// comparisons /// <summary> /// Equality comparison on this and the supplied dates (taking timezones into /// account) /// </summary> /// <param name="arg"> /// XSDate representation of the date to compare to </param> /// <exception cref="DynamicError"> </exception> /// <returns> True if the two dates are represent the same exact point in time. /// False otherwise. </returns> //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: public boolean eq(AnyType arg, org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.DynamicContext dynamicContext) throws org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.DynamicError public virtual bool eq(AnyType arg, DynamicContext dynamicContext) { XSDate val = (XSDate)NumericType.get_single_type((Item)arg, typeof(XSDate)); Calendar thiscal = normalizeCalendar(calendar(), tz()); Calendar thatcal = normalizeCalendar(val.calendar(), val.tz()); return(thiscal.Equals(thatcal)); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: private org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.ResultSequence minusXSDate(org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.api.ResultSequence arg) throws org.eclipse.wst.xml.xpath2.processor.DynamicError private ResultSequence minusXSDate(ResultSequence arg) { XSDate val = (XSDate)NumericType.get_single_type(arg, typeof(XSDate)); Duration dtduration = null; Calendar thisCal = normalizeCalendar(calendar(), tz()); Calendar thatCal = normalizeCalendar(val.calendar(), val.tz()); long duration = thisCal.getTimeInMillis() - thatCal.getTimeInMillis(); dtduration = _datatypeFactory.newDuration(duration); return(ResultSequenceFactory.create_new(XSDayTimeDuration.parseDTDuration(dtduration.ToString()))); }
private XSDate castDate(Item aat) { if (aat is XSDate) { XSDate date = (XSDate)aat; return(new XSDate(date.calendar(), date.tz())); } if (aat is XSDateTime) { XSDateTime dateTime = (XSDateTime)aat; return(new XSDate(dateTime.calendar(), dateTime.tz())); } return(parse_date(aat.StringValue)); }
private CalendarType castDateTime(AnyAtomicType aat) { if (aat is XSDate) { XSDate date = (XSDate)aat; return(new XSDateTime(date.calendar(), date.tz())); } if (aat is XSDateTime) { XSDateTime dateTime = (XSDateTime)aat; return(new XSDateTime(dateTime.calendar(), dateTime.tz())); } return(parseDateTime(aat.StringValue)); }
private ResultSequence minusXSDayTimeDuration(AnyType at) { XSDuration val = (XSDuration)at; try { XSDate res = (XSDate)clone(); XMLGregorianCalendar xmlCal = _datatypeFactory .newXMLGregorianCalendar( (GregorianCalendar)calendar()); Duration dtduration = _datatypeFactory.newDuration(val.StringValue); xmlCal.add(dtduration.negate()); res = new XSDate(xmlCal.toGregorianCalendar(), res.tz()); return(ResultSequenceFactory.create_new(res)); } catch { } return(null); }
private XSGDay castGDay(AnyAtomicType aat) { if (aat is XSGDay) { XSGDay gday = (XSGDay)aat; return(new XSGDay(gday.calendar(), gday.tz())); } if (aat is XSDate) { XSDate date = (XSDate)aat; return(new XSGDay(date.calendar(), date.tz())); } if (aat is XSDateTime) { XSDateTime dateTime = (XSDateTime)aat; return(new XSGDay(dateTime.calendar(), dateTime.tz())); } return(parse_gDay(aat.StringValue)); }
private XSGYear castGYear(AnyAtomicType aat) { if (aat is XSGYear) { XSGYear gy = (XSGYear)aat; return(new XSGYear(gy.calendar(), gy.tz())); } if (aat is XSDate) { XSDate date = (XSDate)aat; return(new XSGYear(date.calendar(), date.tz())); } if (aat is XSDateTime) { XSDateTime dateTime = (XSDateTime)aat; return(new XSGYear(dateTime.calendar(), dateTime.tz())); } return(parse_gYear(aat.StringValue)); }
private XSGYearMonth castGYearMonth(AnyAtomicType aat) { if (aat is XSGYearMonth) { XSGYearMonth gym = (XSGYearMonth)aat; return(new XSGYearMonth(gym.calendar(), gym.tz())); } if (aat is XSDate) { XSDate date = (XSDate)aat; return(new XSGYearMonth(date.calendar(), date.tz())); } if (aat is XSDateTime) { XSDateTime dateTime = (XSDateTime)aat; return(new XSGYearMonth(dateTime.calendar(), dateTime.tz())); } return(parse_gYearMonth(aat.StringValue)); }
private XSGMonthDay castGMonthDay(AnyAtomicType aat) { if (aat is XSGMonthDay) { XSGMonthDay gmd = (XSGMonthDay)aat; return(new XSGMonthDay(gmd.calendar(), gmd.tz())); } if (aat is XSDate) { XSDate date = (XSDate)aat; return(new XSGMonthDay(date.calendar(), date.tz())); } if (aat is XSDateTime) { XSDateTime dateTime = (XSDateTime)aat; return(new XSGMonthDay(dateTime.calendar(), dateTime.tz())); } return(parse_gMonthDay(aat.StringValue)); }