public static dynamic GetCatalogFileByHash(dynamic serverMsg)
            dynamic response = null;

            string sha256 = serverMsg.Arguments.Sha256;

            Log.Info("Command GetCatalogFileByHash: Hash {0}", sha256);

            var sessionFactory = Database.getSessionFactory();

            using (var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
                var catalogs = session.QueryOver <CatalogFile>()
                               .Where(e => e.Sha256 == Helpers.HexStringToByteArray(sha256))
                               .List <CatalogFile>();
                if (catalogs.Count() != 0)
                    CatalogFile catalog = catalogs[0];
                    Log.Info("Found file {0}", catalog.FilePath);

                    response = UploadFile(catalog.Sha256, catalog.FilePath, "catalog");
                    // TODO Need to throw error
                    Log.Error("GetCatalogFileByHash requested unknown hash {0}", sha256);

Example #2
        public static void LogCatalogFile(string catalogFilePath)
            Log.Info("Catalog file used: {0}", catalogFilePath);

            var sessionFactory = Database.getSessionFactory();

            using (var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
                // Check if this catalog already exists in our DB
                var catalogs = session.QueryOver <CatalogFile>()
                               .Where(e => e.FilePath == catalogFilePath)
                               .List <CatalogFile>();
                if (catalogs.Count() == 0)
                    // Does not exist, so add it
                    using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
                        Log.Info("Catalog file never seen before, so adding it to the DB");

                        // TODO I should not be keeping track of the catalogs by filename instead of using the hash
                        byte[] md5Hash, sha1Hash, sha256Hash;
                        Helpers.ComputeHashes(catalogFilePath, out md5Hash, out sha1Hash, out sha256Hash);

                        var catalogFile = new CatalogFile
                            FilePath        = catalogFilePath,
                            Sha256          = sha256Hash,
                            Size            = (int)(new System.IO.FileInfo(catalogFilePath).Length),
                            FirstAccessTime = DateTime.UtcNow

                        Log.Info("Recorded catalog file of size {0}", catalogFile.Size);

                    // Already exists in the DB, so pass
Example #3
        public static bool PostCatalogFile(CatalogFile catalogFile)
            CatalogFilePost catalogFilePost = new CatalogFilePost();

            catalogFilePost.TimeOfEvent = Helpers.ConvertToUnixTime(catalogFile.FirstAccessTime);
            catalogFilePost.Path        = catalogFile.FilePath;
            catalogFilePost.Size        = catalogFile.Size;
            catalogFilePost.Sha256      = Helpers.ByteArrayToHexString(catalogFile.Sha256);

            string postMessage = Helpers.SerializeToJson(catalogFilePost, typeof(CatalogFilePost));
            string response    = Beacon.PostToServer(postMessage, "/api/v1/CatalogFileEvent");

            if (response == "")
                // Remote server could not be reached or encountered an error
            CatalogFileResponse processEventResponse = (CatalogFileResponse)Helpers.DeserializeFromJson(response, typeof(CatalogFileResponse));
