public SurveyInfo GetSurveyInfo(int nSurveyID) { SurveyInfo info = new SurveyInfo(); String sql = "SELECT * FROM dbo.TblSurvey WHERE fSurveyID = " + nSurveyID; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DataSources.dbConSpecies)) { con.Open(); using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, con)) { using (SqlDataReader set = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (!set.Read()) { Response.Write("No surveys found"); Response.End(); } info.fSurveyLabel = (string)set["fSurveyLabel"]; info.fSurveyDesc = (string)set["fSurveyName"]; info.fSurveyTypeRef = (int)set["fSurveyTypeRef"]; info.type = GetSurveyTypeInfo(info.fSurveyTypeRef); } } } return(info); }
public void SaveIndicators(int id, HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { SurveyInfo info = GetSurveyInfo(fSurveyID); List <Indicator> indicators = LoadIndicators(info.fSurveyTypeRef, id, false); foreach (Indicator indicator in indicators) { list.ExecuteSQL(String.Format("DELETE FROM TblEventIndicator WHERE fEventID={0} AND fIndicatorID={1}", id,; String sql = "INSERT INTO TblEventIndicator (fEventID, fIndicatorID, fValue) VALUES (@fEventID, @fIndicatorID, @fValue)"; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(DataSources.dbConSpecies)) { con.Open(); using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, con)) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fEventID", id); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fIndicatorID",; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fValue", Request["ff" +]); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string survey = Request["sv"]; if (survey == null || survey == "") { if (Session["fSurveyID"] != null) { survey = Session["fSurveyID"].ToString(); } if (survey == null || survey == "") { survey = GetFirstSurveyID(); } } fSurveyID = int.Parse(survey); Session["fSurveyID"] = survey; level2Names = GetLevel2Names(fSurveyID); stations = GetStations(); SurveyInfo info = GetSurveyInfo(fSurveyID); String query = ""; String filter = Request["filter"]; if (filter != null && filter != "") { String[] filters = filter.Split('|'); foreach (String f in filters) { String[] ftr = f.Split('='); String name = ftr[0]; String val = ftr[1].Replace("'", "''"); if (val != "" && val != "All") { if (query != "") { query += " AND "; } switch (name) { case "level2": query += "fLevel2Name = '" + val + "'"; break; case "level3": query += "fLevel3Name = '" + val + "'"; break; case "station": if (double.Parse(val) > 0) { double max = double.Parse(val) * 100; double min = max - 100; query += "fDepth >= " + min + " AND fDepth <= " + max; } break; case "date1": query += "fStartDate >= '" + val + "'"; break; case "date2": query += "fStartDate <= '" + val + "'"; break; } } } } list = new GenericList(Context); list.type = "Event"; list.table = "TblEvent"; list.idField = "fEventID"; list.fields.Add(new Field("fSurveyID", "SurveyID", FieldType.Constant, 0, 0, fSurveyID.ToString())); if (info.type.fSurveyLevel2Name.Length > 0) { list.fields.Add(new Field("fLevel2Name", info.type.fSurveyLevel2Name, FieldType.String, 80, 100)); level2Name = info.type.fSurveyLevel2Name; } if (info.type.fSurveyLevel3Name.Length > 0) { list.fields.Add(new Field("fLevel3Name", info.type.fSurveyLevel3Name, FieldType.String, 80, 100)); level3Name = info.type.fSurveyLevel3Name; } list.fields.Add(new Field("fEventName", "Event", FieldType.String, 80, 100)); Field station = new Field("fStationID", "Station", FieldType.Combo, 50, 50); station.lookUpTable = "TblStation"; station.lookUpFieldID = "fStationID"; station.lookUpFieldName = "fStationName"; station.lookUpFilter = "fSystem = 0"; list.fields.Add(station); list.fields.Add(new Field("fStartDate", "Date", FieldType.Date, 80, 0)); list.fields.Add(new Field("fDepth", "Depth", FieldType.String, 80, 0)); list.fields.Add(new Field("fDuration", "Duration", FieldType.String, 80, 0)); list.exportButton = true; list.dataSavedEvent = SaveIndicators; list.customEditDialog = true; list.listFilter = "fSystemEvent = 0 AND fSurveyID = " + fSurveyID; if (query != "") { list.listFilter += " AND " + query; } list.showAllButton = true; list.InitList(Context); }
public void WriteForm() { int nSurveyID = int.Parse(Request["survey"]); int nEventID = int.Parse(Request["id"]); events e = new events(); SurveyInfo info = e.GetSurveyInfo(nSurveyID); int nSurveyTypeID = info.fSurveyTypeRef; List <Indicator> list = e.LoadIndicators(nSurveyTypeID, nEventID, true); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Indicator indicator = list[i]; Response.Write("<table style='width: 100%'>"); Response.Write("<tr>"); Response.Write("<td colspan=2>"); Response.Write("<strong>" + + "</strong>"); Response.Write("</td>"); Response.Write("</tr>"); Response.Write("<tr>"); Response.Write("<td>"); Response.Write("<input id='ff" + + "' class='form-control' type='text' value='" + Server.HtmlEncode(indicator.value) + "' />"); Response.Write("</td>"); Response.Write("<td style='width: 60px;'>"); Response.Write(" " + indicator.abbr); Response.Write("</td>"); Response.Write("</tr>"); Response.Write("<tr>"); Response.Write("<td colspan=2>"); Response.Write(" "); Response.Write("</td>"); Response.Write("</tr>"); Response.Write("</table>"); } Response.Write("\n\n<script>\n"); Response.Write("var indicators = [\n"); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Indicator indicator = list[i]; if (i > 0) { Response.Write(", "); } Response.Write("{"); Response.Write("'id': " +; Response.Write("}\n"); } Response.Write("];\n\n"); Response.Write("</script>\n\n"); }