Example #1
        public virtual void Walk()
            ushort addr = (ushort)((memory[0xFFFC] | (memory[0xFFFD] << 8))); // RESET vector

            Walk6502.Walk(this, addr);
Example #2
        // Commodore 64 - walk Kernal Reset vector, MAIN, CRUNCH, GONE (EXECUTE), Statements, Functions, and Operators BASIC ROM code
        public override void Walk()
            // in case cpu has not been reset, manually initialize low memory that will be called by BASIC and KERNAL ROM
            for (int i = 0; i < 0x18; ++i)
                memory[(ushort)(0x73 + i)] = memory[(ushort)(0xE3A2 + i)]; // CHARGET
            memory[0x300] = LO(0xE38B);                                    // ERROR
            memory[0x301] = HI(0xE38B);

            memory[0x302] = LO(0xA483); // MAIN
            memory[0x303] = HI(0xA483);

            memory[0x304] = LO(0xA57C); // CRUNCH
            memory[0x305] = HI(0xA57C);

            memory[0x306] = LO(0xA71A); // QPLOP
            memory[0x307] = HI(0xA71A);

            memory[0x308] = LO(0xA7E4); // GONE
            memory[0x309] = HI(0xA7E4);

            memory[0x30A] = LO(0xAE86); // EVAL
            memory[0x30B] = HI(0xAE86);

            memory[0x31A] = LO(0xF34A); // OPEN
            memory[0x31B] = HI(0xF34A);

            memory[0x31C] = LO(0xF291); // CLOSE
            memory[0x31D] = HI(0xF291);

            memory[0x31E] = LO(0xF20E); // CHKIN
            memory[0x31F] = HI(0xF20E);

            memory[0x320] = LO(0xF250); // CKOUT
            memory[0x321] = HI(0xF250);

            memory[0x322] = LO(0xF333); // CHECK STOP
            memory[0x323] = HI(0xF333);

            memory[0x324] = LO(0xF157); // CHRIN
            memory[0x325] = HI(0xF157);

            memory[0x326] = LO(0xF1CA); // CHROUT
            memory[0x327] = HI(0xF1CA);

            memory[0x328] = LO(0xF6ED); // STOP
            memory[0x329] = HI(0xF6ED);

            memory[0x32A] = LO(0xF13E); // GETIN
            memory[0x32B] = HI(0xF13E);

            memory[0x32C] = LO(0xF32F); // CLALL
            memory[0x32D] = HI(0xF32F);

            memory[0x330] = LO(0xF4A5); // LOAD
            memory[0x331] = HI(0xF4A5);

            memory[0x332] = LO(0xF5ED); // SAVE
            memory[0x333] = HI(0xF5ED);

            base.Walk(); // reset seen, and walk the RESET vector

            ushort addr;

            addr = (ushort)(memory[0xFFFE] | (memory[0xFFFF] << 8)); // IRQ
            Walk6502.Walk(this, addr);

            addr = (ushort)(memory[0xFFFA] | (memory[0xFFFB] << 8)); // NMI
            Walk6502.Walk(this, addr);

            // Portion of MAIN, CRUNCH and GONE(Execute) or MAIN1(Store line)
            Walk6502.Walk(this, 0xA494);

            for (ushort table = 0xA00C; table < 0xA051; table += 2)                        // BASIC Statements
                addr = (ushort)((memory[table] | (memory[(ushort)(table + 1)] << 8)) + 1); // put on stack for RTS, so must add one
                Walk6502.Walk(this, addr);

            for (ushort table = 0xA052; table < 0xA07F; table += 2) // Function Dispatch
                addr = (ushort)((memory[table] | (memory[(ushort)(table + 1)] << 8)));
                Walk6502.Walk(this, addr);

            for (ushort table = 0xA080; table < 0xA09D; table += 3)                                      // Operator Dispatch
                addr = (ushort)((memory[(ushort)(table + 1)] | (memory[(ushort)(table + 2)] << 8)) + 1); // put on stack for RTS, so must add one
                Walk6502.Walk(this, addr);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // recommend get basic, kernal, etc. ROM files from a emulator such as https://vice-emu.sourceforge.io/index.html#download
            Emu6502 cbm      = null;
            bool    error    = false;
            int     ram_size = 0;

            Console.Error.WriteLine("6502 Emulator for Windows Console");
            Console.Error.WriteLine("C64, VIC-20, PET, TED, ...");
            Console.Error.WriteLine("simple-emu-c64 version 1.7");
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Copyright (c) 2020 David R. Van Wagner");
            Console.Error.WriteLine("Open Source, MIT License");

                if (args.Length > 2 && args[1].ToLower() == "ram")
                    ram_size = int.Parse(args[2]) * 1024;

                if (args.Length == 0 || args[0].ToLower() == "c64")
                    if (ram_size == 0)
                        ram_size = 64 * 1024;
                    if (File.Exists("basic") && File.Exists("kernal") && (!File.Exists("c64\\basic") || !File.Exists("c64\\kernal")))
                        cbm = new EmuC64(ram_size: ram_size, basic_file: "basic", chargen_file: "c64\\chargen", kernal_file: "kernal");
                        cbm = new EmuC64(ram_size: ram_size, basic_file: "c64\\basic", chargen_file: "c64\\chargen", kernal_file: "c64\\kernal");

                    if ((args.Length == 2 || args.Length == 4) && (File.Exists(args[args.Length - 1]) || File.Exists(args[args.Length - 1] + ".prg")))
                        ((EmuC64)cbm).StartupPRG = args[args.Length - 1];
                else if (args.Length > 0 && args[0].ToLower() == "vic20")
                    cbm = new EmuVIC20(ram_size: ram_size, char_file: "vic20\\chargen", basic_file: "vic20\\basic", kernal_file: "vic20\\kernal");
                else if (args.Length > 0 && args[0].ToLower() == "c16")
                    if (ram_size == 0)
                        ram_size = 16 * 1024;
                    cbm = new EmuTED(ram_size: ram_size, basic_file: "ted\\basic", kernal_file: "ted\\kernal");
                else if (args.Length > 0 && args[0].ToLower() == "plus4" || args[0].ToLower() == "ted")
                    if (ram_size == 0)
                        ram_size = 64 * 1024;
                    cbm = new EmuTED(ram_size: ram_size, basic_file: "ted\\basic", kernal_file: "ted\\kernal");
                else if (args.Length > 0 && args[0].ToLower() == "pet")
                    if (ram_size == 0)
                        ram_size = 8 * 1024;
                    cbm = new EmuPET(ram_size: ram_size, basic_file: "pet\\basic1", edit_file: "pet\\edit1g", kernal_file: "pet\\kernal1");
                    error = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                error = true;

            if (error)
            else if (args.Length == 0) // if no arguments present, then show usage as well
                Console.Error.WriteLine("  simple-emu-c64                     (no arguments pauses, then starts c64)");
                Console.Error.WriteLine("  simple-emu-c64 help                (shows usage)");
                Console.Error.WriteLine("  simple-emu-c64 [system] {ram #}    (system=[c64|vic20|pet|c16|plus4|ted])");
                Console.Error.WriteLine("  simple-emu-c64 [system] walk [addr 1 ...]");

            if (args.Length >= 2 && args[1].ToLower() == "walk")
                if (args.Length == 2)
                    for (int i = 2; i < args.Length; ++i)
                        Walk6502.Walk(cbm, ParseAddr(args[i]));