Example #1
        //private string _backupDirectory = null;
        //private string _tempBackupDirectory = null;
        //private string _zipFilename = null;
        //private List<MongoCollection> _collections = new List<MongoCollection>();

        //public string BackupDirectory { get { return _backupDirectory; } set { _backupDirectory = value; } }
        //public string TempBackupDirectory { get { return _tempBackupDirectory; } set { _tempBackupDirectory = value; } }

        //public void AddCollection(MongoCollection collection)
        //    _collections.Add(collection);

        //public void AddCollections(IEnumerable<MongoCollection> collections)
        //    foreach (MongoCollection collection in collections)
        //        _collections.Add(collection);

        //public void _Backup()
        //    List<string> files = new List<string>();
        //    foreach (MongoCollection collection in _collections)
        //    {
        //        string file = _Backup(collection);
        //        files.Add(file);
        //    }
        //    string zipFile = Zip(files);

        //private string _Backup(MongoCollection collection)
        //    string name = collection.Database.Name + "." + collection.Name;
        //    string file = zPath.Combine(_tempBackupDirectory, name + ".txt");
        //    Trace.WriteLine("export mongo collection \"{0}\"", name);
        //    MongoCommand.Export(collection, file);
        //    return file;

        //private string Zip(IEnumerable<string> files)
        //    if (_zipFilename == null)
        //        throw new PBException("zip file is not defined");
        //    if (_tempBackupDirectory == null)
        //        throw new PBException("temp backup directory is not defined");
        //    string zipFile = zPath.Combine(_tempBackupDirectory, _zipFilename + ".zip");
        //    Trace.WriteLine("zip files to \"{0}\"", zipFile);
        //    ZipArchive.Zip(zipFile, files, options: ZipArchiveOptions.DeleteSourceFiles);
        //    return zipFile;

        //private void MoveFilesToBackupDirectory(string file)
        //    if (_backupDirectory == null)
        //        throw new PBException("backup directory is not defined");
        //    Trace.WriteLine("move zip file to \"{0}\"", _backupDirectory);
        //    zfile.MoveFile(file, _backupDirectory, overwrite: true);

        public static string Backup(MongoCollection collection, string directory)
            if (directory == null)
                throw new PBException("directory is not defined");
            string name = collection.Database.Name + "." + collection.Name;
            string file = zPath.Combine(directory, name + ".txt");

            Trace.WriteLine("export mongo collection \"{0}\"", name);
            MongoCommand.Export(collection, file);
Example #2
        public static void Export(string databaseName, string collectionName, string file, string query = null, string sort = null, string fields = null, int limit = 0, string options = null,
                                  Func <BsonDocument, BsonDocument> transformDocument = null, string server = null)
            MongoCollection collection = MongoCommand.GetDatabase(server, databaseName).GetCollection(collectionName);

            Trace.Write("Export : {0} to file \"{1}\"", collection.zGetFullName(), file);

            QueryDocument queryDoc = null;

            if (query != null)
                queryDoc = query.zToQueryDocument();

            SortByWrapper sortByWrapper = null;

            if (sort != null)
                sortByWrapper = sort.zToSortByWrapper();
                Trace.Write(" sort {0}", sortByWrapper.ToJson());

            FieldsWrapper fieldsWrapper = null;

            if (fields != null)
                fieldsWrapper = fields.zToFieldsWrapper();
                Trace.Write(" fields {0}", fieldsWrapper.ToJson());

            if (limit != 0)
                Trace.Write(" limit {0}", limit);

            BsonDocument optionsDoc = null;

            if (options != null)
                optionsDoc = options.zDeserializeToBsonDocument();
                Trace.Write(" options {0}", optionsDoc.ToJson());


            MongoCommand.Export(databaseName, collectionName, file, query, sort, fields, limit, options, transformDocument, server);