Example #1
        private void B_RandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization settings in the Randomizer Options tab.") != DialogResult.Yes)

            // Randomize by BST
            bool bst = CHK_BST.Checked;

            int[] sL = Randomizer.getSpeciesList(CHK_G1.Checked, CHK_G2.Checked, CHK_G3.Checked, CHK_G4.Checked, CHK_G5.Checked, CHK_G6.Checked, false,
                                                 CHK_L.Checked, CHK_E.Checked);
            int ctr = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < LB_Encounters.Items.Count; i++)
                LB_Encounters.SelectedIndex = i;

                int species = CB_Species.SelectedIndex;
                species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr, species, bst, Main.SpeciesStat);
                CB_Species.SelectedIndex = species;
                NUD_Form.Value           = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(species, false, true);
                NUD_Gender.Value         = 0; // random

                if (CHK_Level.Checked)
                    NUD_Level.Value = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel((int)NUD_Level.Value, NUD_LevelBoost.Value);
            WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized all Static Encounters according to specification!");
Example #2
        private void B_Starters_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize Starters? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization settings before continuing.") != DialogResult.Yes)

            int[] sL  = getRandomSpeciesList();
            int   ctr = 0;


            // Assign Species
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                var t = Gifts[i];
                t.Species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr, oldStarters[i], CHK_BST.Checked, Main.SpeciesStat);
                t.Form    = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(t.Species, false, true);

                // no level boosting


            WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized Starters according to specification!");
Example #3
        private void B_RandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize Static Encounters? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization Settings before continuing.") != DialogResult.Yes)

            int[] sL  = getRandomSpeciesList();
            int   ctr = 0;


            for (int i = 3; i < Gifts.Length; i++) // Skip Starters
                var t = Gifts[i];
                t.Species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr, t.Species, CHK_BST.Checked, Main.SpeciesStat);
                t.Form    = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(t.Species, false, true);

                if (CHK_Level.Checked)
                    t.Level = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(t.Level, NUD_LevelBoost.Value);
            foreach (EncounterStatic7 t in Encounters)
                t.Species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr, t.Species, CHK_BST.Checked, Main.SpeciesStat);
                t.Form    = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(t.Species, false, true);
                int[] moves = Main.Config.Learnsets[t.Species].getCurrentMoves(t.Level); Array.Resize(ref moves, 4);
                t.RelearnMoves = moves;

                if (CHK_Level.Checked)
                    t.Level = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(t.Level, NUD_LevelBoost.Value);
            foreach (EncounterTrade7 t in Trades)
                t.Species             = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr, t.Species, CHK_BST.Checked, Main.SpeciesStat);
                t.Form                = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(t.Species, false, true);
                t.TradeRequestSpecies = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr, t.TradeRequestSpecies, CHK_BST.Checked, Main.SpeciesStat);

                if (CHK_Level.Checked)
                    t.Level = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(t.Level, NUD_LevelBoost.Value);


            WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized Static Encounters according to specification!");
Example #4
        private void B_RandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DialogResult ync = Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel,
                                           "Randomize by BST: Yes" + Environment.NewLine +
                                           "Randomize Randomly: No" + Environment.NewLine +
                                           "Abort: Cancel");

            if (ync != DialogResult.Yes && ync != DialogResult.No)
            if (ync == DialogResult.No)
                for (int i = 0; i < LB_Gifts.Items.Count; i++)
                    LB_Gifts.SelectedIndex = i;
                    if (CB_Species.SelectedIndex == 448)
                        continue; // skip Lucario, battle needs to mega evolve
                    int species = Util.rand.Next(1, 721);
                    CB_Species.SelectedIndex = species;

            // Randomize by BST
            int[] sL  = Randomizer.getSpeciesList(G1: true, G2: true, G3: true, G4: true, G5: true, G6: true, G7: false, L: false, E: false, Shedinja: false);
            int   ctr = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < LB_Gifts.Items.Count; i++)
                LB_Gifts.SelectedIndex = i;
                int species = CB_Species.SelectedIndex;
                if (species == 448)
                    continue; // skip Lucario, battle needs to mega evolve
                int bst   = Main.SpeciesStat[species].BST;
                int tries = 0;
                var pkm   = Main.SpeciesStat[species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr)];
                while (!((pkm.BST * (5 - ++tries / Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID) / 6 < bst) && pkm.BST * (6 + ++tries / Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID) / 5 > bst))
                    pkm = Main.SpeciesStat[species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr)];

                CB_Species.SelectedIndex = species;
Example #5
        private void B_RandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * 3111 Egg Moves Learned by 290 Species (10.73 avg)
             * 18 is the most
             * 1000 moves learned were STAB (32.1%)
            Random rnd = new Random();

            int[] banned = new[] { 165, 621, 464 }.Concat(Legal.Z_Moves).ToArray(); // Struggle, Hyperspace Fury, Dark Void

            // Move Stats
            Move[] moveTypes = Main.Config.Moves;

            // Set up Randomized Moves
            int[] randomMoves = Enumerable.Range(1, movelist.Length - 1).Select(i => i).ToArray();
            int ctr = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < CB_Species.Items.Count; i++)
                CB_Species.SelectedIndex = i; // Get new Species
                int count   = dgv.Rows.Count - 1;
                int species = Util.getIndex(CB_Species);
                if (CHK_Expand.Checked && (int)NUD_Moves.Value > count)
                    dgv.Rows.AddCopies(count, (int)NUD_Moves.Value - count);

                for (int j = 1; j < dgv.Rows.Count - 1; j++)
                    // Assign New Moves
                    bool forceSTAB = CHK_STAB.Checked && rnd.Next(0, 99) < NUD_STAB.Value;
                    int  move      = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref randomMoves, ref ctr);

                    while (banned.Contains(move) || /* Invalid */
                           (forceSTAB && !Main.SpeciesStat[species].Types.Contains(moveTypes[move].Type))) // STAB is required
                        move = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref randomMoves, ref ctr);

                    // Assign Move
                    dgv.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value = movelist[move];
            CB_Species.SelectedIndex = 0;
            Util.Alert("All Pokemon's Egg Up Moves have been randomized!");
Example #6
        private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool blind = DialogResult.Yes ==
                         WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Hide randomization, save, and close?",
                                             "If you want the Starters to be a surprise :)");

            if (blind)

            // Iterate for each group of Starters
            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                // Get Species List
                int   gen = int.Parse(Labels[i].Text[4] + "");
                int[] sL  = CHK_Gen.Checked
                    ? Randomizer.getSpeciesList(gen == 1, gen == 2, gen == 3, gen == 4, gen == 5, gen == 6, false, false, false)
                    : Randomizer.getSpeciesList(true, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false);
                int ctr = 0;
                // Assign Species
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    int species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr);

                    if (CHK_BST.Checked) // Enforce BST
                        int          oldSpecies = BitConverter.ToUInt16(Data, offset + (i * 3 + j) * 0x54);
                        PersonalInfo oldpkm     = Main.SpeciesStat[oldSpecies]; // Use original species cuz why not.
                        PersonalInfo pkm        = Main.SpeciesStat[species];

                        while (!(pkm.BST * 5 / 6 < oldpkm.BST && pkm.BST * 6 / 5 > oldpkm.BST))
                            species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr); pkm = Main.SpeciesStat[species];

                    Choices[i][j].SelectedIndex = species;

            if (blind)
        private void B_Starters_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int[] sL  = getRandomSpeciesList();
            int   ctr = 0;


            // Assign Species
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                var t = Gifts[i];
                t.Species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr, oldStarters[i], CHK_BST.Checked, Main.SpeciesStat);
                t.Form    = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(t.Species, false, true);


        private void B_RandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int[] sL  = getRandomSpeciesList();
            int   ctr = 0;


            for (int i = 3; i < Gifts.Length; i++) // Skip Starters
                var t = Gifts[i];
                t.Species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr, t.Species, CHK_BST.Checked, Main.SpeciesStat);
                t.Form    = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(t.Species, false, true);
            foreach (EncounterStatic7 t in Encounters)
                t.Species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr, t.Species, CHK_BST.Checked, Main.SpeciesStat);
                t.Form    = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(t.Species, false, true);
                int[] moves = Main.Config.Learnsets[t.Species].getCurrentMoves(t.Level); Array.Resize(ref moves, 4);
                t.RelearnMoves = moves;
            foreach (EncounterTrade7 t in Trades)
                t.Species             = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr, t.Species, CHK_BST.Checked, Main.SpeciesStat);
                t.Form                = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(t.Species, false, true);
                t.TradeRequestSpecies = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr, t.TradeRequestSpecies, CHK_BST.Checked, Main.SpeciesStat);


Example #9
        // Randomization
        private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization settings @ Horde Tab.") != DialogResult.Yes)

            Enabled = false;

            // Calculate % diff we will apply to each level
            decimal leveldiff = (100 + NUD_LevelAmp.Value) / 100;

            // Nonrepeating List Start
            int[] sL = Randomizer.getSpeciesList(CHK_G1.Checked, CHK_G2.Checked, CHK_G3.Checked,
                                                 CHK_G4.Checked, CHK_G5.Checked, CHK_G6.Checked, CHK_L.Checked, CHK_E.Checked);

            int ctr = 0;

            int[] slotArray = Enumerable.Range(0, max.Length).Select(a => a).ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < CB_LocationID.Items.Count; i++) // for every location
                CB_LocationID.SelectedIndex = i;
                if (!hasData())
                    continue;             // Don't randomize if doesn't have data.
                // Assign Levels
                if (CHK_Level.Checked)
                    for (int l = 0; l < max.Length; l++)
                        min[l].Value = max[l].Value = (max[l].Value <= 1) ? max[l].Value : Math.Max(1, Math.Min(100, (int)((leveldiff) * max[l].Value)));

                // Get a new list of Pokemon so that DexNav does not crash.
                int[] list = new int[max.Length];
                int   used = 19;

                // Count up how many slots are active.
                for (int s = 0; s < max.Length; s++)
                    if (spec[s].SelectedIndex > 0)
                        list[s] = spec[s].SelectedIndex;

                // At most 18, but don't chew if there's only a few slots.
                int   cons       = list.Count(a => a != 0);
                int[] RandomList = new int[(cons > 18) ? (18 - (cons / 8)) : cons];

                // Fill Location List
                if (!CHK_BST.Checked)
                    for (int z = 0; z < RandomList.Length; z++)
                        RandomList[z] = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr);
                    int oldBST = 0;
                    for (int s = 0; s < max.Length; s++)
                        if (spec[s].SelectedIndex > 0)
                            oldBST = personal[spec[s + 2].SelectedIndex].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b); break;

                    for (int z = 0; z < RandomList.Length; z++)
                        int species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr);
                        int newBST  = personal[species].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);
                        while (!(newBST * 4 / 5 < oldBST && newBST * 6 / 5 > oldBST))
                            species = sL[rand.Next(1, sL.Length)]; newBST = personal[species].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);
                        RandomList[z] = species;

                // Assign Slots
                while (used < RandomList.Distinct().Count() || used > 18) // Can just arbitrarily assign slots.
                    int ctrSingle = 0;
                    for (int s = 0; s < max.Length; s++)
                        int slot = slotArray[s];
                        if (spec[slot].SelectedIndex != 0) // If the slot is in use
                            list[slot] = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref RandomList, ref ctrSingle);
                    used = countUnique(list);
                    if (used != RandomList.Length)
                        ShuffleSlots(ref list, RandomList.Length);
                    used = countUnique(list);

                // Fill Slots
                for (int slot = 0; slot < max.Length; slot++)
                    if (spec[slot].SelectedIndex != 0)
                        spec[slot].SelectedIndex = list[slot];
                        setRandomForm(slot, spec[slot].SelectedIndex);

                B_Save_Click(sender, e);
            Enabled = true;
Example #10
        private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Util.Alert("Randomization currently disabled"); return;

            if (Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all?", "Cannot undo.") == DialogResult.Yes)
                bool smart = Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Smart Randomize by Base Stat Total?", "Pokemon strength variance will attempt to match ingame.") == DialogResult.Yes;
                this.Enabled = false;

                // Nonrepeating List Start
                int[] sL        = Randomizer.RandomSpeciesList;
                int   ctr       = 0;
                int[] slotArray = Enumerable.Range(0, max.Length).Select(a => (int)a).ToArray();

                for (int i = 0; i < CB_LocationID.Items.Count; i++) // for every location
                    CB_LocationID.SelectedIndex = i;
                    if (!hasData())
                        continue;             // Don't randomize if doesn't have data.
                    // Get a new list of Pokemon so that DexNav does not crash.
                    int[] list = new int[max.Length];
                    int   used = 19;

                    // Count up how many slots are active.
                    for (int s = 0; s < max.Length; s++)
                        if (spec[s].SelectedIndex > 0)
                            list[s] = spec[s].SelectedIndex;

                    // At most 18, but don't chew if there's only a few slots.
                    int   cons       = list.Count(a => a != 0);
                    int[] RandomList = new int[(cons > 18) ? (18 - (cons / 8)) : cons];

                    // Fill Location List
                    if (!smart)
                        for (int z = 0; z < RandomList.Length; z++)
                            RandomList[z] = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr);
                        int oldBST = 0;
                        for (int s = 0; s < max.Length; s++)
                            if (spec[s].SelectedIndex > 0)
                                oldBST = personal[spec[s + 2].SelectedIndex].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b); break;

                        for (int z = 0; z < RandomList.Length; z++)
                            int species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr);
                            int newBST  = personal[species].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);
                            while (!(newBST * 4 / 5 < oldBST && newBST * 6 / 5 > oldBST))
                                species = rand.Next(1, 722); newBST = personal[species].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);
                            RandomList[z] = species;

                    // Assign Slots
                    while (used < RandomList.Length || used > 18) // Can just arbitrarily assign slots.
                        int ctrSingle = 0;
                        for (int s = 0; s < max.Length; s++)
                            int slot = slotArray[s];
                            if (spec[slot].SelectedIndex != 0) // If the slot is in use
                                list[slot] = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref RandomList, ref ctrSingle);
                        ShuffleSlots(ref list, RandomList.Length);
                        used = countUnique(list);

                    // Fill Slots
                    for (int slot = 0; slot < max.Length; slot++)
                        if (spec[slot].SelectedIndex != 0)
                            spec[slot].SelectedIndex = list[slot];
                            setRandomForm(slot, spec[slot].SelectedIndex);

                    B_Save_Click(sender, e);
                this.Enabled = true;
Example #11
        private void B_RandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
             * 3111 Egg Moves Learned by 290 Species (10.73 avg)
             * 18 is the most
             * 1000 moves learned were STAB (32.1%)
            Random rnd = new Random();

            ushort[] HMs = { 15, 19, 57, 70, 127, 249, 291 };
            ushort[] TMs = { };
            if (CHK_HMs.Checked && Main.ExeFSPath != null)
                TMHM.getTMHMList(Main.oras, ref TMs, ref HMs);

            int[] banned = new int[HMs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < banned.Length; i++)
                banned[i] = HMs[i];
            banned = banned.Concat(new[] { 165, 621 }).ToArray(); // Struggle, Hyperspace Fury

            // Move Stats
            Move[] moveTypes = Moves.getMoves();

            // Personal Stats
            byte[] personalData = File.ReadAllBytes(Directory.GetFiles("personal").Last());

            // Set up Randomized Moves
            int[] randomMoves = Enumerable.Range(1, movelist.Length - 1).Select(i => i).ToArray();
            int ctr = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < CB_Species.Items.Count; i++)
                CB_Species.SelectedIndex = i; // Get new Species
                int count   = dgv.Rows.Count - 1;
                int species = Util.getIndex(CB_Species);
                if (count == 0)

                if (CHK_Expand.Checked && (int)NUD_Moves.Value > count)
                    dgv.Rows.AddCopies(count, (int)NUD_Moves.Value - count);
                for (int j = 0; j < dgv.Rows.Count - 1; j++)
                    // Assign New Moves
                    bool forceSTAB = CHK_STAB.Checked && rnd.Next(0, 99) < NUD_STAB.Value;
                    int  move      = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref randomMoves, ref ctr);
                    while (                                                                                // Move is invalid
                        (!CHK_HMs.Checked && banned.Contains(move)) || // HM Moves Not Allowed
                        (forceSTAB &&                                                                      // STAB is required
                             moveTypes[move].Type == personalData[6 + (Main.oras ? 0x50 : 0x40) * species] // Type 1
                             moveTypes[move].Type == personalData[7 + (Main.oras ? 0x50 : 0x40) * species] // Type 2
                        move = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref randomMoves, ref ctr);

                    // Assign Move
                    dgv.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value = movelist[move];
            CB_Species.SelectedIndex = 0;
            Util.Alert("All Pokemon's Egg Moves have been randomized!");
Example #12
        private void Randomize()
            rTags     = (Main.oras) ? GetTagsORAS() : GetTagsXY();
            mEvoTypes = GetMegaEvolvableTypes();
            List <int> GymE4Types = new List <int>();

            if (rEnsureMEvo.Length > 0)
                if (mEvoTypes.Length < 13 && rTypeTheme)
                    Util.Alert("There are insufficient types with at least one mega evolution to Guarantee story Mega Evos while keeping Type theming.",
                               "Re-Randomize Personal or don't choose both options."); return;
                GymE4Types.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(0, types.Length).ToArray());
            foreach (int t1 in rEnsureMEvo.Where(t1 => rTags[t1] != "" && !TagTypes.Keys.Contains(rTags[t1])))
                int t;
                if (rTags[t1].Contains("GYM") || rTags[t1].Contains("ELITE") || rTags[t1].Contains("CHAMPION"))
                    t = GymE4Types[(int)(rnd32() % GymE4Types.Count)];
                    t = mEvoTypes[rnd32() % mEvoTypes.Length];
                TagTypes[rTags[t1]] = t;
            foreach (string t1 in Tags)
                if (!TagTypes.Keys.Contains(t1) && t1 != "")
                    int t;
                    if (t1.Contains("GYM") || t1.Contains("ELITE") || t1.Contains("CHAMPION"))
                        t = GymE4Types[(int)(rnd32() % GymE4Types.Count)];
                        t = (int)(rnd32() % types.Length);

                    TagTypes[t1] = t;
                Console.WriteLine(t1 + ": " + types[TagTypes[t1]]);
            for (int i = 1; i < CB_TrainerID.Items.Count; i++)
                CB_TrainerID.SelectedIndex = i; // data is loaded

                // Setup
                checkBox_Moves.Checked = rMove || checkBox_Moves.Checked;
                checkBox_Item.Checked  = rItem || checkBox_Item.Checked;

                // Randomize Trainer Stats
                if (rDiffAI)
                    if (CB_Battle_Type.SelectedIndex == 0)
                        CB_AI.SelectedIndex = 7; // Max Single
                    else if (CB_Battle_Type.SelectedIndex == 1)
                        CB_AI.SelectedIndex = 135; // Max Double
                if (rClass)
                    CB_Trainer_Class.SelectedIndex = CB_Battle_Type.SelectedIndex > 0 ? (int)(rnd32() % (CB_Trainer_Class.Items.Count)) : 0; // Change only Single Battles
                if (rGift && rnd32() % 100 < rGiftPercent)
                #region Random Prize Logic
                    ushort[] items;
                    uint     rnd = rnd32() % 10;
                    if (rnd < 2) // held item
                        items = (Main.oras) ? Legal.Pouch_Items_ORAS : Legal.Pouch_Items_XY;
                    else if (rnd < 5) // medicine
                        items = (Main.oras) ? Legal.Pouch_Medicine_ORAS : Legal.Pouch_Medicine_XY;
                    else // berry
                        items = Legal.Pouch_Berry_XY;
                    CB_Prize.SelectedIndex = items[(rnd32() % items.Length)];
                else if (rGift)
                    CB_Prize.SelectedIndex = 0;

                ushort[] itemvals = (Main.oras) ? Legal.Pouch_Items_ORAS : Legal.Pouch_Items_XY;
                itemvals = itemvals.Concat(Legal.Pouch_Berry_XY).ToArray();
                int moves = trpk_m1[0].Items.Count;
                int itemC = itemvals.Length;
                int ctr   = 0;

                int  type = GetRandomType(i);
                bool mevo = rEnsureMEvo.Contains(i);

                // Randomize Pokemon
                for (int p = 0; p < CB_numPokemon.SelectedIndex; p++)
                    if (rPKM)
                        // randomize pokemon
                        int species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr);
                        if (rTypeTheme)
                            while (personal[species][6] != type && personal[species][7] != type || (mevo && p == CB_numPokemon.SelectedIndex - 1 && !megaEvos.Contains(species)))
                                if (p == CB_numPokemon.SelectedIndex - 1 && mevo)
                                    species = GetRandomMegaEvolvablePokemon(type);
                                else if (rSmart) // Get a new Pokemon with a close BST
                                    int oldBST = personal[trpk_pkm[p].SelectedIndex].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);
                                    int newBST = personal[species].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);
                                    while (!(newBST * 5 / 6 < oldBST && newBST * 6 / 5 > oldBST))
                                        species = sL[rand.Next(1, sL.Length)]; newBST = personal[species].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);
                                    species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr);
                        else if (p == CB_numPokemon.SelectedIndex - 1 && mevo)
                            species = megaEvos[rnd32() % megaEvos.Length];
                        else if (rSmart) // Get a new Pokemon with a close BST
                            int oldBST = personal[trpk_pkm[p].SelectedIndex].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);
                            int newBST = personal[species].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);
                            while (!(newBST * 5 / 6 < oldBST && newBST * 6 / 5 > oldBST))
                                species = sL[rand.Next(1, sL.Length)]; newBST = personal[species].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);

                        trpk_pkm[p].SelectedIndex = species;
                        // Set Gender to Random
                        trpk_gender[p].SelectedIndex = 0;

                        if (trpk_form[p].Items.Count > 0)
                            trpk_form[p].SelectedIndex = 0;
                        // Randomize form
                        if (trpk_form[p].Items.Count > 0 && !megaEvos.Contains(species))
                            trpk_form[p].SelectedIndex = (int)(rnd32() % trpk_form[p].Items.Count);
                    if (rLevel)
                        trpk_lvl[p].SelectedIndex = Math.Max(1, Math.Min((int)(trpk_lvl[p].SelectedIndex * ((100 + rLevelPercent) / 100)), 100));
                    if (rAbility)
                        trpk_abil[p].SelectedIndex = (int)(1 + rnd32() % 3);
                    if (rDiffIV)
                        trpk_IV[p].SelectedIndex = 255;
                    if (mevo && p == CB_numPokemon.SelectedIndex - 1)
                        int[] megastones = GetMegaStones(trpk_pkm[p].SelectedIndex);
                        trpk_item[p].SelectedIndex = megastones[rnd32() % megastones.Length];
                    else if (rItem)
                    #region RandomItem
                        trpk_item[p].SelectedIndex = itemvals[(rnd32() % itemC)];

                    if (rMove)
                        trpk_m1[p].SelectedIndex = (int)(rnd32() % (moves));
                        trpk_m2[p].SelectedIndex = (int)(rnd32() % (moves));
                        trpk_m3[p].SelectedIndex = (int)(rnd32() % (moves));
                        trpk_m4[p].SelectedIndex = (int)(rnd32() % (moves));
            CB_TrainerID.SelectedIndex = 1;
            Util.Alert("Randomized all trainers according to specification!", "Press the Dump to TXT to view the new trainer information!");
Example #13
        // Randomization
        private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization settings.") != DialogResult.Yes)

            Enabled = false;
            int  slotStart;
            int  slotStop;
            bool copy = false;

            switch (CB_SlotRand.SelectedIndex)
            default:     // All
                slotStart = 0;
                slotStop  = -1;

            case 1:     // Regular Only
                slotStart = 0;
                slotStop  = 1;

            case 2:     // SOS Only
                slotStart = 1;
                slotStop  = -1;

            case 3:     // Regular Only, Copy to SOS
                slotStart = 0;
                slotStop  = 1;
                copy      = true;

            // Calculate % diff we will apply to each level
            decimal leveldiff = (100 + NUD_LevelAmp.Value) / 100;

            Randomizer rnd = new Randomizer(CHK_G1.Checked, CHK_G2.Checked, CHK_G3.Checked, CHK_G4.Checked, CHK_G5.Checked,
                                            CHK_G6.Checked, CHK_G7.Checked, CHK_L.Checked, CHK_E.Checked, Shedinja: true)
                BST   = CHK_BST.Checked,
                Stats = Main.SpeciesStat

            foreach (var Map in Areas)
                foreach (var Table in Map.Tables)
                    if (CHK_Level.Checked)
                        Table.MinLevel = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(100, (int)(leveldiff * Table.MinLevel)));
                        Table.MaxLevel = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(100, (int)(leveldiff * Table.MaxLevel)));

                    int end = slotStop < 0 ? Table.Encounters.Length : slotStop;
                    for (int s = slotStart; s < end; s++)
                        var EncounterSet = Table.Encounters[s];
                        foreach (var enc in EncounterSet.Where(enc => enc.Species != 0))
                            enc.Species = (uint)rnd.getRandomSpecies((int)enc.Species);
                            enc.Forme   = GetRandomForme((int)enc.Species);

                    if (copy) // copy row 0 to rest
                        var table = Table.Encounters;
                        var s0    = table[0];
                        for (int r = 1; r < table.Length; r++)
                            var slots = table[r];
                            for (int s = 0; s < slots.Length; s++)
                                slots[s].Species = s0[s].Species;
                                slots[s].Forme   = s0[s].Forme;

                encdata[Map.FileNumber] = getMapData(Map.Tables);
            updatePanel(sender, e);
            Enabled = true;
Example #14
        private void B_RandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // ORAS: 10682 moves learned on levelup/birth.
            // 5593 are STAB. 52.3% are STAB.
            // Steelix learns the most @ 25 (so many level 1)!
            // Move relearner ingame does not behave properly if the count exceeds 25:
            // https://twitter.com/Drayano60/status/630044237883666433
            Random rnd = new Random();

            int[] firstMoves = { 1, 40, 52, 55, 64, 71, 84, 98, 122, 141 };
            // Pound, Poison Sting, Ember, Water Gun, Peck, Absorb, Thunder Shock, Quick Attack, Lick, Leech Life

            ushort[] HMs = { 15, 19, 57, 70, 127, 249, 291 };
            ushort[] TMs = {};
            if (CHK_HMs.Checked && Main.ExeFSPath != null)
                TMHMEditor6.getTMHMList(Main.Config.ORAS, ref TMs, ref HMs);

            int[] banned = new int[HMs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < banned.Length; i++)
                banned[i] = HMs[i];
            banned = banned.Concat(new[] { 165, 621 }).ToArray(); // Struggle, Hyperspace Fury

            // Move Stats
            Move[] moveTypes = Main.Config.Moves;

            // Set up Randomized Moves
            int[] randomMoves = Enumerable.Range(1, movelist.Length - 1).Select(i => i).ToArray();
            int ctr = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < CB_Species.Items.Count; i++)
                CB_Species.SelectedIndex = i; // Get new Species
                int count   = dgv.Rows.Count - 1;
                int species = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species);
                if (CHK_Expand.Checked && (int)NUD_Moves.Value > count)
                    dgv.Rows.AddCopies(count, (int)NUD_Moves.Value - count);

                // Default First Move
                dgv.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value = 1;
                dgv.Rows[0].Cells[1].Value = movelist[firstMoves[rnd.Next(0, firstMoves.Length)]];
                for (int j = 1; j < dgv.Rows.Count - 1; j++)
                    // Assign New Moves
                    bool forceSTAB = CHK_STAB.Checked && rnd.Next(0, 99) < NUD_STAB.Value;
                    int  move      = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref randomMoves, ref ctr);
                    while (          // Move is invalid
                        !CHK_HMs.Checked && banned.Contains(move) || // HM Moves Not Allowed
                        forceSTAB && // STAB is required
                        move = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref randomMoves, ref ctr);

                    // Assign Move
                    dgv.Rows[j].Cells[1].Value = movelist[move];
                    // Assign Level
                    if (j >= count)
                        string level = (dgv.Rows[count - 1].Cells[0].Value ?? 0).ToString();
                        ushort lv;
                        ushort.TryParse(level, out lv);
                        if (lv > 100)
                            lv = 100;
                        else if (lv == 0)
                            lv = 1;
                        dgv.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value = lv + (j - count) + 1;
                    if (CHK_Spread.Checked)
                        dgv.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value = ((int)(j * (NUD_Level.Value / (dgv.Rows.Count - 1)))).ToString();
            CB_Species.SelectedIndex = 0;
            WinFormsUtil.Alert("All Pokemon's Level Up Moves have been randomized!");
Example #15
        private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all?", "Cannot undo.") != DialogResult.Yes)

            Enabled = false;

            // Calculate % diff we will apply to each level
            decimal leveldiff = (100 + NUD_LevelAmp.Value) / 100;

            // Nonrepeating List Start
            int[] sL = Randomizer.getSpeciesList(CHK_G1.Checked, CHK_G2.Checked, CHK_G3.Checked,
                                                 CHK_G4.Checked, CHK_G5.Checked, CHK_G6.Checked, CHK_L.Checked, CHK_E.Checked);

            int ctr = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < CB_LocationID.Items.Count; i++) // for every location
                CB_LocationID.SelectedIndex = i;
                if (!hasData())
                    continue;             // Don't randomize if doesn't have data.
                // Assign Levels
                if (CHK_Level.Checked)
                    for (int l = 0; l < max.Length; l++)
                        min[l].Value = max[l].Value = (max[l].Value <= 1) ? max[l].Value : Math.Max(1, Math.Min(100, (int)((leveldiff) * max[l].Value)));

                for (int slot = 0; slot < max.Length; slot++)
                    if (spec[slot].SelectedIndex == 0)

                    int species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr);

                    if (CHK_BST.Checked)
                        int oldBST = personal[spec[slot].SelectedIndex].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);
                        int newBST = personal[species].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);
                        while (!(newBST * 4 / 5 < oldBST && newBST * 6 / 5 > oldBST))
                            species = sL[rand.Next(1, sL.Length)]; newBST = personal[species].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);

                    spec[slot].SelectedIndex = species;

                    if (species == 666 || species == 665 || species == 664) // Vivillon
                        form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 20;
                    else if (species == 386) // Deoxys
                        form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 4;
                    else if (species == 201) // Unown
                        form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 28;
                    else if (species == 550) // Basculin
                        form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 2;
                    else if (species == 412 || species == 413) // Wormadam
                        form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 3;
                    else if (species == 422 || species == 423) // Gastrodon
                        form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 2;
                    else if (species == 585 || species == 586) // Sawsbuck
                        form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 4;
                    else if (species == 669 || species == 671) // Flabebe/Florges
                        form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 5;
                    else if (species == 670) // Floette
                        form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 6;
                    else if (species == 710 || species == 711) // Pumpkaboo
                        form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 4;
                        form[slot].Value = 0;
                B_Save_Click(sender, e);
            Enabled = true;
Example #16
        private static int[] sL; // Random Species List
        private void B_RandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (DialogResult.Yes != Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all resulting species?", "Evolution methods and parameters will stay the same."))

            // Set up advanced randomization options
            bool rBST  = CHK_BST.Checked;
            bool rEXP  = CHK_Exp.Checked;
            bool rType = CHK_Type.Checked;
            int  ctr   = 0;

            sL = Randomizer.RandomSpeciesList;

            for (int i = 0; i < CB_Species.Items.Count; i++)
                CB_Species.SelectedIndex = i;
                for (int j = 0; j < mb.Length; j++)
                    if (mb[j].SelectedIndex > 0)
                        // Get a new random species
                        int          oldSpecies     = rb[j].SelectedIndex;
                        PersonalInfo oldpkm         = Main.SpeciesStat[oldSpecies];
                        int          currentSpecies = Array.IndexOf(specieslist, CB_Species.Text);
                        int          loopctr        = 0; // altering calculatiosn to prevent infinite loops
                        int newSpecies = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr);
                        PersonalInfo pkm = Main.SpeciesStat[newSpecies];

                        // Verify it meets specifications
                        if (newSpecies == currentSpecies && loopctr < Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID * 10) // no A->A evolutions
                            goto defspecies;
                        if (rEXP) // Experience Growth Rate matches
                            if (oldpkm.EXPGrowth != pkm.EXPGrowth)
                                goto defspecies;
                        if (rType) // Type has to be somewhat similar
                            if (!oldpkm.Types.Contains(pkm.Types[0]) || !oldpkm.Types.Contains(pkm.Types[1]))
                                goto defspecies;
                        if (rBST)            // Base stat total has to be close
                            const int l = 5; // tweakable scalars
                            const int h = 6;
                            if (!(pkm.BST * l / (h + loopctr / Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID) < oldpkm.BST && (pkm.BST * h + loopctr / Main.Config.MaxSpeciesID) / l > oldpkm.BST))
                                goto defspecies;
                        // assign random val
                        rb[j].SelectedIndex = newSpecies;
            Util.Alert("All Pokemon's Evolutions have been randomized!");
Example #17
        // Randomization
        private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization settings at the bottom left.") != DialogResult.Yes)

            Enabled = false;
            int  slotStart;
            int  slotStop;
            bool copy = false;

            switch (CB_SlotRand.SelectedIndex)
            default:     // All
                slotStart = 0;
                slotStop  = -1;

            case 1:     // Regular Only
                slotStart = 0;
                slotStop  = 1;

            case 2:     // SOS Only
                slotStart = 1;
                slotStop  = -1;

            case 3:     // Regular Only, Copy to SOS
                slotStart = 0;
                slotStop  = 1;
                copy      = true;

            Randomizer rnd = new Randomizer(CHK_G1.Checked, CHK_G2.Checked, CHK_G3.Checked, CHK_G4.Checked, CHK_G5.Checked,
                                            CHK_G6.Checked, CHK_G7.Checked, CHK_L.Checked, CHK_E.Checked, Shedinja: true)
                BST   = CHK_BST.Checked,
                Stats = Main.SpeciesStat

            foreach (var Map in Areas)
                foreach (var Table in Map.Tables)
                    if (CHK_Level.Checked)
                        Table.MinLevel = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(Table.MinLevel, NUD_LevelAmp.Value);
                        Table.MaxLevel = Randomizer.getModifiedLevel(Table.MaxLevel, NUD_LevelAmp.Value);

                    int end = slotStop < 0 ? Table.Encounters.Length : slotStop;
                    for (int s = slotStart; s < end; s++)
                        var EncounterSet = Table.Encounters[s];
                        foreach (var enc in EncounterSet.Where(enc => enc.Species != 0))
                            enc.Species = (uint)rnd.getRandomSpecies((int)enc.Species);
                            enc.Forme   = GetRandomForme((int)enc.Species);

                    if (copy) // copy row 0 to rest
                        var table = Table.Encounters;
                        var s0    = table[0];
                        for (int r = 1; r < table.Length; r++)
                            var slots = table[r];
                            for (int s = 0; s < slots.Length; s++)
                                slots[s].Species = s0[s].Species;
                                slots[s].Forme   = s0[s].Forme;

                encdata[Map.FileNumber] = getMapData(Map.Tables);
            updatePanel(sender, e);
            Enabled = true;
            WinFormsUtil.Alert("Randomized all Wild Encounters according to specification!", "Press the Dump Tables button to view the new Wild Encounter information!");
Example #18
        // Randomization
        private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all? Cannot undo.", "Double check Randomization settings.") != DialogResult.Yes)

            Enabled = false;
            int setSkip = CHK_SOS.Checked ? 1 : 0;

            // Calculate % diff we will apply to each level
            decimal leveldiff = (100 + NUD_LevelAmp.Value) / 100;

            // Nonrepeating List Start
            int[] sL = Randomizer.getSpeciesList(CHK_G1.Checked, CHK_G2.Checked, CHK_G3.Checked,
                                                 CHK_G4.Checked, CHK_G5.Checked, CHK_G6.Checked, CHK_G7.Checked, CHK_L.Checked, CHK_E.Checked);

            int ctr = 0;

            foreach (var Map in Areas)
                foreach (var Table in Map.Tables)
                    if (CHK_Level.Checked)
                        Table.MinLevel = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(100, (int)(leveldiff * Table.MinLevel)));
                        Table.MaxLevel = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(100, (int)(leveldiff * Table.MaxLevel)));

                    foreach (var EncounterSet in Table.Encounters.Skip(setSkip)) // Skip regular slots if checked
                        foreach (var encounter in EncounterSet)
                            // Only modify slots that're used.
                            if (encounter.Species == 0)

                            if (!CHK_BST.Checked)
                                encounter.Species = (uint)Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr);
                                var old_ind = Main.SpeciesStat[encounter.Species].FormeIndex((int)encounter.Species, (int)encounter.Forme);
                                int oldBST  = Main.SpeciesStat[old_ind].BST;

                                int species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr);
                                int newBST  = Main.SpeciesStat[species].BST;
                                while (!(newBST * 4 / 5 < oldBST && newBST * 6 / 5 > oldBST))
                                    species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr);
                                    newBST  = Main.SpeciesStat[species].BST;
                                encounter.Species = (uint)species;
                            encounter.Forme = GetRandomForme((int)encounter.Species);

                encdata[Map.FileNumber] = getMapData(Map.Tables);
            updatePanel(sender, e);
            Enabled = true;
Example #19
        private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CB_TrainerID.SelectedIndex = 0;
            Randomizer rnd = new Randomizer(CHK_G1.Checked, CHK_G2.Checked, CHK_G3.Checked, CHK_G4.Checked, CHK_G5.Checked,
                                            CHK_G6.Checked, CHK_G7.Checked, CHK_L.Checked, CHK_E.Checked, Shedinja: true)
                BST   = CHK_BST.Checked,
                Stats = Main.SpeciesStat

            var items = Randomizer.getRandomItemList();

            for (int i = 0; i < Trainers.Length; i++)
                var tr = Trainers[i];
                if (tr.Pokemon.Count == 0)
                // Trainer Properties
                if (CHK_RandomClass.Checked)
                    int rv;
                        rv = (int)(Util.rnd32() % CB_Trainer_Class.Items.Count);
                    } while (/*trClass[rv].StartsWith("[~") || */ (Legal.SpecialClasses_SM.Contains(rv) && !CHK_IgnoreSpecialClass.Checked));
                    // don't allow disallowed classes
                    tr.TrainerClass = (byte)rv;

                if (tr.NumPokemon < NUD_RMin.Value)
                    var avgBST   = (int)tr.Pokemon.Average(pk => Main.SpeciesStat[pk.Species].BST);
                    int avgLevel = (int)tr.Pokemon.Average(pk => pk.Level);
                    var pinfo    = Main.SpeciesStat.OrderBy(pk => Math.Abs(avgBST - pk.BST)).First();
                    int avgSpec  = Array.IndexOf(Main.SpeciesStat, pinfo);
                    for (int p = tr.NumPokemon; p < NUD_RMin.Value; p++)
                        tr.Pokemon.Add(new trpoke7
                            Species = rnd.getRandomSpecies(avgSpec),
                            Level   = avgLevel,
                    tr.NumPokemon = (int)NUD_RMin.Value;
                if (tr.NumPokemon > NUD_RMax.Value)
                    tr.Pokemon.RemoveRange((int)NUD_RMax.Value, (int)(tr.NumPokemon - NUD_RMax.Value));
                    tr.NumPokemon = (int)NUD_RMax.Value;

                // PKM Properties
                foreach (var pk in tr.Pokemon)
                    if (CHK_RandomPKM.Checked)
                        int Type = CHK_TypeTheme.Checked ? (int)Util.rnd32() % 17 : -1;
                        pk.Species = rnd.getRandomSpecies(pk.Species, Type);
                        pk.Form    = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(pk.Species, CHK_RandomMegaForm.Checked, true, Main.SpeciesStat);
                        pk.Gender  = 0; // Random Gender
                    if (CHK_Level.Checked)
                        pk.Level = (int)(pk.Level * (100 + NUD_LevelBoost.Value)) / 100;
                    if (CHK_RandomShiny.Checked)
                        pk.Shiny = Util.rand.Next(0, 100 + 1) < NUD_Shiny.Value;
                    if (CHK_RandomItems.Checked)
                        pk.Item = items[Util.rnd32() % items.Length];
                    if (CHK_RandomAbilities.Checked)
                        pk.Ability = (int)Util.rnd32() % 4;
                    if (CHK_MaxDiffPKM.Checked)
                        pk.IVs = new[] { 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31 }

                    switch (CB_Moves.SelectedIndex)
                    case 1:     // Random
                        pk.Moves = Randomizer.getRandomMoves(
                            Main.Config.Personal.getFormeEntry(pk.Species, pk.Form).Types,
                            CHK_Damage.Checked, (int)NUD_Damage.Value,
                            CHK_STAB.Checked, (int)NUD_STAB.Value);

                    case 2:     // Current LevelUp
                        pk.Moves = getCurrentAttacks(pk);

                    case 3:     // High Attacks
                        pk.Moves = getHighAttacks(pk);
                saveData(tr, i);
Example #20
        private void B_RandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // ORAS: 10682 moves learned on levelup/birth.
            // 5593 are STAB. 52.3% are STAB.
            // Steelix learns the most @ 25 (so many level 1)!
            // Move relearner ingame glitch fixed (52 tested), but keep below 75:
            // https://twitter.com/Drayano60/status/807297858244411397
            Random rnd = new Random();

            int[] firstMoves = { 1, 40, 52, 55, 64, 71, 84, 98, 122, 141 };
            // Pound, Poison Sting, Ember, Water Gun, Peck, Absorb, Thunder Shock, Quick Attack, Lick, Leech Life

            int[] banned = new[] { 165, 621, 464 }.Concat(Legal.Z_Moves).ToArray(); // Struggle, Hyperspace Fury, Dark Void

            // Move Stats
            Move[] moveTypes = Main.Config.Moves;

            // Set up Randomized Moves
            int[] randomMoves = Enumerable.Range(1, movelist.Length - 1).Select(i => i).ToArray();
            int ctr = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < CB_Species.Items.Count; i++)
                CB_Species.SelectedIndex = i; // Get new Species
                int count   = dgv.Rows.Count - 1;
                int species = WinFormsUtil.getIndex(CB_Species);
                if (CHK_Expand.Checked && (int)NUD_Moves.Value > count)
                    dgv.Rows.AddCopies(count, (int)NUD_Moves.Value - count);

                // Default First Move
                dgv.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value = 1;
                dgv.Rows[0].Cells[1].Value = movelist[firstMoves[rnd.Next(0, firstMoves.Length)]];
                for (int j = 1; j < dgv.Rows.Count - 1; j++)
                    // Assign New Moves
                    bool forceSTAB = CHK_STAB.Checked && rnd.Next(0, 99) < NUD_STAB.Value;
                    int  move      = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref randomMoves, ref ctr);

                    while (banned.Contains(move) || /* Invalid */
                           forceSTAB && !Main.SpeciesStat[species].Types.Contains(moveTypes[move].Type)) // STAB is required
                        move = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref randomMoves, ref ctr);

                    // Assign Move
                    dgv.Rows[j].Cells[1].Value = movelist[move];
                    // Assign Level
                    if (j >= count)
                        string level = (dgv.Rows[count - 1].Cells[0].Value ?? 0).ToString();
                        ushort lv;
                        UInt16.TryParse(level, out lv);
                        if (lv > 100)
                            lv = 100;
                        dgv.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value = lv + (j - count) + 1;
                    if (CHK_Spread.Checked)
                        dgv.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value = ((int)(j * (NUD_Level.Value / (dgv.Rows.Count - 1)))).ToString();
            CB_Species.SelectedIndex = 0;
            WinFormsUtil.Alert("All Pokemon's Level Up Moves have been randomized!");
Example #21
        private void B_RandAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // ORAS: 10682 moves learned on levelup/birth.
            // 5593 are STAB. 52.3% are STAB.
            // Steelix learns the most @ 25 (so many level 1)!
            Random rnd = new Random();

            int[] firstMoves = { 1, 40, 52, 55, 64, 71, 84, 98, 122, 141 };
            // Pound, Poison Sting, Ember, Water Gun, Peck, Absorb, Thunder Shock, Quick Attack, Lick, Leech Life

            ushort[] HMs = { 15, 19, 57, 70, 127, 249, 291 };
            ushort[] TMs = {};
            if (CHK_HMs.Checked && Main.ExeFS != null)
                TMHM.getTMHMList(Main.oras, ref TMs, ref HMs);

            int[] banned = new int[HMs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < banned.Length; i++)
                banned[i] = HMs[i];

            // Move Stats
            int[] moveTypes = Moves.getTypes();

            // Personal Stats
            byte[] personalData = File.ReadAllBytes(Directory.GetFiles("personal").Last());

            // Set up Randomized Moves
            int[] randomMoves = Enumerable.Range(1, movelist.Length - 1).Select(i => i).ToArray();
            int ctr = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < CB_Species.Items.Count; i++)
                CB_Species.SelectedIndex = i; // Get new Species
                int count = dgv.Rows.Count - 1;

                if (CHK_Expand.Checked && (int)NUD_Moves.Value > count)
                    dgv.Rows.AddCopies(count, (int)NUD_Moves.Value - count);

                // Default First Move
                dgv.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value = 1;
                dgv.Rows[0].Cells[1].Value = movelist[firstMoves[rnd.Next(0, firstMoves.Length)]];
                for (int j = 1; j < dgv.Rows.Count - 1; j++)
                    // Assign New Moves
                    bool forceSTAB = (CHK_STAB.Checked && rnd.Next(0, 99) < NUD_STAB.Value);
                    int  move      = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref randomMoves, ref ctr);
                    while (                                                                     // Move is invalid
                        (!CHK_HMs.Checked && banned.Contains(move)) || // HM Moves Not Allowed
                        (forceSTAB &&                                                           // STAB is required
                             moveTypes[move] == personalData[6 + (Main.oras ? 0x50 : 0x40) * i] // Type 1
                             moveTypes[move] == personalData[7 + (Main.oras ? 0x50 : 0x40) * i] // Type 2
                        move = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref randomMoves, ref ctr);

                    // Assign Move
                    dgv.Rows[j].Cells[1].Value = movelist[move];
                    // Assign Level
                    if (j >= count)
                        string level = (dgv.Rows[count - 1].Cells[0].Value ?? 0).ToString();
                        ushort lv;
                        UInt16.TryParse(level, out lv);
                        if (lv > 100)
                            lv = 100;
                        else if (lv == 0)
                            lv = 1;
                        dgv.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value = lv + (j - count) + 1;
                    if (CHK_Spread.Checked)
                        dgv.Rows[j].Cells[0].Value = (j * (NUD_Level.Value / (dgv.Rows.Count - 1))).ToString();
            CB_Species.SelectedIndex = 0;
            Util.Alert("All Pokemon's Level Up Moves have been randomized!");
Example #22
        private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all?", "Cannot undo.") != DialogResult.Yes)

            Enabled = false;

            // Calculate % diff we will apply to each level
            decimal leveldiff = (100 + NUD_LevelAmp.Value) / 100;

            // Nonrepeating List Start
            int[] sL = Randomizer.getSpeciesList(CHK_G1.Checked, CHK_G2.Checked, CHK_G3.Checked,
                                                 CHK_G4.Checked, CHK_G5.Checked, CHK_G6.Checked, CHK_L.Checked, CHK_E.Checked);

            int ctr = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < CB_LocationID.Items.Count; i++) // for every location
                CB_LocationID.SelectedIndex = i;
                if (!hasData())
                    continue;             // Don't randomize if doesn't have data.
                // Assign Levels
                if (CHK_Level.Checked)
                    for (int l = 0; l < max.Length; l++)
                        min[l].Value = max[l].Value = max[l].Value <= 1 ? max[l].Value : Math.Max(1, Math.Min(100, (int)(leveldiff * max[l].Value)));

                for (int slot = 0; slot < max.Length; slot++)
                    if (spec[slot].SelectedIndex == 0)

                    int species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr);

                    if (CHK_BST.Checked)
                        int oldBST = personal[spec[slot].SelectedIndex].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);
                        int newBST = personal[species].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);
                        while (!(newBST * 4 / 5 < oldBST && newBST * 6 / 5 > oldBST))
                            species = sL[rand.Next(1, sL.Length)]; newBST = personal[species].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);

                    spec[slot].SelectedIndex = species;
                    setRandomForm(slot, spec[slot].SelectedIndex);
                B_Save_Click(sender, e);
            Enabled = true;
Example #23
        private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Randomizer rnd = new Randomizer(CHK_G1.Checked, CHK_G2.Checked, CHK_G3.Checked, CHK_G4.Checked, CHK_G5.Checked,
                CHK_G6.Checked, CHK_G7.Checked, CHK_L.Checked, CHK_E.Checked, Shedinja: true)
                BST = CHK_BST.Checked,
                Stats = Main.SpeciesStat

            var items = Randomizer.getRandomItemList();
            foreach (var tr in Trainers)
                if (tr.Pokemon.Count == 0)
                // Trainer Properties
                if (CHK_OnlyDoubles.Checked)
                { }
                else if (CHK_OnlySingles.Checked)
                { }

                if (CHK_RandomGift.Checked && Util.rnd32() < NUD_GiftPercent.Value)
                { }

                if (CHK_RandomClass.Checked)
                    if (CHK_IgnoreSpecialClass.Checked)
                    { }
                    { }

                if (tr.NumPokemon < NUD_RMin.Value)
                    var avgBST = (int)tr.Pokemon.Average(pk => Main.SpeciesStat[pk.Species].BST);
                    var pinfo = Main.SpeciesStat.OrderBy(pk => Math.Abs(avgBST - pk.BST)).First();
                    int avgSpec = Array.IndexOf(Main.SpeciesStat, pinfo);
                    for (int p = tr.NumPokemon; p < NUD_RMin.Value; p++)
                        tr.Pokemon.Add(new trpoke7 {Species = rnd.getRandomSpecies(avgSpec)});
                    tr.NumPokemon = (int)NUD_RMin.Value;
                if (tr.NumPokemon > NUD_RMax.Value)
                    tr.Pokemon.RemoveRange((int)NUD_RMax.Value, (int)(tr.NumPokemon - NUD_RMax.Value));
                    tr.NumPokemon = (int)NUD_RMax.Value;

                // PKM Properties
                foreach (var pk in tr.Pokemon)
                    if (CHK_RandomPKM.Checked)
                        int Type = CHK_TypeTheme.Checked ? (int)Util.rnd32()%17 : -1;
                        pk.Species = rnd.getRandomSpecies(pk.Species, Type);
                        pk.Form = Randomizer.GetRandomForme(pk.Species, CHK_RandomMegaForm.Checked, true, Main.SpeciesStat);
                    if (CHK_Level.Checked)
                        pk.Level = (int)(pk.Level*(100 + NUD_LevelBoost.Value))/100;
                    if (CHK_RandomShiny.Checked)
                        pk.Shiny = Util.rand.Next(0, 100 + 1) < NUD_Shiny.Value;
                    if (CHK_RandomItems.Checked)
                        pk.Item = items[Util.rnd32()%items.Length];
                    if (CHK_RandomAbilities.Checked)
                        pk.Ability = (int)Util.rnd32()%4;
                    if (CHK_MaxDiffPKM.Checked)
                        pk.IVs = new[] {31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31};

                    switch (CB_Moves.SelectedIndex)
                        case 1: // Random
                            pk.Moves = Randomizer.getRandomMoves(
                                Main.Config.Personal.getFormeEntry(pk.Species, pk.Form).Types,
                                CHK_Damage.Checked, (int)NUD_Damage.Value,
                                CHK_STAB.Checked, (int)NUD_STAB.Value);
                        case 2: // Current LevelUp
                            pk.Moves = getCurrentAttacks(pk);
                        case 3: // High Attacks
                            pk.Moves = getHighAttacks(pk);
Example #24
        private void Randomize()
            int[] banned = { 165, 621 }; // Struggle, Hyperspace Fury
            rImportant = new string[CB_TrainerID.Items.Count];
            rTags      = Main.oras ? GetTagsORAS() : GetTagsXY();
            mEvoTypes  = GetMegaEvolvableTypes();
            List <int> GymE4Types = new List <int>();

            // Fetch Move Stats for more difficult randomization
            var moveData = Moves.getMoves();

            int[] moveList = Enumerable.Range(1, movelist.Count() - 1).ToArray();
            int   mctr     = 0;


            if (rEnsureMEvo.Length > 0)
                if (mEvoTypes.Length < 13 && rTypeTheme)
                    Util.Alert("There are insufficient types with at least one mega evolution to Guarantee story Mega Evos while keeping Type theming.",
                               "Re-Randomize Personal or don't choose both options."); return;
                GymE4Types.AddRange(Enumerable.Range(0, types.Length).ToArray());
            foreach (int t1 in rEnsureMEvo.Where(t1 => rTags[t1] != "" && !TagTypes.Keys.Contains(rTags[t1])))
                int t;
                if (rTags[t1].Contains("GYM") || rTags[t1].Contains("ELITE") || rTags[t1].Contains("CHAMPION"))
                    t = GymE4Types[(int)(rnd32() % GymE4Types.Count)];
                    t = mEvoTypes[rnd32() % mEvoTypes.Length];
                TagTypes[rTags[t1]] = t;
            foreach (string t1 in Tags)
                if (!TagTypes.Keys.Contains(t1) && t1 != "")
                    int t;
                    if (t1.Contains("GYM") || t1.Contains("ELITE") || t1.Contains("CHAMPION"))
                        t = GymE4Types[(int)(rnd32() % GymE4Types.Count)];
                        t = (int)(rnd32() % types.Length);

                    TagTypes[t1] = t;
                Console.WriteLine(t1 + ": " + types[TagTypes[t1]]);
            randomizing = true;
            for (int i = 1; i < CB_TrainerID.Items.Count; i++)
                CB_TrainerID.SelectedIndex = i; // data is loaded

                // Setup
                checkBox_Moves.Checked = rMove || (!rNoMove && checkBox_Moves.Checked);
                checkBox_Item.Checked  = rItem || checkBox_Item.Checked;

                if (r6PKM && rImportant[i] != null) // skip the first rival battles
                    // Copy the last slot to random pokemon
                    int lastPKM = Math.Max(CB_numPokemon.SelectedIndex - 1, 0); // 0,1-6 => 0-5 (never is 0)
                    CB_numPokemon.SelectedIndex = 6;
                    for (int f = lastPKM + 1; f < 6; f++)
                        trpk_pkm[f].SelectedIndex = trpk_IV[lastPKM].SelectedIndex;
                        trpk_lvl[f].SelectedIndex = Math.Min(trpk_lvl[f - 1].SelectedIndex + 1, 100);

                // Randomize Trainer Stats
                if (rDiffAI)
                    if (CB_Battle_Type.SelectedIndex == 0)
                        CB_AI.SelectedIndex = 7; // Max Single
                    else if (CB_Battle_Type.SelectedIndex == 1)
                        CB_AI.SelectedIndex = 135; // Max Double
                if (
                    rClass && // Classes selected to be randomized
                    (!rOnlySingles || CB_Battle_Type.SelectedIndex == 0) && //  Nonsingles only get changed if rOnlySingles
                    !rIgnoreClass.Contains(CB_Trainer_Class.SelectedIndex)    // Current class isn't a special class
                    int rv = (int)(rnd32() % CB_Trainer_Class.Items.Count);
                    // Ensure the Random Class isn't an exclusive class
                    while (rIgnoreClass.Contains(rv) && !trClass[rv].StartsWith("[~")) // don't allow disallowed classes
                        rv = (int)(rnd32() % CB_Trainer_Class.Items.Count);

                    CB_Trainer_Class.SelectedIndex = rv;

                if (rGift && rnd32() % 100 < rGiftPercent)
                #region Random Prize Logic
                    ushort[] items;
                    uint     rnd = rnd32() % 10;
                    if (rnd < 2) // held item
                        items = Main.oras ? Legal.Pouch_Items_ORAS : Legal.Pouch_Items_XY;
                    else if (rnd < 5) // medicine
                        items = Main.oras ? Legal.Pouch_Medicine_ORAS : Legal.Pouch_Medicine_XY;
                    else // berry
                        items = Legal.Pouch_Berry_XY;
                    CB_Prize.SelectedIndex = items[rnd32() % items.Length];
                else if (rGift)
                    CB_Prize.SelectedIndex = 0;

                ushort[] itemvals = Main.oras ? Legal.Pouch_Items_ORAS : Legal.Pouch_Items_XY;
                itemvals = itemvals.Concat(Legal.Pouch_Berry_XY).ToArray();
                int itemC = itemvals.Length;
                int ctr   = 0;

                // Trainer Type/Mega Evo
                int  type     = GetRandomType(i);
                bool mevo     = rEnsureMEvo.Contains(i);
                bool typerand = rTypeTheme && !rGymE4Only ||
                                (rTypeTheme && rImportant[i] != null && (rImportant[i].Contains("GYM") || rImportant[i].Contains("ELITE") || rImportant[i].Contains("CHAMPION")));

                // Randomize Pokemon
                for (int p = 0; p < CB_numPokemon.SelectedIndex; p++)
                    PersonalInfo oldpkm = Main.SpeciesStat[trpk_pkm[p].SelectedIndex];
                    PersonalInfo pkm    = null;
                    if (rPKM)
                        // randomize pokemon
                        int species;
                        pkm = Main.SpeciesStat[species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr)];
                        if (typerand)
                            int tries = 0;
                            while (((pkm.Types[0] != type && pkm.Types[1] != type) || mevo && p == CB_numPokemon.SelectedIndex - 1 && !megaEvos.Contains(species)) && tries < 0x10000)
                                if (p == CB_numPokemon.SelectedIndex - 1 && mevo)
                                    pkm = Main.SpeciesStat[species = GetRandomMegaEvolvablePokemon(type)];
                                else if (rSmart) // Get a new Pokemon with a close BST
                                    pkm = Main.SpeciesStat[species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr)];
                                    while (!((pkm.BST * (5 - ++tries / 722) / 6 < oldpkm.BST) && pkm.BST * (6 + ++tries / 722) / 5 > oldpkm.BST))
                                        pkm = Main.SpeciesStat[species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr)];
                                    pkm = Main.SpeciesStat[species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr)];
                        else if (p == CB_numPokemon.SelectedIndex - 1 && mevo)
                            pkm = Main.SpeciesStat[species = megaEvos[rnd32() % megaEvos.Length]];
                        else if (rSmart) // Get a new Pokemon with a close BST
                            int tries = 0;
                            while (!((pkm.BST * (5 - ++tries / 722) / 6 < oldpkm.BST) && pkm.BST * (6 + ++tries / 722) / 5 > oldpkm.BST))
                                pkm = Main.SpeciesStat[species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr)];

                        trpk_pkm[p].SelectedIndex = species;
                        // Set Gender to Random
                        trpk_gender[p].SelectedIndex = 0;

                        if (trpk_form[p].Items.Count > 0)
                            trpk_form[p].SelectedIndex = 0;
                        // Randomize form
                        if (trpk_form[p].Items.Count > 0 && (!megaEvos.Contains(species) || rRandomMegas))
                            trpk_form[p].SelectedIndex = (int)(rnd32() % trpk_form[p].Items.Count);
                    if (rLevel)
                        trpk_lvl[p].SelectedIndex = Math.Max(1, Math.Min((int)(trpk_lvl[p].SelectedIndex * ((100 + rLevelPercent) / 100)), 100));
                    if (rAbility)
                        trpk_abil[p].SelectedIndex = (int)(1 + rnd32() % 3);
                    if (rDiffIV)
                        trpk_IV[p].SelectedIndex = 255;
                    if (mevo && p == CB_numPokemon.SelectedIndex - 1)
                        int[] megastones = GetMegaStones(trpk_pkm[p].SelectedIndex);
                        if (megastones.Length > 0)
                            trpk_item[p].SelectedIndex = megastones[rnd32() % megastones.Length];
                    else if (rItem)
                    #region RandomItem
                        trpk_item[p].SelectedIndex = itemvals[rnd32() % itemC];

                    if (rMove)
                        pkm = pkm ?? Main.SpeciesStat[trpk_pkm[p].SelectedIndex];
                        int[] pkMoves = new int[4];
                        var   moves   = new[] { trpk_m1[p], trpk_m2[p], trpk_m3[p], trpk_m4[p] };

                        int loopctr = 0;
getMoves:               // Get list of moves
                        for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                            int mv = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref moveList, ref mctr);
                            while (banned.Contains(mv) || pkMoves.Contains(mv))
                                mv = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref moveList, ref mctr);

                            pkMoves[m] = mv;

                        // If a certain amount of damaging moves is required, check.
                        if (rDMG)
                            int damagingMoves = pkMoves.Count(move => moveData[move].Category != 0);
                            if (damagingMoves < rDMGCount && loopctr < 666)
                                goto getMoves;
                        if (rSTAB)
                            int STAB = pkMoves.Count(move => pkm.Types.Contains(moveData[move].Type));
                            if (STAB < rSTABCount && loopctr < 666)
                                goto getMoves;

                        // Assign Moves
                        for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                            moves[m].SelectedIndex = pkMoves[m];
            randomizing = false;
            CB_TrainerID.SelectedIndex = 1;
            Util.Alert("Randomized all trainers according to specification!", "Press the Dump to TXT to view the new trainer information!");
Example #25
        private void B_Randomize_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Randomize all?", "Cannot undo.") == DialogResult.Yes)
                bool smart = Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Smart Randomize by Base Stat Total?", "Pokemon strength variance will attempt to match ingame.") == DialogResult.Yes;
                this.Enabled = false;

                // Nonrepeating List Start
                int[] sL  = Randomizer.RandomSpeciesList;
                int   ctr = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < CB_LocationID.Items.Count; i++) // for every location
                    CB_LocationID.SelectedIndex = i;
                    if (!hasData())
                        continue;             // Don't randomize if doesn't have data.
                    for (int slot = 0; slot < max.Length; slot++)
                        if (spec[slot].SelectedIndex != 0)
                            int species = Randomizer.getRandomSpecies(ref sL, ref ctr);

                            if (smart)
                                int oldBST = personal[spec[slot].SelectedIndex].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);
                                int newBST = personal[species].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);
                                while (!(newBST * 4 / 5 < oldBST && newBST * 6 / 5 > oldBST))
                                    species = rand.Next(1, 722); newBST = personal[species].Take(6).Sum(b => (ushort)b);

                            spec[slot].SelectedIndex = species;

                            if (species == 666 || species == 665 || species == 664) // Vivillon
                                form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 20;
                            else if (species == 386) // Deoxys
                                form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 4;
                            else if (species == 201) // Unown
                                form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 28;
                            else if (species == 550) // Basculin
                                form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 2;
                            else if (species == 412 || species == 413) // Wormadam
                                form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 3;
                            else if (species == 422 || species == 423) // Gastrodon
                                form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 2;
                            else if (species == 585 || species == 586) // Sawsbuck
                                form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 4;
                            else if (species == 669 || species == 671) // Flabebe/Florges
                                form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 5;
                            else if (species == 670) // Floette
                                form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 6;
                            else if (species == 710 || species == 711) // Pumpkaboo
                                form[slot].Value = rnd32() % 4;
                                form[slot].Value = 0;
                    B_Save_Click(sender, e);
                this.Enabled = true;