public void addItem(Player player, int indexRaft, string item, int price) { if (playerManager.doesPlayerHasAdmin(player) <= 0) { player.SendChatMessage("!{#CEF0AC}You need to be an admin."); return; } if (!player.HasData("inShopCreation")) { player.SendChatMessage("Nu esti in creearea unui shop."); return; } var itemDB = inventory.items.Find(a => == item.ToLower()); if (itemDB == null) { player.SendChatMessage("item-ul nu exista."); return; } business.model shop = player.GetData <business.model>("inShopCreation"); if (shop.external.rafts[indexRaft] == null) { player.SendChatMessage($"Raft invalid. Foloseste comanda /viewrafts {shop.bizId} pentru a vedea rafturile."); return; } shop.external.rafts[indexRaft].items.Add(new item(, price)); player.SendChatMessage("a fost sters itemu"); }
public void addraft(Player player, int id) { if (playerManager.doesPlayerHasAdmin(player) <= 0) { player.SendChatMessage("!{#CEF0AC}You need to be an admin."); return; } if (!player.HasData("inShopCreation")) { player.SendChatMessage("Nu esti in creearea unui shop."); return; } business.model shop = player.GetData <business.model>("inShopCreation"); bool exist = shop.external.rafts[id] != null ? true : false; if (!exist) { player.SendChatMessage("Raftul nu exista. Foloseste comanda /viewrafts pentru a vedea rafturile."); return; } player.SendChatMessage("A fost sters raftul."); }
public void viewItems(Player player, int id) { if (playerManager.doesPlayerHasAdmin(player) <= 0) { player.SendChatMessage("!{#CEF0AC}You need to be an admin."); return; } if (!player.HasData("inShopCreation")) { player.SendChatMessage("Nu esti in creearea unui shop."); return; } business.model shop = player.GetData <business.model>("inShopCreation"); if (shop.external.rafts[id] == null) { player.SendChatMessage($"Raft invalid. Foloseste comanda /viewrafts {shop.bizId} pentru a vedea rafturile."); return; } for (int i = 0; i < shop.external.rafts[id].items.Count; i++) { var item = shop.external.rafts[id].items[i]; player.SendChatMessage($"ID: {i} Item: {item.type} Price: {item.price}"); } }
public void onPlayerEntercolShape(ColShape shape, Player player) { if (shape.HasData("gunshop") && shape.HasData("bizid")) { business.model gs = business.businessList.Find(shop => shop.bizId == shape.GetData <int>("bizid")); player.TriggerEvent("EnterInGunShop", gs); } }
public void OnPlayerEnterColshape(ColShape shape, Player player) { if (shape.HasData("shop") && shape.HasData("bizid")) { business.model shop = business.businessList.Find(x => x.bizId == shape.GetData <int>("bizid")); Console.WriteLine($"{NAPI.Util.ToJson(shop)}"); player.TriggerEvent("onEnterShop", shop); } }
public void createBank(Player player, string name) { var bank = new business.model(); bank.enterPos = player.Position; bank.owner = "AdmBot"; = name; bank.external = new external( ); bank.external.atms = new List <atm>( ); bank.external.counters = new List <counter>( ); player.SetData("inBankCreator", bank); }
public static async Task readAllShops() { await databaseManager.selectQuery($"SELECT * FROM business WHERE type = '{(int)}'", (DbDataReader reader) => { business.model shop = new business.model(); shop.bizId = (int)reader["id"]; shop.owner = (string)reader["owner"]; shop.external = NAPI.Util.FromJson <external>((string)reader["external"]); shop.enterPos = NAPI.Util.FromJson <Vector3>((string)reader["enterPos"]); shop.type =; shop.balance = ( int )reader["balance"]; = ( int )reader["sale"]; = (string)reader["name"]; business.businessList.Add(shop); }).Execute(); }
public void setCenter(Player player) { if (playerManager.doesPlayerHasAdmin(player) <= 0) { player.SendChatMessage("!{#CEF0AC}You need to be an admin."); return; } if (!player.HasData("inShopCreation")) { player.SendChatMessage("Nu esti in creearea unui shop."); return; } business.model shop = player.GetData <business.model>("inShopCreation"); = player.Position; }
public void addGunShop(Player player) { if (playerManager.doesPlayerHasAdmin(player) <= 0) { player.SendChatMessage("!{#CEF0AC}You need to be an admin."); return; } business.model gs = new business.model(); gs.owner = "AdmBot"; = 0; gs.enterPos = player.Position; gs.external = new gunshop.external(); player.SetData("gunShopCreator", gs); player.SendChatMessage($"Bizul de tip GunShop a fost adaugat cu id-ul {gs.bizId}. acesta find al lui {gs.owner} fiind spre vnzare cu pretu de {}."); }
public void onPlayerAddGasStation(Player client, string name, bool isShop) { if (playerManager.doesPlayerHasAdmin(client) <= 0) { client.SendChatMessage("!{#CEF0AC}You need to be an admin."); return; } business.model gasStation = new business.model(); gasStation.enterPos = client.Position; gasStation.owner = "AdmBot"; gasStation.external = new external(); gasStation.external.stations = new List <station>(); gasStation.external.isShop = isShop; = name; client.SetData("gasCreation", gasStation); client.SendChatMessage($"Gas statio {gasStation.bizId} created. Use /addstation {gasStation.bizId}."); }
public void addraft(Player player, string name) { if (playerManager.doesPlayerHasAdmin(player) <= 0) { player.SendChatMessage("!{#CEF0AC}You need to be an admin."); return; } if (!player.HasData("inShopCreation")) { player.SendChatMessage("Nu esti in creearea unui shop."); return; } business.model shop = player.GetData <business.model>("inShopCreation"); shop.external.rafts.Add(new raft(player.Position, name)); player.SendChatMessage("A fost creat raftul Foloseste comanda /viewrafts pentru a vedea rafturile."); }
public void setCheckout(Player player) { if (playerManager.doesPlayerHasAdmin(player) <= 0) { player.SendChatMessage("!{#CEF0AC}You need to be an admin."); return; } if (!player.HasData("inShopCreation")) { player.SendChatMessage("Nu esti in creearea unui shop."); return; } business.model shop = player.GetData <business.model>("inShopCreation"); shop.external.checkout = player.Position; player.SendChatMessage("A fost setata pozitia de checkout(unde platesti)."); }
public void AddShopCommand(Player player, string name) { if (playerManager.doesPlayerHasAdmin(player) <= 0) { player.SendChatMessage("!{#CEF0AC}You need to be an admin."); return; } business.model shop = new business.model(); = name; shop.owner = "AdmCmd"; shop.external = new external(); shop.external.rafts = new List <raft>(); shop.enterPos = player.Position; player.SetData("inShopCreation", shop); player.SendChatMessage($"Esti in creearea shopului. Te rog acum sa seetezi iesirea daca este nevoie. Scrie /setexit false/true (false => nu are iesire deci nu e in vW $$ true => are iesire si este in vw)"); }
public static async Task loadAllGasStations() { await databaseManager.selectQuery($"SELECT * FROM business WHERE type = '{(int)type.gasStation}'", (DbDataReader reader) => { business.model gs = new business.model();; gs.owner = (string)reader["owner"]; gs.enterPos = (Vector3)NAPI.Util.FromJson <Vector3>(reader["enterPos"]); = (int)reader["sale"]; gs.external = NAPI.Util.FromJson <external>((string)reader["external"]); = (string)reader["name"]; gs.bizId = (int)reader["id"]; gs.type = type.gasStation; gs.balance = ( int )reader["balance"]; gs.type = type.gasStation; business.businessList.Add(gs); }).Execute(); }
public void onPlayerViewRaft(Player player) { if (playerManager.doesPlayerHasAdmin(player) <= 0) { player.SendChatMessage("!{#CEF0AC}You need to be an admin."); return; } if (!player.HasData("inShopCreation")) { player.SendChatMessage("Nu esti in creearea/editarea unui shop."); return; } business.model shop = player.GetData <business.model>("inShopCreation"); player.SendChatMessage("rafturile sunt: "); for (int i = 0; i < shop.external.rafts.Count; i++) { raft raft = shop.external.rafts[i]; player.SendChatMessage($"ID: {i} Nume: {}, Items: {raft.items.Count}, Position: {NAPI.Util.ToJson(}"); } }
public async void onStart( ) { await databaseManager.selectQuery($"SELECT * FROM business WHERE type = '{(int)}'", ( DbDataReader reader ) => { business.model bank = new business.model();; bank.owner = ( string )reader["owner"]; bank.enterPos = ( Vector3 )NAPI.Util.FromJson <Vector3>(reader["enterPos"]); = ( int )reader["sale"]; bank.external = NAPI.Util.FromJson <external>(( string )reader["external"]); = ( string )reader["name"]; bank.bizId = ( int )reader["id"]; bank.balance = ( int )reader["balance"]; business.businessList.Add(bank); }).Execute( ); NAPI.Task.Run(() => { foreach (var bank in business.getBusinessList( { business.createBusiness(bank); for (int i = 0; i < bank.external.counters.Count; i++) { var counter = bank.external.counters[i]; NAPI.Ped.CreatePed(NAPI.Util.GetHashKey("u_m_m_aldinapoli"), counter.pedPosition, counter.pedRotation, false, true, true, true); TextLabel textLabel = NAPI.TextLabel.CreateTextLabel($"[Counter {i}]]", counter.textLabel, 30.0f, 0.75f, 4, new Color(255, 255, 255), false, 0); ColShape bankShape = NAPI.ColShape.CreateSphereColShape(bank.enterPos, 40); bankShape.SetData("bank", true); bankShape.SetData("bizid", bank.bizId); } foreach (var atm in bank.external.atms) { TextLabel textATM = NAPI.TextLabel.CreateTextLabel($"[ATM {}] \n Owner: {bank.owner} \n ", atm.position, 30.0f, 0.75f, 4, new Color(255, 255, 255), false, 0); textATM.SetSharedData("atmData", bank.bizId); NAPI.Marker.CreateMarker(27, new Vector3(atm.position.X, atm.position.Y, atm.position.Z - 0.90f), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 0.6f, 140, 4, 36, false, 0); } } }); }
public void addraft(Player player) { if (playerManager.doesPlayerHasAdmin(player) <= 0) { player.SendChatMessage("!{#CEF0AC}You need to be an admin."); return; } if (!player.HasData("inShopCreation")) { player.SendChatMessage("Nu esti in creearea unui shop."); return; } business.model shop = player.GetData <business.model>("inShopCreation"); player.SendChatMessage("Rafturile sunt:"); for (int i = 0; i < shop.external.rafts.Count; i++) { player.SendChatMessage($"id: {i} nume: {shop.external.rafts[i]} positia: {NAPI.Util.ToJson(shop.external.rafts[i].position)}"); } player.SendChatMessage("Foloseste comanda /removeraft id pentru a sterge un raft."); }
public void onPlayerEditShop(Player player, int id) { if (playerManager.doesPlayerHasAdmin(player) <= 0) { player.SendChatMessage("!{#CEF0AC}You need to be an admin."); return; } if (player.HasData("inShopEditing")) { player.SendChatMessage("esti deja in editarea shopului."); return; } business.model shop = business.getBusinessList( => a.bizId == id); if (shop == null) { player.SendChatMessage("nu exista shopul "); return; } player.SetData("inShopCreation", shop); player.SendChatMessage("Esti in editatrea shopului acum,"); player.SetData("inShopEditing", true); }
public void deleteItem(Player player, int indexRaft, int index) { if (playerManager.doesPlayerHasAdmin(player) <= 0) { player.SendChatMessage("!{#CEF0AC}You need to be an admin."); return; } if (!player.HasData("inShopCreation")) { player.SendChatMessage("Nu esti in creearea unui shop."); return; } business.model shop = player.GetData <business.model>("inShopCreation"); if (shop.external.rafts[indexRaft] == null) { player.SendChatMessage($"Raft invalid. Foloseste comanda /viewrafts {shop.bizId} pentru a vedea rafturile."); return; } shop.external.rafts[indexRaft].items.RemoveAt(index); player.SendChatMessage("a fost sters itemu"); }
public async void finishShop(Player player) { if (playerManager.doesPlayerHasAdmin(player) <= 0) { player.SendChatMessage("!{#CEF0AC}You need to be an admin."); return; } if (!player.HasData("inShopCreation")) { player.SendChatMessage("Nu esti in creearea unui shop."); return; } business.model shop = player.GetData <business.model>("inShopCreation"); if (player.HasData("inShopEditing")) { await databaseManager.updateQuery($"UPDATE business SET external = '{NAPI.Util.ToJson(shop.external)}' WHERE id = '{shop.bizId}'").Execute(); } else { shop.bizId = await databaseManager.updateQuery($"INSERT INTO business (type, name, owner, enterPos, exitPos, external) VALUES ('{(int)}', '{}','{shop.owner}','{NAPI.Util.ToJson(shop.enterPos)}', '{NAPI.Util.ToJson(shop.exitPos)}', '{NAPI.Util.ToJson(shop.external)}')").Execute(); player.SendChatMessage($"A fost creat shopul cu id-ul {shop.bizId}"); } }
public void setExit(Player player, bool value) { if (playerManager.doesPlayerHasAdmin(player) <= 0) { player.SendChatMessage("!{#CEF0AC}You need to be an admin."); return; } if (!player.HasData("inShopCreation")) { player.SendChatMessage("Nu esti in creearea unui shop."); return; } business.model shop = player.GetData <business.model>("inShopCreation"); if (value) { shop.exitPos = player.Position; } else { shop.exitPos = new Vector3(); } player.SendChatMessage("A fost setata pozitia de iesire."); }
public static async Task <int> updateGunShop(business.model gs, int id) { return(await databaseManager.updateQuery($"UPDATE business SET external = '{NAPI.Util.ToJson(gs.external)}' WHERE id = '{id}'").Execute()); }
public static async Task <int> createGasStation(business.model gs) { return(await databaseManager.updateQuery($"INSERT INTO business (owner, name, type, enterPos, external) VALUES ('{gs.owner}', '{}', '{(int)type.gasStation}', '{NAPI.Util.ToJson(gs.enterPos)}', '{NAPI.Util.ToJson(gs.external)}')").Execute()); }