Example #1
 public Consumable(string name, PlayerCharacter player, string desc)
     : base(name, player, desc)
     this.Name = name;
     this.Player = player;
     this.Description = desc;
Example #2
 public Equipment(string _name, int a, int d, Placement p, PlayerCharacter pc, string desc)
     : base(_name, pc, desc)
     addAtk = a;
     addDef = d;
     part = p;
     description = desc;
Example #3
 public HealthPot(string name, PlayerCharacter player, double healed, string desc)
     : base(name, player, desc)
     //this.Name = name;
     //this.Player = player;
     this.Healed = (int)(player.HP * healed);
     //this.Description = desc;
Example #4
 public HealthPot(string name, PlayerCharacter player, string desc, double healed, int cost)
     : base(name, player, desc)
     this.Name = name;
     this.Player = player;
     this.Healed = (int)(player.HP * .35);
     this.Description = desc;
     Cost = cost;
Example #5
 public ManaPot(string name, PlayerCharacter player, int manaGained, string desc, int cost)
     : base(name, player, desc)
     Name = name;
     Player = player;
     ManaGained = manaGained;
     Cost = cost;
     Description = desc;
Example #6
 public SpriteManager(Game game, PlayerCharacter userCharacter)
     : base(game)
     GameRef = (Game1)game;
     pc = userCharacter;
     // TODO: Construct any child components here
     player = new UserControlledSprite(Game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/player"),
     new Vector2(64, 64), new Point(27, 31), 0, new Point(0, 0),
     new Point(0, 0), new Vector2(3, 3), pc, GameRef, mapper, 2f);
Example #7
 public GamePlayState(Game1 game, GameStateManeger manager, PlayerCharacter Character)
     : base(game, manager)
     SpriteManager = new SpriteManager(game, Character);
     Mapper mapper = new Mapper(SpriteManager, game);
     SpriteManager.player.mapper = mapper;
     Random r = new Random();
     Map m = null;
     mapper.maps.TryGetValue("01", out m);
Example #8
 public override string GetName(PlayerCharacter pc)
     if (pc.Speed < 25)
         return "Double Strike";
     if (pc.Speed < 75)
         return "Trinity-Strike";
     if (pc.Speed < 140)
         return "Right in the Quads";
     if (pc.Speed < 200)
         return "HAD five Appendages";
     return "Bloodthirsty Blade";
Example #9
 public override int getCost(PlayerCharacter pc)
     if (pc.Defense < 25)
         return 5;
     else if (pc.Defense < 75)
         return 20;
     else if (pc.Defense < 140)
         return 40;
     else if (pc.Defense < 200)
         return 80;
     return 160;
Example #10
 public override string GetName(PlayerCharacter pc)
     if (pc.Defense < 25)
         return "Block";
     if (pc.Defense < 75)
         return "Entrench";
     if (pc.Defense < 140)
         return "Hold the Line";
     if (pc.Defense < 200)
         return "Iron Hide";
     return "Indestructable";
 public UserControlledSprite(Texture2D textureImage, Vector2 position,
     Point frameSize, int collisionOffset, Point currentFrame, Point sheetSize,
     Vector2 speed, PlayerCharacter pc, Game1 game, Mapper mapperInput, float zIndex = .1f)
     : base(textureImage, position, frameSize, collisionOffset, currentFrame, sheetSize, speed)
     this.zIndex = zIndex;
     Character = pc;
     GameRef = game;
     this.mapper = mapperInput;
     baseSpeed = speed;
     halfSpeed = speed / 2;
Example #12
        public override int getCost(PlayerCharacter pc)
            if (pc.Speed < 25)
                return 5;
            if (pc.Speed < 75)
                return 20;
            if (pc.Speed < 140)
                return 40;
            if (pc.Speed < 200)
                return 80;

            return 160;
Example #13
 public override string GetName(PlayerCharacter pc)
     if (pc.Level < 2)
         return "Smack";
     if (pc.Level < 5)
         return "Pound";
     if (pc.Level < 10)
         return "Smash";
     if (pc.Level < 15)
         return "Crush";
     if (pc.Level < 20)
         return "Brutalize";
     return "Obliterate";
Example #14
 public CaptKrebs(int characterLV, Game1 _game, PlayerCharacter pc)
     : base(characterLV, _game)
     image = Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/CaptKrebs");
     this.SP_ATK_MOD = 1.1f;
     this.SP_DEF_MOD = 1.1f;
     this.SPD_MOD = 1.1f;
     this.DEF_MOD = 1.1f;
     this.ATK_MOD = 1.1f;
     this.HP_MOD = 1.3f;
     this.name = "Captain Krebs";
     this.level = characterLV + 1;
     this.CurrentHP = HP;
     goldAmt = this.level * 50;
Example #15
 public Naga(int characterLV, Game1 _game, PlayerCharacter pc)
     : base(characterLV, _game)
     image = Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/naga");
     name = "Naga";
     ATK_MOD = .4f;
     DEF_MOD = .4f;
     SPD_MOD = 1;
     SP_DEF_MOD = .7f;
     SP_ATK_MOD = .7f;
     HP_MOD = .6f;
     this.CurrentHP = HP;
     this.level = characterLV;
     goldAmt = this.level * 12;
Example #16
        public CombatState(Game1 game, GameStateManeger manager, PlayerCharacter player, List<Enemy> enemies)
            : base(game, manager)
            totalGold = 0;
            this.Song = game.Content.Load<Song>("Music/Battle");
            MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true;

            Player = player;
            Enemies = enemies;
            foreach (Enemy e in Enemies)
                totalGold += e.goldAmt;
Example #17
 public SporeWeed(int characterLV, Game1 _game, PlayerCharacter pc)
     : base(characterLV, _game)
     image = Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Images/ThirdEnemy");
     this.SP_ATK_MOD = .60f;
     this.SP_DEF_MOD = .85f;
     this.SPD_MOD = 1.1f;
     this.DEF_MOD = .75f;
     this.ATK_MOD = .7f;
     this.HP_MOD = .8f;
     this.specChance = .3f;
     this.goldAmt = this.level * 12;
     this.name = "Spore Weed";
     this.CurrentHP = (int)(hp * HP_MOD);
     Drops.Add(new HealthPot("Health Potion", pc, "+35% HP\n\nA small, red potion. As generic as they come.",15));
Example #18
        public override int Effect(PlayerCharacter pc)
            if (ranking >= toRankUp)
                ranking = 0;
                toRankUp += 5;
            if (pc.Atk < 25)
                return pc.Atk * 2;
            if (pc.Atk < 75)
                return pc.Atk * 3;
            if (pc.Atk < 140)
                return pc.Atk * 4;
            if (pc.Atk < 200)
                return pc.Atk * 5;

            return pc.Atk * 6;
Example #19
        public override int Effect(PlayerCharacter pc)
            if (ranking >= toRankUp)
                ranking = 0;
                toRankUp += 5;
            if (pc.Speed < 25)
                return pc.Atk * 2;
            if (pc.Speed < 75)
                return pc.Atk * 3;
            if (pc.Speed < 140)
                return pc.Atk * 4;
            if (pc.Speed < 200)
                return pc.Atk * 5;

            pc.GainHP(pc.Atk / 10);
            return pc.Atk * 6;
Example #20
        public override int Effect(PlayerCharacter pc)
            if (ranking >= toRankUp)
                ranking = 0;
                toRankUp += 5;
            if (pc.Defense < 25)
                pc.TempDef += 5;
            else if (pc.Defense < 75)
                pc.TempDef += 25;
            else if (pc.Defense < 140)
                pc.TempDef += 50;
            else if (pc.Defense < 200)
                pc.TempDef += 75;
                pc.TempDef += 100;

            return 0;
Example #21
 public ShopState(Game1 game, GameStateManeger manager, PlayerCharacter player)
     : base(game, manager)
     this.player = player;
     switch (numKeys)
         case 1:
             shopInventory = new List<Item>
                 new HealthPot("Small Health Potion", player, "+10% HP\n\nA tiny, red potion.", .10, 10), new ManaPot("Small Mana Potion", game.Character, 10, "+10 Mana\nA bubbling blue potion.\nIt seems fizzy.",10)
         case 2:
             shopInventory = new List<Item>
                 new HealthPot("Health Potion", player, "+35% HP\nA small, red potion.\nAs generic as they come.", .35, 30), new ManaPot("Mana Potion", game.Character, 15, "+15 Mana\nA bigger, bluer potion. This\none seems less volatile.",30)
         case 3:
             shopInventory = new List<Item>
                 new HealthPot("Freakin' Big(TM) Potion", game.Character, "+50% HP\nBrewed by Effin' Pots, the\nlocal kingdom's number-one potion brewery.", .5, 100), new ManaPot("Large Mana Potion", player, 20, "+20 Mana\n\nA swirly, blue-ish potion.",100)
         case 4:
             shopInventory = new List<Item>
                 new HealthPot("Vial of Immortality", game.Character, "+100% HP\nThe potion is silvery, like\nliquid soul.\nYou decide not to question its origins.", 1.0, 5000), new ManaPot("Archmage's Draught", game.Character, 50, "+50 Mana\n\nThis potion glows with a strange radiance.",1000)
             shopInventory = new List<Item>
                 new HealthPot("Small Health Potion", player, "+10% HP\n\nA tiny, red potion.", .1, 10), new ManaPot("Small Mana Potion", player, 5,"+10 Mana\n\nA bubbling blue potion.\nIt seems fizzy.",10)
Example #22
 public virtual int Effect(PlayerCharacter pc)
     return 0;
Example #23
 public CharacterStats(Game1 game, GameStateManeger manager, PlayerCharacter player, bool fromCombat)
     : base(game, manager)
     Player = player;
     this.fromCombat = fromCombat;
Example #24
 public void StartGame()
     Character = new PlayerCharacter();
     gamePlay = new GamePlayState(this, stateManeger, Character);
Example #25
 public virtual int getCost(PlayerCharacter pc)
     return 0;
Example #26
 public virtual string GetName(PlayerCharacter pc)
     return null;
Example #27
 public Item(string name, PlayerCharacter player, string desc)
     this.Name = name;
     this.Player = player;
     this.Description = desc;