public static async Task SetupWizard() { Say(":) Welcome!"); Say(" This is the pmcenter setup wizard."); Say(" App version: " + Vars.AppVer.ToString()); Say(" Here to guide you through some *important* configurations of pmcenter."); SIn("=> Continue? [y/N]: "); if (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() != "y") { Environment.Exit(0); } Say(""); await SetAPIKey(); Say(""); SetUID(); Say(""); SetNotifPrefs(); Say(""); SetAutoBanPrefs(); // finalization Say(""); Say(">> Complete!"); Say(" All major configurations have been set!"); Say(""); SIn("=> Save configurations? [Y/n]: "); string Choice = Console.ReadLine(); if (Choice.ToLower() != "n") { if (File.Exists(Vars.ConfFile)) { Say("Warning: pmcenter.json already exists."); SIn(".. Moving the existing one to pmcenter.json.bak..."); File.Move(Vars.ConfFile, Vars.ConfFile + ".bak"); Say(" Done!"); } SIn("Saving configurations to " + Vars.ConfFile + "..."); Vars.CurrentConf = NewConf; await Conf.SaveConf(); Say(" Done!"); if (File.Exists(Vars.LangFile)) { Say("Warning: pmcenter_locale.json already exists."); SIn(".. Moving the existing one to pmcenter_locale.json.bak..."); File.Move(Vars.LangFile, Vars.LangFile + ".bak"); Say(" Done!"); } SIn("Saving language file to " + Vars.LangFile + "..."); Vars.CurrentLang = new Lang.Language(); await Lang.SaveLang(); Say(" Done!"); Say(">> Setup complete!"); Say(" Thanks for using pmcenter!"); Say(" Check out pmcenter's GitHub repository at:"); Say(""); Say(" Program will now exit."); Say(" You can start it right away by typing this command:"); Say(" dotnet pmcenter.dll"); Say(" To run setup wizard again:"); Say(" dotnet pmcenter.dll --setup"); } else { Say("OK. Come back later!"); } Environment.Exit(0); }