SyncLocalGroupsToUserInfo() public static method

public static SyncLocalGroupsToUserInfo ( UserInformation userInfo ) : void
userInfo pGina.Shared.Types.UserInformation
return void
Example #1
        public BooleanResult AuthenticateUser(SessionProperties properties)
                bool alwaysAuth = Settings.Store.AlwaysAuthenticate;

                m_logger.DebugFormat("AuthenticateUser({0})", properties.Id.ToString());

                // Get user info
                UserInformation userInfo = properties.GetTrackedSingle <UserInformation>();
                m_logger.DebugFormat("Found username: {0}", userInfo.Username);

                // Should we authenticate? Only if user has not yet authenticated, or we are not in fallback mode
                if (alwaysAuth || !HasUserAuthenticatedYet(properties))
                    if (LocalAccount.UserExists(userInfo.Username))
                        // We use a pInvoke here instead of using PrincipalContext.ValidateCredentials
                        // due to the fact that the latter will throw an exception when the network is disconnected.
                        if (Abstractions.WindowsApi.pInvokes.ValidateCredentials(userInfo.Username, userInfo.Password))
                            m_logger.InfoFormat("Authenticated user: {0}", userInfo.Username);
                            userInfo.Domain = Environment.MachineName;

                            m_logger.Debug("AuthenticateUser: Mirroring group membership from SAM");

                            // Return success
                            return(new BooleanResult()
                                Success = true
                        m_logger.InfoFormat("User {0} does not exist on this machine.", userInfo.Username);

                m_logger.ErrorFormat("Failed to authenticate user: {0}", userInfo.Username);
                // Note that we don't include a message.  We are a last chance auth, and want previous/failed plugins
                //  to have the honor of explaining why.
                return(new BooleanResult()
                    Success = false, Message = null
            catch (Exception e)
                m_logger.ErrorFormat("AuthenticateUser exception: {0}", e);
                throw;  // Allow pGina service to catch and handle exception
Example #2
        public BooleanResult AuthorizeUser(SessionProperties properties)
            // Some things we always do,
            bool mirrorGroups = Settings.Store.MirrorGroupsForAuthdUsers;   // Should we load users groups from SAM? We always do if we auth'd only

            if (mirrorGroups && !DidWeAuthThisUser(properties, false))
                UserInformation userInfo = properties.GetTrackedSingle <UserInformation>();
                if (LocalAccount.UserExists(userInfo.Username))
                    m_logger.DebugFormat("AuthorizeUser: Mirroring users group membership from SAM");

            // Do we need to do authorization?
            if (DoesAuthzApply(properties))
                bool     limitToLocalAdmins          = Settings.Store.AuthzLocalAdminsOnly;
                bool     limitToLocalGroups          = Settings.Store.AuthzLocalGroupsOnly;
                string[] limitToGroupList            = Settings.Store.AuthzLocalGroups;
                bool     restrictionsApply           = limitToLocalAdmins || limitToLocalGroups;
                PluginActivityInformation pluginInfo = properties.GetTrackedSingle <PluginActivityInformation>();

                if (!restrictionsApply)
                    return(new BooleanResult()
                        Success = true
                else if (!pluginInfo.LoadedAuthenticationGatewayPlugins.Contains(this))
                    return(new BooleanResult()
                        Success = false,
                        Message = string.Format("Plugin configured to authorize users based on group membership, but not in the gateway list to ensure membership is enforced, denying access")

                // The user must have the local administrator group in his group list, and
                //  we must be in the Gateway list of plugins (as we'll be the ones ensuring
                //  this group membership is enforced).
                if (limitToLocalAdmins)
                    SecurityIdentifier adminSid  = Abstractions.Windows.Security.GetWellknownSID(WellKnownSidType.BuiltinAdministratorsSid);
                    string             adminName = Abstractions.Windows.Security.GetNameFromSID(adminSid);

                    if (!ListedInGroup(adminName, adminSid, properties))
                        return(new BooleanResult()
                            Success = false,
                            Message = string.Format("Users group list does not include the admin group ({0}), denying access", adminName)

                // The user must have one of the groups listed (by name) in their group list
                // and we must be in the Gateway list of plugins (as we'll be the ones ensuring
                //  this group membership is enforced).
                if (limitToLocalGroups)
                    if (limitToGroupList.Length > 0)
                        foreach (string group in limitToGroupList)
                            SecurityIdentifier sid = null;
                            try { sid = new SecurityIdentifier(group); }
                            catch { }
                            if (ListedInGroup(group, sid, properties))
                                return(new BooleanResult()
                                    Success = true
                    return(new BooleanResult()
                        Success = false,
                        Message = "User is not a member of one of the required groups, denying access"

                return(new BooleanResult()
                    Success = true
                // We elect to not do any authorization, let the user pass for us
                return(new BooleanResult()
                    Success = true