public JSONStructIterator(JSONEntry oEntry) { m_object = oEntry.getObject(); m_enumStruct = m_object.GetEnumerator(); if (m_enumStruct.MoveNext()) m_strCurKey = m_enumStruct.Current.Key; }
public JSONStructIterator(JSONEntry oEntry, String strName) { m_object = (Dictionary<string, object>)oEntry.getObject(strName); m_enumStruct = m_object.GetEnumerator(); if (m_enumStruct.MoveNext()) m_strCurKey = m_enumStruct.Current.Key; }
public JSONStructIterator(JSONEntry oEntry) { m_object = oEntry.getObject(); m_enumStruct = m_object.GetEnumerator(); if (m_enumStruct.MoveNext()) { m_strCurKey = m_enumStruct.Current.Key; } }
public JSONStructIterator(JSONEntry oEntry, String strName) { m_object = (Dictionary <string, object>)oEntry.getObject(strName); m_enumStruct = m_object.GetEnumerator(); if (m_enumStruct.MoveNext()) { m_strCurKey = m_enumStruct.Current.Key; } }
public JSONArrayIterator(JSONEntry oEntry, String strName) { m_array = (List <Object>)oEntry.getObject(strName); m_nCurItem = 0; }
void processSyncCommand(String strCmd, JSONEntry oCmdEntry, boolean bCheckUIRequest) { JSONStructIterator objIter = new JSONStructIterator(oCmdEntry); for( ; !objIter.isEnd() && getSync().isContinueSync(); ) { String strObject = objIter.getCurKey(); JSONStructIterator attrIter = new JSONStructIterator( objIter.getCurValue() ); try { if ( m_bSchemaSource ) processServerCmd_Ver3_Schema(strCmd,strObject,attrIter); else { for( ; !attrIter.isEnd() && getSync().isContinueSync(); ) { String strAttrib = attrIter.getCurKey(); String strValue = attrIter.getCurString(); processServerCmd_Ver3(strCmd,strObject,strAttrib,strValue); } } }catch(DBException exc) { LOG.ERROR("Sync of server changes failed for " + getName() + ";object: " + strObject, exc); } if ( getSyncType().compareTo("none") == 0 ) continue; if ( bCheckUIRequest ) { int nSyncObjectCount = getNotify().incLastSyncObjectCount(getID()); if ( getProgressStep() > 0 && (nSyncObjectCount%getProgressStep() == 0) ) getNotify().fireSyncNotification(this, false, RhoAppAdapter.ERR_NONE, ""); if ( getDB().isUIWaitDB() ) { LOG.INFO("Commit transaction because of UI request."); getDB().endTransaction(); SyncThread.sleep(1000); getDB().startTransaction(); } } } }
//{"create-error":{"0_broken_object_id":{"name":"wrongname","an_attribute":"error create"},"0_broken_object_id-error":{"message":"error create"}}} boolean processServerErrors(JSONEntry oCmds) { String[] arErrTypes = {"source-error", "search-error", "create-error", "update-error", "delete-error", null}; boolean bRes = false; for( int i = 0; ; i++ ) { if ( arErrTypes[i] == null ) break; if ( !oCmds.hasName(arErrTypes[i]) ) continue; bRes = true; m_nErrCode = RhoAppAdapter.ERR_CUSTOMSYNCSERVER; JSONEntry errSrc = oCmds.getEntry(arErrTypes[i]); JSONStructIterator errIter = new JSONStructIterator(errSrc); for( ; !errIter.isEnd(); ) { String strKey = errIter.getCurKey(); if ( i == 0 || i == 1 )//"source-error", "search-error" { if ( errIter.getCurValue().hasName("message") ) { if ( m_strServerError.length() > 0 ) m_strServerError += "&"; m_strServerError += "server_errors[" + URI.urlEncode(strKey) + "][message]=" + URI.urlEncode(errIter.getCurValue().getString("message")); } } else { //"create-error", "update-error", "delete-error" String strObject = strKey; if ( strObject.endsWith("-error") ) { strObject = strObject.substring(0, strKey.length()-6); if ( m_strServerError.length() > 0 ) m_strServerError += "&"; m_strServerError += "server_errors[" + arErrTypes[i] + "][" + URI.urlEncode(strObject) + "][message]=" + URI.urlEncode(errIter.getCurValue().getString("message")); }else { JSONStructIterator attrIter = new JSONStructIterator(errIter.getCurValue()); for( ; !attrIter.isEnd(); ) { String strAttrName = attrIter.getCurKey(); String strAttrValue = attrIter.getCurString(); if ( m_strServerError.length() > 0 ) m_strServerError += "&"; m_strServerError += "server_errors[" + arErrTypes[i] + "][" + URI.urlEncode(strObject) + "][attributes][" + URI.urlEncode(strAttrName) + "]=" + URI.urlEncode(strAttrValue); } } } } } return bRes; }
public void applyChangedValues() { String strBody = makePushBody_Ver3("create", false); if ( strBody != null && strBody.length() > 0 ) { JSONEntry oEntry = new JSONEntry(strBody); processSyncCommand("insert", oEntry, false ); } strBody = makePushBody_Ver3("delete", false); if ( strBody != null && strBody.length() > 0 ) { JSONEntry oEntry = new JSONEntry(strBody); processSyncCommand("delete", oEntry, false ); } strBody = makePushBody_Ver3("update", false); if ( strBody != null && strBody.length() > 0 ) { JSONEntry oEntry = new JSONEntry(strBody); processSyncCommand("insert", oEntry, false ); } }
public JSONArrayIterator(JSONEntry oEntry, String strName) { m_array = (List<Object>)oEntry.getObject(strName); m_nCurItem = 0; }
void loadBulkPartition(String strPartition ) { DBAdapter dbPartition = getDB(strPartition); String serverUrl = RhoConf.getInstance().getPath("syncserver"); String strUrl = serverUrl + "bulk_data"; String strQuery = "?client_id=" + m_clientID + "&partition=" + strPartition; String strDataUrl = "", strCmd = "", strCryptKey = ""; getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(false, "start", strPartition, RhoAppAdapter.ERR_NONE); while(strCmd.length() == 0&&isContinueSync()) { NetResponse resp = getNet().pullData(strUrl+strQuery, this); if ( !resp.isOK() || resp.getCharData() == null ) { LOG.ERROR( "Bulk sync failed: server return an error." ); stopSync(); getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(true, "", strPartition,RhoAppAdapter.getErrorFromResponse(resp)); return; } LOG.INFO("Bulk sync: got response from server: " + resp.getCharData() ); String szData = resp.getCharData(); JSONEntry oJsonEntry = new JSONEntry(szData); strCmd = oJsonEntry.getString("result"); if ( oJsonEntry.hasName("url") ) strDataUrl = oJsonEntry.getString("url"); if ( strCmd.compareTo("wait") == 0) { int nTimeout = RhoConf.getInstance().getInt("bulksync_timeout_sec"); if ( nTimeout == 0 ) nTimeout = 5; SyncThread.getInstance().wait(nTimeout); strCmd = ""; } } if ( strCmd.compareTo("nop") == 0) { LOG.INFO("Bulk sync return no data."); getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(true, "", strPartition, RhoAppAdapter.ERR_NONE); return; } if ( !isContinueSync() ) return; getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(false, "download", strPartition, RhoAppAdapter.ERR_NONE); String fDataName = makeBulkDataFileName(strDataUrl, dbPartition.getDBPath(), ""); String strZip = ".rzip"; String strSqlDataUrl = CFilePath.join(getHostFromUrl(serverUrl), strDataUrl) +strZip; LOG.INFO("Bulk sync: download data from server: " + strSqlDataUrl); { NetResponse resp1 = getNet().pullFile(strSqlDataUrl, fDataName+strZip, this, null); if ( !resp1.isOK() ) { LOG.ERROR("Bulk sync failed: cannot download database file."); stopSync(); getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(true, "", strPartition, RhoAppAdapter.getErrorFromResponse(resp1)); return; } } if ( !isContinueSync() ) return; LOG.INFO("Bulk sync: unzip db"); if ( !RHODESAPP().unzip_file(fDataName+strZip) ) { CRhoFile.deleteFile(fDataName+strZip); LOG.ERROR("Bulk sync failed: cannot unzip database file."); stopSync(); getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(true, "", strPartition, RhoAppAdapter.ERR_UNEXPECTEDSERVERRESPONSE); return; } CRhoFile.deleteFile(fDataName+strZip); LOG.INFO("Bulk sync: start change db"); getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(false, "change_db", strPartition, RhoAppAdapter.ERR_NONE); dbPartition.setBulkSyncDB(fDataName, strCryptKey); processServerSources("{\"partition\":\"" + strPartition + "\"}"); LOG.INFO("Bulk sync: end change db"); getNotify().fireBulkSyncNotification(false, "", strPartition, RhoAppAdapter.ERR_NONE); }
String requestClientIDByNet() { //String strBody = ""; //TODO: send client register info in client create // if ( ClientRegister.getInstance() != null ) // strBody += ClientRegister.getInstance().getRegisterBody(); NetResponse resp = getNetClientID().pullData(getProtocol().getClientCreateUrl(), this); if ( resp.isOK() && resp.getCharData() != null ) { String szData = resp.getCharData(); JSONEntry oJsonEntry = new JSONEntry(szData); //if (oJsonEntry.hasName("sources") ) // processServerSources(szData); JSONEntry oJsonObject = oJsonEntry.getEntry("client"); if ( !oJsonObject.isEmpty() ) return oJsonObject.getString("client_id"); }else { m_nErrCode = RhoAppAdapter.getErrorFromResponse(resp); if ( m_nErrCode == RhoAppAdapter.ERR_NONE ) { m_nErrCode = RhoAppAdapter.ERR_UNEXPECTEDSERVERRESPONSE; m_strError = resp.getCharData(); } } return ""; }