Example #1
 private void AddArgsToState(FunctionDef fd)
     for (int i = 0; i < fd.Params.Count; i++)
         //suspicious copying - needs testing
         VarState vs = new VarState(fd.Params[i].Name, fd.Params[i].Type, argList[i]);
         State.Add(fd.Params[i].Name, vs);
Example #2
 private void ValidateArgs(FunctionDef fd)
     if (fd.Params.Count > argList.Count)
         throw new Exception("spiz DOESNT HAVE ENOUGH ARGUMENTS just like you dont have enough chromosomes");
     if (fd.Params.Count < argList.Count)
         throw new Exception("spiz HAS TOO MANY ARGUMENTS just like you have too many chromosomes");
Example #3
        public string Compile(FunctionDef fd)
            string             header = CompileHeader(fd);
            List <Instruction> list   = new List <Instruction>();

            CompileBody(fd, list);
            list.Add(new Instruction(InstructionType.Ret));
            string body = ToMSIL(list);

            return(header + Environment.NewLine + body + "}");
Example #4
        private string CompileHeader(FunctionDef fd)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            string methodSig  = ".method public static [ret_type] [func_name]([params]) cil managed {";
            string entryPoint = ".entrypoint";
            string locals     = ".locals init ([decs])";

            methodSig = methodSig.Replace("[ret_type]", MapTypeToMSIL(fd.ReturnType));
            methodSig = methodSig.Replace("[func_name]", fd.Name);

            string prms = "";

            foreach (var param in fd.Params)
                prms += MapTypeToMSIL(param.Type) + " " + param.Name + ",";
            prms = prms.TrimEnd(',');

            methodSig = methodSig.Replace("[params]", prms);


            if (fd.Name == "spiz")

            List <Declaration> decList = new List <Declaration>();

            FindAllDeclarations(fd, decList);

            string decs = "";

            foreach (var dec in decList)
                decs += MapTypeToMSIL(dec.Type) + " " + dec.VarName + ",";
            decs = decs.TrimEnd(',');

            locals = locals.Replace("[decs]", decs);


Example #5
        private object Traverse(Node node)
            bool   conditionCompleted = false;
            object ret = null;

            while (true)
                if (swordOfKhali)

                if (node is FunctionDef)
                    FunctionDef fd = (node as FunctionDef);

                    if (node.Children.Count == 0)
                        throw new Exception("MASSIVE spiz DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING IN HIS DOspiz STATEMENT");

                    node = node.Children[0];
                else if (node is spizdun)
                    if ((node as spizdun).Exp == null)

                    ret          = (node as spizdun).Exp.Eval(ast, State);
                    swordOfKhali = true;
                else if (node is spizout)
                    if ((node as spizout).Exp == null)
                        spizoutLevel = 1;
                        spizoutLevel = Convert.ToInt32((node as spizout).Exp.Eval(ast, State));
                else if (node is FunctionCall)
                    (node as FunctionCall).Exp.Eval(ast, State);
                else if (node is Declaration)
                    Declaration d = (node as Declaration);

                    object r = null;
                    if (d.Exp != null)
                        r = d.Exp.Eval(ast, State);

                    VarState vs = new VarState(d.VarName, d.Type, r);
                    State.Add(vs.Name, vs);
                else if (node is Assignment)
                    Assignment a = (node as Assignment);
                    object     r = a.RightExpression.Eval(ast, State);
                    if (a.IsListIndexAssignment())
                        object leftIndex = a.LeftIndexExpression.Eval(ast, State);
                        int    i         = int.Parse(leftIndex.ToString());
                        var    list      = (List <object>)State[a.VarName].Value;
                        list[i] = r;
                        State[a.VarName].Value = r;
                else if (node is Spif)
                    Spif   spif = (node as Spif);
                    object r    = spif.Exp.Eval(ast, State);
                    if (!(r is bool))
                        throw new Exception("spiz spif must evaluate to bool spiz");
                    bool rb = (bool)r;
                    if (rb)
                        if (node.Children.Count == 0)
                            throw new Exception("MASSIVE spiz DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING IN HIS IF STATEMENT");
                        node = node.Children[0];
                        conditionCompleted = true;
                        conditionCompleted = false;
                else if (node is Spelzif)
                    Spelzif spelzIf = (node as Spelzif);
                    var     prevSib = GetPrevChild(node);
                    if (!(prevSib is Spif || prevSib is Spelzif))
                        throw new Exception("spiz cant have else if without previous spif or spelzif spiz");
                    if (!(conditionCompleted))
                        object r = spelzIf.Exp.Eval(ast, State);
                        if (!(r is bool))
                            throw new Exception("spiz spelzif must evaluate to bool spiz");
                        bool rb = (bool)r;
                        if (rb)
                            if (node.Children.Count == 0)
                                throw new Exception("MASSIVE spiz DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING IN HIS SPELZIF STATEMENT");
                            node = node.Children[0];
                            conditionCompleted = true;
                else if (node is Spelz)
                    var prevSib = GetPrevChild(node);
                    if (!(prevSib is Spif || prevSib is Spelzif))
                        throw new Exception("spiz cant have spelz without previous spif or elseif spiz");
                    if (!(conditionCompleted))
                        if (node.Children.Count == 0)
                            throw new Exception("MASSIVE spiz DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING IN HIS SPELZ STATEMENT");
                        node = node.Children[0];
                else if (node is Dospiz)
                    Dospiz loop = (node as Dospiz);

                    bool r = true;

                    if (loop.Type == DospizType.While)
                        r = (bool)loop.Exp.Eval(ast, State);
                    else if (loop.Type == DospizType.Foreach)
                        r = Foreach(loop, r);

                    conditionCompleted = false;

                    if (r)
                        if (node.Children.Count == 0)
                            throw new Exception("MASSIVE spiz DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING IN HIS DOspiz STATEMENT");
                        node = node.Children[0];

                //Regular execution
                Node next = GetNextChild(node);
                if (next != null && !swordOfKhali)
                    node = next;