Example #1
 private void AzzeraCampi()
     positive.Text       = "";
     negative.Text       = "";
     images.Text         = "";
     pathPositive.Text   = "";
     progress.Value      = 0;
     Classifier.isStop   = false;
     PauseResume.Enabled = false;
     PauseResume.Text    = "Pausa";
     percentuage.Text    = "";
     MyTabGallery.check = false;
Example #2
        public MyForm()
            // Title to show in the title bar
            Title = "Analyzer Pedoporngraphy Images";

            BackgroundColor = new Color(0 / 255, 0 / 255, 255 / 255, 1);        //Scelto il colore RGB(x,y,z), per impostarlo correttamente si scrive nella forma (x/255,y/255,z/255,1)

            ClientSize = new Size(1450, 930);

            Button start;

            TabControl tab = new TabControl();

            MyTabInfo tabinfo = new MyTabInfo();

            MyTabAnalysis tabanalysis = new MyTabAnalysis();

            MyTabGallery tabgallery = new MyTabGallery();

            Bitmap pplogo = new Bitmap(                                  //immagine del logo della polizia postale:lo recupero dalla cartella Resources

            Bitmap univpmlogo = new Bitmap(                                             //immagine del logo della UNIVPM:lo recupero dalla cartella Resources

            Content = new Scrollable {
                Content = new TableLayout {
                    Padding = new Padding(50, 50, 50, 50),

                    Rows =
                        new TableRow(new TableCell(new Label     {
                            Text = ""
                        }, false), new TableCell(new Label       {
                            Text              = "Analyzer Pedoporngraphy Images",
                            TextAlignment     = TextAlignment.Center,
                            VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                            TextColor         = new Color(255 / 255, 255 / 255, 255 / 255, 1),
                            Font              = Fonts.Monospace(30f, 0, 0)
                        }, false), new TableCell(new Label       {
                            Text = ""
                        }, false)),
                        new TableRow(new TableCell(new Label     {
                            Size = new Size(100, 100)
                        new TableRow(new TableCell(new ImageView {
                            Image = pplogo, Size = new Size(300, 400)
                        }, false), new TableCell(new Label       {
                            Text = ""
                        }, false), new TableCell(new ImageView   {
                            Image = univpmlogo,
                            Size  = new Size(300, 400)
                        }, false)),
                        new TableRow(new TableCell(new Panel     {
                            Size = new Size(100, 100)
                        new TableRow(new TableCell(new Label     {
                            Text = "        "
                        new TableRow(new TableCell(new Label     {
                            Text = ""
                        }, false), new TableCell(start = new Button{
                            Text            = "Start !",
                            Height          = 60,
                            Font            = Fonts.Sans(25f, 0, 0),
                            BackgroundColor = new Color(192 / 155, 192 / 155, 192 / 155, 0.6f),
                            TextColor       = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1)
                        }, true), new TableCell(new Label        {
                            Text = ""
                        }, false)),
                        new TableRow(new TableCell(new Label(), false), new TableCell(new Label(), false), new TableCell(new Label(), false))

            start.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>                                               //Evento al click del bottone Start nella homepage del programma



                Content = tab;

                BackgroundColor = new Color(255 / 255, 255 / 255, 255 / 255, 1);

            tab.SelectedIndexChanged += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                if (tab.SelectedIndex == 2)                                                                     //Evento che accade quando da un diverso tab, entro nel tab Galleria...
                    tabgallery.ShowImage(MyTabGallery.index);                                                   //...mostro l'immagine dato l'indice.