//================================================================================ static private void checkWindows() { if (!hideOnPoeBackground) { return; } //hide overlay if PoE window isn't on front: string s = CajFuns.getForegroundWindowTitle(); if (s == poeWindowTitle || s == appName) { if (hiddenByForegroundCheck) { trace("foreground show"); hiddenByForegroundCheck = false; mainForm.setVisibilitySafe(true); } } else { if (!hiddenByForegroundCheck) { trace("foreground hide"); hiddenByForegroundCheck = true; mainForm.setVisibilitySafe(false); } } }
//================================================================================ static private void validateDirs() { //dataDir: string appPath = CajFuns.getAppPath(); dataDir = appPath + dataFolderName; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dataDir)) { dataDir = appPath + "..\\..\\" + dataFolderName; //dev path. if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(dataDir)) { appError("Can't find data folder. Did you unzip the archive?" + "\n\nUnzip all and launch again."); } } }