public void Start() { VerifyState(HttpServerState.Stopped); TimeOutManager = new HttpTimeoutManager(this); _tcpListener = new TcpListener(EndPoint); ServerUtility = new HttpServerUtility(); State = HttpServerState.Starting; try { _tcpListener.Start(); EndPoint = (IPEndPoint)_tcpListener.LocalEndpoint; State = HttpServerState.Started; BeginAcceptTcpClient(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Server could not start."); State = HttpServerState.Stopped; } }
public void Start() { VerifyState(HttpServerState.Stopped); TimeoutManager = new HttpTimeoutManager(this); _listener = new TcpListener(EndPoint); ServerUtility = new HttpServerUtility(); State = HttpServerState.Starting; try { _listener.Start(); EndPoint = _listener.LocalEndpoint as IPEndPoint; State = HttpServerState.Started; BeginAcceptTcpClient(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("The Server failed to start."); State = HttpServerState.Stopped; throw new PHttpException("Failed to start HTTP server."); } }