Example #1
        public ProteinMatch(ProteinMatchSettings proteinMatchSettings, Protein protein)
            Settings   = proteinMatchSettings;
            Protein    = protein;
            MatchTypes = ProteinMatchTypes.EMPTY;
            String ltext = proteinMatchSettings.SearchText.ToLower();

            foreach (ProteinMatchType matchType in ProteinMatchTypes.ALL) // name, accession, gene, etc - case insenstive
                if (proteinMatchSettings.MatchTypes.Contains(matchType) &&
                    !proteinMatchSettings.MatchTypes.Contains(ProteinMatchType.sequence) &&
                    !proteinMatchSettings.MatchTypes.Contains(ProteinMatchType.description))     // handle sequence and description below
                    if (Matches(protein.ProteinMetadata, matchType, ltext))
                        MatchTypes = MatchTypes.Union(matchType);
                        foreach (ProteinMetadata alternative in Protein.AlternativeNames)
                            if (Matches(alternative, matchType, ltext))
                                MatchTypes      = MatchTypes.Union(matchType);
                                AlternativeName = alternative;
            if (MatchTypes.IsEmpty && // Don't bother declaring a description match if we already have a more specific one (name, accession etc)
                if (ContainsLowerCase(protein.Description, ltext) ||
                    ContainsLowerCase(protein.Name, ltext))
                    MatchTypes = MatchTypes.Union(ProteinMatchType.description);
                    foreach (ProteinMetadata alternative in Protein.AlternativeNames)
                        if (ContainsLowerCase(alternative.Name, ltext) ||
                            ContainsLowerCase(alternative.Description, ltext))
                            MatchTypes             = MatchTypes.Union(ProteinMatchType.description);
                            AlternativeDescription = alternative;
            if (proteinMatchSettings.MatchTypes.Contains(ProteinMatchType.sequence))
                if (protein.Sequence.IndexOf(proteinMatchSettings.SearchText, StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0)
                    MatchTypes = MatchTypes.Union(ProteinMatchType.sequence);
Example #2
 public ProteinMatchQuery(ProteinMatchSettings settings, CancellationToken cancellationToken, int maxResults = MAX_RESULTS_DEFAULT)
     Settings          = settings;
     CancellationToken = cancellationToken;
     MaxResults        = maxResults;
Example #3
        public ProteinMatch(ProteinMatchSettings proteinMatchSettings, Protein protein)
            Settings = proteinMatchSettings;
            Protein  = protein;
            String ltext = proteinMatchSettings.SearchText.ToLower();

            for (int bit = 1; bit < (int)ProteinMatchType.all; bit <<= 1) // name, accession, gene, etc - case insenstive
                ProteinMatchType matchType = (ProteinMatchType)bit;
                if ((0 != (proteinMatchSettings.MatchTypes & matchType)) &&
                    (0 == (matchType & (ProteinMatchType.sequence | ProteinMatchType.description)))) // handle sequence and description below
                    if (Matches(protein.ProteinMetadata, matchType, ltext))
                        MatchType |= matchType;
                        foreach (ProteinMetadata alternative in Protein.AlternativeNames)
                            if (Matches(alternative, matchType, ltext))
                                MatchType      |= matchType;
                                AlternativeName = alternative;
            if ((MatchType == 0) && // Don't bother declaring a description match if we already have a more specific one (name, accession etc)
                (0 != (proteinMatchSettings.MatchTypes & ProteinMatchType.description)))
                if (ContainsLowerCase(protein.Description, ltext) ||
                    ContainsLowerCase(protein.Name, ltext))
                    MatchType |= ProteinMatchType.description;
                    foreach (ProteinMetadata alternative in Protein.AlternativeNames)
                        if (ContainsLowerCase(alternative.Name, ltext) ||
                            ContainsLowerCase(alternative.Description, ltext))
                            MatchType |= ProteinMatchType.description;
                            AlternativeDescription = alternative;
            List <DigestedPeptide> digestedPeptides = new List <DigestedPeptide>();

            if (0 != (proteinMatchSettings.MatchTypes & ProteinMatchType.sequence))
                if (proteinMatchSettings.Protease != null)
                    String lastPeptide = null;
                    foreach (var peptide in proteinMatchSettings.Protease.Digest(protein))
                        if (!peptide.Sequence.StartsWith(proteinMatchSettings.SearchText))
                        // If this peptide is just an extension of the previous peptide (i.e. with one
                        // more missed cleavage), then only include it if the user has typed the entire
                        // sequence of the previous peptide.
                        if (lastPeptide != null && peptide.Sequence.StartsWith(lastPeptide) &&
                            lastPeptide.Length > proteinMatchSettings.SearchText.Length)
                        lastPeptide = peptide.Sequence;
                        MatchType  |= ProteinMatchType.sequence;
            DigestedPeptides = digestedPeptides;
Example #4
 public ProteinMatchQuery(ProteinMatchSettings settings, int maxResults = MAX_RESULTS_DEFAULT)
     Settings   = settings;
     MaxResults = maxResults;
        /// <summary>
        /// When the text in the editTextBox changes, fire off the query to populate the statement completion popup.
        /// </summary>
        private void DoStatementCompletion()
            if (DisableCompletion)

            String searchText = TextBox.Text;
            if (searchText.Length == 0)
            if (_proteinMatcherLast != null)
                //if (_proteinMatcherLast.Settings.SearchText == searchText)
                //    // Query is already executing for the text that the user typed: no work to do now.
                //    return;
                if (searchText.StartsWith(_proteinMatcherLast.Settings.SearchText))
                    // If the new text is just longer than the previous text, see if we can just refine the results
                    // of the previous query.
                    var results = _proteinMatcherLast.GetMatches();
                    var newResults = new List<ProteinMatch>();
                    if (results != null)
                        var oldSettings = _proteinMatcherLast.Settings;
                        var newSettings = new ProteinMatchSettings(oldSettings.ProteomeDbPath, oldSettings.Protease, MatchTypes, searchText);
                        newResults.AddRange(RefineMatches(results, newSettings));
                    if (newResults.Count == 0)
                        // Nothing from the previous query matches: hide the statement completion form.
                        _proteinMatcherLast = null;
                        // Display the refined results: we'll still fire off another query to see if we get better results.
                        DisplayResultsNow(newResults, _proteinMatcherLast.MaxResults);

            if (_proteinMatcher != null)
                _proteinMatcher = null;
            var settings = CreateProteinMatchSettings(_documentUiContainer.DocumentUI, MatchTypes, searchText);
            if (settings != null)
                _proteinMatcher = new ProteinMatchQuery(settings);
 public static IList<ProteinMatch> RefineMatches(IEnumerable<ProteinMatch> matches, ProteinMatchSettings settings)
     var newMatches = new List<ProteinMatch>();
     foreach (var match in matches)
         var newMatch = new ProteinMatch(settings, match.Protein);
         if (newMatch.MatchType != 0)
     return newMatches;
Example #7
 public ProteinMatch(ProteinMatchSettings proteinMatchSettings, Protein protein)
     Settings = proteinMatchSettings;
     Protein = protein;
     String ltext = proteinMatchSettings.SearchText.ToLower();
     for (int bit = 1; bit < (int)ProteinMatchType.all; bit <<= 1) // name, accession, gene, etc - case insenstive
         ProteinMatchType matchType = (ProteinMatchType) bit;
         if ((0 != (proteinMatchSettings.MatchTypes & matchType)) && 
             (0==(matchType &(ProteinMatchType.sequence|ProteinMatchType.description)))) // handle sequence and description below
             if (Matches(protein.ProteinMetadata, matchType, ltext))
                 MatchType |= matchType;
                 foreach (ProteinMetadata alternative in Protein.AlternativeNames)
                     if (Matches(alternative, matchType, ltext))
                         MatchType |= matchType;
                         AlternativeName = alternative;
     if ((MatchType == 0) && // Don't bother declaring a description match if we already have a more specific one (name, accession etc)
         (0 != (proteinMatchSettings.MatchTypes & ProteinMatchType.description))) 
         if (ContainsLowerCase(protein.Description, ltext) ||
             ContainsLowerCase(protein.Name, ltext))
                MatchType |= ProteinMatchType.description;
             foreach (ProteinMetadata alternative in Protein.AlternativeNames)
                 if (ContainsLowerCase(alternative.Name, ltext) ||
                     ContainsLowerCase(alternative.Description, ltext))
                     MatchType |= ProteinMatchType.description;
                     AlternativeDescription = alternative;
     List<DigestedPeptide> digestedPeptides = new List<DigestedPeptide>();
     if (0 != (proteinMatchSettings.MatchTypes & ProteinMatchType.sequence))
         if (proteinMatchSettings.Protease != null)
             String lastPeptide = null;
             foreach (var peptide in proteinMatchSettings.Protease.Digest(protein))
                 if (!peptide.Sequence.StartsWith(proteinMatchSettings.SearchText))
                 // If this peptide is just an extension of the previous peptide (i.e. with one
                 // more missed cleavage), then only include it if the user has typed the entire
                 // sequence of the previous peptide.
                 if (lastPeptide != null && peptide.Sequence.StartsWith(lastPeptide) 
                     && lastPeptide.Length > proteinMatchSettings.SearchText.Length)
                 lastPeptide = peptide.Sequence;
                 MatchType |= ProteinMatchType.sequence;
     DigestedPeptides = digestedPeptides;
Example #8
 public ProteinMatchQuery(ProteinMatchSettings settings, int maxResults = MAX_RESULTS_DEFAULT)
     Settings = settings;
     MaxResults = maxResults;