public void choosemenu() { string bahannasgor = "nasi\t\t1 liter\nkecap manis\t1 sendok makan\ngaram\t\tsejumput \nsayur\t\tsesuai selera"; string bahansoto = "telur\t\t2 buah\nsantan\t\t2 sendok \ndaging\t\t500 gram\nkaldu ayam\t2 sendok teh"; Console.WriteLine("What recipe would you like to see today?"); string menupilih = Console.ReadLine(); if (menupilih == "soto") { Console.WriteLine("Siapkan:\n{0}", bahansoto); } else if (menupilih == "nasigoreng") { Console.WriteLine("Siapkan:\n{0}", bahannasgor); } else { sorryPage bah = new sorryPage(); bah.srryrec(); } }
public void choose() { Console.WriteLine("Choose \n1) Search Recipe\n2) Upload Recipe"); int myChoice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (myChoice == 1) { SearchParty newsearch = new SearchParty(); newsearch.choosemenu(); Console.WriteLine("Do you want to buy the ingredients?\nYes/No"); string boh = Console.ReadLine(); if (boh == "yes") { paymentMsg newpay = new paymentMsg(); newpay.paymethod(); } else { sorryPage newcont = new sorryPage(); newcont.cont(); } } else if (myChoice == 2) { uploadParty uploadrec = new uploadParty(); uploadrec.uploadRecipe(); sorryPage newcont = new sorryPage(); newcont.cont(); } else { sorryPage errmsg = new sorryPage(); errmsg.srrymsg(); Console.WriteLine("\n------------------\n"); choose(); } }