel.GetID;
            STA.Get(id, ref rows);
            tdb_e_id.Text   = STA.ObjId.ToString();
            tdb_e_bez.Text  = STA.ObjBez;
            tdb_e_code.Text = STA.ObjCode;
            Sta_e_cond.Text = STA.ObjKond.ToString();
            Sta_e_sta.Text  = STA.ObjSta;
Example #15
        void TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id = -1, rows = 0;
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            id = Fsel.GetID;
            service.Get(id, ref rows);
            tdb_e_id.Text   = service.ObjId.ToString();
            tdb_e_bez.Text  = service.ObjBez;
            tdb_e_text.Text = service.ObjText;
            tdb_e_code.Text = service.ObjCode;
            this.Ser_e_act.SelectedValue    = service.ObjAction;
            this.Ser_e_season.SelectedValue = service.ObjSeasonId;
            this.Ser_e_starttime.Value      = service.ObjStartdate;
Example #16
        void TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id = -1, rows = 0;
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            id = Fsel.GetID;
            A.Get(id, ref rows);
            this.tdb_e_id.Text           = A.ObjId.ToString();
            this.tdb_e_bez.Text          = A.ObjBez;
            this.tdb_e_code.Text         = A.ObjCode;
            this.tdb_e_text.Text         = A.ObjText;
            this.Arr_e_prg.SelectedValue = A.ObjPrgid;
            this.Arr_e_sai.Text          = A.ObjSai;
Example #17
        void TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id = -1, rows = 0;
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            id = Fsel.GetID;
            Cty.Get(id, ref rows);
            this.tdb_e_id.Text            = Cty.ObjId.ToString();
            this.tdb_e_bez.Text           = Cty.ObjBez;
            this.tdb_e_code.Text          = Cty.ObjCode;
            this.tdb_e_text.Text          = Cty.ObjText;
            this.Ort_e_land.SelectedValue = Cty.ObjLandid;
            this.Ort_e_sta.SelectedValue  = Cty.ObjType;
            this.Ort_e_koord1.Text        = Cty.ObjCoord1.ToString();
            this.Ort_e_koord2.Text        = Cty.ObjCoord2.ToString();
            this.Ort_e_tz.Value           = Cty.ObjTz;
Example #18
        void TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id = -1, rows = 0;
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            id = Fsel.GetID;
            Ctry.Get(id, ref rows);
            tdb_e_id.Text   = Ctry.ObjId.ToString();
            tdb_e_bez.Text  = Ctry.ObjBez;
            tdb_e_code.Text = Ctry.ObjCode;
            tdb_e_text.Text = Ctry.ObjText;
            // first add items and AFTERWARDS the text !!
            this.Land_e_capital.SelectedValue = Ctry.ObjCapid;
            this.Land_e_cur.SelectedValue     = Ctry.ObjCurid;
            this.Land_e_lang.SelectedValue    = Ctry.ObjLangid;
            this.Land_e_vat.Text        = Ctry.ObjVat.ToString();
            this.Land_e_dateformat.Text = Ctry.ObjDateformat;
Example #19
        void TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int     id = -1, rows = 0;
            SelForm Fsel = (SelForm)sender;

            id = Fsel.GetID;
            AT.Get(id, ref rows);
            tdb_e_id.Text   = AT.ObjId.ToString();
            tdb_e_bez.Text  = AT.ObjBez;
            tdb_e_code.Text = AT.ObjCode;
            tdb_e_text.Text = AT.ObjText;

            // get all addresses for this customer
            string sql;

            sql = String.Format("Select * from tdbadmin.aktionspara where a_typ_id = {0}", id);
            tdb.User.Uhelper.FillDataset(tdb.User.Udbcon, CommandType.Text, sql, this.apDS, new string[] { "aktionspara" });
Example #20
File: FSup.cs Project: oeli/yafra
 private void Dlt_e_sel_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     tdbgui.GUIcat cat = new tdbgui.GUIcat();
     SelForm Fsel = new SelForm();
     Fsel.Accept += new EventHandler(Dlt_e_sel_Return);
Example #21
 private void TDB_ab_sel_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     SelForm Fsel = new SelForm();
     Fsel.Accept += new EventHandler(TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return);
Example #22
File: FSta.cs Project: oeli/yafra
 private void TDB_ab_sel_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     SelForm Fsel = new SelForm();
     // set the type before making the status value selection !!
     STA.ObjTyp = (int)Sta_e_typ.SelectedValue;
     Fsel.Accept += new EventHandler(TDB_ab_sel_Click_Return);