public QbModelTab(QbModel model) : base() { this.model = model; height = Client.window.Qfont.fontData.maxGlyphHeight; height = height.ScaleVerticlSize(); vBorderOffset = -(3f).ScaleVerticlSize(); hBorderOffset = (3f).ScaleHorizontalSize(); label = new Label(GetNextAvailableID(),, System.Drawing.Color.White, true); closeButton = new Label(GetNextAvailableID(), "x", System.Drawing.Color.DarkRed, true); var size = label.MeasureText(label.text + " "); closeButton.Parent = this; label.Parent = this; closeButton.handler = new WidgetEventHandler() { mouseenter = (e) => { closeButton.color = Color.Red; }, mouseleave = (e) => { closeButton.color = Color.DarkRed; }, mousedownhandler = (e, mouse) => { if (mouse.IsPressed && mouse.Button == OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Left) { var result = MessageBox.Show("There might be unsaved changes to this model. Are you sure you want to close it?", "StoneVox : Closing Model", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel); if (result == DialogResult.Cancel || result == DialogResult.Abort) { return; } Singleton <QbManager> .INSTANCE.RemoveModel(this.model); } } }; SetBounds(null, null, size.Width, height.UnScaleVerticlSize() * borderscale * 1.5f); closeButton.SetBoundsNoScaling(Absolute_X + this.size.X - closeButton.size.X * 1.5f, Absolute_Y + closeButton.size.Y * .9f); background = appearence.AddAppearence("background", new PlainBackground(new Color4(100 - 10, 87 - 10, 61 - 10, 255))); border = appearence.AddAppearence("border", new PlainBorder(4, new Color4(122 - 10, 106 - 10, 70 - 10, 255))); }
public QbModelTab(QbModel model) : base() { this.model = model; height = Client.window.Qfont.fontData.maxGlyphHeight; height = height.ScaleVerticlSize(); vBorderOffset = -(3f).ScaleVerticlSize(); hBorderOffset = (3f).ScaleHorizontalSize(); label = new Label(GetNextAvailableID(),, System.Drawing.Color.White, true); closeButton = new Label(GetNextAvailableID(), "x", System.Drawing.Color.DarkRed, true); var size = label.MeasureText(label.text + " "); closeButton.Parent = this; label.Parent = this; closeButton.handler = new WidgetEventHandler() { mouseenter = (e) => { closeButton.color = Color.Red; }, mouseleave= (e) => { closeButton.color = Color.DarkRed; }, mousedownhandler = (e, mouse) => { if (mouse.IsPressed && mouse.Button == OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Left) { var result = MessageBox.Show("There might be unsaved changes to this model. Are you sure you want to close it?", "StoneVox : Closing Model", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel); if (result == DialogResult.Cancel || result == DialogResult.Abort) return; Singleton<QbManager>.INSTANCE.RemoveModel(this.model); } } }; SetBounds(null, null, size.Width, height.UnScaleVerticlSize() * borderscale * 1.5f); closeButton.SetBoundsNoScaling(Absolute_X + this.size.X - closeButton.size.X * 1.5f, Absolute_Y + closeButton.size.Y * .9f); background = appearence.AddAppearence("background", new PlainBackground(new Color4(100 - 10, 87 - 10, 61 - 10, 255))); border = appearence.AddAppearence("border", new PlainBorder(4, new Color4(122 - 10, 106 - 10, 70 - 10, 255))); }
void AddAppearenceColored(Color4 backgroundColor, Color4 highlightBackgroundColor) { if (backgroundImage != null) { backgroundImage.Enabled = false; highlightBackgroundImage.Enabled = false; } if (highlightBackground != null) { highlightBackground.color = highlightBackgroundColor; background.color = backgroundColor; background.Enabled = true; return; } highlightBackground = appearence.AddAppearence <PlainBackground>("highlightbackground", new PlainBackground(highlightBackgroundColor)); highlightBackground.Enabled = false; background = appearence.AddAppearence <PlainBackground>("background", new PlainBackground(backgroundColor)); }
void AddAppearenceColored(Color4 backgroundColor, Color4 highlightBackgroundColor) { if (backgroundImage != null) { backgroundImage.Enabled = false; highlightBackgroundImage.Enabled = false; } if (highlightBackground != null) { highlightBackground.color = highlightBackgroundColor; background.color = backgroundColor; background.Enabled = true; return; } highlightBackground = appearence.AddAppearence<PlainBackground>("highlightbackground", new PlainBackground(highlightBackgroundColor)); highlightBackground.Enabled = false; background = appearence.AddAppearence<PlainBackground>("background", new PlainBackground(backgroundColor)); }
public QbModelMatrixListbox(float width, float height) : base(-1) { //input = Singleton<ClientInput>.INSTANCE; ID = GetNextAvailableID(); appearence.AddAppearence("border", new PlainBorder(6, new Color4(122f / 256f, 106f / 256f, 70f / 256f, 1f))); appearence.AddAppearence("background", new PlainBackground(new Color4(66, 63, 63, 255))); float realheight = Client.window.Qfont.fontData.maxGlyphHeight; float fontheight = (float)realheight * 2f; linecount = (int)((height.UnScaleVerticlSize()) / fontheight); //float labelspacing = 25f; textbox = new TextBox(100000000, "", Color4.Wheat.ToSystemDrawingColor(), 1000); textbox.focused = true; fontheight = fontheight.ScaleVerticlSize(); labels = new List <Label>(); buttons = new List <ToggleButton>(); size.X = width; size.Y = linecount * fontheight;// + linecount * (labelspacing).ScaleVerticlSize(); QbModel model = null; bool hasmodel = Singleton <QbManager> .INSTANCE.HasModel; if (hasmodel) { model = Singleton <QbManager> .INSTANCE.ActiveModel; } float previouseY = Absolute_Y + size.Y - realheight.ScaleVerticlSize() * 2f; background = new EmptyWidget(); background.Parent = this; PlainBackground bg = new PlainBackground(Color4.Black); background.appearence.AddAppearence("background", bg); for (int i = 0; i < linecount; i++) { string labeltext = ""; if (hasmodel) { labeltext = i < model.matrices.Count ? model.matrices[i].name : ""; } Label label = new Label(GetNextAvailableID(), labeltext, System.Drawing.Color.White, true); label.Parent = this; label.SetBoundsNoScaling(Absolute_X + size.X * .08f, previouseY); Boolean editing = false; label.customData.Add("edit", editing); label.handler = new WidgetEventHandler() { mousedownhandler = (e, mouse) => { if (!mouse.IsPressed || mouse.Button != OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Left) { return; } background.Enable = true; bg.color = Color4.Black; background.SetBoundsNoScaling(Absolute_X, label.Absolute_Y, size.X, label.size.Y - (4f).ScaleVerticlSize()); QbModel m = Singleton <QbManager> .INSTANCE.ActiveModel; int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; Singleton <QbManager> .INSTANCE.ActiveMatrixIndex = offset; lastActiveIndex = labels.ToList().IndexOf(label); }, mousedoubleclick = (e, mouse) => { if (!mouse.IsPressed || mouse.Button != OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Left) { return; } QbModel m = Singleton <QbManager> .INSTANCE.ActiveModel; int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; Singleton <QbManager> .INSTANCE.ActiveMatrixIndex = offset; Singleton <Camera> .INSTANCE.TransitionToMatrix(); }, mouseenter = (e) => { //lastover = label; int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; QbModel m = Singleton <QbManager> .INSTANCE.ActiveModel; m.matrices[offset].highlight = new Colort(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f); }, mouseleave = (e) => { int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; QbModel m = Singleton <QbManager> .INSTANCE.ActiveModel; m.matrices[offset].highlight = new Colort(1f, 1f, 1f); }, Keydownhandler = (e, k) => { if (!edit && k.Key == Key.F2) { previousText = label.text; editinglable = label; textbox.Text = label.text; textbox.HandleFocusedGained(); label.text += "|"; editing = true; edit = true; Singleton <GUI> .INSTANCE.Dirty = true; } else if (edit && k.Key == Key.Enter || k.Key == Key.KeypadEnter) { editing = false; edit = false; label.text = textbox.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(label.text)) { label.text = previousText; MessageBox.Show("Matrix names MUST contain at least one character", "Matrix Name Limits"); } Singleton <GUI> .INSTANCE.Dirty = true; int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; QbModel m = Singleton <QbManager> .INSTANCE.ActiveModel; m.matrices[offset].name = label.text; Singleton <GUI> .INSTANCE.Get <TextBox>(GUIID.ACTIVE_MATRIX_NAME).Text = label.text; } else if (edit && k.Key == Key.Escape) { label.text = previousText.Replace("|", ""); edit = false; editing = false; Singleton <GUI> .INSTANCE.Get <TextBox>(GUIID.ACTIVE_MATRIX_NAME).Text = label.text; Singleton <GUI> .INSTANCE.Dirty = true; } else if (editing) { textbox.HandleKeyDown(k); label.text = textbox.Text; } }, Keypresshandler = (e, k) => { if (editing) { textbox.HandleKeyPress(k); label.text = textbox.Text; } }, focuslost = (e) => { if (editing) { editing = false; edit = false; label.text = textbox.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(label.text)) { label.text = previousText; MessageBox.Show("Matrix names MUST contain at least one character", "Matrix Name Limits"); } label.color = System.Drawing.Color.White; Singleton <GUI> .INSTANCE.Dirty = true; int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; QbModel m = Singleton <QbManager> .INSTANCE.ActiveModel; m.matrices[offset].name = label.text; Singleton <GUI> .INSTANCE.Get <TextBox>(GUIID.ACTIVE_MATRIX_NAME).Text = label.text; } } }; if (i == 0) { background.Enable = true; bg.color = Color4.Black; background.SetBoundsNoScaling(Absolute_X, label.Absolute_Y, size.X, label.size.Y - (4f).ScaleVerticlSize()); } label.StatusText = stonevox.StatusText.label_matrixlistbox; labels.Add(label); ToggleButton button = new ToggleButton("./data/images/qb_matrix_visibility_on.png", "./data/images/qb_matrix_visibility_off.png"); button.Parent = this; button.SetBoundsNoScaling(Absolute_X + size.X * .01f, previouseY + fontheight * .02f, size.X * .05f, fontheight); button.handler = new WidgetEventHandler() { mousedownhandler = (e, mouse) => { if (mouse.IsPressed && mouse.Button == MouseButton.Left) { int index = buttons.IndexOf(button); int offset = index + offsetindex; QbModel m = Singleton <QbManager> .INSTANCE.ActiveModel; m.matrices[offset].Visible = !m.matrices[offset].Visible; } }, mouseenter = (e) => { int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; QbModel m = Singleton <QbManager> .INSTANCE.ActiveModel; m.matrices[offset].highlight = new Colort(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f); }, mouseleave = (e) => { int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; QbModel m = Singleton <QbManager> .INSTANCE.ActiveModel; m.matrices[offset].highlight = new Colort(1f, 1f, 1f); } }; button.StatusText = stonevox.StatusText.button_matrixvisibiliy; buttons.Add(button); previouseY -= fontheight; // + (labelspacing).ScaleVerticlSize(); if (hasmodel) { if (labeltext == "") { label.Enable = false; button.Enable = false; button.MaintainEnabled = true; } else { if (model.matrices[i].Visible) { button.Toggle(0); } else { button.Toggle(1); } } } else { label.Enable = false; button.Enable = false; button.MaintainEnabled = true; } } int matrixcount = 10; if (hasmodel) { matrixcount = model.matrices.Count; } scrollbar = new VerticalScrollbar((size.X * .055f).UnScaleHorizontalSize(), size.Y.UnScaleVerticlSize(), matrixcount); scrollbar.fontHeight = size.Y / linecount; scrollbar.UpdateScrollbar(); scrollbar.Parent = this; scrollbar.SetBoundsNoScaling(Absolute_X + size.X - scrollbar.size.X, Absolute_Y); scrollbar.handler = new WidgetEventHandler() { scrollbarchanged = (e, value, delta) => { offsetindex = (int)value; UpdateWidgets(); if (delta > 0) { background.location.Y += (fontheight /*+ (labelspacing).ScaleVerticlSize()*/) * (int)delta; } else { background.location.Y -= (fontheight /* + (labelspacing).ScaleVerticlSize()*/) * -(int)delta; } bool backgroundOutofBounds = true; if (background.Absolute_Y > Absolute_Y + size.Y - fontheight * .5f) { backgroundOutofBounds = false; } else if (background.Absolute_Y < Absolute_Y) { backgroundOutofBounds = false; } background.Enable = backgroundOutofBounds; } }; }
public QbModelMatrixListbox(float width, float height) : base(-1) { //input = Singleton<ClientInput>.INSTANCE; ID = GetNextAvailableID(); appearence.AddAppearence("border", new PlainBorder(6, new Color4(122f / 256f, 106f / 256f, 70f / 256f, 1f))); appearence.AddAppearence("background", new PlainBackground(new Color4(66, 63, 63, 255))); float realheight = Client.window.Qfont.fontData.maxGlyphHeight; float fontheight = (float)realheight*2f; linecount = (int)((height.UnScaleVerticlSize()) / fontheight); //float labelspacing = 25f; textbox = new TextBox(100000000, "", Color4.Wheat.ToSystemDrawingColor(), 1000); textbox.focused = true; fontheight = fontheight.ScaleVerticlSize(); labels = new List<Label>(); buttons = new List<ToggleButton>(); size.X = width; size.Y = linecount * fontheight;// + linecount * (labelspacing).ScaleVerticlSize(); QbModel model = null; bool hasmodel = Singleton<QbManager>.INSTANCE.HasModel; if (hasmodel) model = Singleton<QbManager>.INSTANCE.ActiveModel; float previouseY = Absolute_Y + size.Y - realheight.ScaleVerticlSize() * 2f; background = new EmptyWidget(); background.Parent = this; PlainBackground bg = new PlainBackground(Color4.Black); background.appearence.AddAppearence("background", bg); for (int i = 0; i < linecount; i++) { string labeltext = ""; if (hasmodel) labeltext = i < model.matrices.Count ? model.matrices[i].name : ""; Label label = new Label(GetNextAvailableID(), labeltext, System.Drawing.Color.White, true); label.Parent = this; label.SetBoundsNoScaling(Absolute_X + size.X * .08f, previouseY); Boolean editing = false; label.customData.Add("edit", editing); label.handler = new WidgetEventHandler() { mousedownhandler = (e, mouse) => { if (!mouse.IsPressed || mouse.Button != OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Left) return; background.Enable = true; bg.color = Color4.Black; background.SetBoundsNoScaling(Absolute_X, label.Absolute_Y, size.X, label.size.Y - (4f).ScaleVerticlSize()); QbModel m = Singleton<QbManager>.INSTANCE.ActiveModel; int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; Singleton<QbManager>.INSTANCE.ActiveMatrixIndex = offset; lastActiveIndex = labels.ToList().IndexOf(label); }, mousedoubleclick = (e, mouse) => { if (!mouse.IsPressed || mouse.Button != OpenTK.Input.MouseButton.Left) return; QbModel m = Singleton<QbManager>.INSTANCE.ActiveModel; int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; Singleton<QbManager>.INSTANCE.ActiveMatrixIndex = offset; Singleton<Camera>.INSTANCE.TransitionToMatrix(); }, mouseenter = (e) => { //lastover = label; int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; QbModel m = Singleton<QbManager>.INSTANCE.ActiveModel; m.matrices[offset].highlight = new Colort(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f); }, mouseleave = (e) => { int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; QbModel m = Singleton<QbManager>.INSTANCE.ActiveModel; m.matrices[offset].highlight = new Colort(1f, 1f, 1f); }, Keydownhandler = (e, k) => { if (!edit && k.Key == Key.F2) { previousText = label.text; editinglable = label; textbox.Text = label.text; textbox.HandleFocusedGained(); label.text += "|"; editing = true; edit = true; Singleton<GUI>.INSTANCE.Dirty = true; } else if (edit && k.Key == Key.Enter || k.Key == Key.KeypadEnter) { editing = false; edit = false; label.text = textbox.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(label.text)) { label.text = previousText; MessageBox.Show("Matrix names MUST contain at least one character", "Matrix Name Limits"); } Singleton<GUI>.INSTANCE.Dirty = true; int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; QbModel m = Singleton<QbManager>.INSTANCE.ActiveModel; m.matrices[offset].name = label.text; Singleton<GUI>.INSTANCE.Get<TextBox>(GUIID.ACTIVE_MATRIX_NAME).Text = label.text; } else if (edit && k.Key == Key.Escape) { label.text = previousText.Replace("|", ""); edit = false; editing = false; Singleton<GUI>.INSTANCE.Get<TextBox>(GUIID.ACTIVE_MATRIX_NAME).Text = label.text; Singleton<GUI>.INSTANCE.Dirty = true; } else if (editing) { textbox.HandleKeyDown(k); label.text = textbox.Text; } }, Keypresshandler = (e, k) => { if (editing) { textbox.HandleKeyPress(k); label.text = textbox.Text; } }, focuslost = (e) => { if (editing) { editing = false; edit = false; label.text = textbox.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(label.text)) { label.text = previousText; MessageBox.Show("Matrix names MUST contain at least one character", "Matrix Name Limits"); } label.color = System.Drawing.Color.White; Singleton<GUI>.INSTANCE.Dirty = true; int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; QbModel m = Singleton<QbManager>.INSTANCE.ActiveModel; m.matrices[offset].name = label.text; Singleton<GUI>.INSTANCE.Get<TextBox>(GUIID.ACTIVE_MATRIX_NAME).Text = label.text; } } }; if (i == 0) { background.Enable = true; bg.color = Color4.Black; background.SetBoundsNoScaling(Absolute_X, label.Absolute_Y, size.X, label.size.Y - (4f).ScaleVerticlSize()); } label.StatusText = stonevox.StatusText.label_matrixlistbox; labels.Add(label); ToggleButton button = new ToggleButton("./data/images/qb_matrix_visibility_on.png", "./data/images/qb_matrix_visibility_off.png"); button.Parent = this; button.SetBoundsNoScaling(Absolute_X + size.X * .01f, previouseY+fontheight*.02f, size.X*.05f, fontheight); button.handler = new WidgetEventHandler() { mousedownhandler = (e, mouse) => { if (mouse.IsPressed && mouse.Button == MouseButton.Left) { int index = buttons.IndexOf(button); int offset = index + offsetindex; QbModel m = Singleton<QbManager>.INSTANCE.ActiveModel; m.matrices[offset].Visible = !m.matrices[offset].Visible; } }, mouseenter = (e) => { int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; QbModel m = Singleton<QbManager>.INSTANCE.ActiveModel; m.matrices[offset].highlight = new Colort(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f); }, mouseleave = (e) => { int index = labels.IndexOf(label); int offset = index + offsetindex; QbModel m = Singleton<QbManager>.INSTANCE.ActiveModel; m.matrices[offset].highlight = new Colort(1f, 1f, 1f); } }; button.StatusText = stonevox.StatusText.button_matrixvisibiliy; buttons.Add(button); previouseY -= fontheight; // + (labelspacing).ScaleVerticlSize(); if (hasmodel) { if (labeltext == "") { label.Enable = false; button.Enable = false; button.MaintainEnabled = true; } else { if (model.matrices[i].Visible) button.Toggle(0); else button.Toggle(1); } } else { label.Enable = false; button.Enable = false; button.MaintainEnabled = true; } } int matrixcount = 10; if (hasmodel) matrixcount = model.matrices.Count; scrollbar = new VerticalScrollbar((size.X * .055f).UnScaleHorizontalSize(), size.Y.UnScaleVerticlSize(), matrixcount); scrollbar.fontHeight = size.Y / linecount; scrollbar.UpdateScrollbar(); scrollbar.Parent = this; scrollbar.SetBoundsNoScaling(Absolute_X + size.X - scrollbar.size.X, Absolute_Y); scrollbar.handler = new WidgetEventHandler() { scrollbarchanged = (e, value, delta) => { offsetindex = (int)value; UpdateWidgets(); if (delta > 0) { background.location.Y += (fontheight /*+ (labelspacing).ScaleVerticlSize()*/) * (int)delta; } else { background.location.Y -= (fontheight /* + (labelspacing).ScaleVerticlSize()*/) * -(int)delta; } bool backgroundOutofBounds = true; if (background.Absolute_Y > Absolute_Y + size.Y- fontheight*.5f) backgroundOutofBounds = false; else if (background.Absolute_Y < Absolute_Y) backgroundOutofBounds = false; background.Enable = backgroundOutofBounds; } }; }