Example #1
 public DecisionTreeImplementation(string[,] attributes, List <string> labels)
     parent = null;
     BuildTree(attributes, labels);
Example #2
        private void BuildTree(string[,] attributes, List <string> labels)
            int    numInstances    = labels.Count;
            double nodeInformation = numInstances * CalcularEntropia(labels);

            this.majorityClass = ObtenerValorMasFrecuente(labels);

            if (nodeInformation == 0 || attributes.GetUpperBound(0) == -1 || attributes.GetUpperBound(1) == -1)
                isLeaf = true;

            int    bestAttributeId     = -1;
            string bestAttribute       = "";
            double bestInformationGain = -1;
            double bestGainRatio       = -1;

            for (int X = 0; X < attributes.GetUpperBound(1) + 1; X++)
                double conditionalInfo  = 0;
                double attributeEntropy = 0;

                string[] valoresColumna = ObtenerValoresUnicos(attributes, X);
                double[] attributeCount = new double[valoresColumna.Length];

                for (int Y = 0; Y < valoresColumna.Length; Y++)
                    List <int> ids = IdentificarOcurrencias(ObtenerValoresColumna(attributes, X), valoresColumna[Y]); // get ids of all instances for which attribute X == Y

                    attributeCount[Y] = ids.Count;
                    double entropiaCalculada = CalcularEntropia(ObtenerListaValoresFiltrada(labels, ids));
                    conditionalInfo += attributeCount[Y] * entropiaCalculada;

                double attributeInformationGain = nodeInformation - conditionalInfo;
                double gainRatio = attributeInformationGain / CalcularEntropia(ObtenerValoresColumna(attributes, X));

                if (gainRatio > bestGainRatio)
                    bestInformationGain = attributeInformationGain;
                    bestGainRatio       = gainRatio;
                    bestAttribute       = attributes[0, X];
                    bestAttributeId     = X;

            // If no attribute provides andy gain, this node cannot be split further
            if (bestGainRatio == 0)
                @isLeaf = true;

            // Otherwise split by the best attribute
            this.bestAttributeId     = bestAttributeId;
            this.bestAttribute       = bestAttribute;
            this.nodeGainRatio       = bestGainRatio;
            this.nodeInformationGain = bestInformationGain;

            string[] valoresMejorColumna = ObtenerValoresUnicos(attributes, bestAttributeId);

            for (int Y = 0; Y < valoresMejorColumna.Length; Y++)
                List <string> valores      = ObtenerValoresColumna(attributes, bestAttributeId);
                string        valorEvaluar = valoresMejorColumna[Y];
                List <int>    ids          = IdentificarOcurrencias(valores, valorEvaluar);

                //this.children.Add(valoresMejorColumna[Y], new DecisionTree(ObtenerMatrizValoresFiltrada(attributes, ids), ObtenerListaValoresFiltrada(labels, ids)));
                //this.children[valoresMejorColumna[Y]].parent = this;

                // NUEVO
                string[,] atributosNuevoArbol = EliminarColumna(attributes, bestAttributeId);
                atributosNuevoArbol           = ObtenerMatrizValoresFiltrada(atributosNuevoArbol, ids);

                //List<string> nuevasEtiquetas = ObtenerListaValoresFiltrada(valores, ids);
                List <string> nuevasEtiquetas = ObtenerListaValoresFiltrada(labels, ids);
                this.children.Add(valoresMejorColumna[Y], new DecisionTreeImplementation(atributosNuevoArbol, nuevasEtiquetas));
                this.children[valoresMejorColumna[Y]].parent = this;
