Example #1
        /** Creates a new PageHeader with the given tags.
         * @param tags  the tags for this page header.  If this is null,
         *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
        public PageHeader(Tags tags)
            if (tags == null)
            tags = new Tags();

              _tags = tags;
Example #2
 /** Creates a new Rest with the given parameters.
  * @param shape  the Shape constant.  This must not be null.
  * @param staffStep  see getStaffStep()
  * @param duration  see getDuration()
  * @param tags  the tags for this music symbol.  If this is null,
  *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
 public Rest(Shape shape, int staffStep, Rational duration, Tags tags)
     : base(tags)
     _shape = shape;
       _staffStep = staffStep;
       _duration = duration;
Example #3
        /** Creates a new MusicSymbol with the given tags.
         * The parent will be set when this is added as a child to the parent.
         * @param tags  the tags for this music symbol.  If this is null,
         *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
        public MusicSymbol(Tags tags)
            if (tags == null)
            tags = new Tags();

              _tags = tags;
Example #4
 /** Creates a new Barline with the given parameters.
  * @param type  the Type constant.  This must not be null.
  * @param extendsTo  the ExtendsTo constant.  This must not be null.
  * @param numberOfStaves  see getNumberOfStaves()
  * @param tags  the tags for this music symbol.  If this is null,
  *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
 public Barline(Type type, ExtendsTo extendsTo, int numberOfStaves, Tags tags)
     : base(tags)
     _type = type;
       _extendsTo = extendsTo;
       _numberOfStaves = numberOfStaves;
Example #5
 /** Creates a new MeasureStartTimeSlice with the given start time and
  * tags, and an empty TimeSlice list.
  * The type is MEASURE_START.
  * @param startTime  see getStartTime()
  * @param tags  the tags for this time slice.  If this is null,
  *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
 public MeasureStartTimeSlice(Rational startTime, Tags tags)
     if (tags == null)
     tags = new Tags();
       _startTime = startTime;
       _tags = tags;
Example #6
        /** Creates a new StaffSystemHeader with the given tags.
         * @param tags  the tags for this staff system header.  If this is null,
         *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
        public StaffSystemHeader(Tags tags)
            if (tags == null)
            tags = new Tags();

              _tags = tags;
Example #7
 /** Creates a new Lyric with the given parameters.
  * @param text  the lyric text
  * @param lyricVerseID  see getLyricVerseID()
  * @param tags  the tags for this music symbol.  If this is null,
  *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
 public Lyric(String text, int lyricVerseID, Tags tags)
     : base(tags)
     _text = text;
       _lyricVerseID = lyricVerseID;
Example #8
 /** Creates a new Tie with the given parameters.
  * @param tags  the tags for this music symbol.  If this is null,
  *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
 public Tie(Tags tags)
     : base(tags)
Example #9
 /** Creates a new KeySignature with the given parameters.
  * @param standardCode  see getStandardCode()
  * @param tags  the tags for this music symbol.  If this is null,
  *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
 public KeySignature(int standardCode, Tags tags)
     : base(tags)
     _standardCode = standardCode;
Example #10
 /** Creates a new Accidental with the given parameters.
  * @param shape  the Shape constant.  This must not be null.
  * @param tags  the tags for this music symbol.  If this is null,
  *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
 public Accidental(Shape shape, Tags tags)
     : base(tags)
     _shape = shape;
Example #11
 /** Creates a new Clef with the given parameters.
  * @param shape  the Shape constant.  This must not be null.
  * @param staffStep  see getStaffStep()
  * @param shape  the OctaveNumber constant.  This must not be null.
  * @param tags  the tags for this music symbol.  If this is null,
  *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
 public Clef(Shape shape, int staffStep, OctaveNumber octaveNumber, Tags tags)
     : base(tags)
     _shape = shape;
       _staffStep = staffStep;
       _octaveNumber = octaveNumber;
Example #12
 /** Creates a new Stem with the given parameters.
  * @param tags  the tags for this music symbol.  If this is null,
  *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
 public Stem(Tags tags)
     : base(tags)
Example #13
 /** Creates a new AugmentationDot with the given parameters.
  * @param tags  the tags for this music symbol.  If this is null,
  *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
 public AugmentationDot(Tags tags)
     : base(tags)
Example #14
 /** Creates a new TimeSignature with the given parameters.
  * @param topNumber see getTopNumber()
  * @param bottomNumber see getBottomNumber()
  * @param tags  the tags for this music symbol.  If this is null,
  *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
 public TimeSignature(int topNumber, int bottomNumber, Tags tags)
     : base(tags)
     _topNumber    = topNumber;
     _bottomNumber = bottomNumber;
Example #15
 /** Creates a new Beam with the given parameters.
  * @param partsToLeft see getPartsToLeft()
  * @param partsToRight see getPartsToRight()
  * @param tags  the tags for this music symbol.  If this is null,
  *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
 public Beam(int partsToLeft, int partsToRight, Tags tags)
     : base(tags)
     _partsToLeft = partsToLeft;
       _partsToRight = partsToRight;
Example #16
 /** Creates a new TimeSignature with the given parameters.
  * @param topNumber see getTopNumber()
  * @param bottomNumber see getBottomNumber()
  * @param tags  the tags for this music symbol.  If this is null,
  *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
 public TimeSignature(int topNumber, int bottomNumber, Tags tags)
     : base(tags)
     _topNumber = topNumber;
       _bottomNumber = bottomNumber;
Example #17
 /** Creates a new Beam with the given parameters.
  * @param partsToLeft see getPartsToLeft()
  * @param partsToRight see getPartsToRight()
  * @param tags  the tags for this music symbol.  If this is null,
  *          then this uses an empty Tags object.
 public Beam(int partsToLeft, int partsToRight, Tags tags) : base(tags)
     _partsToLeft  = partsToLeft;
     _partsToRight = partsToRight;