Example #1
        // Constructors
        public Sprite(Sprite copy)
            layers = copy.layers;
            currentX = copy.currentX;
            currentY = copy.currentY;
            currentAngle = copy.currentAngle;
            currentR = copy.currentR;
            currentG = copy.currentG;
            currentB = copy.currentB;
            totalCode = copy.totalCode;
            path = copy.path;
            action = copy.GetActionList();
            l = copy.l;
            o = copy.o;

            switch (l)
                case (layer.Foreground):
                case (layer.Background):
                case (layer.Pass):
                case (layer.Fail):
 public static Sprite DrawPoint(Sprite img, double startTime, double angle, int xc, int yc, int radius)
     Sprite spr = img;
     int x = (int)(radius * Math.Cos(angle * (Math.PI / 180.0))) + xc;
     int y = (int)(radius * Math.Sin(angle * (Math.PI / 180.0))) + yc;
     spr.Move(startTime, x, y);
     return spr;
 public static Sprite ExpandPoint(Sprite img, int ease, double startTime, double endTime, int angle, int xc, int yc, int radius1, int radius2)
     Sprite spr = img;
     int x1 = (int)(radius1 * Math.Cos(angle * (Math.PI / 180.0))) + xc;
     int y1 = (int)(radius1 * Math.Sin(angle * (Math.PI / 180.0))) + yc;
     int x2 = (int)(radius2 * Math.Cos(angle * (Math.PI / 180.0))) + xc;
     int y2 = (int)(radius2 * Math.Sin(angle * (Math.PI / 180.0))) + yc;
     spr.Move(ease, startTime, endTime, x1, y1, x2, y2);
     return spr;
 public static Sprite DrawLines(double startTime, double length, double width, Sprite.origin origin)
     Sprite line = DrawLines(startTime, length, width, Sprite.layer.Foreground, origin);
     return line;
 public static Sprite DrawLines(double startTime, double length, double width, Sprite.layer layer, Sprite.origin origin)
     Sprite line = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\line.png", layer, origin);
     ScaleLines(line, 0, startTime, startTime, length, width);
     return line;
 public static void ScaleLines(Sprite line, int ease, double startTime, double endTime, double length, double width)
     double scaleX = length / 9.0;
     double scaleY = width / 9.0;
     line.Vector(ease, startTime, endTime, line.GetScaleX(), line.GetScaleY(), scaleX, scaleY);
 public static Sprite DrawLines(double startTime, double length, double width, Sprite.layer layer)
     Sprite line = DrawLines(startTime, length, width, layer, Sprite.origin.Centre);
     return line;
        public static void MoveCircular(Sprite light, double startTime, double endTime, int startAngle, int endAngle, int radius, int originStartX, int originStartY, int originEndX, int originEndY, int accuracy, bool rotate)
            double originX = originStartX;
            double originY = originStartY;
            double offsetx = ((originStartX - originEndX) / ((endTime - startTime) / accuracy));
            double offsety = ((originStartY - originEndY) / ((endTime - startTime) / accuracy));

            double currAngle = startAngle;
            double incAngle = (endAngle - startAngle) / ((endTime - startTime) / accuracy);

            double rotAngle = startAngle * -1;
            double decAngle = (endAngle - startAngle) / ((endTime - startTime) / accuracy);

            for (double j = startTime; j < endTime; j += accuracy)
                MoveCurve(light, j, j + accuracy, (int)currAngle, (int)(currAngle + incAngle), (int)originX, (int)originY, offsetx, offsety, radius);
                if (rotate)
                    light.Rotate(j, j + accuracy, rotAngle, rotAngle - decAngle);
                currAngle = currAngle + incAngle;
                rotAngle = rotAngle - decAngle;
                originX = originX - offsetx;
                originY = originY - offsety;
Example #9
        public void ShootingStar(double startTime, int x, int dir)
            int midPoint = rand.Next(230, 260);
            Sprite star = new Sprite(@"sb\bg\star.png");
            star.Rotate(startTime, startTime + beat * 2, 0, rand.Next(60, 180));
            star.Move(1, startTime, startTime + beat / 4 * 3, x, -20, x, 500);
            star.Fade(startTime - 1, startTime, 0, 1);
            star.Parameters(startTime, startTime, "A");
            star.Color(247, 255, 168);

            Sprite line = Mathematics.DrawLines(startTime, 500, 10, dir == 1 ? Sprite.origin.CentreRight : Sprite.origin.CentreLeft);
            line.Rotate(startTime, 90 * dir);
            line.Move(1, startTime, startTime + beat / 4 * 3, x, -20, x, 500);
            Mathematics.ScaleLines(line, 1, startTime + beat, startTime + beat / 4 * 7, 1, 10);
            line.Parameters(startTime, startTime, "A");
            line.Color(247, 255, 168);
            line.Fade(startTime - 1, startTime, 0, 1);
 public static void MoveCircular(Sprite light, double startTime, double endTime, int startAngle, int endAngle, int radius, int x, int y)
     MoveCircular(light, startTime, endTime, startAngle, endAngle, radius, x, y, x, y, 30, false);
Example #11
        public void BubblingThing(double startTime, double endTime, int xc, int yc, int length, int dir)
            int x1, x2;
            x1 = xc - length / 2;
            x2 = xc + length / 2;
            int rate = (int)((endTime - startTime) / 1000 * 20);
            for (int i = 0; i < rate; i++)
                int dist = 20 + rand.Next(0, 30);
                double start = rand.Next((int)startTime, (int)(endTime));
                double end = start + rand.Next((int)beat * 4, (int)beat * 16);
                int x = rand.Next(x1, x2);
                double size = rand.Next(10, 70) / 1000.0;
                Color2 c = Color2.HSL2RGB((double)(x - x1) / (x2 - x1), .8, .7);

                Sprite bubble = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\circle.png", dir == 1 ? Sprite.origin.TopCentre : Sprite.origin.BottomCentre);
                bubble.Fade(start, start + beat, 0, 1);
                bubble.Fade(end - beat, end, 1, 0);
                bubble.Move(1, start, end, x, yc, x, yc + dist * dir);
                bubble.Color(start, c.red, c.green, c.blue);
                //bubble.Parameters(start, start, "A");
Example #12
        public void DrawWheels(double startTime, double endTime, int x, int y, double scale, int color, int aps)
            double angle = Math.Abs(aps) * (endTime - startTime) / 1000;

            int amount = 16;
            double interval = 360 / amount;
            bool inv = aps < 0;
            for (double i = 0; i < 180 - 20; i += interval)
                Sprite gear = Mathematics.DrawLines(startTime, 250 * scale, 35 * scale);
                gear.Rotate(startTime, endTime, i + (inv ? angle : 0), i + (inv ? 0 : angle));
                gear.Fade(startTime, startTime + beat / 2, 0, 1);
                gear.Fade(endTime - beat / 2, endTime, 1, 0);
                gear.Move(startTime, x, y);

            Sprite mid = new Sprite(string.Format(@"sb\etc\stripe{0}.png", color));
            mid.Scale(scale - .03 * scale);
            mid.Move(x, y);
            mid.Fade(startTime, startTime + beat, 0, 1);
            mid.Fade(endTime - beat / 2, endTime, 1, 0);
            mid.Rotate(startTime, endTime, 0 + (inv ? angle : 0), 0 + (inv ? 0 : angle));

            Sprite outer = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\outer.png");
            outer.Move(x, y);
            outer.Fade(startTime, startTime + beat / 2, 0, 1);
            outer.Fade(endTime - beat / 2, endTime, 1, 0);

            Sprite inner = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\circle.png");
            inner.Scale(scale * .6);
            inner.Move(x, y);
            inner.Fade(startTime, startTime + beat / 2, 0, 1);
            inner.Fade(endTime - beat / 2, endTime, 1, 0);
Example #13
 public void FadeBackground(Sprite[] bg, double startTime, double endTime, double opacity1, double opacity2)
     for (int i = 0; i < bg.Length; i++)
         bg[i].Fade(startTime, endTime, opacity1, opacity2);
Example #14
        public void DrawNameThing()
            string[][] names =
                                    new string[]

                                    new string[]
            int offsetx = 320;
            int y = 110;
            double size = .7;
            double size2 = size * .7;
            double radius = 80;
            double letterSize = .4;
            int lineLength = 215;
            int lineWidth = 40;
            int dist = 20;
            int offsetLettersX = -5;
            int offsetLettersY = 0;
            Color2 c = new Color2(148, 196, 255);

            //left: Depths
            Sprite line1 = Mathematics.DrawLines(beginning, 1, lineWidth, Sprite.origin.TopLeft);
            line1.Move(beginning, 320 - offsetx, y - (int)radius);
            Mathematics.ScaleLines(line1, 1, beginning + beat, beginning + beat * 2, lineLength, lineWidth);
            line1.Color(c.red, c.green, c.blue);
            line1.Fade(beginning + beat, beginning + beat * 2, 0, 1);
            line1.Fade(ending - beat * 2, ending - beat, 1, 0);

            Sprite circle1 = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\circle.png");
            circle1.Move(beginning, 320 - offsetx, y);
            circle1.Fade(beginning, beginning + beat, 0, 1);
            circle1.Fade(ending - beat, ending, 1, 0);
            circle1.Scale(beginning, size);

            Sprite circle2 = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\circle.png");
            circle2.Move(beginning, 320 - offsetx, y);
            circle2.Fade(beginning, beginning + beat, 0, 1);
            circle2.Fade(ending - beat, ending, 1, 0);
            circle2.Scale(beginning, size2);
            circle2.Color(c.red, c.green, c.blue);

            for (int i = 0; i < names[0].Length; i++)
                Sprite letter = new Sprite($@"sb\text\{names[0][i]}.png", Sprite.origin.TopCentre);
                letter.Move(beginning, 320 - offsetx + (int)radius + offsetLettersX + i * dist, y - (int)radius - offsetLettersY);
                letter.Fade(beginning + beat * 2, beginning + beat * 2.5, 0, 1);
                letter.Fade(ending - beat * 2, ending - beat, 1, 0);

            //right: Crystal
            Sprite line2 = Mathematics.DrawLines(beginning, 1, lineWidth, Sprite.origin.BottomRight);
            line2.Move(beginning, 320 + offsetx, y + (int)radius);
            Mathematics.ScaleLines(line2, 1, beginning + beat, beginning + beat * 2, lineLength, lineWidth);
            line2.Color(c.blue, c.red, c.green);
            line2.Fade(beginning + beat, beginning + beat * 2, 0, 1);
            line2.Fade(ending - beat * 2, ending - beat, 1, 0);

            Sprite circle3 = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\circle.png");
            circle3.Move(beginning, 320 + offsetx, y);
            circle3.Fade(beginning, beginning + beat, 0, 1);
            circle3.Fade(ending - beat, ending, 1, 0);
            circle3.Scale(beginning, size);

            Sprite circle4 = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\circle.png");
            circle4.Move(beginning, 320 + offsetx, y);
            circle4.Fade(beginning, beginning + beat, 0, 1);
            circle4.Fade(ending - beat, ending, 1, 0);
            circle4.Scale(beginning, size2);
            circle4.Color(c.blue, c.red, c.green);

            for (int i = 0; i < names[1].Length; i++)
                Sprite letter = new Sprite($@"sb\text\{names[1][i]}.png", Sprite.origin.BottomCentre);
                letter.Move(beginning, 320 + offsetx - (int)radius - offsetLettersX - (names[1].Length - i - 1) * dist, y + (int)radius + offsetLettersY);
                letter.Fade(beginning + beat * 2, beginning + beat * 2.5, 0, 1);
                letter.Fade(ending - beat * 2, ending - beat, 1, 0);
Example #15
        public void DrawLyrics1(int line, double startTime, double endTime, int isRight)
            int ox, rx, y;
            int length = (lyrics[line].Count - 2) * 40;
            int size = 40;
            int range = 40;
            int x1 = isRight == 1 ? 320 : (-108 + length / 2 + range);
            int y1 = 240 + size;
            int x2 = isRight == 1 ? (750 - length / 2 - range) : 320;
            int y2 = 480 - size;
            Color2 c1 = new Color2(220, 219, 173);
            Color2 c2 = new Color2(220, 219, 173);

            ox = rand.Next(x1, x2) - (length % 2 == 0 ? 15 : 0);
            y = rand.Next(y1, y2);

            if (isRight > 1)
                ox = 320;
                y = 360;
                c2 = new Color2(174, 200, 220);
                c1 = new Color2(174, 200, 220);

            rx = ox - length / 2;

            double speed = (endTime - startTime) / 1000 * 1;
            for (int i = 1; i < lyrics[line].Count; i++)
                Sprite letter = new Sprite(string.Format(@"sb\text\{0}.png", lyrics[line][i]));
                letter.MoveX(startTime, endTime, rx + (i - 1) * 40, rx + (i - 1) * 40);
                letter.MoveY(startTime, endTime, y, y + rand.Next((int)speed - 5, (int)speed + 5) * (rand.Next(0, 2) == 1  ?  1 : -1));
                letter.Fade(startTime, startTime + beat / 2, 0, 1);
                letter.Fade(endTime - beat / 2, endTime, 1, 0);
                letter.Color(c1.red, c1.green, c1.blue);

            Sprite line1 = Mathematics.DrawLines(startTime, 1, 5, Sprite.origin.CentreLeft);
            int offset = 30;

            line1.Move(startTime, endTime, rx - 30, y + offset, rx - 30, y + offset);
            line1.Fade(startTime, startTime + beat / 2, 0, 1);
            Mathematics.ScaleLines(line1, 1, startTime, startTime + beat / 2, length + 60, 5);
            line1.Color(c2.red, c2.green, c2.blue);

            Sprite line2 = Mathematics.DrawLines(startTime, 1, 5, Sprite.origin.CentreRight);

            line2.Move(startTime, endTime, rx + ((lyrics[line].Count - 2) * 40) + 30, y - offset, rx + ((lyrics[line].Count - 2) * 40) + 30, y - offset);
            line2.Fade(startTime, startTime + beat / 2, 0, 1);
            Mathematics.ScaleLines(line2, 1, startTime, startTime + beat / 2, length + 60, 5);
            line2.Color(c2.red, c2.green, c2.blue);

            BubblingThing(startTime, endTime, ox, y + offset, length + 60, 1);
            BubblingThing(startTime, endTime, ox, y - offset, length + 60, -1);
Example #16
        public Sprite[][] DrawHexagon()
            double size = 15;
            double width = 1366 * Control.scale;

            int cx = 320;
            int cy = 320;
            double radius = size / 2;
            double scale = size / 100.0;
            double percentagex = 1;
            double percentagey = 1;
            double intervalx = radius * Math.Cos(30.0 * (Math.PI / 180.0)) * percentagex;
            double intervaly = 2 * ((radius) * Math.Sin(30.0 * (Math.PI / 180.0))) + size * percentagey;
            int amountx = (int)((width) / intervalx) + 5;

            Sprite[][] hexagons = new Sprite[amountx][];
            for (int i = 0; i < hexagons.Length; i++)
                double t = Math.Abs(i - amountx / 2) * (10 / width);
                double height = Math.Pow(t, 2) * 400;
                int amounty = (int)((height) / intervaly) + 5;

                hexagons[i] = new Sprite[amounty];
                for (int j = 0; j < hexagons[i].Length; j++)

                    Sprite hexagon = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\hexagon.png", Sprite.layer.Background);
                    if (i < amountx / 2)
                        hexagon.MoveX((int)(cx - (intervalx * (amountx / 2 - i))));
                    } else
                        hexagon.MoveX((int)(cx + (intervalx * (i - amountx / 2))));

                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                        if (j < amounty / 2)
                            hexagon.MoveY((int)(cy - (intervaly * (amounty / 2 - j))));
                            hexagon.MoveY((int)(cy + (intervaly * (j - amounty / 2))));
                        if (j < amounty / 2)
                            hexagon.MoveY((int)(cy - (intervaly * (amounty / 2 - j)) + (radius + (radius * Math.Sin(30.0 * (Math.PI / 180.0))))));
                            hexagon.MoveY((int)(cy + (intervaly * (j - amounty / 2)) + (radius + (radius * Math.Sin(30.0 * (Math.PI / 180.0))))));
                    hexagon.Parameters(0, 0, "A");
                    Color2 h = Color2.HSL2RGB((double)i / hexagons.Length, .7, .4);
                    hexagon.Color(h.red, h.green, h.blue);
                    hexagons[i][j] = hexagon;
            return hexagons;
Example #17
        public void Background()
            //Instantiating the permanent ones
            Sprite delete = new Sprite(@"StarlogBG2.jpg", Sprite.layer.Background);

            Sprite bg = new Sprite(@"sb\bg\bg.jpg", Sprite.layer.Background);
            bg.Fade(beginning, 1);
            bg.Scale(0, scale);

            Sprite star = new Sprite(@"sb\bg\star.png");
            star.Fade(beginning, 1);

            Sprite ring = new Sprite(@"sb\bg\ring.png");
            ring.Fade(beginning, 1);

            Sprite[] perm = { bg, star, ring };

            Sprite starPulse = new Sprite(@"sb\bg\star.png");

            Sprite ringPulse = new Sprite(@"sb\bg\ring.png");

            Sprite[][] hexagons = DrawHexagon();

            //The start and end of each section
            int start;
            int end;

            //reading the timing for each sections
            Queue<int> sections = LyricTiming(@"D:\Library\Game\osu!\Songs\334725 ChouCho - Starlog(Asterisk Remix)\ChouCho - Starlog(Asterisk Remix) (Depths) [sections].osu");

            //Each sections
            //Intro 1
            start = sections.Dequeue();
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            Pulse(starPulse, start, end, .2, beat, 1);
            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .2, beat * 16, .5);

            //Intro 2
            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            Pulse(starPulse, start, end, .2, beat, 1);
            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .8, beat * 4, 1);

            //Vocals A1
            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            Pulse(starPulse, start, end, .2, beat, 1);
            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .8, beat * 4, 1);

            //Vocals A2
            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            FadeBackground(perm, start - beat, start, 1, 0);

            int f;
            f = start + (66154 - 66154);
            f = start + (66668 - 66154);
            f = start + (67183 - 66154);
            f = start + (67697 - 66154);

            f = start + (68897 - 66154);
            f = start + (69411 - 66154);
            f = start + (69926 - 66154);
            f = start + (70440 - 66154);

            f = start + (71640 - 66154);
            f = start + (72154 - 66154);
            f = start + (72326 - 66154);

            f = start + (73011 - 66154);
            f = start + (73268 - 66154);
            f = start + (73526 - 66154);

            f = start + (73697 - 66154);
            f = start + (73954 - 66154);
            f = start + (74211 - 66154);

            f = start + (68211 - 66154);
            f = start + (68554 - 66154);

            f = start + (70954 - 66154);
            f = start + (71297 - 66154);

            f = start + (74383 - 66154);
            f = start + (74897 - 66154);

            f = start + (75411 - 66154);
            f = start + (75497 - 66154);
            f = start + (75585 - 66154);

            f = start + (75926 - 66154);
            f = start + (76097 - 66154);

            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            FadeBackground(perm, start - beat, start, 0, 1);

            FlashHexagons(hexagons, start, end);
            DrawShootingStar(start, end);

            Pulse(starPulse, start, end, .2, beat, 1);
            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .8, beat * 4, 1);

            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            FlashHexagons(hexagons, start, end);
            DrawShootingStar(start, end);

            Pulse(starPulse, start, end, .2, beat, 1);
            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .8, beat * 4, 1);

            //Transition A2
            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            Pulse(starPulse, start, end, .2, beat, 1);
            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .8, beat * 4, 1);

            //Quiet A
            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .8, beat * 4, 1);

            //Vocal B1
            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            Pulse(starPulse, start, end, .2, beat, 1);
            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .8, beat * 4, 1);

            //Vocal B2
            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            FadeBackground(perm, start - beat, start, 1, 0);

            f = start + (66154 - 66154);
            f = start + (66668 - 66154);
            f = start + (67183 - 66154);
            f = start + (67697 - 66154);

            f = start + (68897 - 66154);
            f = start + (69411 - 66154);
            f = start + (69926 - 66154);
            f = start + (70440 - 66154);

            f = start + (71640 - 66154);
            f = start + (72154 - 66154);
            f = start + (72326 - 66154);

            f = start + (73011 - 66154);
            f = start + (73268 - 66154);
            f = start + (73526 - 66154);

            f = start + (73697 - 66154);
            f = start + (73954 - 66154);
            f = start + (74211 - 66154);

            f = start + (68211 - 66154);
            f = start + (68554 - 66154);

            f = start + (70954 - 66154);
            f = start + (71297 - 66154);

            f = start + (74383 - 66154);
            f = start + (74897 - 66154);

            f = start + (75411 - 66154);
            f = start + (75497 - 66154);
            f = start + (75585 - 66154);

            f = start + (75926 - 66154);
            f = start + (76097 - 66154);

            //Kiai B1
            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            FadeBackground(perm, start - beat, start, 0, 1);

            FlashHexagons(hexagons, start, end);
            DrawShootingStar(start, end);

            Pulse(starPulse, start, end, .2, beat, 1);
            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .8, beat * 4, 1);

            //Kiai B2
            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            FlashHexagons(hexagons, start, end);
            DrawShootingStar(start, end);

            Pulse(starPulse, start, end, .2, beat, 1);
            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .8, beat * 4, 1);

            //Quiet B1
            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .8, beat * 4, 1);

            //Quiet B2
            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            Sprite[] t1 = { star, ring };
            FadeBackground(perm, start - beat * 6.5, start - beat * 5.5, 1, 0);

            Pulse(ringPulse, start + beat * 4, end, .8, beat * 8, 1);

            //Vocal C1
            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            Sprite[] t2 = { bg };

            FadeBackground(t2, start, end, 0, 1);
            FadeBackground(t1, start, start + beat / 2, 0, 1);
            Pulse(starPulse, start, end, .2, beat, 1);
            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .8, beat * 4, 1);

            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            FlashHexagons(hexagons, start + beat, end);
            DrawShootingStar(start + beat, end);

            Pulse(starPulse, start + beat, end, .2, beat, 1);
            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .8, beat * 4, 1);

            //Transition B2
            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            FlashHexagons(hexagons, start, end - 100);

            Pulse(starPulse, start, end, .2, beat, 1);
            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .8, beat * 4, 1);

            //Outro 1
            start = end;
            end = sections.Dequeue();

            FlashHexagons(hexagons, start, end - 100);

            Pulse(starPulse, start, end, .2, beat, 1);
            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .8, beat * 4, 1);

            //Outro 2
            start = end;
            end = ending;

            Pulse(starPulse, start, end, .2, beat, 1);
            Pulse(ringPulse, start, end, .8, beat * 4, 1);

            FadeBackground(perm, ending, ending + beat, 1, 0);
 public static void MoveCircular(Sprite light, double startTime, double endTime, int startAngle, int endAngle, int radius, int originStartX, int originStartY, int originEndX, int originEndY, int accuracy)
     MoveCircular(light, startTime, endTime, startAngle, endAngle, radius, originStartX, originStartY, originEndX, originEndY, accuracy, false);
Example #19
 public void Flash(int startTime)
     Sprite white = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\p.png", Sprite.origin.BottomCentre);
     white.Fade(startTime, startTime + beat / 2, .7, 0);
     white.Scale(startTime, scale);
     white.Move(startTime, 320, 480);
     Color2 c = Color2.HSL2RGB(rand.Next(1, 100) / 100.0, .4, .8);
     white.Color(startTime, c.red, c.green, c.blue);
     white.Parameters(startTime, startTime, "A");
Example #20
 public void Blink(Sprite line, double startTime, double endTime, int frequency)
     double time = startTime;
     while (time + 600< endTime)
         int interval = rand.Next(10, 600);
         line.Fade(time, time + interval / 2, 1, 0);
         line.Fade(time + interval / 2, time + interval, 1, 0);
         time += interval;
 public static void MoveCircular(Sprite light, double startTime, double endTime, int startAngle, int endAngle, int radius, int x, int y, int accuracy, bool rotate)
     MoveCircular(light, startTime, endTime, startAngle, endAngle, radius, x, y, x, y, accuracy, rotate);
Example #22
 public void FlashHexagons(Sprite[][] hexagon, double startTime, double endTime)
     for (double i = startTime; i < endTime; i += beat)
         for (int j = 0; j < hexagon.Length; j++)
             for (int k = 0; k < hexagon[j].Length; k++)
                 if (Util.random(10))
                     hexagon[j][k].Fade(i, i + beat / 4, 0, 1);
                     hexagon[j][k].Fade(i + beat * 3 / 4, i + beat, 1, 0);
 public static void MoveCircular(Sprite light, double startTime, double endTime, int startAngle, int endAngle, int radius, int originStartX, int originStartY, int originEndX, int originEndY, bool rotate)
     MoveCircular(light, startTime, endTime, startAngle, endAngle, radius, originStartX, originStartY, originEndX, originEndY, 30, rotate);
Example #24
 public Sprite GenerateParticles(int r)
     Sprite p;
     switch (r)
         case 1:
             p = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\hexagon.png");
             return p;
         case 2:
             p = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\petal1.png");
             return p;
         case 3:
             p = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\petal2.png");
             return p;
         case 4:
             p = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\petal3.png");
             return p;
         case 5:
             p = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\petal4.png");
             return p;
         case 6:
             p = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\petal5.png");
             return p;
         case 7:
             p = Mathematics.DrawLines(0, 10, 40);
             return p;
             p = new Sprite(@"sb\etc\hexagon.png");
             return p;
 public static void MoveCurve(Sprite light, double startTime, double endTime, int angle1, int angle2, int xc, int yc, double offsetx, double offsety, int radius)
     var radangle1 = angle1 * (Math.PI / 180.0);
     var radangle2 = angle2 * (Math.PI / 180.0);
     int x1 = (int)(radius * Math.Sin(radangle1 - Math.PI / 2) + xc);
     int y1 = (int)(radius * Math.Sin(radangle1) + yc);
     int x2 = (int)(radius * Math.Sin(radangle2 - Math.PI / 2) + xc - offsetx);
     int y2 = (int)(radius * Math.Sin(radangle2) + yc - offsety);
     light.Move(startTime, endTime, x1, y1, x2, y2);
Example #26
 public void Pulse(Sprite s, double startTime, double endTime, double size, double interval, double length)
     double sc = s.GetScale();
     for (double currTime = startTime; currTime < endTime - 100; currTime += interval)
         s.Scale(currTime, currTime + interval * length, sc, sc + size);
         s.Fade(4, currTime, currTime + interval * length, 1, 0);
     s.currentScale = sc;